Utility Board Mins 06-27-1991l_1T I L i TY BIJA,RD MIPIUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Sanger Utility Board (_!erne 4�1 i cJ' ?a )RDER; The meeting was called to order by Chairman Freddy Inman. BI.10r_�ET; The proposed budget was presented by �� i ty Manager,John Ham i 1 ton, AD._1UST1`1ENTS: Small rate adjustments will be necessary to maintain the present level of efficiency. A year- round KW charge is requested over the current summer rate which has not worked satisfactorily. The proposed sewer rate which is based on water meter reading will be raised SQ. per K charge. The water rate is unchanged, REriC?l`11'IENDATIC�I�J; The motion was made by Allen Sweeney and seconded by Franeile Sullivan that the city Council approve the budget and consider the rate adjustments necessary to maintain present efficiency and future growth. A.D_1�7L1RPJ1�IERlT: The motion to adjourn was made by Francile S�.rllivar� and seconded by Allen Sweeney, �recor7��rr�endt�tions of the '�:�nc�er Utility ao�rd, 41une 2�, 1 ���� ? , The rr�embers of the Utility Board submit the follo�in� recorr7mend�tion�: to the ��nc�er City Counci 1; 1. The S�n�er Utility Board supports the proposed k�ud�et presented to you for consideration. �. Tf1►e San��er Utility Board asks the City Council to consider the slight. rate adjustments that. are necessary to maintain r►arrer-yt. efficiency anti future c,rov�th.