Utility Board Mins 01-27-1986MINUTES: Sanger Utility Board January 27, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Herbert Arledge, C. G. McNeill, John Coker, John Henry, and Jack Burkholder OTHERS PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Steve Shutt, Don Waddell, Margaret Waddell, Mrs. Sebastian, Mr. Bright, Bill Medlin -STAR representative, Buddy Norville and B. McMurray 1. Herbert Arledge called the meeting to order. 2. It was noted STAR has a 15-year franchise, to be reviewed annually; the franchise agreement was signed July 1983, A. Problems with Section 5, Section 6, and Section 13 were brought to the Utility Board's attention. B. The city was to be kept aware of services; the utility poles they were using. C. They had 48 hours to respond to a citizen's complaint. 3. Don Waddell spoke regarding complaints he had with the usage of city poles. As an example, he recalled where on Wayne Drive the contact was too short. 4. Many Sanger residents were present at this public hearing regard- ing STAR Cable T.V. and its services. A. Residents mentioned problems regarding installation, maintenance problems as to receiving certain channels especially 13, and STAR would not return phone calls. B. One Sanger resident did mention they had a good billing. system. 5. Mr. Shutt stated he felt there was a failure to communicate with the general public. 6. Mr. Medlin agreed stating it's all true. He informed the Board that he had been with STAR for only nine (9) months and had been making necessary corrections as to part of its problems. First, he has began with personnel problems. 7. It was pointed out that originally there was supposed to be a cable company office in Sanger for customers to go, but that never took place. 8. John Coker made a recommendation to give them 90 days notice or their franchise being revoked. C. G. McNeill seconded the motion. Voted unan to give STAR 90 days to improve services. Meeting adjourned.