Utility Board Mins 01-09-1989Minutes Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Sanger Utility Board January 9, 1989 Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the C h a i r m a n , Herb Arledge. Roll Call Mike Vinson was absent. Minutes Minutes from July meeting were approved. New Business Discussed four month rate reduction made by Brazos. Action Item The motion was made by Chuck Trice to u s e t h e temporary rate reduction savings to establish a fund to help the needy after a criteria for need is developed by the City Council. The motion was seconded by Jack Burkholder and passed unanimously. Action Item Memorandum #101 was presented by City Manager John Hamilton. A review of the deposit and connect fees has been made. In fairness to customers and to encourage growth within the city, changes are recommended. Herb Arledge made the motion to accept #101 and it was seconded by Chuck Trice. The motion carried. Citizens Request Burl Bourland requested that the board would consider taking over 66 water meters at his mobile home park. He would donate the meters to the city. Each would then be billed by the city instead of only the master meter which is currently being billed. Herb Arledge moved that we request a review of Sanger Mobile Home Ordinance # 7M1 for a change, if appropriate. Jack Burkholder seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Adjourn The motion to adjourn was made by Jack Burkholder and seconded by Herb Arledge. i Signed: Chairma Cr Signed:Secreta �_