2024-04-Resolution-Approving the Emergency Repair of twenty-five Padmount Transformers-06/03/2024 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO 2024-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, TO APPROVE THE EMERGENCY REPAIR OF TWENTY-FIVE (25) PADMOUNT TRANSFORMERS, MAKING FINDINGS OF AN EMERGENCY EXEMPTING THE PURCHASE FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING UNDER CHAPTER 252 OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS,the City of Sanger placed an order for new Padmount Transformers in 2022 with a lead time of 66 weeks, and WHEREAS, The Global COVID Pandemic created an impact of limiting supplies vs demand in numerous industries including electric generation,transformation,and distribution, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City to preserve the public health, safety and welfare, to provide its residents and businesses with Electric service, and WHEREAS,Predictions for this summer are warmng of a hotter drier summer than in the past, and ERCOT has already issued one summer weather-related system alert this year, and WHEREAS, It is necessary for the City to enter into an emergency repair agreement without the time delay of competitive bidding to preserve and protect the public health and safety, and WHEREAS,Alamo Transformer Supply Company has presented a quote for the repair of twenty-five (25)Padmount Transformers, and WHEREAS,the City Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER,TEXAS SECTION 1 The facts and recitals set forth in the preamble of this resolution are hereby found to be true and correct SECTION 2 That the City Council finds and determines that the above conditions exist and that it necessary for City staff to procure by quote for the emergency of the repair of the twenty- five (25) Padmount transformers and that said repairs are necessary to preserve and protect the public health and safety of the citizens of the City by provision of the electnc system Resolution—Emergency Transformer Repair with Alamo Transformer Supply Company Page 1 of 2 SECTION 3. That the City Council finds that the services to be performed by Alamo Transformer Supply Company, to repair the twenty-five (25) Padmount Transformers is not subject to the competitive bidding requirements of Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code as it is necessary to preserve and protect the public health and safety of the City's residents. SECTION 4. That the City Manager and other responsible City staff are authorized and directed to execute a letter contract and any subsequent amendments or change orders with Alamo Transformer Supply Company. to refurbish twenty-five(25)Padmount Transformers by Alamo Transformer Supply Company in the amount not to exceed$70,000.00, and said expenditure is hereby approved. SECTION 5.This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage,and it is accordingly so resolved. SECTION 6.That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3rd DAY OF JUNE 2024. APPROVED: ATTEST: o���Z;1jyy ' / r12' ECUidi Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ��11111 (fJ� Kell Edw , City Secretary �. p c S A A,i'�,, . G APPR?VED AS TO 0 ��- --47,00( g Coleman, City Attorney /, T .X PS`\\.`� Resolution—Emergency Transformer Repair with Alamo Transformer Supply Company Page 2 of 2