09-26-02-Ordinance-Rezoning I-1 Industrial to B-2 Business in the H Tierwester Survey-09/16/2002ORDINANCE 09-26-02 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE CENTRAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR A ZONING CHANGE AND A ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM I-1 TO B-2 SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT. WHEREAS, a Request for Change in Zoning Classification was duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described property; WHEREAS, due notice of hearing was made in the time and manner prescribed by law and the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas, duly covered and conducted a public hearing for the purpose of assessing a zoning classification change on the hereinafter described property located in the City of Sanger, Texas; and WHEREAS, an additional opportunity for all interested persons to be heard was provided by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, at an open meeting, with proper notice posted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The legal description of the property zoned herein is generally described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241, Denton County, Texas, and being all of lot 1R-1, Block A of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park Lot 1R-1, 1R-2, and 2R-1, Block A, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, according to the Replat thereof recorded in Cabinet U, Page 474, Plat Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a'/2" capped iron rod found at the Northeast corner of said Lot 1R-1 and in the West line of a called 1.805 acre tract of land described in a deed to Sanger I-35 Joint Venture, a Texas Joint Venture as recorded in Volume 2161, Page 305, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, and in the South Right -of -Way line of F.M. Road 455; Thence South 00 Degrees 53 Minutes 17 Seconds West with the East line of said Lot 1R- 1 and with the said West line, passing a'/2" iron rod found at 235.09 feet and continuing along said course for a total distance of 260.20 feet to a '/? iron rod found at the Southeast corner of said Lot 1R-1; Thence North 87 Degrees 32 Minutes 23 Seconds West with the South line of said Lot 1R-1, a distance of 198.15 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found at the Southwest corner of said Lot 1R-1 and in the East line of Lot 2R-1 in said Block A; Thence North 00 Degrees 53 Minutes 17 Seconds East with the West line of said Lot 1R- 1, a distance of 23.39 feet to a'/z" iron rod found at the Northeast corner of said Lot 2R-1 and at the Southeast corner of Lot 1R-2 in said Block A; Thence North 00 Degrees 27 Minutes 15 Seconds East with the West line of said Lot 1R- 1 and with the East line of said Lot 1R-2, a distance of 235.04 feet to a'/2" capped iron rod found at the Northwest corner of said Lot 1R-1 and the Northeast corner of said Lot 1R-2 and also in the said South Right -of -Way line of F.M. 455; Thence South 88 Degrees 03 Minutes 50 Seconds East with the North line of said Lot 1R- 1 and with said Right -of -Way line, a distance of 199.89 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1.25 acres of land. SECTION 2. The zoning classification on the hereinabove described property is hereby changed to `B- 2", Business-2 Zoning, SECTION 3. The zoning classification of this development will take effect immediately after the passage of this Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 16" day of September, 2002. Mayor ATTEST: La' " City Secretary