06/03/2024-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JUNE 03, 2024, 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Discussion on selecting Halff for engineering, architectural and construction services for the Sullivan Senior Center. OVERVIEW OF ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA ADJOURN THE WORK SESSION The Regular Meeting will begin following the Work Session but not earlier than 7:00 p.m. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Council with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered. The Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Councilmember to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration. 2. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the May 14, 2024, meeting. 3. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the May 20, 2024, meeting. 1 4. Consideration and possible action on Resolution No.2024-03 authorizing a change of authorized bank signatories. 5. Consideration and possible action on the Final Plat of the Church Street Addition, being 1.01 acres described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 175, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the east side of South Stemmons Frwy at the intersection of I-35 Frontage Road and Church Street. 6. Consideration and possible action on the Preliminary Plat of Duck Creek Ridge, being 1.010 acres described as A1241A Tierwester, Tr 206, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the south side of Duck Creek Road at the intersection of Duck Creek Road and Mesa Drive. ACTION ITEMS 7. Consideration and possible action on the Preliminary Plat of Lane Ranch Phase 1, being approximately 43.821 acres of land described as A0029A R BEEBE, 65B, and A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 65(PT), 84.5014 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 4, within the City of Sanger, and generally located south of FM 455 and east of Indian Lane. 8. Consideration and possible action on a contract with Halff Associates, Inc for the engineering, architectural and construction services for the Sullivan Senior Center in an amount not to exceed $304,900, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. 9. Consideration and possible action on Resolution 2024-05, Adopting the 2024 Salary Schedules, authorizing its execution, and providing an effective date. 10. Consideration and possible action on the purchase of a 2028 small bucket service truck from Altec Industries and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. 11. Consideration and possible action on Resolution 2024-04, waiving the bidding requirements under exemption per Texas Local Government Code 252.022 (1) and declaring a Public Calamity and authorizing the refurbishment of twenty-five (25) electric transformers by Alamo Transformer Supply Company in the amount not to exceed $70,000.00. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and Councilmembers to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Councilmember may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor. 2 ADJOURN NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall that is readily accessible to the general public at all times and was posted on the City of Sanger website on May 30, 2024, at 5:00 PM. /s/Kelly Edwards Kelly Edwards, City Secretary The Historical Church is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 940.458.7930. 3 CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: June 3, 2024 FROM: Ryan Nolting, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA ITEM: Discussion on selecting Halff for engineering, architectural and construction services for the Sullivan Senior Center. SUMMARY: 2023  Seniors called to report a leak in the back room of the building  Built Right Construction was called out and would not make the necessary repair due to the conditions of the roof framing.  Staff contracted Halff Inc. (City Engineer) for an assessment of the condition of the Senior Center.  With the recommendations form Halff Inc., staff closed the back portion of the building.  Staff received the Structural Report from Halff Inc.  Staff has met with Seniors on numerous occasions keeping them informed on the progress. 2024  Seniors have moved out of the Center and all activities are being held at the 1st Baptist Church.  Staff has continued meeting with the Senior keeping them informed on the progress on the building. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: NA Amount: $304,900 GL Account: 004-32-6519 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Discussion item only. ATTACHMENTS:  City Council Communication  Professional Services Agreement  Exhibit “A” Sullivan Senior Center Proposal 4 Item 1. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANGER AND HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered by and between City of Sanger, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Sanger", and HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC., a Texas corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Consultant” to be effective from and after the date as provided herein. For convenience, the Consultant and Sanger may sometimes be referred to herein collectively as “parties” and individually as a “party”. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Sanger desires to engage Consultant to provide professional services for the Sanger Senior Center as more fully described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, Consultant agrees to provide such work and services for Sanger in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, for the mutual promises set forth herein, and for other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: I. ENGAGEMENT Sanger hereby agrees to retain Consultant to design the Sanger Senior Center; and Consultant agrees to perform such services in accordance within the Scope of Services and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES (a) Sanger agrees to engage Consultant and Consultant hereby agrees to perform the services described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Sanger and Consultant agree and acknowledge that Sanger is entering into this Agreement in reliance on Consultant’s skills, knowledge, experience, and abilities. Consultant accepts the relationship of trust and confidence established between it and Sanger by this Agreement. Consultant acknowledges that Consultant shall be solely responsible for determining the methods for performing the services described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto. Consultant covenants with Sanger to use its best efforts, skill, judgment, and abilities to perform the work required by this Agreement and to further the interests of Sanger in accordance with Sanger’s requirements, in compliance with applicable national, federal, state, municipal, laws, regulations, codes, ordinances, with those of any other body having jurisdiction. Consultant represents, and agrees that all of the work to be performed by Consultant under or pursuant to this Agreement shall be done (i) with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by competent engineers or architects, as the case may be, practicing 5 Item 1. under the same or similar circumstances and applicable professional license; and (ii) expeditiously as is prudent considering the ordinary professional skill and care of a competent engineer or architect, as the case may be. III. COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement, including the Exhibit "A" and its attachments, constitute the entire agreement by and between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous written or oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. IV. TERM OF AGREEMENT/TERMINATION The initial term of this Agreement shall commence upon the complete execution of the Agreement by Sanger and Consultant and shall continue until the Scope of Services is completed. This agreement may be terminated by either party with thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice unless specified otherwise in Exhibit “A”. In the event of termination by Sanger, Consultant shall be compensated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and shall deliver to Sanger all final documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, reports, photographs or other items prepared by Consultant in connection with this Agreement. V. COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES Consultant shall be paid for performance of the Scope of Services as set forth in Exhibit “A” and specifically Attachment “D” to Exhibit “A”. Within fifteen (15) days of the end of the month within which services were rendered, Consultant shall provide Sanger an invoice specifying the services provided during the previous month and the total amount owed by Sanger Payment will be made by Sanger within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice from Consultant. VI. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Consultant covenants and agrees that it is an independent contractor and not an officer, agent, servant or employee of Sanger; that it shall have exclusive control of and exclusive right to control the details of the work performed hereunder and all persons performing same, and shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors and consultants; that the doctrine of respondent superior shall not apply as between Sanger and Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors and consultants, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between Sanger and Consultant. 6 Item 1. VII. ASSIGNMENT Consultant agrees that this Agreement shall not be assigned without the prior written consent of Sanger, except to an Affiliate of Consultant. Affiliate shall mean (1) any corporation or other entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with (directly or indirectly) Consultant, including, without limitation, any parent corporation controlling Consultant or any subsidiary that Consultant controls; (2) the surviving corporation resulting from the merger or consolidation of Consultant; or (3) any person or entity which acquires all of the assets of Consultant as a going concern. Consultant shall be permitted to enter into subcontracts for performance of portions of the Scope of Services; however, Consultant shall not subcontract the entirety of the Scope of Services to a single subcontractor without Sanger’s consent. Consultant further agrees that the assignment of any portion or feature of the work or materials required in the performance of this Agreement shall not relieve the Consultant from its full obligations to Sanger as provided by this Agreement. VIII. AUDITS AND RECORDS Consultant agrees that Sanger or its duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after termination under this Agreement, upon reasonable notice, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any and all books, documents, papers and records of Consultant which are directly pertinent to the services to be performed under this Agreement. Consultant agrees that Sanger shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Consultant’s facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space. IX. REPRESENTATION Consultant represents that (a) it and each of its employees, consultants and subcontractors, if any, that it uses to provide and perform professional services has the necessary knowledge, skills, experience, qualifications, and resources to provide and perform the services in accordance with the agreement and the Scope of Services; and (b) the professional services will be performed for and delivered to Sanger in accordance with Section 271.904, Texas Local Government Code, with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by competent engineers or architects practicing under the same or similar circumstances and professional license, and as expeditiously as is prudent considering the ordinary professional skill and care of a competent engineer or architect. X INDEMNITY Consultant, to the extent allowable by law, and specifically Texas Local Government Code Section 271.904, shall indemnify, and hold harmless Sanger, its City council, officers, employees, and agents from and against all damages, which are caused by or result from the performance of the work or which are caused by the intentional acts or negligent acts or omissions of its subcontractors, any officers, agents, or employees. Sanger, to the extent allowable by law, shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Consultant, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all citations, claims, costs, damages, demands, expenses, fines, judgments, losses, penalties, or suits, which in any way arise out of, relate to, or result from the performance of the work or which are caused by the intentional acts or negligent acts or omissions of its subcontractors, any officers, agents, or employees. 7 Item 1. XI. MAILING OF NOTICES Consultant agrees that all notices or communications to Sanger permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to Sanger at the following address: City Manager City of Sanger 502 Elm Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Sanger agrees that all notices or communications to Consultant permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to Consultant at the following address: HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 All notices or communications required to be given in writing by one party or the other shall be considered as having been given to the addressee on the date such notice or communication is posted by the sending party. XII. MISCELLANEOUS 1. The City of Sanger has found that Consultant is the most qualified party to fulfill the requirements of the agreement. In addition, this is a contract for the purchase of personal and/or professional services and therefore is exempt from competitive bidding. 2. A person or business that contracts with Sanger or who seeks to contract with Sanger must file a “Conflict of Interest Questionnaire” (FORM CIQ) which is available online at www.ethics.state.tx.us and a copy of which is attached to this guideline. The form contains mandatory disclosures regarding “employment or business relationships” with a municipal officer. Officials may be asked to clarify or interpret various portions of the questionnaire. 3. Compliance with HB 89: Consultant agrees per HB 89 Consultant shall not boycott Israel at any time while providing products or services to the City of Sanger. [ X ] Yes, we agree [ ] No, we do not agree [ ] N/A 4. Compliance with SB 252: Consultant agrees per SB 252 that they shall not do business with Iran, Sudan or a foreign terrorist organization while providing products or services to the City of Sanger. [ X ] Yes, we agree [ ] No, we do not agree 8 Item 1. XIII. VENUE/GOVERNING LAW The parties agree that the laws of the State of Texas shall govern this Agreement, and that it is performable in City of Sanger, Texas. Exclusive venue shall lie in Denton County, Texas. XIV. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Consultant and their partners, successors, subcontractors, executors, legal representatives, and administrators are hereby bound to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. XV. INSURANCE Consultant shall, at its own expense, purchase, maintain, and keep in force throughout the duration of this Agreement and for a period of four (4) years thereafter the following minimum insurance: A. Commercial general liability insurance, including personal injury liability, blanket contractual liability, and broad form property damage liability in an amount of not less than $1,000,000. B. Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000. C. Statutory workers’ compensation and employers’ liability insurance as required by state law. D. Professional liability insurance (Errors and Omissions) with a limit of $1,000,000 per claim/annual aggregate. Consultant shall provide Sanger with proof of insurance required hereunder prior to commencing work for Sanger. Consultant shall provide Sanger with written notice of any coverage limit change on the insurance. Such policies shall name Sanger, its officers, and employees as additional insured except for Workers’ Compensation and Professional Liability Insurance and shall provide for a waiver of subrogation against Sanger. Consultant shall require that all subcontractors comply with the same insurance requirements. XIV. SEVERABILITY In the event a term, condition, or provision of this Agreement is determined to be void, unenforceable, or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, then that term, condition, or provision, shall be deleted and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. XV. AUTHORITY TO SIGN The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto. 9 Item 1. 10 Item 1. Exhibit “A” 11 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817) 847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 April 29, 2024 Mr. Ryan Nolting Director – Parks and Recreation City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 Re: Proposal for Engineering and Architectural Services Sullivan Senior Center Renovation Sanger, Texas Agreement between City of Sanger and Halff Associates, Inc. AVO: 57658.001 Dear Mr. Nolting Halff Associates Inc., along with BRW Architects is pleased to submit the following scope and fee proposal to provide professional engineering and architectural design services for the renovation of the Sullivan Senior Center in Sanger, Texas. We propose the following services, as described in the Scope of Services (Attachment A). We appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal for this project and look forward to working with the team. Please feel free to contact me at (817) 764-7522 or CVester@halff.com if you have any questions or comments regarding this proposal. Sincerely, HALFF, INC. Cameron Vester, PE Structural Team Leader 1 Exhibit "A" 12 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817) 847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF SANGER SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER RENOVATION Project Summary The city of Sanger is looking to repair and remodel the existing Sullivan Senior Center at 200 Bolivar Street. The building was originally constructed in 1890 and was the first permanent structure in Sanger. Over the years the building has served as the Town Hall and Fire Station, a store, a bar, and a café. The building was purchased in 1900 by John Sullivan and deeded in 1985 to the city as a senior center provided a place for Sanger’s older community to gather and socialize. The existing structure is approximately 2,500 square feet gross. The interior includes two (2) large open areas; the rear portion of the building (approx. 24’ x 32’) has an elevated timber framed floor and the front area (approx. 22’ x 54’) has two (2) restrooms and a kitchenette with stove, fridge, sink, and counterspace. A structural assessment of the building performed by Halff Associates found the existing roof to be failing due to deterioration and the back-room’s floor structure to be deficient for the proposed loading. This project will include the replacement of the roofing and roof structure, the back-room floor structure, remodeling of the building interior to meet current codes and provide a more functional space for the seniors using it. I. Project Assumptions The following is a list of assumptions made by Halff Associates, Inc (Halff) for the preparation of the Scope of Services for the Client, City of Sanger (City), for the renovation of the Sullivan Senior Center (Project). 1. This scope and fee proposal is for the design and production of construction documents and construction administration services for the renovation of the Sullivan Senior Center building. 2. Project design documents will be based on the following city adopted building codes: • 2018 International Building Code • 2018 International Plumbing Code • 2018 International Mechanical Code • 2018 International Existing Building Code • 2018 International Fire Code • 2018 International Energy Conservation Code • 2017 International Electrical Code 3. The existing roof structure is failing and has caused roof leaks into the interior of the building. Per Halff’s assessment report dated May 12, 2023, the roof structure should be replaced in whole. Due to the cost of construction for the roof replacement, the building in its entirety must be brought up to current code. • It is assumed that the use of the back-room will be changed to included fitness activities requiring the loading to be increased according to its use. 2 13 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 •Building renovations and improvements include: •Removal and replacement of roofing and roof structure. •Removal and replacement of back-room floor (replacement is optional if existing floor slab can be used and ramp installed). •Removal and replacement of ceiling. •Removal and replacement of plumbing and plumbing fixtures as necessary to meet ADA and current codes. •Reconfiguration of bathrooms to meet ADA accessibility standards. •Reconfiguration of kitchenette based on ADA standards. •Removal and replacement of mechanical units with new HVAC equipment to meet current energy code. New HVAC equipment will be provided with standalone controls and be placed above the new ceiling. •Reconfigure floor plan to remove mechanical closets and addition of back-room storage closet. •Reconfiguration of plumbing to coordinate with renovation of bathroom and kitchen based on ADA standards. •Filing with the Texas Historical Commission Office (if necessary) II.Project Scope Item 1.0 - Project Management Task 1.1 – Client Meetings Halff will conduct meetings as required by the project. The team meetings will include internal and external coordination of project processes, program items and schedules. 1. Meetings will include: a.Kickoff Meeting i.Halff will conduct one (1) kickoff meeting with the Client to confirm the project goals, objectives and project schedule. Following the kickoff meeting Halff will accompany the Client to the site to review the existing conditions. Photographs will be taken to record condition of existing improvements. Notes will be taken by Halff at this meeting and site visit to record items discussed and decisions made and will be delivered in digital format to the Client. b.Stakeholder Meetings i.Halff will conduct one (1) stakeholder meeting with City to gather intelligence and information on improvements to site. Notes will be taken by Halff at this meeting and decisions made will be delivered in digital format to the Client. c.Design Review Meetings i.Halff will conduct four (4) design review meeting with the City and design team to review project documents at each project submittal milestone. Notes will be taken by Halff at these meetings to record items discussed and decisions made and will be delivered in digital format to the Client. 3 14 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 Task 1.2 - Project Management Halff will manage project personnel, invoicing, coordination with the Client virtually and/or phone calls, printing of deliverables and overseeing the quality control process. 1.Design Team Meetings a.Halff will conduct up to sixteen (16) meetings (once a week) with design team and architect during the design phase. b.Halff will conduct up to four (4) meetings (once a month) with the design team, architect and City during the design phase. c.Halff will coordinate phone calls, conference calls and virtual meetings. d.Halff will conduct up to sixteen (16) meetings (bi-weekly) with the design team (as necessary), contractor and owner during the construction phase. Task 1.3 – Sub-Consultant Coordination Halff will manage sub-consultant team including, invoicing, coordination with the sub-consultants virtually and/or phone calls, deadlines, design files, printing of deliverables and overseeing the quality control process. Task 1.4 – Deliverables 1.Halff and design team will provide electronic documentation deliverables at Conceptual and Schematic Design (15%), Design Development (30%), 50% Construction Documents, and 100% Construction Documents submittals. Documentation will consist of (as available): a.Digital copy of plan set (24”x36”) (.pdf format) b.Digital copy of plan set (.dwg format) c.Digital copy of technical specifications Item 2.0 – Assessment of Existing Conditions Task 2.1 – Due Diligence: 1.Meet with stakeholders for project, including the City, Subconsultant, and other project consultants as required to discuss and define the project parameters and to address project specific issues for the existing building renovation. 2.Perform field observations and investigations and investigate the existing conditions to determine existing project constraints. a. Structural i.Documentation of geometry of existing roof and floor structural elements. ii.Assessment of existing walls. iii.Identification of existing structural elements. b.Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) i.Assessment of existing facility. ii.Mechanical observation of existing HVAC system, equipment, and accessories. iii.Electrical observation of the existing condition of the electrical panels. iv.Plumbing observation of existing plumbing fixtures and pipe routing. v.Identification of existing vents thru the roof. 4 15 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817) 847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 vi. Identification of existing cleanouts and potential sewer line routing. c. Architectural i. Documentation of building geometry. ii. Identification of code compliance issues. iii. Identification of building envelop properties (i.e. parapet composition, existing interior wall composition, ect.). 3. Obtain any available as-built plans to assist in structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and architectural design. Item 3.0 – Structural Design Services Task 3.1 – Structural Design 1. Coordinate with architect and MEP on reconfigured floor plan and new mechanical unit locations. 2. Develop demolition plan of structural elements for back-room floor framing and existing building roof structure. 3. Develop construction documents for roof structure. 4. Develop construction documents for back-room floor structure. 5. Structural details. 6. Structural Specifications Task 3.2 – Structural Construction Administration Services The construction administration services scope of work is developed with the understanding that the project construction period will be 6-months and that the project will require a maximum of 2 site visits. 1. Review structural submittals and shop drawings for general conformance review and commenting of construction documents. 2. Review of RFIs. 3. Conduct a punch list walkthrough with the Owner and General Contractor for substantial completion acceptance. A punch list will be provided. 4. Review construction change orders and requests for information and provide recommendations. Phase 4.0 – MEP Design Services Task 4.1 – Mechanical Design 1. Mechanical coordination for new units above the ceiling. 2. Develop cooling and heating loads. 3. Calculate minimum outside air requirements per ASHRAE 62.1. 4. Design of new supply and return air distribution systems. 5. Development of equipment schedule, exhaust fan, and building pressurization calculations. 6. Development of air device schedule. 7. Selection of new HVAC equipment. 8. Mechanical COMcheck. 9. Mechanical details. 10. Develop a sequence of operations for new HVAC equipment. 5 16 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 11.Mechanical Division 23 Specifications. Task 4.2 – Electrical Design 1.Electrical utility service coordination for required power service entrance. 2. Develop electrical load estimate. 3.Develop electrical power plan with existing conditions electrical equipment. Plan will identify demolition equipment, lighting fixtures and cabling/raceway to be demolished. 4.Develop new branch circuit and feeder circuit design for power and lighting. 5.Develop lighting plan with illumination fixture schedules. 6.Development of one line diagram, feeder schedule and panelboard schedules. 7.Electrical details. 8.Electrical Division 26 Specifications on Plans. 9.Electrical COMcheck. Task 4.3 – Plumbing Design 1.Develop water supply and drainage fixture unit calculations for new lines. 2.Design of hot and cold-water distribution systems. 3.Design of new sanitary sewer and vent system. 4.Specification of new water heater. 5.Develop rise diagram. 6.Development of equipment and fixture schedule. 7.Plumbing details. 8.Plumbing COMcheck. 9.Plumbing Division 22 Specifications. Task 4.4 – MEP Construction Administration Services The construction administration services scope of work is developed with the understanding that the project construction period will be 6-months and that the project will require a maximum of 2 MEP site visits. 1.Review mechanical, plumbing, and electrical submittals and shop drawings for general conformance review and commenting of construction documents. 2.Review of RFIs. 3. Conduct a punch list walkthrough with the Owner and General Contractor for substantial completion acceptance. A punch list will be provided. 4.Review construction change orders and requests for information and provide recommendations. Phase 5.0 – Asbestos Consulting Task 5.1 – Asbestos Consulting Services The service will include consulting and oversight services for the abatement/removal of asbestos containing materials (ACM) identified by Halff and others and will consist of the following: 6 17 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 1.Preparation of asbestos abatement plans and specifications. a.Asbestos abatement activities will be performed by others in accordance with the site- specific plans and specifications prepared by Halff for the project. ACM identified as a result of asbestos surveys conducted at the property by Halff and others will be incorporated into site-specific asbestos abatement plans and specifications prepared by a Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) licensed asbestos consultant. 2.Asbestos Abatement Oversite a.A licensed asbestos consultant will coordinate with a licensed asbestos project manager/air monitoring technician to provide oversight of the abatement activities. The licensed asbestos project manager will be on-site for the duration of the asbestos abatement activities to perform air monitoring, on-site inspections, and to evaluate the work area(s) for compliance with State and Federal asbestos regulations and the abatement design. The project manager will also perform a final inspection after the abatement has been completed and conduct clearance testing in accordance with the current Texas Asbestos Health Protection Rules. The air samples will be analyzed by Phase Contract Microscopy (PCM) in accordance with the National Institute of Occupational Safety (NIOSH) Method 7400. 3.Asbestos Closure Report a.Following the completion of asbestos abatement activities at the property, a final report will be prepared for the project which includes a description of abatement activities, disposal manifests, and results of on-stie air monitoring. 4.Asbestos consulting scope and fee is based on the following assumptions: a.The project schedule for abatement is based on ten (10) hours per day for up to five days; b.Work will be conducted Monday through Friday; c.Significant changes to the scope of work will not be required; d. The costs in Attachment D do not include the TDSHS notification fees, which will be invoiced directly to the property owner and are based on the reported quantity of ACM abated; and e.The abatement contractor will be hired directly by the property owner and fees associated with the abatement contractor are not included. 7 18 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817) 847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 ATTACHMENT B ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (SCOPE PREPARED BY ARCHITECTURE) Phase 6.0 – Architectural Design Services 8 19 Item 1. April 25, 2024_REV Ryan Nol�ng Director, Parks and Recrea�on City of Sanger, Texas 301 Bolivar St Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger-Sullivan Senior Center Scope of Services PROJECT SUMMARY: The City of Sanger is looking to repair and remodel the exis�ng Sullivan Senior Center (SSC) at 200 Bolivar St. The building was originally constructed in 1890 and was the first permanent structure in Sanger. Over the years the building has served as the Town Hall and Fire Sta�on, a store, a bar, and a cafe . The building was purchased in 1900 by John Sullivan and deeded in 1985 to the city as a senior center providing a place for Sanger’s older community to gather and socialize. The exis�ng structure is approximately 2,500 square feet gross. The interior includes two (2) large open areas; the rear por�on of the building (approx. 24’ x 32’) has a raised wood floor and the front open area (approx. 22’ x 54’) has two (2) restrooms and a kitchen with stove, fridge, sink, and counterspace. A structural assessment of the building by HALFF Associates found the following deficiencies. •The exis�ng roof wood structure is failing and will need to be replaced. •The rear raised wood floor structure will need to be replaced or just removed. •The exis�ng ceiling wood framing needs to be removed and replaced. •The ceilings and floors are outdated and in need of replacement. •The roofing will need to be removed and replaced. An Architectural walk through by BRW on 03.04.2024 found the following concerns. •The exis�ng restrooms appear to not meet current ADA accessibility standards. •The door push sides at the restrooms do not meet current ADA accessibility standards. •Exis�ng perimeter walls will need to meet current IECC (Interna�onal Energy Conserva�on Code) as required by Texas. •The ceilings need replacement. •The kitchenete area counter tops do not meet current ADA accessibility standards. In addi�on to the deficiencies above, The City of Sanger is reques�ng BRW to look at opportuni�es listed below to improve the facility’s func�on and appearance and bring it up to current code to beter serve the senior community of The City of Sanger. •Propose an op�on that removes the raised floor in the rear room and allows for an accessible ramp to bring users to the lower level. •Widen the opening between the rear room and the front room as much as possible. •Eliminate any unnecessary wall voids to recapture square footage. 9 20 Item 1. April 25, 2024_REV •Reconfigure kitchenete to be more func�onal for seniors using it. •Remove the u�lity closets and relocate mechanical equipment to the plenum to recapture usable square footage. •Renovate exis�ng restrooms to meet current accessibility requirements. •Add storage to rear area of facility. •A total of 8 site visits are included in the fee. o One (1) site visit for documenta�on of exis�ng condi�ons o Five (5) site visits During construc�on; One (1) visit per month and (1) punch walk visit. Based on an an�cipated four (4) month construc�on period. o One (1) site visit for final inspec�on. The city has requested that an exis�ng piece of art hanging on the west wall toward the back of the front room be carefully removed and a new loca�on be included in the design of the front room. PROJECT SCOPE: Conceptual Design Schema�c Design Construc�on Documents Bidding and Nego�a�on Construc�on Administra�on PROJECT SCHEDULE: •We an�cipate approximately sixteen (16) weeks to complete the project design phase described above. •Construc�on schedule to be determined by contractor selected. We an�cipate a minimum of four (4) month construc�on schedule. •Extended client review periods will have an impact on the schedule. BRW ARCHITECTS PROJECT TEAM •Brown Reynolds Watford Architects, Inc. Architect 3535 Travis Street, suite 250 Dallas, TX 75204 –Fred Clifford, AIA Principal 10 21 Item 1. April 25, 2024_REV • Brown Reynolds Watford Architects, Inc. Architect 3535 Travis Street, suite 250 Dallas, TX 75204 Ric Ruiz Project Manager COMPENSATION Based on the scope of services described above, Brown Reynolds Watford Architects proposes lump sum fees, plus reimbursable expenses as shown below Basic Services $153,400 • Architectural Services $128,500 Conceptual Design Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Bidding and Negotiation • Construction Administration $24,900 Reimbursable Expenses Allowance $6,000 • Architectural $6,000 Reimbursable Expenses TDLR TAS Filing Fee Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) Plan Review Total Contract Value $159,400 Reimbursable expenses include but are not limited to such expenses as additional on-site meetings, printed material, and requested site visits. Reimbursable expenses and hourly additional service by the Architect’s consultants shall be billed at the rate billed to Architect except that the following shall be marked up commensurate with Architect’s expenses, not to exceed 10% the amount invoiced to the Architect in each case: • Document reproduction and mounting drawings, local and overnight deliveries: 10% as a coordination and handling fee. Note that this proposal is based on electronic conveyance of bid documents and CMaR submittals and does not include an adequate sum in the allowance for the Architect to provide paper distribution. 11 22 Item 1. April 25, 2024_REV • Additional hourly scope or work by consultants or vendors to the Architect that require Architect’s additional hours in review, coordination, contract change processing, etc. to be expended by the Architect are reimbursable not to exceed 10% of the amount invoiced to the Architect and backed up with time expended at hourly rates. Compensa�on shall be invoiced monthly based on the percent complete for each phase but shall not exceed the percentages shown below. • Conceptual & Schema�c Design 15% • Design Development 15% • Construc�on Documents 50% 20% • Construc�on Documents 100% 20% • Bidding and Nego�a�on 05% • Construc�on Administra�on 20% • Final Deliverables 05% Total 100% We hope this proposal meets your expecta�ons. Please contact us with any ques�ons. We look forward to working together on this project. BROWN REYNOLDS WATFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. Fred Clifford, AIA PRINCIPAL 12 23 Item 1. April 25, 2024_REV Site Aerial: 13 24 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 ATTACHMENT C PROJECT EXCLUSIONS Project Exclusions 1.Geotechnical Services 2.LEED submission or documentation 3.Environmental services. 4.Platting services 5.ALTA or other improvement surveys 6.Quality control and material testing services during construction. 7.Existing materials testing for the use of existing structure analysis. 8.Additional plats, easement or dedication exhibits needed after design is complete. 9.Filing fees, permit fees and sales tax on surveys. 10.Environmental impact statements and assessments. 11.Construction inspection services 12.Review of Engineers certificates. The Design Professional shall not be required to execute any documents after the signing of this Agreement that in any way might, in the sole judgment of the Design Professional, increase the Design Professional's risk or the availability or cost of his or her professional or general liability insurance. 13.Contractor means and methods to complete the required work (Ex.: shoring design) 14.Additional site visits or attendance at meetings beyond those listed above. 15.Preparation or submittal of any design calculations 16.Significant design revisions following substantial completion of the Construction Documents 17.Modifications to documents after documents are issued for construction. 18.Design and/or modifications to systems not within the scope of the project. 19.Preparation of any special interim sets of Construction documents for phased construction other than previously stated. 20.Design for Wi-Fi Systems. 21.Design for Surveillance Systems in areas not listed. 22.Design for Access Control. 23.Design for Fire Alarm System. 24.Design for Fire Suppression System. 25.Printing of Drawings and Specifications for Bidding. 26.Coordination with insurance companies, attorneys, or banking institutions. 27.Provide any services related to permits. 14 25 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817) 847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 ATTACHMENT D BASIS OF COMPENSATION The estimated fees shall be considered Lump Sum. Halff services will be invoiced monthly, based on the percentage of work completed. Direct costs including printing and reproduction, postage, messenger service, long distance telephone calls, travel and expenses will be considered reimbursable. They will be billed at 1.1 times the direct cost incurred. The estimated fee for reimbursable expenses will not be exceeded without prior approval from the Owner. The budget established below does not include revisions incurred by the owner once the design development phase is underway. If revisions are requested by the Client or architect, a revision to the scope and budget will be required. Unless otherwise stated, fees quoted in this proposal exclude state and federal sales taxes on professional services. Current Texas law requires assessment of sales tax on certain kinds of surveying services but does not require sales taxes on other professional services. In the event that new or additional state or federal taxes are implemented on the professional services provided under this contract during the term of the work, such taxes will be added to the applicable billings and will be in addition to the quoted fees. Task 1.0 – Project Management $ 48,500 Task 2.0 – Assessment of Existing Condition $ 10,000 Task 3.0 – Structural Design Services $ 24,000 Task 4.0 – MEP Design Services $ 44,500 Task 5.0 – Asbestos Consulting Services (Hourly) $ 12,000 Task 6.0 – Architectural Design Services $ 153,400 TOTAL LUMP SUM SERVICES $ 280,400 TOTAL HOURLY SERVICES $ 12,000 DIRECT COST $ 12,500 PROJECT GRAND TOTAL $ 304,900 Project Submittal Package (Preliminary Timeline, 45 Weeks) 1. Conceptual Design Phase – 4 weeks (From Date of Notice to Proceed) 2. City Review Period – 1 week 3. Schematic Design Phase – 3 weeks 4. City Review Period – 1 week 5. Design Development Phase – 2 weeks 6. City Review Period – 1 week 7. Construction Documents (50%) Phase – 4 weeks 15 26 Item 1. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 8.City Review Period – 1 week 9.Construction Documents (100%) Phase – 3 weeks 10.City Review Period – 1 week 11.Bidding and Construction Phase – Estimated 24 weeks 16 27 Item 1. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: June 3, 2024 FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the May 14, 2024, meeting. SUMMARY: N/A FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: $0.00 GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Approve the minutes from the meeting on May 14, 2024. ATTACHMENTS: City Council minutes 28 Item 2. City Council Minutes 05-14-2024 Page 1 of 2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 14, 2024, 12:00 PM CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the special meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Thomas Muir Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Police Chief Tyson Cheek, and Lt. Justin Lewis. CITIZENS COMMENTS No one addressed the Council. 29 Item 2. City Council Minutes 05-14-2024 Page 2 of 2 ACTION ITEMS 1. Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 05-08-24, Canvassing the results of a General Election held on May 4, 2024, for the purpose of electing candidates to the office of City Council. (Consideración y posible acción sobre la Ordenanza No. 05- 08-24, Sondeo de los resultados de una Elección General celebrada el 4 de mayo del 2024, con el propósito de elegir candidatos para el cargo de Concejo Municipal.) Mayor Muir noted a scrivener's error on the ordinance regarding the percentage for candidate Lisa M. Freeman. The percentage should be 47.27%. Motion to approve with the revision of the percentage for candidate Lisa M. Freeman to 47.27% made by Councilmember Barrett, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Ayes: Barrett, Bilyeu, Chick, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Motion passed unanimously. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 2. Issue the Certificate of Election, Statement of Elected Official, and provide the Oath of Office to newly elected Officials. (Emitir el Certificado de Elección, la Declaración del Funcionario Electo y proporcionar el Juramento del Cargo a los Funcionarios recién elegidos.) City Secretary Edwards distributed the Certificates of Election, the Statement of Elected Official and then provided the Oath of Office to Mayor Muir, Councilmember Bilyeu, and Councilmember Chick. ADJOURN There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 12:07 p.m. _______________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary 30 Item 2. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: June 3, 2024 FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the May 20, 2024, meeting. SUMMARY: N/A FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: $0.00 GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Approve the minutes from the meeting on May 20, 2024. ATTACHMENTS: City Council minutes 31 Item 3. City Council Minutes 05-20-2024 Page 1 of 5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 2024, 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the work session to order at 6:01 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Thomas Muir Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Chief Financial Officer Clayton Gray, Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds, Director of Public Works Jim Bolz, Marketing and Civic Engagement Director Donna Green, Parks & Recreation Director Ryan Nolting, Director of Human Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton-Hemb, Sylvia Vega Human Resources Generalist, and Police Chief Tyson Cheek. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Overview and Explanation of the 2024 Compensation Study completed by Public Sector Personnel Consultants. Director Staton-Hemb introduced Sam Heinz of Public Sector Personnel Consultants. Mr. Heinz provided a presentation and overview of the compensation study performed. Discussion ensued regarding the percentage of positions not at the Market Rate, the utilization of the proposed ranges, positions that are currently above the minimum on the proposed study, salary for contracted positions, step programs for Public Safety 32 Item 3. City Council Minutes 05-20-2024 Page 2 of 5 employees, and impacts on the budget. OVERVIEW OF ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA No additional discussion. ADJOURN THE WORK SESSION There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the work session at 7:08 p.m. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the regular meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Thomas Muir Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Chief Financial Officer Clayton Gray, Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds, Director of Public Works Jim Bolz, Marketing and Civic Engagement Director Donna Green, Parks & Recreation Director Ryan Nolting, Director of Human Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton-Hemb, Assistant Fire Chief Casey Welborn, and Police Chief Tyson Cheek. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE Councilmember Dillon gave the Invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Barrett. 33 Item 3. City Council Minutes 05-20-2024 Page 3 of 5 CITIZENS COMMENTS Terri Cornwell introduced herself and other board members of the Sullivan Center, discussing revitalizing the programs offered for seniors. Don Coxsey spoke about the fees for retrieving stray cats trapped on his property and the lack of handicapped parking provided at the Church to attend City Council meetings. REPORTS 2. Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce update. Chamber President Meghann Cross provided an update regarding growing the membership base, the lunch-and-learns' success, obtaining accreditation for the Chamber, drafting a strategic plan, HOT tax received, needs, and the Chamber taking on more events. 3. Annual presentation and overview of the Marketing Department. Director Green provided a presentation and overview of the Marketing Department. 4. Presentation from Public Works and Customer Service Departments on water meters. Director Bolz showed the Council the new larger meter box being installed, the meter mechanism placed inside the box, and the radio receiver puck. Discussion ensued regarding complaints received, the location of some meter boxes in subdivisions placed by the builders, the locations of older meter boxes, the robustness of the devices, the equipment allowing for remote disconnects and reconnects, gaining back manpower for department projects, the protocol for the collection of fees for tampering or damage, and providing additional educational information about the meters to the citizens. CONSENT AGENDA 5. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the May 6, 2024, meeting. 6. Consideration and possible action on the Preliminary Plat of Sanger High School, being 55.886 acres described as A0029A R. BEEBE TR 64A(PT), 65A, 65(PT)A, and 65B(1) located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the southeast corner of the intersection of FM 455 and Indian Lane. 7. Consideration and possible action on the purchase of Mobile Modular building to house the Fire Department. 34 Item 3. City Council Minutes 05-20-2024 Page 4 of 5 Motion to approve made by Councilmember Barrett, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Ayes: Barrett, Bilyeu, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 8. Consideration and possible action on adopting Ordinance No. 05-09-24 to extend the boundaries of Planned Development (PD 04-11-22) to include 21.17 acres of tract described as A0029A R BEEBE, 65B and rezone said tract from (A) Agricultural to PD Planned Development, and to further amend certain development requirements with the Planned Development, located within the City of Sanger, and generally located south of FM 455 and east of Indian Lane, and to further amend certain requirements within the Planned Development. Mayor Muir opened the public hearing at 8:33 p.m. Director Hammonds provided an overview of the proposed amendments to the Planned Development. Mayor Muir closed the public hearing at 8:44 p.m. ACTION ITEMS 9. Consideration and possible action on adopting Ordinance No. 05-09-24 to extend the boundaries of Planned Development (PD 04-11-22) to include 21.17 acres of tract described as A0029A R BEEBE, 65B and rezone said tract from (A) Agricultural to PD Planned Development, and to further amend certain development requirements with the Planned Development, located within the City of Sanger, and generally located south of FM 455 and east of Indian Lane. Discussion ensued regarding the variation of the proposed amendments from the previously approved development, reasons for the proposed amendments, the need for reducing the setbacks, and per housing type inventory. Motion to approve made by Councilmember Barrett, Seconded by Councilmember Dillon. Ayes: Barrett, Bilyeu, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Muir stated the Council would take a brief recess. 35 Item 3. City Council Minutes 05-20-2024 Page 5 of 5 10. Consideration and possible action on the Final Plat of lots 1-12 & LOT 13X, BLOCK 1; LOTS 1-4 & LOT 5X, BLOCK B; LOTS 1-78 & LOT 8X, BLOCK C of Lakeside Estates Addition, being 68.028 acres described as A0790A C. MANCHACA, TR 5A, 6A, and 7A located in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on the north side of McReynolds Road approximately 120 feet northeast of the intersection of McReynolds Road and FM 455. Director Hammonds stated that staff recommends denial due to comments that have not been satisfied. Motion to deny made by Councilmember Barrett, Seconded by Councilmember Bilyeu. Ayes: Barrett, Bilyeu, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Motion passed unanimously. 11. Consideration and possible action to electing a Mayor Pro-Tem in accordance with the Charter, Article III, City Council, Section 3.02. Mayor Muir opened the floor for a motion. Motion to nominate Gary Bilyeu made by Councilmember Dillon, Seconded by Councilmember Barrett. Ayes: Barrett, Bilyeu, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Motion passed unanimously. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Councilmember Gann requested an update regarding Solid Waste services provided by Republic Services. Councilmember Barrett requested a work session to discuss the roles of City Council and how those roles work within the function of the city. ADJOURN There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 9:44 p.m. _______________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary 36 Item 3. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: June 3, 02024 FROM: Clayton Gray, Chief Financial Officer AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Resolution No.2024-03 authorizing a change of authorized bank signatories. SUMMARY:  The City has bank accounts at First United Bank and Prosperity Bank.  All checks on City bank accounts require two approved signatures.  The City Manager and Assistant City Manager have been the signatories on all accounts.  This resolution changes the signatories to be the City Manager and the City Secretary. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION:  Staff recommends approval of the Resolution. ATTACHMENTS:  Resolution 2024-03 37 Item 4. Resolution – Change Bank Signatories Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION #2024-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER TEXAS, AUTHORIZING A CHANGE OF BANK SIGNATORIES FOR CITY BANK ACCOUNTS AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, accounts have been established in the name of the City of Sanger with First United Bank and at Prosperity Bank (“Banks”) to facilitate the deposit and disbursement of City funds for authorized purposes; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Sanger grants the authorized officials named below to act as signatories on the City’s bank accounts at First United Bank and Prosperity Bank. Name John Noblitt Kelly Edwards Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective after its passage. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 3rd day of June, 2024. APPROVED: _____________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary 38 Item 4. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: June 3, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the Final Plat of the Church Street Addition, being 1.01 acres described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 175, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the east side of South Stemmons Frwy at the intersection of I-35 Frontage Road and Church Street. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 1 lot from one unplatted tract in order to develop on this site.  This site is located on the east side of South Stemmons Frwy.  The applicant is proposing to build a 3000-square-foot medical office building with room for a second building as a phase 2 at a later date.  The site has access from both I-35 Frontage Road and Church.  Planning & Zoning recommended APPROVAL 05-13-2024. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Final Plat Application Letter of Intent 39 Item 5. 56943117020 271445 256699 111352 56930 117016 56954 56925 301929301928 56884 301930 56834 957944 111353 969201 78066 970283 244590 73962 244587 56967 244589 959163 112943 244588 56838 Denton CAD Web Map Parcels Roads 9/7/2023, 2:57:01 PM 0 0.03 0.060.01 mi 0 0.05 0.10.03 km 1:2,257 Denton County Appraisal District, Harris Govern -- www.harrisgovern.com This product is for informational purposes only and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 40 Item 5. 41 Item 5. 42 Item 5. July 28th, 2023 Subdivision Application City of Fort 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 767266 RE: Preliminary Plat of Tax ID 56967, located at corner of Church Street and South Stemmons, Sanger, Denton County, Texas 76266. Dear Planning and Zoning Commission, On behalf of Palm Development Partners, the developer for the proposed Church St. development, we cordially request your review of our application of a preliminary plat for the above referenced parcel. Our objective is to develop a 3,003 square foot medical office building on the site. The site may allow for a second building which would be developed in a phase 2 portion of the project at an undetermined later date. As per our meeting with the city on August 1, 2023, we will extend utilities to the proposed project with an added grinder pump. Stakeholders Winston Parks - Developer Representative, wparks@winstonwarren.com, 615-674-2130 Shaun Axton - Surveyor, shaun@rpls.net, 405-822-3327 Steve Stone - Seller Representative, Steve@commerciallandservices.com, 940-390-9192 Should you have any questions regarding the plat, please contact Shaun Axton, Surveyor, at the above contact information. Regards, Winston W. Parks, Representative for Palm Development Partners (p) 615-674-2130 (e) wparks@winstonwarren.com 43 Item 5. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: June 3, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Director of Development Services AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the Preliminary Plat of Duck Creek Ridge, being 1.010 acres described as A1241A Tierwester, Tr 206, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the south side of Duck Creek Road at the intersection of Duck Creek Road and Mesa Drive. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 4 single-family lots from 1 unplatted tract.  This site is located on the south side of Duck Creek Road.  The applicant was granted a variance of 6 inches to the east side-yard setback from the Zoning Board of Adjustments for the existing house facing Duck Creek Road.  The preliminary Plat contains an exception to the required 50-foot right-of-way along Mesa Drive and requested a 40-foot right-of-way to match the remainder of Mesa Drive.  The property is zoned SF-10 and with the variance and exception requested meets all of the zoning requirements.  There are two existing houses on the site.  This development is located in the City of Sanger  The property will be served by City of Sanger Water, Sewer and CoServ Electric.  Planning & Zoning recommended approval on 9-11-2023. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Preliminary Plat 44 Item 6. 123819 220300 56630 220301 220302 208245 220303 56621 120059120061 120056120057120058 120055 120060120062 Denton CAD Web Map Parcels Roads 12/1/2023, 9:59:43 AM 0 0.01 0.030.01 mi 0 0.03 0.050.01 km 1:1,128 Denton County Appraisal District, Harris Govern -- www.harrisgovern.com This product is for informational purposes only and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 45 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat Minor Plat Final Plat/Replat Amended Plat Vacating Plat Conveyance Plat Applicant Owner (if different from applicant) Name: Name: Company: Company: Address: Address City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Phone Phone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Submittal Checklist Pre-Application Conference (Date: / / ) One (1) Paper Copy of Plat (24”x36”, folded to 1/4 size) Letter of Intent Non-Refundable Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) Additional Required Documents/Traffic & Drainage Studies etc. One (1) PDF Copy of all Documents Provided on a CD/DVD or Emailed to development@sangertexas.org Supporting Materials (List if provided): R Number(s): Owner’s Signature Date Applicant’s Signature Date Office Use: Reviewed by Director of Development Services / / Michael Black TRINITY LAND SURVEYING LLC 121 W Hickory ST. Ste 106 Denton, Texas 76201 940-293-3180 mblack@trinity-surveying.com Tim Ball 214-690-9010 tim@networthdfw.com 2300 Wing Point Lane Plano, Texas 75093 07 13 2023X X X X X X 56630 X 46 Item 6. Trinity-Surveying.com Firm #10194687 | RPLS #6854 (TX), PLS #1982 (OK) 121 W. Hickory Street, Ste. 106 | Denton, Texas 76201 | 940-293-3180 Page | 1 of 1 November 10, 2023 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Development Services Director/Building Official City of Sanger 201 Bolivar St. P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Tx. 76266 Re: Duck Creek Ridge Preliminary Plat Property LocaƟon: Southwest Corner of Duck Creek Road and Mesa Drive Address: 2010 Duck Creek Road, Sanger, Texas LeƩer of Intent Ms. Hammonds, On behalf of my client, Tim Ball, we respecƞully submit this leƩer of intent for the aƩached Preliminary Plat for Duck Creek Ridge, a proposed 1.010 acre subdivision within the City of Sanger. We appreciate your review of my client’s variance request and any comments or input you may have. If you have any quesƟons or require addiƟonal informaƟon, please contact me at (940) 293-3180 or by email at mblack@trinity-surveying.com. Thank you, Michael L. Black, RPLS #6854 (Tx) PLS #1982 (Ok) Trinity Land Surveying LLC Email: mblack@trinity-surveying.com Phone: 940-293-3180 47 Item 6. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE O H E OH E OH E OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OHE OHE OHE O H E O H E O H E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHE E 1 STORY BRICK HOUSE 1 STORY MANUFACTURED HOME WO O D S H E D (D I L L A P I D A T E D ) COVERED WOOD DECK WOOD RAMP CARPORT (CONCRETE) CONCRETE CONCRETE DRIVE CO N C R E T E DR I V E STONE WALL 66 7 6 6 6 665 665 6 6 5 66 5 66 5 665 66 5 665 665 665 664 66 4 66 4 6 6 4 664 664 664 665 665 666 666 667 667 668 668 667 6 6 7 6 6 6 66 6 666 66 7 6 6 7 66 7 66 6 6 6 3 66 3 66 3 6 6 2 6 6 2 665 665 WIRE FENCE WIRE FENCE CHAIN LINK FENCE CHAIN LINK FENCE CHAIN LINK FENCE CHAIN LINK FENCE 18" RCP FL = 663.97' 12" RCP FL = 663.85' 12" RCP FL = 663.37' 12" RCP FL = 663.37'12" RCP FL = 663.64' TV TV E G G S S S W W W W W W W W W W WOOD SHED GRAVEL DRIVE X-TIE WALL BALL & BALL ENTERPRISES LLC CALLED 1.01 ACRES DOC. NO. 2023-60169 O.R.D.C.T. DOSTDAR ALI CALLED 12.70 ACRES DOC. NO. 2005-9742 O.R.D.C.T. SCOTT ADRIAN PORTER AND WIFE, ANN CHOATE PORTER CALLED 0.808 ACRES DOC. NO. 2006-81509 O.R.D.C.T. SOUTHWEST ESTATES, PHASE I CAB. S, PG. 182 P.R.D.C.T. (AMENDED PLAT) LOT 1, BLOCK A LOT 2, BLOCK A LOT 3, BLOCK A ME S A D R I V E (4 0 ' R . O . W . ) (C O N C R E T E P A V I N G ) LOT 25, BLOCK 1 LOT 26, BLOCK 1 LOT 27, BLOCK 1 LOT 28, BLOCK 1 LOT 29, BLOCK 1 LOT 30, BLOCK 1 LOT 31, BLOCK 1 SNIDER ESTATES CAB. E, PG. 377 P.R.D.C.T. 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF XF XF XF 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF (BRS. S 51°54' E, 0.8') CIRS P.O.B. XS CIRS DUCK CREEK ROAD (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W.) (ASPHALT PAVING) 20' BUILDING LINE 25 ' B U I L D I N G L I N E 40' BUILDING LINE 15 ' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T S 0 2 ° 0 7 ' 3 4 " W 2 2 0 . 0 0 ' N 87°52'26" W 200.00' N 0 2 ° 0 7 ' 3 4 " E 2 2 0 . 0 0 ' S 87°52'26" E 200.00' BLOCK A LOT 4 0.275 ACRES 12,000 SQ. FT. R.O.W. DEDICATION 0.059 ACRES 2,553 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 1 0.337 ACRES 14,688 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 2 0.170 ACRES 7,397 SQ. FT. S 88°16'47" E 100.00' 100.00' 100.00' 73 . 9 7 ' 73 . 2 6 ' 100.00' 100.00' 73 . 9 7 ' 73 . 9 7 ' 60 . 0 0 ' 14 6 . 5 2 ' 60 . 0 0 ' S 0 2 ° 0 7 ' 3 4 " W 14 7 . 2 3 ' 12 . 0 6 ' 13 . 4 8 ' 30 . 0 ' 30 . 0 ' 60 . 0 ' 16 . 8 ' 30 . 0 ' BLOCK A LOT 3 0.169 ACRES 7,362 SQ. FT. 7.8' 7.8' 40.0' 40.4' 41.0' 40.0' S 88°16'47" E 200.01' S 87°52'26" E 200.00' N: 7178828.99 E: 2368764.19 NAD '83 N: 7179041.42 E: 2368972.21 NAD '83 DW G N A M E : Z: \ S H A R E D D R I V E S \ O F F I C E \ P R O J E C T F O L D E R \ 2 0 2 3 \ 2 0 2 3 - 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 D U C K C R E E K R O A D - S A N G E R \ D W G \ P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T \ 2 0 2 3 - 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 D U C K C R E E K R I D G E _ P P . D W G P L O T T E D B Y MI C H A E L B L A C K 11 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 3 7 : 0 8 P M L A S T S A V E D 11 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 3 7 : 0 7 P M PRELIMINARY PLAT-1 OF 6 VICINITY MAP SITE SAND STONE DR. ME S A D R . DUCK CREEK RD. BENJAMIN DR. KE A T O N R D . N MALINDA MYRL DR.KE A T O N R D . S LANEY DR. BROOKE DR. RISIN G S T A R L N . GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 020'10'20'40' 1" = 20'@ 24X36 Scale Drawn by 1" = 20' Checked by Date Project No.Sheet No. 1 OF 2 FIRM # 10194687 Tel. No. (940) 293-3180121 W. Hickory St., Ste. 106 Denton, Texas 76201 FLOOD STATEMENT: According to Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48121C0205G, for Denton County, Texas and incorporated areas, dated April 18, 2011, this property is located within: Zone X (unshaded) defined as "Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain" If this site is not within an identified special flood hazard area, this flood statement does not imply that the property and/or the structures thereon will be free from flooding or flood damage. On rare occasions, greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This flood statement shall not create liability on the part of the surveyor. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: ·The grid bearings and coordinates shown hereon are based on grid north of the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983(2011). ·Elevations are reference to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) (US feet) using the Smartnet RTK GPS Network (Geoid 12B) ·This property lies within the city limits of the City of Sanger, Texas. ·This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. ·Water service to be provided by:City of Sanger, P.O. Box 1729, Sanger, Tx. 76266, 940-458-2571 ·Electric Service to be provided by: Sanger Electric Utilities, 202 Railroad Ave., Sanger, Tx. 76266, 940-458-2064. ·Sanitary sewer to be handled by facilities approved by the Denton County Public Health. ·This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. ·Only above ground observable utilities were located. No underground utilities and/or subsurface improvements, if any, have been located. ·This survey has been prepared without the benefit of a current title report. The property shown hereon may be subject to various easements and/or "Rights of Others". This survey is subject to revisions as such a report may reveal. ·The surveyed property is zoned Single Family Residential District - 10 (SF-10). ·The purpose of this plat is to create 17 residential lots from a previously unplatted tract of land. LEGEND CABLE TV BOX CABLE TV VAULT COMMUNICATIONS BOX COMMUNICATIONS MANHOLE COMMUNICATIONS VAULT BENCHMARK FIBER OPTIC BOX FIBER OPTIC MANHOLE FIBER OPTIC VAULT GAS BOX GAS METER GAS MANHOLE GAS TANK GAS VAULT GAS VALVE TELEPHONE BOX TELEPHONE MANHOLE TELEPHONE VAULT PIPELINE METER PIPELINE VALVE ELECTRIC BOX GUY ANCHOR LIGHT STANDARD ELECTRIC METER ELECTRIC MANHOLE UTILITY POLE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER ELECTRIC VAULT HANDICAPPED PARKING PARKING METER SIGN MARQUEE/BILLBOARD A/C UNIT BORE LOCATION FLAG POLE GREASE TRAP IRRIGATION VALVE MAIL BOX SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT SANITARY SEWER HANDHOLE SANITARY SEWER METER SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER SEPTIC TANK STORM SEWER BOX STORM SEWER DRAIN STORM SEWER MANHOLE TRAFFIC BOX CROSS WALK SIGNAL TRAFFIC HANDHOLE TRAFFIC MANHOLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL TRAFFIC VAULT FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER WATER MANHOLE WATER VALVE WATER WELL TV TV C C C F F G G G G G G T T T P P E E E T E GT I S S ST D D TR TR TR TR TR W W W F S CIRS CIRF PKS IRF XS 1/2" IRON ROD W/ "TRINITY 6854" IRON ROD WITH CAP FOUND PK NAIL SET IRON ROD FOUND "X" CUT IN CONCRETE SET POINT OF BEGINNINGP.O.B. CAP SET MB (X.XX)RECORD DIMENSION LINE TYPE LEGEND BOUNDARY LINE EASEMENT LINE BUILDING LINE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE WIRE FENCE WOOD FENCE METAL FENCE CONCRETE PAVEMENT ASPHALT PAVEMENT OHE X PRELIMINARY PLAT DUCK CREEK RIDGE LOTS 1-4, BLOCK A 4 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 0.059 OF AN ACRE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION 1.010 ACRES OUT OF THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1241, CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS NOVEMBER 2023 MLB TLS 11/10/2023 2023-040 NOTICE: Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only. SURVEYOR: Trinity Land Surveying, LLC 1222 Greenbriar St. Denton, TX 76201 Ph: (940) 293-3180 Email: mblack@trinity-surveying.com Contact: Michael Black, RPLS OWNER / APPLICANT: Ball & Ball Etnerprises LLC 2300 Wing Point Lane Plano, Texas 75093 Ph. 214-690-9010 Email: tim@networthdfw.com Contact: Tim Ball 48 Item 6. DW G N A M E : Z: \ S H A R E D D R I V E S \ O F F I C E \ P R O J E C T F O L D E R \ 2 0 2 3 \ 2 0 2 3 - 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 D U C K C R E E K R O A D - S A N G E R \ D W G \ P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T \ 2 0 2 3 - 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 D U C K C R E E K R I D G E _ P P . D W G P L O T T E D B Y MI C H A E L B L A C K 11 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 3 7 : 0 8 P M L A S T S A V E D 11 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 3 7 : 0 7 P M Scale Drawn by - Checked by Date Project No.Sheet No. 2 OF 2 FIRM # 10194687 Tel. No. (940) 293-3180121 W. Hickory St., Ste. 106 Denton, Texas 76201 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § WHEREAS Ball & Ball Enterprises LLC, is the owner of the land shown on this plat within the area described by metes and bounds as follows: BEING a tract of land situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas and being all of a called 1.01 acre tract described in a General Warranty Deed to Ball & Ball Enterprises LLC, as recorded in Document No. 2023-60169 of the Official Records of said county, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an "X" cut in a concrete curb set at the intersection of the south right-of-way line of Duck Creek Road, a variable width right-of-way, with the west right-of-way line of Mesa Drive, a 40 feet-wide right-of-way, for the northeast corner of said 1.01 acre tract; THENCE South 02°07'34" West, along the west right-of-way line of said Mesa Drive and the east line of said 1.01 acre tract, a distance of 220.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow cap, stamped "Trinity 6854", set for the northeast corner of a called 0.808 acre tract described in a General Warranty Deed to Scott Adrian Porter and wife, Ann Choate Porter, as recorded in Document No. 2006-81509 of the Official Public Records of said county; THENCE North 87°52'26" West, leaving the west right-of-way line and along the north line of said 0.808 acre tract and the south line of said 1.01 acre tract, a distance of 200.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found on the east line of a called 12.70 acre tract described in a General Warranty Deed to Dostdar Ali, as recorded in Document No. 2005-9742 of said Official Public Records, for the northwest corner of said 0.808 acre tract and the southwest corner of said 1.01 acre tract, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found bears South 51°54' East, a distance of 0.8 feet; THENCE North 02°07'34" East, along the east line of said 12.70 acre tract and the west line of said 1.01 acre tract, a distance of 220.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow cap, stamped "TRINITY 6854", set on the south right-of-way line of the aforementioned Duck Creek Road, for the northwest corner of said 1.01 acre tract; THENCE South 87°52'26" East, along the south right-of-way line of said Duck Creek Road and the north line of said 1.01 acre tract, a distance of 200.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 44,000 square Feet or 1.010 acres of land, more or less. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, Michael L. Black, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat and the field notes made a part thereof from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision, in accordance with the Subdivision regulations of the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of Sanger, Texas. _______________________________________ Michael L. Black Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 6854 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for The State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Michael L. Black, known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the __________ day of ____________________, 2023. _______________________________________________ Notary Public, State of Texas PRELIMINARY THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE AND SHALL NOT BE USED OR VIEWED OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT OWNER'S DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, Ball & Ball Enterprises LLC, acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above described property as DUCK CREEK RIDGE, an addition to the City of Sanger, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever by fee simple title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all streets, thoroughfares, alleys, fire lanes, drive aisles, parks, and watercourses, and to the public use forever easements for sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utilities and any other property necessary to serve the plat and to implement the requirements of the subdivision regulations and other City codes and do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors and assigns to warrant and to forever defend the title on the land so dedicated. Further, the undersigned covenants and agrees that he/she shall maintain all easements and facilities in a state of good repair and functional condition at all times in accordance with City codes and regulations. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over, or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be installed, if approved by the City of Sanger. The City of Sanger and public utility entities shall have the right to access and maintain all respective easements without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. WITNESS MY HAND, this ___________ day of ___________________, 2023. BY: Tim Ball By: _____________________________________ Signature Title: Owner STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Tim Ball, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on the __________ day of ____________________, 2023. _______________________________________________ Notary Public, State of Texas ________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name My Commission Expires APPROVAL BLOCK Approved for Preparation of Final Plat ____________________ ____________________ City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission PRELIMINARY PLAT DUCK CREEK RIDGE LOTS 1-4, BLOCK A 4 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 0.059 OF AN ACRE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION 1.010 ACRES OUT OF THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1241, CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS NOVEMBER 2023 MLB TLS 11/10/2023 2023-040 NOTICE: Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only. SURVEYOR: Trinity Land Surveying, LLC 1222 Greenbriar St. Denton, TX 76201 Ph: (940) 293-3180 Email: mblack@trinity-surveying.com Contact: Michael Black, RPLS OWNER / APPLICANT: Ball & Ball Etnerprises LLC 2300 Wing Point Lane Plano, Texas 75093 Ph. 214-690-9010 Email: tim@networthdfw.com Contact: Tim Ball 49 Item 6. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: June 3, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the Preliminary Plat of Lane Ranch Phase 1, being approximately 43.821 acres of land described as A0029A R BEEBE, 65B, and A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 65(PT), 84.5014 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 4, within the City of Sanger, and generally located south of FM 455 and east of Indian Lane. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 143 residential lots, 5 HOA lots and 1 commercial lot.  The property is under the Lane Ranch Planned Development.  There are two existing houses on the site which will be removed.  The development will have access from FM 455 and Indian Lane via Butterfield Drive which will be constructed with the site.  This development is located in the City of Sanger.  The property will be served by City of Sanger Water, Sewer and CoServ Electric.  Planning & Zoning recommended approval with the condition all comments are satisfied prior to City Council approval. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends DENIAL base on the condition attached comments have not been satisfied. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Preliminary Plat Application Letter of Intent Planning Comments Engineering Comments Drainage Comments 50 Item 7. 745873 745868 281821 281826 282036 270797 307282 307314 282032 699319 768449 307195 768460 307326 307331 282755 281877 307329 307288 281860 307307 281832 281837 281846 281841 307292 768464 270852307297307198 281851 750671 281867 281873 281888 281907 281903 307261 307263 307290 281883 307278 307286 307276 307190 527316 307317 768436 768433 768456 60061 255193 1012743 132465 711898 1012179 744595750742 529147 132509 675599675590 750744 255194 672779 331061672775 686295 336691 672763 529146 281898 281896 281890 281892281900 60045 681295 98190 60039 731942 60269 59972 59989 745161 Denton CAD Web Map © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA Parcels 5/9/2024, 9:07:14 AM 0 0.1 0.20.05 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 Denton County Appraisal District, BIS Consulting - www.bisconsulting.com Disclaimer: This product is for informational purposes only and has not been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of boundaries. 51 Item 7. 52 Item 7. 53 Item 7. 54 Item 7. 55 Item 7. 56 Item 7. 2785 Rockbrook Drive, Suite 105 Lewisville, Texas 75067 April 16, 2024 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Director of Development Services City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 RE: Letter of Intent Preliminary and Final Plat for Lane Ranch Phase 1 Sanger, Texas Dear Ramie: Please accept this Letter of Intent for the submittal of the preliminary and final plat for Lane Ranch Phase 1. The property is approximately 43.820 acres owned by Marion Property Holdings, LLC and Sanger Town Center, LLC. This tract is current open pastureland with no tree cover. The civil engineering plans and overall flood study for this tract have been previously submitted and are under review by the city and its consultants. The purpose of this plat is to subdivide the property into 143 residential lots, one commercial lot and five HOA lots. This tract is part of the Lane Ranch PD currently being considered by the city. We are the applicants for this submittal and Mr. Jonathan Wang and Mr. Casey McGinnis are the owners. We request that the plat be reviewed and considered by the appropriate approval body. If you have any other questions or would like additional information regarding our submittal, please contact me at 972-393-9800 or Mr. McGinnis at 214-232-6180. Sincerely, MIDDLETON & ASSOCIATES, LLC. Eugene Middleton, P.E. President MIDDLETON & ASSOCIATES, LLC CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LAND PLANNERS 57 Item 7. 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 05/03/24 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Preliminary Plat – Lane Ranch The request is for a Preliminary Plat of Lane Ranch, being approximately 43.821 Acres with 143 Residential Lots, 1 Commercial Lot, 5 HOA Lots, 7.259 Acres of Right-Of-Way Dedication, Reuben Bebee Survey, Abst. No. 29, prepared by Middleton & Associates, LLC, submitted on 04/16/24. Below are the comments that should be addressed before City Council approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning Provide the following; 1. Location of proposed fire hydrants 2. USPS Postmaster approved location of mailboxes (if cluster mailboxes) Informational Comments 1. The property is within the City of Sanger. 2. The Preliminary Plat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday, May 13, 2024, and the City Council meeting on Monday, June 3, 2024. 58 Item 7. May 2, 2024 AVO 37449.004 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Development Services Director/Building Official City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Lane Ranch Phase 1 Preliminary Plat -Review #3 Dear Ms. Hammonds, Halff Associates, Inc. was requested by the City of Sanger to review the Preliminary Plat for Lane Ranch Phase 1. The submittal was prepared by Middleton and Associates, LLC and was dated February 2, 2024. We have completed our review and offer the following comments: Please address comments on attached markups and provide annotated responses on markups. Please note, not all comments are written on letter since some comments are easier to show and explain on the markups. Please annotate markup with responses. Preliminary Plat Comments 1. Verify drainage easement boundaries. 2. Provide a drainage easement by separate instrument for the culvert grading and headwall . 3. The PD Ordinance called out is for Sanger Circle. Revise. 4. A more thorough review if the plat is pending the PD approval. Final Plat Comments 1. Define side setbacks on the final plat. 2. Provide a Closure report per ordinance 10.104(d)(10). 3. The PD Ordinance called out is for Sanger Circle. Revise. 4. Easements were added to the preliminary plat based on the 2nd submittal comments. The final plat does not reflect these changes. Reconcile. 5. Show centerline of existing street. Dimensions from centerline to edges of existing and proposed right-of-way on both sides of the centerline per ordinance 10.104(d)(10)(H). 6. Replace with Final Plat approval per ordinance 10.104(d)(10)(X). 7. Add 3" x 3" recording box at the lower right-hand corner 10.104(d)(10)(N). 59 Item 7. Ms. Ramie Hammonds May 2, 2024 Page 2 of 3 Paving Plan Comments 1. Verify that elevations match in the plan and profile at Butterfield Drive. and Indian Lane. 2. Show 455 at Butterfield culvert crossing in the profile. 3. Maximum longitudinal slopes within one hundred feet (100') of intersections shall not exceed two percent (2%) 10.106(b)(4). Reconcile throughout. 4. A TxDOT permit is required for the proposed driveway and culvert on FM 455. This comment will remain throughout the review process. Grading Plan/Grading Details Comments 1. Explain pattern on sheets G3 and G4. 2. Provide HGL, flow, velocity data, etc. Demonstrate that the channel meets requirements per ordinance 10.106(d)(9)(B). 3. Provide agreement for grading on adjacent property and separate instrument for drainage easement. Erosion Control Plan Comments 1. The 100-yr WSEL is above the headwall. How will erosion be prevented above the wall? 2. Specify construction entrance size. Drainage Area Map Existing Conditions Comments 1. Revise drainage area boundary to match contour patterns. 2. Remove proposed data from the existing drainage area map for clarity. 3. Provide an overall drainage area map that covers the entirety of phase one including relevant offsite areas. 4. Clearly define the entry and exit points in both the existing and proposed conditions. 5. Clear comparison of existing vs. proposed peak flows are needed at design points to prove no adverse impacts. Drainage Area Map Proposed Conditions Comments 1. Revise drainage area boundaries 3 and 28. 2. Provide a drainage area map for the proposed culvert including the design discharge for the offsite pond. 3. Show proposed contours. Drainage Calculation Comments 1. Show calculations for the culverts. Plan set will be provided for future record requests and this information needs to be available on plan sheets without the drainage study. 2. Provide the data taken from the Sanger High School plans. Needs to be available in the plans for future reference. 60 Item 7. Ms. Ramie Hammonds May 2, 2024 Page 3 of 3 3. For clarity, it is suggested to match the inlet No. with the naming convention in the plan view and on the hydraulic calculations. 4. HGL elevations do not match the profile and are below the pipe flow line. Profile and calculation elevations should match. Recalculate and revise. 5. Provide hydraulic calculations for proposed culverts. 6. Revise HGL calculations to include losses and hydraulic data at manholes. Recalculate lines 2, 6, and 7. 7. Intensities do not match those defined in Chapter 10 - appendix A of the ordinance. Storm Drain Plan and Profiles Comments 1. The 100-yr WSEL is above the headwall. How will erosion be prevented above the wall? 2. HGL does not account for energy losses through manholes. Reconcile. 3. Remove errant linework throughout. Sanitary Sewer Plan and Profiles Comments 1. Specify the method to be used to ensure water and sewer crossings are TCEQ compliant. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (214) 937-3928. Sincerely, Jamie Akomer, PE, PMP HALFF Firm No. 0312 Attachments: Plan markups 61 Item 7. PD Ord. called out is for Sanger Circle. The PD approval for Lane Ranch is required for plat acceptance DE by separate instrument for grading and headwall Verify easement boundaries Verify boundary does not appear to cover the entire floodplain 62 Item 7. 63 Item 7. 64 Item 7. 65 Item 7. 66 Item 7. Show centerline of existing street. Dimensions from centerline to edges of existing and proposed right-of-way on both sides of the centerline per ordinance 10.104(d)(10)(H) TYP PD Ord. called out is for Sanger Circle. The PD approval for Lane Ranch is required for plat acceptance Define side setbacks Provide Closure report per ordinance 10.104(d)(10) Easements were added to the preliminary plat based on the 2nd submittal comments. The final plat does not reflect these changes Reconcile 67 Item 7. 68 Item 7. Show centerline of existing street. Dimensions from centerline to edges of existing and proposed right-of-way on both sides of the centerline per ordinance 10.104(d)(10)(H) TYP 69 Item 7. Add 3" x 3" recording box at the lower right hand corner. 10.104(d)(10)(N) Replace with Final Plat approval per ordinance 10.104(d)(10)(X) 70 Item 7. Does not Match Plan view 71 Item 7. Show culvert and crossing in profile TxDOT permit required 72 Item 7. Maximum longitudinal slopes within one hundred feet (100') of intersections shall not exceed two percent (2%) 10.106(b)(4). 73 Item 7. Maximum longitudinal slopes within one hundred feet (100') of intersections shall not exceed two percent (2%) 10.106(b)(4). 74 Item 7. Maximum longitudinal slopes within one hundred feet (100') of intersections shall not exceed two percent (2%) 10.106(b)(4). 75 Item 7. What is this pattern denoting? Provide agreement for grading on adjacent property and separate instrument for drainage easement 76 Item 7. Provide HGL, flow and velocity data. Demonstrate that the channel meets requirements per ordinance 10.106(d)(9)(B) 77 Item 7. 100-yr WSEL is higher than the top of proposed headwall. This might cause erosion. Please verify your design 78 Item 7. Provide dimensions 79 Item 7. This area drains to the site For clarity, only include this information on the proposed drainage area map 80 Item 7. Area drains to site Provide drainage area map for culvert including offsite pond discharge Show proposed contours (TYP) 81 Item 7. Provide this data Show calculations for the culverts. Plan set will be provided for future record requests and this information needs to be available. For clarity, it is suggested to match the inlet No. with the naming convention in the plan view and on the hydraulic calculations. 82 Item 7. Design HGL should match profile and not be lower than the pipe invert Calculations do not include manholes. Revise Does not match intensities defined in Chapter 10 - appendix A of the ordinance 83 Item 7. 100-yr WSEL is higher than the top of proposed headwall. This might cause erosion. Please verify your design 84 Item 7. Remove extra linework for clarity Energy losses are expected at manholes (TYP) 85 Item 7. 8' - 5 1 / 4 " Does now meet clearance standard for TCEQ. Per TCEQ use pressure pipe or encase sewer at crossing 86 Item 7. May 15, 2024 AVO 37449.004 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Development Services Director/Building Official City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Lane Ranch Phase 1 – Drainage Review #3 Dear Ms. Hammonds, Halff Associates, Inc. was requested by the City of Sanger to review the Flood Study in support of the engineering plans for the Lane Ranch located east of Sanger High School, between E Chapman Dr (FM 445 W) and McReynolds Rd. The subject tract is located within the City of Sanger. The 1st submittal was prepared by Cardinal Strategies Engineering Services, LLC and completed on December 22, 2023. The 2nd submittal was received on March 8, 2024. The 3rd submittal was received on April 30, 2024. We have finished our review and offer comments as follows. Please note that additional comments may be forthcoming with new submittal. General Comments 1. Please address comments on attached markups and provide annotated responses on markups. Please note, not all comments are included in this letter since some comments are easier to show and explain on the markups. 2. Please address construction plans comments provided separately. Please note, an accepted flood study is required prior to plan acceptance. Hydrology and Hydraulics 1. Please note an Environmental Assessment will be needed on the existing tributaries to determine existing impact on wetlands. Provide memorandum once you acquire it. 2nd Comments: Accepted. 2. Please provide supporting data including but not limited to land use, longest flood path, curve number, and time of concentration. 2nd Comments: not received yet. 3rd Comments: See below items on the Hydrologic Calculation. a. There are some blank cells that need to be filled or explained. b. If calculated Time of Concentration is smaller than the min. TC required in the ordinance please use the min. TC. c. Please verify that the velocities are correct and reconcile with RAS results. 87 Item 7. Ramie Hammonds City of Sanger May 15, 2024 Page 2 d. Please reconcile the drainage area maps in civil set with the flood study. The delineation doesn’t appear to match in both pre- and post- development conditions. e. Please address other comments. (see mark-ups) 3. Please provide the digital version of the hydrologic model. 2nd Comments: not received yet. 3rd Comments: received. 4. Please provide the digital version of hydraulic model. 2nd Comments: not received yet. 3rd Comments: received. 5. Page 1, please move the LOMR and Zone AE discussion to section 1.3. 2nd Comments: addressed. 6. Figure 1, please clearly define the project site boundary and offsite drainage areas. If there is off- site development not included in the current project site, please revise the boundary lines. 2nd Comments: addressed. 7. Please try to use the same routing method within the project unless necessary to use multiple. 2nd Comments: accepted. 8. Please apply minimum time of concentration to your calculations per city ordinance. 2nd Comments: addressed. 9. Page 6, please clarify the extent of Phases 1 and 2 in the report. The civil set submittal only has Phase 1. 2nd Comments: Addressed pending on reception and review of Appendix A. 3rd Comments: received. 10. Please note that the pre- vs post- project comparisons appears to be incorrect. Off-site drainage areas shall remain the same for pre- vs post- project analysis. The analysis shall focus on the impact of the proposed development within the project site boundary. 2nd Comments: addressed. 11. Off-site detention pond shall not be used as the basis to determine the detention facility for this project. Please disregard the detention pond and reassess the hydrology and hydraulics. 2nd Comments: addressed. 12. Please revise land use color scheme for clarity. 2nd Comments: addressed. 13. The Civil Set and the Flood Study report both mentioned changes from effective floodplain to fully developed floodplain. Please contact the local floodplain administrator regarding the need of a CLOMR or LOMR. 2nd Comments: addressed. 14. Page 27, please adjust Manning’s n values for proposed conditions. 2nd Comments: Addressed pending on reception and review of digital data. 3rd Comments: From aerial image and street views, the site is very vegetated with heavy brushes. Please verify that the post-project will remain the same as the pre-project conditions. 15. Page 27, please add additional cross-sections at proposed fills in effective floodplain. 88 Item 7. Ramie Hammonds City of Sanger March 20, 2024 Page 3 2nd Comments: Addressed pending on reception and review of digital data. 3rd Comments: Addressed. 16. Table numbers in the paragraphs not matching the table titles. Please revise. 2nd Comments: Addressed. 17. HMS Comments: a. J003AC is the confluence of two branches, but no drainage divide was shown. Please revise. b. A003 shall be split at the confluence (J003AC), with upper section drain to J003AC and lower section drain to J003. c. Please update the flow data in RAS accordingly after the revision from above comments. d. Subbasin B002 doesn’t have a reach but was modeled in RAS. Please add the reach to match RAS. e. There’s a flow change near XS 3393. The inflow data at XS 6211 shall be smaller than what’s been used in the current model. 18. RAS Comments a. There’re substantial grading activities within 100-yr floodplain. Please ensure that the side slope of proposed channels and embankments meet the ordinance. Some appears to be steeper than requirement. b. Please add ineffective flow areas where appropriate, such as XS 3205, 3028. c. Some bank stations are hundreds of feet outside of the top of bank according to the cross-section view, such as XS 3880-3436. Please revise or explain. d. Please update manning’s n and centerlines for the proposed channels, such as XS 4012 thru 3205. 19. Please provide a maintenance agreement. The Engineer shall revise the hydrologic study and/or plans in accordance with the above comments and/or provide a written response that addresses each comment. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (214) 937-3921. Sincerely, HALFF TBPELS Firm No. 312 Yangbin Tong, PE, CFM Project Manager Attachments:  Flood Study mark-ups  Hydrologic Calculations mark-ups 89 Item 7. Preliminary Lane Ranch Flood Study Ranger Branch Tributaries 2, 2.1, and 2.2 – Sanger, TX April 22, 2024 6 Table 1 – Pre-Project Hydrologic Parameters HMS Element Area (ac)Lag Time (min.)Curve Number A001 76.28 14.5 79.4 A002 101.99 13.2 85.9 A003 41.62 15.4 85.1 A004 111.42 20.9 80.2 A005 132.10 17.9 82.3 A006 28.22 9 89.3 A007 29.82 13.3 83.7 A008 47.32 16.1 82.3 A009 10.00 6 89.7 B001 139.44 13.4 82.1 B002 191.68 15.4 78.9 C001 21.98 9.1 82.7 C002 26.84 8.8 82 C003 27.18 17.14 89 2.2 Post-Project Ph 1 The Pre-Project hydrologic model was used as the starting point for this analysis. The areas being updated are Phases 1 and 2 as shown on the Lane Ranch site plan in Appendix A. These two phases constitute the hydrologic and hydraulic Post-Project Ph 1 condition. The land use for Phase 1 was updated to reflect single family 1/8th acre residential developments. Phase 2 had land use updated to reflect townhomes as a 1/8th acre residential development. The post-project Ph 1 watershed map can be seen in Figure 5 and the land use can be seen in Figure 6. The zone of influence was established using the total area for the Ph 1 development of approx. 35.9 acres. For the Ph 1 development to constitute 10% of the watershed, the overall watershed would need to be approx. 359 acres. The total area of subbasins A002 – A009 is approx. 578 acres, exceeding the minimum size for the development to no longer have a significant impact upon the receiving stream, Ranger Branch Tributary 2. The watershed was extended farther downstream to conceptually model the full build out post-project conditions and to develop flows for the entire length of the hydraulic models. As a result, the flow comparison between Pre-Project and Post- Project Ph 1 will show subbasins A002 – A009 and their corresponding junctions. The off-site area upstream of Ph 1, along Rangers Branch Tributary 2.2, remained existing conditions for the purpose of this analysis. The proposed High School Addition and accompanying pond were not considered for this analysis. The delineations of on- site drainage areas are assumed to be unchanged from the pre-project condition. The delineations of off-site drainage areas also remained unchanged from pre-project conditions. 90 Item 7. Preliminary Lane Ranch Flood Study Ranger Branch Tributaries 2, 2.1, and 2.2 – Sanger, TX April 22, 2024 7 The longest flow paths within Phases 1 and 2 were updated to reflect the proposed site plan. A 1% slope was assumed for sheet flow. All other flowpaths remained the same as in pre-project conditions. The calculations can be found in Appendix B. The time of concentration for each basin is provided in Table 2. Modified-Puls routing reaches were updated using an intermediate conditions geometry used to develop storage-discharge tables to reflect the change in attenuation in the Ranger Branch Tributary 2.0 and Tributary 2.2. All other routing reaches remained the same. The post-project Ph 1 hydrologic parameters can be found below in Table 2. Table 2 – Post-Project Ph 1 Hydrologic Parameters HMS Element Area (ac)Lag Time (min.)Curve Number A001 76.28 14.5 79.4 A002 102.08 13.2 86.0 A003 50.62 11.5 89.2 A004 105.30 17.6 81.8 A005 132.10 17.9 82.3 A006 28.22 9 89.3 A007 29.82 13.3 83.7 A008 47.32 16.1 82.3 A009 10.00 6 89.7 B001 139.44 13.4 82.1 B002 191.68 15.4 78.9 C001 19.00 8.8 83.5 C002 26.84 8.8 82.0 C003 27.18 17.14 89.0 2.3 Hydrologic Results The result in peak discharges between the pre-project and post-project Ph 1 is shown below in Tables 3 – 8. The proposed single family and townhome developments in Phases 1 and 2 are demonstrated to create lower peak discharge downstream of the project site and through to the outfall of the watershed. This is a result of the reduction in post-project Ph 1 lag times due to the proposed development in basins C001 and A003. Due to the reductions in peak discharge shown, and the increase in attenuation along Tributary 2.2 due to the proposed Butterfield Dr crossing, detention is not recommended for the proposed Post-Project Ph 1 condition. 91 Item 7. Preliminary Lane Ranch Flood Study Ranger Branch Tributaries 2, 2.1, and 2.2 – Sanger, TX April 22, 2024 12 HMS Element Pre-Project Discharge (cfs) Post-Project Discharge (cfs) Difference (cfs)% Difference J005 1,241.3 1,241.3 0.0 0.0% J006 616.2 616.2 0.0 0.0% J007 210.6 210.6 0.0 0.0% J008 481.2 481.2 0.0 0.0% J009 258.1 258.1 0.0 0.0% J010 248.8 248.8 0.0 0.0% J011 87.3 87.3 0.0 0.0% 2.4 Post-Project (Full Build Out) The Post-Project Ph 1 hydrologic model was used as the starting point for the Post- Project Full Build Out hydrologic analysis. The full build out condition reflects proposed land use for all phases of the Lane Ranch site plan. The delineations along Tributary 2.1 were updated to reflect proposed grading changes to increase the attenuation through Tributary 2.1. The watershed can be found in Figure 7. The land use of the remaining proposed Phases within the project area were updated to reflect 1/8th acre residential and commercial land use, reflecting the site plan provided in Appendix A. This land use can be seen in Figure 8. The flowpaths for the remaining proposed Phases were updated to reflect the proposed site plan. All other flowpaths remained the same. Calculations can be found in Appendix B. The time of concentration for each basin is provided in Table 9. The Modified-Puls storage discharge tables have been updated to reflect the proposed Post-Project Full Build Out hydraulic geometry through the studied streams. Proposed inline ponds along Tributary 2.1 were modeled using Modified-Puls to reflect the increased attenuation in the stream. The storage discharge tables can be found in Appendix B. The hydrologic parameters can be found below in Table 9. Updates to the full build out (Post-Project) hydrologic modeling may be required for future phases to reflect detailed design or changes to the development plan. Table 9 – Post-Project Full Build Out Hydrologic Parameters HMS Element Area (ac)Lag Time (min.)Curve Number A001 76.28 14.5 79.4 A002 102.08 13.5 86.6 A003 50.62 11.8 89.2 A004 105.30 10.7 89.2 A005 132.10 17.9 82.3 A006 28.22 9 89.3 A007 29.82 13.3 83.7 A008 47.32 16.1 82.3 92 Item 7. Denton County iSWM P₂ = 3.63 (in) Basin Name Flow Path ID Flow Type Flow Type Description Length [L] (ft) US Elevation (ft, NAVD88) DS Elevation (ft, NAVD88) Slope [s] (% ft/ft) Mannings N-Value [n] Sheet Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Sheet Flow Travel Time (min) Shallow Flow K- Value [K] Shallow Flow Velocity [V] (ft/s) Shallow Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Shallow Flow Travel Time (min) Channel Flow Velocity [V] (ft/s) Channel Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Channel Flow Travel Time (min) Basin Name Sheet Flow Total Travel Time (min) Shallow Flow Total Travel Time (min) Channel Flow Total Travel Time (min) Total Travel Time (min) Lag Time (min) A001 1 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 706.25 704.05 2.20%0.15 0.148 8.9 -------A001 8.9 1.8 13.4 24.1 14.5 A001 2 Shallow Unpaved 424.5 704.05 679.57 5.77%---16.1345 3.87 0.030 1.8 ---A002 8.8 0.0 13.1 22.0 13.2 A001 3 Channel Channel 608.2 679.57 658.08 3.53%-------6.41 0.026 1.6 A003 15.3 4.0 6.4 25.7 15.4 A001 4 Channel Pipe 80.8 658.08 655.20 3.56%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A004 14.4 0.6 19.7 34.8 20.9 A001 5 Channel Channel 329.2 655.20 643.51 3.55%-------2.23 0.041 2.5 A005 9.6 0.8 19.4 29.8 17.9 A001 6 Channel Swale 268.6 643.51 635.49 2.99%-------4.00 0.019 1.1 A006 3.7 0.0 4.2 7.9 4.8 A001 7 Channel Swale 664.2 635.49 633.01 0.37%-------4.00 0.046 2.8 A007 10.9 1.6 9.7 22.2 13.3 A001 8 Channel Channel 1,017.3 633.01 627.66 0.53%-------3.17 0.089 5.3 A008 11.6 6.1 9.1 26.8 16.1 A002 9 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 692.09 689.87 2.22%0.15 0.147 8.8 -------A009 3.1 0.0 4.2 7.3 4.4 A002 10 Channel Swale 1,116.1 689.87 677.48 1.11%-------4.00 0.078 4.7 B001 11.8 2.2 8.3 22.3 13.4 A002 11 Channel Channel 274.8 677.48 670.82 2.42%-------6.00 0.013 0.8 B002 8.5 2.5 14.7 25.7 15.4 A002 12 Channel Pipe 784.5 670.82 656.27 1.85%-------8.00 0.027 1.6 C001 7.4 1.8 6.0 15.2 9.1 A002 13 Channel Pond 66.6 656.27 651.69 6.88%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 C002 4.9 4.0 5.7 14.6 8.8 A002 14 Channel Pond 42.5 651.69 650.97 1.69%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A002 15 Channel Pond 11.8 650.97 649.93 8.84%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A002 16 Channel Channel 490.8 650.10 645.35 0.97%-------3.70 0.037 2.2 A002 17 Channel Pipe 144.9 649.93 650.10 0.25%-------8.00 0.005 0.3 A002 18 Channel Channel 1,220.0 645.35 637.50 0.64%-------5.69 0.060 3.6 A003 19 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 682.19 681.63 0.56%0.15 0.255 15.3 ------- A003 20 Shallow Unpaved 613.5 681.63 665.95 2.56%---16.1345 2.58 0.066 4.0 --- A003 21 Channel Swale 102.6 679.63 660.52 18.63%-------4.00 0.007 0.4 A003 22 Channel Swale 133.0 ----------4.00 0.009 0.6 A003 23 Channel Swale 979.5 660.52 649.68 1.11%-------4.60 0.059 3.5 A003 24 Channel Channel 835.6 ----------7.51 0.031 1.9 A004 25 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 711.44 710.79 0.65%0.15 0.240 14.4 ------- A004 26 Shallow Unpaved 68.2 710.79 709.89 1.32%---16.1345 1.85 0.010 0.6 --- A004 27 Channel Channel 624.4 709.89 683.99 4.15%-------6.70 0.026 1.6 A004 28 Channel Swale 1,214.2 683.99 667.04 1.40%-------4.00 0.084 5.1 A004 29 Channel Channel 453.5 667.04 665.81 0.27%-------1.23 0.102 6.1 A004 30 Channel Swale 1,443.0 665.81 653.38 0.86%-------3.45 0.116 7.0 A005 31 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 715.29 713.50 1.79%0.15 0.160 9.6 ------- A005 32 Shallow Unpaved 171.6 713.50 704.67 5.15%---16.1345 3.66 0.013 0.8 --- A005 33 Channel Swale 1,214.3 704.67 696.71 0.66%-------4.00 0.084 5.1 A005 34 Channel Swale 2,607.7 696.71 671.75 0.96%-------3.02 0.240 14.4 A006 35 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 51.7 721.62 719.00 5.07%0.15 0.062 3.7 ------- A006 36 Channel Swale 870.9 719.00 701.13 2.05%-------4.00 0.060 3.6 A006 37 Channel Pipe 193.1 701.13 690.88 5.31%-------8.00 0.007 0.4 A006 38 Channel Pond 64.3 690.88 690.63 0.39%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A006 39 Channel Pipe 71.9 690.63 696.86 0.25%-------8.00 0.002 0.1 A007 40 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 734.09 732.77 1.32%0.15 0.181 10.9 ------- A007 41 Shallow Unpaved 121.5 732.77 732.03 0.61%---16.1345 1.26 0.027 1.6 --- A007 42 Channel Swale 205.6 732.03 728.40 1.77%-------4.00 0.014 0.9 A007 43 Channel Swale 710.2 728.40 701.42 3.80%-------3.01 0.066 3.9 A007 44 Channel Pipe 50.3 701.42 701.12 0.60%-------8.00 0.002 0.1 A007 45 Channel Channel 987.8 701.12 687.28 1.40%-------3.89 0.071 4.2 A007 46 Channel Pipe 93.6 687.28 686.84 0.47%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A007 47 Channel Channel 116.6 686.84 685.07 1.52%-------7.03 0.005 0.3 A007 48 Channel Pipe 40.9 685.37 690.26 0.25%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A008 49 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 734.23 733.11 1.12%0.15 0.193 11.6 ------- A008 50 Shallow Unpaved 763.6 733.11 720.15 1.70%---16.1345 2.10 0.101 6.1 --- A008 51 Channel Swale 284.7 720.15 714.19 2.09%-------4.00 0.020 1.2 A008 52 Channel Swale 385.5 714.41 705.21 2.39%-------4.00 0.027 1.6 A008 53 Channel Pond 161.0 714.19 714.41 0.25%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A008 54 Channel Channel 309.6 705.21 701.04 1.35%-------2.86 0.030 1.8 A008 55 Channel Pipe 73.9 701.04 698.70 3.17%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A008 56 Channel Channel 237.9 698.70 695.24 1.45%-------2.89 0.023 1.4 A008 57 Channel Pipe 34.1 695.24 694.82 1.23%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A008 58 Channel Channel 618.6 694.82 685.74 1.47%-------4.00 0.043 2.6 A008 59 Channel Pipe 90.1 685.74 684.95 0.88%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A008 60 Channel Channel 31.1 684.95 684.77 0.58%-------6.00 0.001 0.1 A008 61 Channel Pipe 38.5 684.77 691.99 0.25%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A009 62 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 54.8 725.82 720.90 8.99%0.15 0.052 3.1 ------- A009 63 Channel Pipe 72.7 701.66 700.89 1.06%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A009 64 Channel Channel 77.0 700.89 699.55 1.74%-------6.00 0.004 0.2 A009 65 Channel Pipe 25.6 699.55 703.09 0.25%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A009 66 Channel Swale 913.0 ----------4.00 0.063 3.8 B001 67 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 706.23 705.15 1.08%0.15 0.196 11.8 ------- B001 68 Shallow Unpaved 420.8 705.15 688.87 3.87%---16.1345 3.17 0.037 2.2 --- B001 69 Channel Swale 74.2 688.87 684.98 5.24%-------4.00 0.005 0.3 B001 70 Channel Pipe 74.2 684.98 682.99 2.68%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 B001 71 Channel Swale 1,521.7 682.99 652.99 1.97%-------4.00 0.106 6.3 B001 72 Channel Pond 701.5 652.99 651.71 0.25%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 B001 73 Channel Swale 594.5 651.71 643.12 1.44%-------6.54 0.025 1.5 B001 74 Channel Pond 743.8 643.12 636.35 0.91%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 Lane Ranch - Sanger, TX Ranger Branch Tributary 2, 2.1, & 2.2 Flood Study Minimum Slope 0.25% Sheet Flow Travel Time Channel Flow Travel Time Pre-Project Existing Conditions Time of Concentration Calculations Flow Path Parameters Shallow Concentrated Flow Travel Time Tt =0.007 (nL)0.8 (P2)0.5 s0.4 V =K s Tt =L 3600VTt=L 3600V Page 2 of 37 93 Item 7. Denton County iSWM P₂ = 3.63 (in) Basin Name Flow Path ID Flow Type Flow Type Description Length [L] (ft) US Elevation (ft, NAVD88) DS Elevation (ft, NAVD88) Slope [s] (% ft/ft) Mannings N-Value [n] Sheet Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Sheet Flow Travel Time (min) Shallow Flow K- Value [K] Shallow Flow Velocity [V] (ft/s) Shallow Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Shallow Flow Travel Time (min) Channel Flow Velocity [V] (ft/s) Channel Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Channel Flow Travel Time (min) Basin Name Sheet Flow Total Travel Time (min) Shallow Flow Total Travel Time (min) Channel Flow Total Travel Time (min) Total Travel Time (min) Lag Time (min) Lane Ranch - Sanger, TX Ranger Branch Tributary 2, 2.1, & 2.2 Flood Study Minimum Slope 0.25% Sheet Flow Travel Time Channel Flow Travel Time Pre-Project Existing Conditions Time of Concentration Calculations Flow Path Parameters Shallow Concentrated Flow Travel Time Tt =0.007 (nL)0.8 (P2)0.5 s0.4 V =K s Tt =L 3600VTt=L 3600V B002 75 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 714.23 711.79 2.44%0.15 0.142 8.5 ------- B002 76 Shallow Unpaved 300.8 711.79 707.01 1.59%---16.1345 2.03 0.041 2.5 --- B002 77 Channel Swale 646.5 707.01 700.13 1.06%-------4.00 0.045 2.7 B002 78 Channel Pipe 87.1 700.13 695.72 5.06%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 B002 79 Channel Swale 513.3 695.72 685.72 1.95%-------6.72 0.021 1.3 B002 80 Channel Channel 1,493.3 685.72 671.92 0.92%-------5.80 0.071 4.3 B002 81 Channel Swale 1,132.9 668.82 661.50 0.65%-------3.03 0.104 6.2 B002 82 Channel Pipe 12.6 661.39 657.71 29.20%-------8.00 0.000 0.0 C001 83 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 686.49 683.00 3.49%0.15 0.123 7.4 ------- C001 84 Shallow Paved 236.0 683.00 680.28 1.15%---20.3282 2.18 0.030 1.8 --- C001 85 Channel Swale 586.6 680.28 670.04 1.75%-------4.00 0.041 2.4 C001 86 Channel Swale 503.9 670.64 662.95 1.53%-------2.37 0.059 3.6 C001 87 Channel Pipe 25.4 670.04 670.64 0.25%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 C002 88 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 729.06 719.46 9.60%0.15 0.082 4.9 ------- C002 89 Shallow Unpaved 747.5 719.46 691.42 3.75%---16.1345 3.12 0.066 4.0 --- C002 90 Channel Pipe 84.0 ----------8.00 0.003 0.2 C002 91 Channel Swale 1,337.3 ----------4.00 0.093 5.6 Page 3 of 37 94 Item 7. Denton County iSWM P₂ = 3.63 (in) Basin Name Flow Path ID Flow Type Flow Type Description Length [L] (ft) US Elevation (ft, NAVD88) DS Elevation (ft, NAVD88) Slope [s] (% ft/ft) Mannings N-Value [n] Sheet Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Sheet Flow Travel Time (min) Shallow Flow K- Value [K] Shallow Flow Velocity [V] (ft/s) Shallow Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Shallow Flow Travel Time (min) Channel Flow Velocity [V] (ft/s) Channel Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Channel Flow Travel Time (min) Basin Name Sheet Flow Total Travel Time (min) Shallow Flow Total Travel Time (min) Channel Flow Total Travel Time (min) Total Travel Time (min) Lag Time (min) A001 1 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 706.25 704.05 2.20%0.15 0.148 8.9 -------A001 8.9 1.8 13.4 24.1 14.5 A001 2 Shallow Unpaved 424.5 704.05 679.57 5.77%---16.1345 3.87 0.030 1.8 ---A002 8.8 0.0 13.1 22.0 13.2 A001 3 Channel Channel 608.2 679.57 658.08 3.53%-------6.41 0.026 1.6 A003 8.2 0.0 10.9 19.1 11.5 A001 4 Channel Pipe 80.8 658.08 655.20 3.56%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A004 14.4 0.6 14.2 29.3 17.6 A001 5 Channel Channel 329.2 655.20 643.51 3.55%-------2.23 0.041 2.5 A005 9.6 0.8 19.4 29.8 17.9 A001 6 Channel Swale 268.6 643.51 635.49 2.99%-------4.00 0.019 1.1 A006 3.7 0.0 4.2 7.9 4.8 A001 7 Channel Swale 664.2 635.49 633.01 0.37%-------4.00 0.046 2.8 A007 10.9 1.6 9.7 22.2 13.3 A001 8 Channel Channel 1,017.3 633.01 627.66 0.53%-------3.17 0.089 5.3 A008 11.6 6.1 9.1 26.8 16.1 A002 9 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 692.09 689.87 2.22%0.15 0.147 8.8 -------A009 3.1 0.0 4.2 7.3 4.4 A002 10 Channel Swale 1,116.1 689.87 677.48 1.11%-------4.00 0.078 4.7 B001 11.8 2.2 8.3 22.3 13.4 A002 11 Channel Channel 274.8 677.48 670.82 2.42%-------6.00 0.013 0.8 B002 8.5 2.5 14.7 25.7 15.4 A002 12 Channel Pipe 784.5 670.82 656.27 1.85%-------8.00 0.027 1.6 C001 7.4 1.8 5.6 14.7 8.8 A002 13 Channel Pond 66.6 656.27 651.69 6.88%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 C002 4.9 4.0 5.7 14.6 8.8 A002 14 Channel Pond 42.5 651.69 650.97 1.69%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A002 15 Channel Pond 11.8 650.97 649.93 8.84%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A002 16 Channel Channel 490.8 650.10 645.35 0.97%-------3.70 0.037 2.2 A002 17 Channel Pipe 144.9 649.93 650.10 0.25%-------8.00 0.005 0.3 A002 18 Channel Channel 1,220.0 645.35 637.50 0.64%-------5.69 0.060 3.6 A003 19 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 685.27 682.63 2.64%0.15 0.137 8.2 ------- A003 20 Channel Swale 450.2 682.63 678.45 0.93%-------4.00 0.031 1.9 A003 21 Channel Pipe 808.8 678.45 661.00 2.16%-------3.71 0.061 3.6 A003 22 Channel Swale 1,003.8 661.00 649.25 1.17%-------4.79 0.058 3.5 A003 23 Channel Channel 835.6 649.25 645.57 0.44%-------7.51 0.031 1.9 A004 24 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 711.44 710.79 0.65%0.15 0.240 14.4 ------- A004 25 Shallow Unpaved 68.2 710.79 709.89 1.32%---16.1345 1.85 0.010 0.6 --- A004 26 Channel Channel 624.4 709.89 683.99 4.15%-------6.70 0.026 1.6 A004 27 Channel Swale 1,214.2 683.99 667.04 1.40%-------4.00 0.084 5.1 A004 28 Channel Channel 453.5 667.04 665.81 0.27%-------5.20 0.024 1.5 A004 29 Channel Swale 1,548.8 665.81 653.38 0.80%-------4.19 0.103 6.2 A005 30 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 715.29 713.50 1.79%0.15 0.160 9.6 ------- A005 31 Shallow Unpaved 171.6 713.50 704.67 5.15%---16.1345 3.66 0.013 0.8 --- A005 32 Channel Swale 1,214.3 704.67 696.71 0.66%-------4.00 0.084 5.1 A005 33 Channel Swale 2,607.7 696.71 671.75 0.96%-------3.02 0.240 14.4 A006 34 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 51.7 721.62 719.00 5.07%0.15 0.062 3.7 ------- A006 35 Channel Swale 870.9 719.00 701.13 2.05%-------4.00 0.060 3.6 A006 36 Channel Pipe 193.1 701.13 690.88 5.31%-------8.00 0.007 0.4 A006 37 Channel Pond 64.3 690.88 690.63 0.39%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A006 38 Channel Pipe 71.9 690.63 696.86 0.25%-------8.00 0.002 0.1 A007 39 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 734.09 732.77 1.32%0.15 0.181 10.9 ------- A007 40 Shallow Unpaved 121.5 732.77 732.03 0.61%---16.1345 1.26 0.027 1.6 --- A007 41 Channel Swale 205.6 732.03 728.40 1.77%-------4.00 0.014 0.9 A007 42 Channel Swale 710.2 728.40 701.42 3.80%-------3.01 0.066 3.9 A007 43 Channel Pipe 50.3 701.42 701.12 0.60%-------8.00 0.002 0.1 A007 44 Channel Channel 987.8 701.12 687.28 1.40%-------3.89 0.071 4.2 A007 45 Channel Pipe 93.6 687.28 686.84 0.47%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A007 46 Channel Channel 116.6 686.84 685.07 1.52%-------7.03 0.005 0.3 A007 47 Channel Pipe 40.9 685.37 690.26 0.25%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A008 48 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 734.23 733.11 1.12%0.15 0.193 11.6 ------- A008 49 Shallow Unpaved 763.6 733.11 720.15 1.70%---16.1345 2.10 0.101 6.1 --- A008 50 Channel Swale 284.7 720.15 714.19 2.09%-------4.00 0.020 1.2 A008 51 Channel Swale 385.5 714.41 705.21 2.39%-------4.00 0.027 1.6 A008 52 Channel Pond 161.0 714.19 714.41 0.25%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A008 53 Channel Channel 309.6 705.21 701.04 1.35%-------2.86 0.030 1.8 A008 54 Channel Pipe 73.9 701.04 698.70 3.17%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A008 55 Channel Channel 237.9 698.70 695.24 1.45%-------2.89 0.023 1.4 A008 56 Channel Pipe 34.1 695.24 694.82 1.23%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A008 57 Channel Channel 618.6 694.82 685.74 1.47%-------4.00 0.043 2.6 A008 58 Channel Pipe 90.1 685.74 684.95 0.88%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A008 59 Channel Channel 31.1 684.95 684.77 0.58%-------6.00 0.001 0.1 A008 60 Channel Pipe 38.5 684.77 691.99 0.25%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A009 61 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 54.8 725.82 720.90 8.99%0.15 0.052 3.1 ------- A009 62 Channel Pipe 72.7 701.66 700.89 1.06%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A009 63 Channel Channel 77.0 700.89 699.55 1.74%-------6.00 0.004 0.2 A009 64 Channel Pipe 25.6 699.55 703.09 0.25%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A009 65 Channel Swale 913.0 ----------4.00 0.063 3.8 B001 66 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 706.23 705.15 1.08%0.15 0.196 11.8 ------- B001 67 Shallow Unpaved 420.8 705.15 688.87 3.87%---16.1345 3.17 0.037 2.2 --- B001 68 Channel Swale 74.2 688.87 684.98 5.24%-------4.00 0.005 0.3 B001 69 Channel Pipe 74.2 684.98 682.99 2.68%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 B001 70 Channel Swale 1,521.7 682.99 652.99 1.97%-------4.00 0.106 6.3 B001 71 Channel Pond 701.5 652.99 651.71 0.25%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 B001 72 Channel Swale 594.5 651.71 643.12 1.44%-------6.54 0.025 1.5 B001 73 Channel Pond 743.8 643.12 636.35 0.91%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 B002 74 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 714.23 711.79 2.44%0.15 0.142 8.5 ------- Time of Concentration Calculations Flood Study Post-Project Intermediate Conditions Ranger Branch Tributary 2, 2.1, & 2.2 Lane Ranch - Sanger, TX Flow Path Parameters Minimum Slope 0.25% Sheet Flow Travel Time Shallow Concentrated Flow Travel Time Channel Flow Travel Time Tt =0.007 (nL)0.8 (P2)0.5 s0.4 V =K s Tt =L 3600VTt=L 3600V Page 4 of 37 95 Item 7. Denton County iSWM P₂ = 3.63 (in) Basin Name Flow Path ID Flow Type Flow Type Description Length [L] (ft) US Elevation (ft, NAVD88) DS Elevation (ft, NAVD88) Slope [s] (% ft/ft) Mannings N-Value [n] Sheet Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Sheet Flow Travel Time (min) Shallow Flow K- Value [K] Shallow Flow Velocity [V] (ft/s) Shallow Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Shallow Flow Travel Time (min) Channel Flow Velocity [V] (ft/s) Channel Flow Travel Time [Tt] (hr) Channel Flow Travel Time (min) Basin Name Sheet Flow Total Travel Time (min) Shallow Flow Total Travel Time (min) Channel Flow Total Travel Time (min) Total Travel Time (min) Lag Time (min) A001 1 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 706.25 704.05 2.20%0.15 0.148 8.9 -------A001 8.9 1.8 13.4 24.1 14.5 A001 2 Shallow Unpaved 424.5 704.05 679.57 5.77%---16.1345 3.87 0.030 1.8 ---A002 8.8 0.0 13.1 22.0 13.2 A001 3 Channel Channel 608.2 679.57 658.08 3.53%-------6.41 0.026 1.6 A003 8.2 0.0 11.5 19.7 11.8 A001 4 Channel Pipe 80.8 658.08 655.20 3.56%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A004 1.5 0.6 15.7 17.8 10.7 A001 5 Channel Channel 329.2 655.20 643.51 3.55%-------2.23 0.041 2.5 A005 9.6 0.8 19.4 29.8 17.9 A001 6 Channel Swale 268.6 643.51 635.49 2.99%-------4.00 0.019 1.1 A006 3.7 0.0 4.2 7.9 4.8 A001 7 Channel Swale 664.2 635.49 633.01 0.37%-------4.00 0.046 2.8 A007 10.9 1.6 9.7 22.2 13.3 A001 8 Channel Channel 1,017.3 633.01 627.66 0.53%-------3.17 0.089 5.3 A008 11.6 6.1 9.1 26.8 16.1 A002 9 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 692.09 689.87 2.22%0.15 0.147 8.8 -------A009 3.1 0.0 4.2 7.3 4.4 A002 10 Channel Swale 1,116.1 689.87 677.48 1.11%-------4.00 0.078 4.7 B001 16.6 2.5 8.6 27.7 16.6 A002 11 Channel Channel 274.8 677.48 670.82 2.42%-------6.00 0.013 0.8 B002 1.5 0.0 11.4 12.9 7.8 A002 12 Channel Pipe 784.5 670.82 656.27 1.85%-------8.00 0.027 1.6 C001 7.4 1.8 5.6 14.7 8.8 A002 13 Channel Pond 66.6 656.27 651.69 6.88%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 C002 4.9 4.0 5.7 14.6 8.8 A002 14 Channel Pond 42.5 651.69 650.97 1.69%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A002 15 Channel Pond 11.8 650.92 649.95 8.24%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A002 16 Channel Channel 490.8 650.10 645.35 0.97%-------3.70 0.037 2.2 A002 17 Channel Pipe 144.9 649.95 650.06 0.25%-------8.00 0.005 0.3 A002 18 Channel Channel 1,220.0 645.35 637.50 0.64%-------5.69 0.060 3.6 A003 19 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 685.27 682.63 2.64%0.15 0.137 8.2 ------- A003 20 Channel Swale 450.2 682.63 678.45 0.93%-------4.00 0.031 1.9 A003 21 Channel Pipe 808.8 678.45 661.00 2.16%-------3.71 0.061 3.6 A003 22 Channel Swale 1,003.8 661.00 649.25 1.17%-------4.79 0.058 3.5 A003 23 Channel Channel 835.6 649.68 645.43 0.51%-------5.64 0.041 2.5 A004 24 Sheet Smooth Surfaces 100.0 711.44 710.44 1.00%0.011 0.025 1.5 ------- A004 25 Shallow Paved 68.2 710.44 709.80 0.94%---20.3282 1.97 0.010 0.6 --- A004 26 Channel Pipe 165.3 709.80 676.25 20.30%-------8.00 0.006 0.3 A004 27 Channel Channel 1,298.3 707.75 671.16 2.82%-------5.52 0.065 3.9 A004 28 Channel Channel 1,547.8 671.16 665.79 0.35%-------4.91 0.088 5.3 A004 29 Channel Swale 1,548.8 665.81 653.38 0.80%-------4.19 0.103 6.2 A005 30 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 715.29 713.50 1.79%0.15 0.160 9.6 ------- A005 31 Shallow Unpaved 171.6 713.50 704.67 5.15%---16.1345 3.66 0.013 0.8 --- A005 32 Channel Swale 1,214.3 704.67 696.71 0.66%-------4.00 0.084 5.1 A005 33 Channel Swale 2,607.7 696.71 671.75 0.96%-------3.02 0.240 14.4 A006 34 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 51.7 721.62 719.00 5.07%0.15 0.062 3.7 ------- A006 35 Channel Swale 870.9 719.00 701.13 2.05%-------4.00 0.060 3.6 A006 36 Channel Pipe 193.1 701.13 690.88 5.31%-------8.00 0.007 0.4 A006 37 Channel Pond 64.3 690.88 690.63 0.39%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A006 38 Channel Pipe 71.9 690.70 696.85 0.25%-------8.00 0.002 0.1 A007 39 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 734.09 732.77 1.32%0.15 0.181 10.9 ------- A007 40 Shallow Unpaved 121.5 732.77 732.03 0.61%---16.1345 1.26 0.027 1.6 --- A007 41 Channel Swale 205.6 732.03 728.40 1.77%-------4.00 0.014 0.9 A007 42 Channel Swale 710.2 728.40 701.42 3.80%-------3.01 0.066 3.9 A007 43 Channel Pipe 50.3 701.42 701.12 0.60%-------8.00 0.002 0.1 A007 44 Channel Channel 987.8 701.12 687.28 1.40%-------3.89 0.071 4.2 A007 45 Channel Pipe 93.6 687.28 686.84 0.47%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A007 46 Channel Channel 116.6 686.84 685.07 1.52%-------7.03 0.005 0.3 A007 47 Channel Pipe 40.9 685.37 690.26 0.25%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A008 48 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 734.23 733.11 1.12%0.15 0.193 11.6 ------- A008 49 Shallow Unpaved 763.6 733.11 720.15 1.70%---16.1345 2.10 0.101 6.1 --- A008 50 Channel Swale 284.7 720.15 714.19 2.09%-------4.00 0.020 1.2 A008 51 Channel Swale 385.5 714.41 705.21 2.39%-------4.00 0.027 1.6 A008 52 Channel Pond 161.0 714.19 714.41 0.25%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 A008 53 Channel Channel 309.6 705.21 701.04 1.35%-------2.86 0.030 1.8 A008 54 Channel Pipe 73.9 701.04 698.70 3.17%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A008 55 Channel Channel 237.9 698.70 695.24 1.45%-------2.89 0.023 1.4 A008 56 Channel Pipe 34.1 695.24 694.82 1.23%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A008 57 Channel Channel 618.6 694.82 685.74 1.47%-------4.00 0.043 2.6 A008 58 Channel Pipe 90.1 685.74 684.95 0.88%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A008 59 Channel Channel 31.1 684.95 684.77 0.58%-------6.00 0.001 0.1 A008 60 Channel Pipe 38.5 684.77 691.99 0.25%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A009 61 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 54.8 725.82 720.90 8.99%0.15 0.052 3.1 ------- A009 62 Channel Pipe 72.7 701.68 700.90 1.07%-------8.00 0.003 0.2 A009 63 Channel Channel 77.0 700.90 699.06 2.39%-------6.00 0.004 0.2 A009 64 Channel Pipe 25.6 699.06 703.09 0.25%-------8.00 0.001 0.1 A009 65 Channel Swale 913.0 ----------4.00 0.063 3.8 B001 66 Sheet Short Grass Prairie 100.0 709.75 709.29 0.46%0.15 0.276 16.6 ------- B001 67 Shallow Unpaved 364.8 709.29 701.21 2.21%---16.1345 2.40 0.042 2.5 --- B001 68 Channel Swale 509.8 701.21 687.92 2.61%-------4.00 0.035 2.1 B001 69 Channel Channel 465.7 687.92 679.75 1.75%-------6.00 0.022 1.3 B001 70 Channel Pipe 1,058.3 679.75 665.25 1.37%-------8.00 0.037 2.2 B001 71 Channel Channel 129.6 665.25 664.04 0.93%-------6.00 0.006 0.4 B001 72 Channel Swale 183.6 664.04 661.60 1.33%-------4.00 0.013 0.8 B001 73 Channel Pipe 51.2 661.60 657.89 7.25%-------8.00 0.002 0.1 B001 74 Channel Pond 526.7 657.89 656.23 0.32%-------N/A 0.000 0.0 Time of Concentration Calculations Flood Study Post-Project Existing Conditions Ranger Branch Tributary 2, 2.1, & 2.2 Lane Ranch - Sanger, TX Flow Path Parameters Minimum Slope 0.25% Sheet Flow Travel Time Shallow Concentrated Flow Travel Time Channel Flow Travel Time Tt =0.007 (nL)0.8 (P2)0.5 s0.4 V =K s Tt =L 3600VTt=L 3600V Page 6 of 37 96 Item 7. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: June 3, 2024 FROM: Ryan Nolting, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a contract with Halff Associates, Inc for the engineering, architectural and construction services for the Sullivan Senior Center in an amount not to exceed $304,900, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. SUMMARY: 2023  Seniors called to report a leak in the back room of the building  Built Right Construction was called out and would not make the necessary repair due to the conditions of the roof framing.  Staff contracted Halff Inc. (City Engineer) for an assessment of the condition of the Senior Center.  With the recommendations form Halff Inc., staff closed the back portion of the building.  Staff received the Structural Report from Halff Inc.  Staff has met with Seniors on numerous occasions keeping them informed on the progress. 2024  Seniors have moved out of the Center and all activities are being held at the 1st Baptist Church.  Staff has continued meeting with the Senior keeping them informed on the progress on the building. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: $304,900 GL Account: 004-32-6519 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS:  City Council Communication  Professional Services Agreement  Exhibit “A” Sullivan Senior Center Proposal 97 Item 8. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANGER AND HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered by and between City of Sanger, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Sanger", and HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC., a Texas corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Consultant” to be effective from and after the date as provided herein. For convenience, the Consultant and Sanger may sometimes be referred to herein collectively as “parties” and individually as a “party”. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Sanger desires to engage Consultant to provide professional services for the Sanger Senior Center as more fully described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, Consultant agrees to provide such work and services for Sanger in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, for the mutual promises set forth herein, and for other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: I. ENGAGEMENT Sanger hereby agrees to retain Consultant to design the Sanger Senior Center; and Consultant agrees to perform such services in accordance within the Scope of Services and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES (a) Sanger agrees to engage Consultant and Consultant hereby agrees to perform the services described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Sanger and Consultant agree and acknowledge that Sanger is entering into this Agreement in reliance on Consultant’s skills, knowledge, experience, and abilities. Consultant accepts the relationship of trust and confidence established between it and Sanger by this Agreement. Consultant acknowledges that Consultant shall be solely responsible for determining the methods for performing the services described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto. Consultant covenants with Sanger to use its best efforts, skill, judgment, and abilities to perform the work required by this Agreement and to further the interests of Sanger in accordance with Sanger’s requirements, in compliance with applicable national, federal, state, municipal, laws, regulations, codes, ordinances, with those of any other body having jurisdiction. Consultant represents, and agrees that all of the work to be performed by Consultant under or pursuant to this Agreement shall be done (i) with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by competent engineers or architects, as the case may be, practicing 98 Item 8. under the same or similar circumstances and applicable professional license; and (ii) expeditiously as is prudent considering the ordinary professional skill and care of a competent engineer or architect, as the case may be. III. COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement, including the Exhibit "A" and its attachments, constitute the entire agreement by and between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous written or oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. IV. TERM OF AGREEMENT/TERMINATION The initial term of this Agreement shall commence upon the complete execution of the Agreement by Sanger and Consultant and shall continue until the Scope of Services is completed. This agreement may be terminated by either party with thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice unless specified otherwise in Exhibit “A”. In the event of termination by Sanger, Consultant shall be compensated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and shall deliver to Sanger all final documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, reports, photographs or other items prepared by Consultant in connection with this Agreement. V. COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES Consultant shall be paid for performance of the Scope of Services as set forth in Exhibit “A” and specifically Attachment “D” to Exhibit “A”. Within fifteen (15) days of the end of the month within which services were rendered, Consultant shall provide Sanger an invoice specifying the services provided during the previous month and the total amount owed by Sanger Payment will be made by Sanger within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice from Consultant. VI. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Consultant covenants and agrees that it is an independent contractor and not an officer, agent, servant or employee of Sanger; that it shall have exclusive control of and exclusive right to control the details of the work performed hereunder and all persons performing same, and shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors and consultants; that the doctrine of respondent superior shall not apply as between Sanger and Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors and consultants, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between Sanger and Consultant. 99 Item 8. VII. ASSIGNMENT Consultant agrees that this Agreement shall not be assigned without the prior written consent of Sanger, except to an Affiliate of Consultant. Affiliate shall mean (1) any corporation or other entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with (directly or indirectly) Consultant, including, without limitation, any parent corporation controlling Consultant or any subsidiary that Consultant controls; (2) the surviving corporation resulting from the merger or consolidation of Consultant; or (3) any person or entity which acquires all of the assets of Consultant as a going concern. Consultant shall be permitted to enter into subcontracts for performance of portions of the Scope of Services; however, Consultant shall not subcontract the entirety of the Scope of Services to a single subcontractor without Sanger’s consent. Consultant further agrees that the assignment of any portion or feature of the work or materials required in the performance of this Agreement shall not relieve the Consultant from its full obligations to Sanger as provided by this Agreement. VIII. AUDITS AND RECORDS Consultant agrees that Sanger or its duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after termination under this Agreement, upon reasonable notice, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any and all books, documents, papers and records of Consultant which are directly pertinent to the services to be performed under this Agreement. Consultant agrees that Sanger shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Consultant’s facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space. IX. REPRESENTATION Consultant represents that (a) it and each of its employees, consultants and subcontractors, if any, that it uses to provide and perform professional services has the necessary knowledge, skills, experience, qualifications, and resources to provide and perform the services in accordance with the agreement and the Scope of Services; and (b) the professional services will be performed for and delivered to Sanger in accordance with Section 271.904, Texas Local Government Code, with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by competent engineers or architects practicing under the same or similar circumstances and professional license, and as expeditiously as is prudent considering the ordinary professional skill and care of a competent engineer or architect. X INDEMNITY Consultant, to the extent allowable by law, and specifically Texas Local Government Code Section 271.904, shall indemnify, and hold harmless Sanger, its City council, officers, employees, and agents from and against all damages, which are caused by or result from the performance of the work or which are caused by the intentional acts or negligent acts or omissions of its subcontractors, any officers, agents, or employees. Sanger, to the extent allowable by law, shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Consultant, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all citations, claims, costs, damages, demands, expenses, fines, judgments, losses, penalties, or suits, which in any way arise out of, relate to, or result from the performance of the work or which are caused by the intentional acts or negligent acts or omissions of its subcontractors, any officers, agents, or employees. 100 Item 8. XI. MAILING OF NOTICES Consultant agrees that all notices or communications to Sanger permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to Sanger at the following address: City Manager City of Sanger 502 Elm Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Sanger agrees that all notices or communications to Consultant permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to Consultant at the following address: HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 All notices or communications required to be given in writing by one party or the other shall be considered as having been given to the addressee on the date such notice or communication is posted by the sending party. XII. MISCELLANEOUS 1. The City of Sanger has found that Consultant is the most qualified party to fulfill the requirements of the agreement. In addition, this is a contract for the purchase of personal and/or professional services and therefore is exempt from competitive bidding. 2. A person or business that contracts with Sanger or who seeks to contract with Sanger must file a “Conflict of Interest Questionnaire” (FORM CIQ) which is available online at www.ethics.state.tx.us and a copy of which is attached to this guideline. The form contains mandatory disclosures regarding “employment or business relationships” with a municipal officer. Officials may be asked to clarify or interpret various portions of the questionnaire. 3. Compliance with HB 89: Consultant agrees per HB 89 Consultant shall not boycott Israel at any time while providing products or services to the City of Sanger. [ X ] Yes, we agree [ ] No, we do not agree [ ] N/A 4. Compliance with SB 252: Consultant agrees per SB 252 that they shall not do business with Iran, Sudan or a foreign terrorist organization while providing products or services to the City of Sanger. [ X ] Yes, we agree [ ] No, we do not agree 101 Item 8. XIII. VENUE/GOVERNING LAW The parties agree that the laws of the State of Texas shall govern this Agreement, and that it is performable in City of Sanger, Texas. Exclusive venue shall lie in Denton County, Texas. XIV. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Consultant and their partners, successors, subcontractors, executors, legal representatives, and administrators are hereby bound to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. XV. INSURANCE Consultant shall, at its own expense, purchase, maintain, and keep in force throughout the duration of this Agreement and for a period of four (4) years thereafter the following minimum insurance: A. Commercial general liability insurance, including personal injury liability, blanket contractual liability, and broad form property damage liability in an amount of not less than $1,000,000. B. Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000. C. Statutory workers’ compensation and employers’ liability insurance as required by state law. D. Professional liability insurance (Errors and Omissions) with a limit of $1,000,000 per claim/annual aggregate. Consultant shall provide Sanger with proof of insurance required hereunder prior to commencing work for Sanger. Consultant shall provide Sanger with written notice of any coverage limit change on the insurance. Such policies shall name Sanger, its officers, and employees as additional insured except for Workers’ Compensation and Professional Liability Insurance and shall provide for a waiver of subrogation against Sanger. Consultant shall require that all subcontractors comply with the same insurance requirements. XIV. SEVERABILITY In the event a term, condition, or provision of this Agreement is determined to be void, unenforceable, or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, then that term, condition, or provision, shall be deleted and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. XV. AUTHORITY TO SIGN The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto. 102 Item 8. 103 Item 8. Exhibit “A” 104 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817) 847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 April 29, 2024 Mr. Ryan Nolting Director – Parks and Recreation City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 Re: Proposal for Engineering and Architectural Services Sullivan Senior Center Renovation Sanger, Texas Agreement between City of Sanger and Halff Associates, Inc. AVO: 57658.001 Dear Mr. Nolting Halff Associates Inc., along with BRW Architects is pleased to submit the following scope and fee proposal to provide professional engineering and architectural design services for the renovation of the Sullivan Senior Center in Sanger, Texas. We propose the following services, as described in the Scope of Services (Attachment A). We appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal for this project and look forward to working with the team. Please feel free to contact me at (817) 764-7522 or CVester@halff.com if you have any questions or comments regarding this proposal. Sincerely, HALFF, INC. Cameron Vester, PE Structural Team Leader 1 Exhibit "A" 105 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817) 847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF SANGER SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER RENOVATION Project Summary The city of Sanger is looking to repair and remodel the existing Sullivan Senior Center at 200 Bolivar Street. The building was originally constructed in 1890 and was the first permanent structure in Sanger. Over the years the building has served as the Town Hall and Fire Station, a store, a bar, and a café. The building was purchased in 1900 by John Sullivan and deeded in 1985 to the city as a senior center provided a place for Sanger’s older community to gather and socialize. The existing structure is approximately 2,500 square feet gross. The interior includes two (2) large open areas; the rear portion of the building (approx. 24’ x 32’) has an elevated timber framed floor and the front area (approx. 22’ x 54’) has two (2) restrooms and a kitchenette with stove, fridge, sink, and counterspace. A structural assessment of the building performed by Halff Associates found the existing roof to be failing due to deterioration and the back-room’s floor structure to be deficient for the proposed loading. This project will include the replacement of the roofing and roof structure, the back-room floor structure, remodeling of the building interior to meet current codes and provide a more functional space for the seniors using it. I. Project Assumptions The following is a list of assumptions made by Halff Associates, Inc (Halff) for the preparation of the Scope of Services for the Client, City of Sanger (City), for the renovation of the Sullivan Senior Center (Project). 1. This scope and fee proposal is for the design and production of construction documents and construction administration services for the renovation of the Sullivan Senior Center building. 2. Project design documents will be based on the following city adopted building codes: • 2018 International Building Code • 2018 International Plumbing Code • 2018 International Mechanical Code • 2018 International Existing Building Code • 2018 International Fire Code • 2018 International Energy Conservation Code • 2017 International Electrical Code 3. The existing roof structure is failing and has caused roof leaks into the interior of the building. Per Halff’s assessment report dated May 12, 2023, the roof structure should be replaced in whole. Due to the cost of construction for the roof replacement, the building in its entirety must be brought up to current code. • It is assumed that the use of the back-room will be changed to included fitness activities requiring the loading to be increased according to its use. 2 106 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 •Building renovations and improvements include: •Removal and replacement of roofing and roof structure. •Removal and replacement of back-room floor (replacement is optional if existing floor slab can be used and ramp installed). •Removal and replacement of ceiling. •Removal and replacement of plumbing and plumbing fixtures as necessary to meet ADA and current codes. •Reconfiguration of bathrooms to meet ADA accessibility standards. •Reconfiguration of kitchenette based on ADA standards. •Removal and replacement of mechanical units with new HVAC equipment to meet current energy code. New HVAC equipment will be provided with standalone controls and be placed above the new ceiling. •Reconfigure floor plan to remove mechanical closets and addition of back-room storage closet. •Reconfiguration of plumbing to coordinate with renovation of bathroom and kitchen based on ADA standards. •Filing with the Texas Historical Commission Office (if necessary) II.Project Scope Item 1.0 - Project Management Task 1.1 – Client Meetings Halff will conduct meetings as required by the project. The team meetings will include internal and external coordination of project processes, program items and schedules. 1. Meetings will include: a.Kickoff Meeting i.Halff will conduct one (1) kickoff meeting with the Client to confirm the project goals, objectives and project schedule. Following the kickoff meeting Halff will accompany the Client to the site to review the existing conditions. Photographs will be taken to record condition of existing improvements. Notes will be taken by Halff at this meeting and site visit to record items discussed and decisions made and will be delivered in digital format to the Client. b.Stakeholder Meetings i.Halff will conduct one (1) stakeholder meeting with City to gather intelligence and information on improvements to site. Notes will be taken by Halff at this meeting and decisions made will be delivered in digital format to the Client. c.Design Review Meetings i.Halff will conduct four (4) design review meeting with the City and design team to review project documents at each project submittal milestone. Notes will be taken by Halff at these meetings to record items discussed and decisions made and will be delivered in digital format to the Client. 3 107 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 Task 1.2 - Project Management Halff will manage project personnel, invoicing, coordination with the Client virtually and/or phone calls, printing of deliverables and overseeing the quality control process. 1.Design Team Meetings a.Halff will conduct up to sixteen (16) meetings (once a week) with design team and architect during the design phase. b.Halff will conduct up to four (4) meetings (once a month) with the design team, architect and City during the design phase. c.Halff will coordinate phone calls, conference calls and virtual meetings. d.Halff will conduct up to sixteen (16) meetings (bi-weekly) with the design team (as necessary), contractor and owner during the construction phase. Task 1.3 – Sub-Consultant Coordination Halff will manage sub-consultant team including, invoicing, coordination with the sub-consultants virtually and/or phone calls, deadlines, design files, printing of deliverables and overseeing the quality control process. Task 1.4 – Deliverables 1.Halff and design team will provide electronic documentation deliverables at Conceptual and Schematic Design (15%), Design Development (30%), 50% Construction Documents, and 100% Construction Documents submittals. Documentation will consist of (as available): a.Digital copy of plan set (24”x36”) (.pdf format) b.Digital copy of plan set (.dwg format) c.Digital copy of technical specifications Item 2.0 – Assessment of Existing Conditions Task 2.1 – Due Diligence: 1.Meet with stakeholders for project, including the City, Subconsultant, and other project consultants as required to discuss and define the project parameters and to address project specific issues for the existing building renovation. 2.Perform field observations and investigations and investigate the existing conditions to determine existing project constraints. a. Structural i.Documentation of geometry of existing roof and floor structural elements. ii.Assessment of existing walls. iii.Identification of existing structural elements. b.Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) i.Assessment of existing facility. ii.Mechanical observation of existing HVAC system, equipment, and accessories. iii.Electrical observation of the existing condition of the electrical panels. iv.Plumbing observation of existing plumbing fixtures and pipe routing. v.Identification of existing vents thru the roof. 4 108 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817) 847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 vi. Identification of existing cleanouts and potential sewer line routing. c. Architectural i. Documentation of building geometry. ii. Identification of code compliance issues. iii. Identification of building envelop properties (i.e. parapet composition, existing interior wall composition, ect.). 3. Obtain any available as-built plans to assist in structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and architectural design. Item 3.0 – Structural Design Services Task 3.1 – Structural Design 1. Coordinate with architect and MEP on reconfigured floor plan and new mechanical unit locations. 2. Develop demolition plan of structural elements for back-room floor framing and existing building roof structure. 3. Develop construction documents for roof structure. 4. Develop construction documents for back-room floor structure. 5. Structural details. 6. Structural Specifications Task 3.2 – Structural Construction Administration Services The construction administration services scope of work is developed with the understanding that the project construction period will be 6-months and that the project will require a maximum of 2 site visits. 1. Review structural submittals and shop drawings for general conformance review and commenting of construction documents. 2. Review of RFIs. 3. Conduct a punch list walkthrough with the Owner and General Contractor for substantial completion acceptance. A punch list will be provided. 4. Review construction change orders and requests for information and provide recommendations. Phase 4.0 – MEP Design Services Task 4.1 – Mechanical Design 1. Mechanical coordination for new units above the ceiling. 2. Develop cooling and heating loads. 3. Calculate minimum outside air requirements per ASHRAE 62.1. 4. Design of new supply and return air distribution systems. 5. Development of equipment schedule, exhaust fan, and building pressurization calculations. 6. Development of air device schedule. 7. Selection of new HVAC equipment. 8. Mechanical COMcheck. 9. Mechanical details. 10. Develop a sequence of operations for new HVAC equipment. 5 109 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 11.Mechanical Division 23 Specifications. Task 4.2 – Electrical Design 1.Electrical utility service coordination for required power service entrance. 2. Develop electrical load estimate. 3.Develop electrical power plan with existing conditions electrical equipment. Plan will identify demolition equipment, lighting fixtures and cabling/raceway to be demolished. 4.Develop new branch circuit and feeder circuit design for power and lighting. 5.Develop lighting plan with illumination fixture schedules. 6.Development of one line diagram, feeder schedule and panelboard schedules. 7.Electrical details. 8.Electrical Division 26 Specifications on Plans. 9.Electrical COMcheck. Task 4.3 – Plumbing Design 1.Develop water supply and drainage fixture unit calculations for new lines. 2.Design of hot and cold-water distribution systems. 3.Design of new sanitary sewer and vent system. 4.Specification of new water heater. 5.Develop rise diagram. 6.Development of equipment and fixture schedule. 7.Plumbing details. 8.Plumbing COMcheck. 9.Plumbing Division 22 Specifications. Task 4.4 – MEP Construction Administration Services The construction administration services scope of work is developed with the understanding that the project construction period will be 6-months and that the project will require a maximum of 2 MEP site visits. 1.Review mechanical, plumbing, and electrical submittals and shop drawings for general conformance review and commenting of construction documents. 2.Review of RFIs. 3. Conduct a punch list walkthrough with the Owner and General Contractor for substantial completion acceptance. A punch list will be provided. 4.Review construction change orders and requests for information and provide recommendations. Phase 5.0 – Asbestos Consulting Task 5.1 – Asbestos Consulting Services The service will include consulting and oversight services for the abatement/removal of asbestos containing materials (ACM) identified by Halff and others and will consist of the following: 6 110 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 1.Preparation of asbestos abatement plans and specifications. a.Asbestos abatement activities will be performed by others in accordance with the site- specific plans and specifications prepared by Halff for the project. ACM identified as a result of asbestos surveys conducted at the property by Halff and others will be incorporated into site-specific asbestos abatement plans and specifications prepared by a Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) licensed asbestos consultant. 2.Asbestos Abatement Oversite a.A licensed asbestos consultant will coordinate with a licensed asbestos project manager/air monitoring technician to provide oversight of the abatement activities. The licensed asbestos project manager will be on-site for the duration of the asbestos abatement activities to perform air monitoring, on-site inspections, and to evaluate the work area(s) for compliance with State and Federal asbestos regulations and the abatement design. The project manager will also perform a final inspection after the abatement has been completed and conduct clearance testing in accordance with the current Texas Asbestos Health Protection Rules. The air samples will be analyzed by Phase Contract Microscopy (PCM) in accordance with the National Institute of Occupational Safety (NIOSH) Method 7400. 3.Asbestos Closure Report a.Following the completion of asbestos abatement activities at the property, a final report will be prepared for the project which includes a description of abatement activities, disposal manifests, and results of on-stie air monitoring. 4.Asbestos consulting scope and fee is based on the following assumptions: a.The project schedule for abatement is based on ten (10) hours per day for up to five days; b.Work will be conducted Monday through Friday; c.Significant changes to the scope of work will not be required; d. The costs in Attachment D do not include the TDSHS notification fees, which will be invoiced directly to the property owner and are based on the reported quantity of ACM abated; and e.The abatement contractor will be hired directly by the property owner and fees associated with the abatement contractor are not included. 7 111 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817) 847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 ATTACHMENT B ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (SCOPE PREPARED BY ARCHITECTURE) Phase 6.0 – Architectural Design Services 8 112 Item 8. April 25, 2024_REV Ryan Nol�ng Director, Parks and Recrea�on City of Sanger, Texas 301 Bolivar St Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger-Sullivan Senior Center Scope of Services PROJECT SUMMARY: The City of Sanger is looking to repair and remodel the exis�ng Sullivan Senior Center (SSC) at 200 Bolivar St. The building was originally constructed in 1890 and was the first permanent structure in Sanger. Over the years the building has served as the Town Hall and Fire Sta�on, a store, a bar, and a cafe . The building was purchased in 1900 by John Sullivan and deeded in 1985 to the city as a senior center providing a place for Sanger’s older community to gather and socialize. The exis�ng structure is approximately 2,500 square feet gross. The interior includes two (2) large open areas; the rear por�on of the building (approx. 24’ x 32’) has a raised wood floor and the front open area (approx. 22’ x 54’) has two (2) restrooms and a kitchen with stove, fridge, sink, and counterspace. A structural assessment of the building by HALFF Associates found the following deficiencies. •The exis�ng roof wood structure is failing and will need to be replaced. •The rear raised wood floor structure will need to be replaced or just removed. •The exis�ng ceiling wood framing needs to be removed and replaced. •The ceilings and floors are outdated and in need of replacement. •The roofing will need to be removed and replaced. An Architectural walk through by BRW on 03.04.2024 found the following concerns. •The exis�ng restrooms appear to not meet current ADA accessibility standards. •The door push sides at the restrooms do not meet current ADA accessibility standards. •Exis�ng perimeter walls will need to meet current IECC (Interna�onal Energy Conserva�on Code) as required by Texas. •The ceilings need replacement. •The kitchenete area counter tops do not meet current ADA accessibility standards. In addi�on to the deficiencies above, The City of Sanger is reques�ng BRW to look at opportuni�es listed below to improve the facility’s func�on and appearance and bring it up to current code to beter serve the senior community of The City of Sanger. •Propose an op�on that removes the raised floor in the rear room and allows for an accessible ramp to bring users to the lower level. •Widen the opening between the rear room and the front room as much as possible. •Eliminate any unnecessary wall voids to recapture square footage. 9 113 Item 8. April 25, 2024_REV •Reconfigure kitchenete to be more func�onal for seniors using it. •Remove the u�lity closets and relocate mechanical equipment to the plenum to recapture usable square footage. •Renovate exis�ng restrooms to meet current accessibility requirements. •Add storage to rear area of facility. •A total of 8 site visits are included in the fee. o One (1) site visit for documenta�on of exis�ng condi�ons o Five (5) site visits During construc�on; One (1) visit per month and (1) punch walk visit. Based on an an�cipated four (4) month construc�on period. o One (1) site visit for final inspec�on. The city has requested that an exis�ng piece of art hanging on the west wall toward the back of the front room be carefully removed and a new loca�on be included in the design of the front room. PROJECT SCOPE: Conceptual Design Schema�c Design Construc�on Documents Bidding and Nego�a�on Construc�on Administra�on PROJECT SCHEDULE: •We an�cipate approximately sixteen (16) weeks to complete the project design phase described above. •Construc�on schedule to be determined by contractor selected. We an�cipate a minimum of four (4) month construc�on schedule. •Extended client review periods will have an impact on the schedule. BRW ARCHITECTS PROJECT TEAM •Brown Reynolds Watford Architects, Inc. Architect 3535 Travis Street, suite 250 Dallas, TX 75204 –Fred Clifford, AIA Principal 10 114 Item 8. April 25, 2024_REV • Brown Reynolds Watford Architects, Inc. Architect 3535 Travis Street, suite 250 Dallas, TX 75204 Ric Ruiz Project Manager COMPENSATION Based on the scope of services described above, Brown Reynolds Watford Architects proposes lump sum fees, plus reimbursable expenses as shown below Basic Services $153,400 • Architectural Services $128,500 Conceptual Design Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Bidding and Negotiation • Construction Administration $24,900 Reimbursable Expenses Allowance $6,000 • Architectural $6,000 Reimbursable Expenses TDLR TAS Filing Fee Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) Plan Review Total Contract Value $159,400 Reimbursable expenses include but are not limited to such expenses as additional on-site meetings, printed material, and requested site visits. Reimbursable expenses and hourly additional service by the Architect’s consultants shall be billed at the rate billed to Architect except that the following shall be marked up commensurate with Architect’s expenses, not to exceed 10% the amount invoiced to the Architect in each case: • Document reproduction and mounting drawings, local and overnight deliveries: 10% as a coordination and handling fee. Note that this proposal is based on electronic conveyance of bid documents and CMaR submittals and does not include an adequate sum in the allowance for the Architect to provide paper distribution. 11 115 Item 8. April 25, 2024_REV • Additional hourly scope or work by consultants or vendors to the Architect that require Architect’s additional hours in review, coordination, contract change processing, etc. to be expended by the Architect are reimbursable not to exceed 10% of the amount invoiced to the Architect and backed up with time expended at hourly rates. Compensa�on shall be invoiced monthly based on the percent complete for each phase but shall not exceed the percentages shown below. • Conceptual & Schema�c Design 15% • Design Development 15% • Construc�on Documents 50% 20% • Construc�on Documents 100% 20% • Bidding and Nego�a�on 05% • Construc�on Administra�on 20% • Final Deliverables 05% Total 100% We hope this proposal meets your expecta�ons. Please contact us with any ques�ons. We look forward to working together on this project. BROWN REYNOLDS WATFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. Fred Clifford, AIA PRINCIPAL 12 116 Item 8. April 25, 2024_REV Site Aerial: 13 117 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 ATTACHMENT C PROJECT EXCLUSIONS Project Exclusions 1.Geotechnical Services 2.LEED submission or documentation 3.Environmental services. 4.Platting services 5.ALTA or other improvement surveys 6.Quality control and material testing services during construction. 7.Existing materials testing for the use of existing structure analysis. 8.Additional plats, easement or dedication exhibits needed after design is complete. 9.Filing fees, permit fees and sales tax on surveys. 10.Environmental impact statements and assessments. 11.Construction inspection services 12.Review of Engineers certificates. The Design Professional shall not be required to execute any documents after the signing of this Agreement that in any way might, in the sole judgment of the Design Professional, increase the Design Professional's risk or the availability or cost of his or her professional or general liability insurance. 13.Contractor means and methods to complete the required work (Ex.: shoring design) 14.Additional site visits or attendance at meetings beyond those listed above. 15.Preparation or submittal of any design calculations 16.Significant design revisions following substantial completion of the Construction Documents 17.Modifications to documents after documents are issued for construction. 18.Design and/or modifications to systems not within the scope of the project. 19.Preparation of any special interim sets of Construction documents for phased construction other than previously stated. 20.Design for Wi-Fi Systems. 21.Design for Surveillance Systems in areas not listed. 22.Design for Access Control. 23.Design for Fire Alarm System. 24.Design for Fire Suppression System. 25.Printing of Drawings and Specifications for Bidding. 26.Coordination with insurance companies, attorneys, or banking institutions. 27.Provide any services related to permits. 14 118 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817) 847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 ATTACHMENT D BASIS OF COMPENSATION The estimated fees shall be considered Lump Sum. Halff services will be invoiced monthly, based on the percentage of work completed. Direct costs including printing and reproduction, postage, messenger service, long distance telephone calls, travel and expenses will be considered reimbursable. They will be billed at 1.1 times the direct cost incurred. The estimated fee for reimbursable expenses will not be exceeded without prior approval from the Owner. The budget established below does not include revisions incurred by the owner once the design development phase is underway. If revisions are requested by the Client or architect, a revision to the scope and budget will be required. Unless otherwise stated, fees quoted in this proposal exclude state and federal sales taxes on professional services. Current Texas law requires assessment of sales tax on certain kinds of surveying services but does not require sales taxes on other professional services. In the event that new or additional state or federal taxes are implemented on the professional services provided under this contract during the term of the work, such taxes will be added to the applicable billings and will be in addition to the quoted fees. Task 1.0 – Project Management $ 48,500 Task 2.0 – Assessment of Existing Condition $ 10,000 Task 3.0 – Structural Design Services $ 24,000 Task 4.0 – MEP Design Services $ 44,500 Task 5.0 – Asbestos Consulting Services (Hourly) $ 12,000 Task 6.0 – Architectural Design Services $ 153,400 TOTAL LUMP SUM SERVICES $ 280,400 TOTAL HOURLY SERVICES $ 12,000 DIRECT COST $ 12,500 PROJECT GRAND TOTAL $ 304,900 Project Submittal Package (Preliminary Timeline, 45 Weeks) 1. Conceptual Design Phase – 4 weeks (From Date of Notice to Proceed) 2. City Review Period – 1 week 3. Schematic Design Phase – 3 weeks 4. City Review Period – 1 week 5. Design Development Phase – 2 weeks 6. City Review Period – 1 week 7. Construction Documents (50%) Phase – 4 weeks 15 119 Item 8. 2601 Meacham Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (817)847-1422 Fax (817) 232-9784 8.City Review Period – 1 week 9.Construction Documents (100%) Phase – 3 weeks 10.City Review Period – 1 week 11.Bidding and Construction Phase – Estimated 24 weeks 16 120 Item 8. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: June 3, 2024 FROM: Jeriana Staton Hemb, Director of Human Resources AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Resolution 2024-05, Adopting the 2024 Salary Schedules, authorizing its execution, and providing an effective date. SUMMARY:  Presented to the Council at the May 20th meeting in a Work session presented by Sam Heinz with Public Sector Personnel Consultants.  Adopting a 50 step pay scale for Civilian positions.  Adopting an 8 step pay scale for Emergency Service. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: $866,532 Account: The salary account for each department. RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Sanger Pay Plan 50 Steps. Sanger Pay Step Plan Emergency Services. 121 Item 9. Resolution – 2024 Salary Schedules Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2024-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE 2024 SALARY SCHEDULES, AUTHORIZING ITS EXECUTION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger recognizes the importance of fair and equitable compensation for its employees to attract and retain top talent; and WHEREAS, the Human Resources Department, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, has diligently reviewed and analyzed the current pay structure and market trends to develop the 2024 Salary Schedules; and WHEREAS, the 2024 Salary Schedules aims to align employee compensation with industry standards, job responsibilities, performance evaluations, and budgetary considerations ; and WHEREAS, the 2024 Salary Schedules was presented, reviewed, and discussed by the City Council, at the May 20, 2024, meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after careful consideration of all relevant factors and feedback received, it has been determined that the adoption of the 2024 Salary Schedules is in the best interest of the City of Sanger and its employees; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The 2024 Salary Schedules, as presented by the Human Resources Department, is hereby adopted effective October 1, 2024. SECTION 2. The City of Sanger Administration is authorized to implement the 2024 Salary Schedules as attached as Exhibit A Salary Schedule and Exhibit B Fire and Police Step and Grade schedules. SECTION 3. Any prior plans or policies inconsistent with the provisions of the 2024 Salary Schedules are hereby superseded and repealed. 122 Item 9. Resolution – 2024 Salary Schedules Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4. That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3rd DAY OF June, 2024. APPROVED: _______________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary 123 Item 9. Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 FD 1 Firefighter/EMT Part Time FD 2 Firefighter/Paramedic Part Time $21.90 $22.55 $23.23 $23.93 $24.65 $25.39 $26.15 $26.93 FD 3 $2,452.54 $2,526.11 $2,601.90 $2,679.95 $2,760.35 $2,843.16 $2,928.46 $3,016.31 Firefighter/EMT $5,313.83 $5,473.25 $5,637.45 $5,806.57 $5,980.77 $6,160.19 $6,344.99 $6,535.34 Full Time $63,766.00 $65,678.98 $67,649.35 $69,678.83 $71,769.19 $73,922.27 $76,139.94 $78,424.14 $22.49 $23.16 $23.86 $24.57 $25.31 $26.07 $26.85 $27.66 FD 4 $2,518.76 $2,594.32 $2,672.15 $2,752.31 $2,834.88 $2,919.93 $3,007.53 $3,097.75 Firefighter/Paramedic $5,457.31 $5,621.03 $5,789.66 $5,963.35 $6,142.25 $6,326.51 $6,516.31 $6,711.80 Full Time $65,487.68 $67,452.31 $69,475.88 $71,560.16 $73,706.96 $75,918.17 $78,195.72 $80,541.59 $28.41 $29.26 $30.14 $31.04 $31.97 $32.93 $33.92 $34.94 FD 5 $3,181.69 $3,277.14 $3,375.46 $3,476.72 $3,581.02 $3,688.46 $3,799.11 $3,913.08 Fire Lieutenant $6,893.67 $7,100.48 $7,313.49 $7,532.90 $7,758.89 $7,991.65 $8,231.40 $8,478.34 Full Time $82,724.04 $85,205.76 $87,761.93 $90,394.79 $93,106.64 $95,899.83 $98,776.83 $101,740.13 $33.83 $34.84 $35.89 $36.96 $38.07 $39.21 $40.39 $41.60 FD 7 $3,788.43 $3,902.09 $4,019.15 $4,139.72 $4,263.92 $4,391.83 $4,523.59 $4,659.30 Fire Marshal $8,208.27 $8,454.52 $8,708.16 $8,969.40 $9,238.48 $9,515.64 $9,801.11 $10,095.14 Full Time $98,499.29 $101,454.27 $104,497.90 $107,632.83 $110,861.82 $114,187.67 $117,613.30 $121,141.70 FD 9 Assistant Fire Chief Full Time Month Annual Hourly Bi-weekly Month Hourly Bi-weekly Month Annual Hourly Assign to Range 31 on City Salary Schedule Annual Bi-weekly Month Annual Bi-weekly Month Annual Hourly Bi-weekly Month Annual Hourly Bi-weekly PSPC recommends PT paid at same hourly rate as FT PSPC recommends PT paid at same hourly rate as FT Month Annual Hourly Bi-weekly Exhibit B - Resolution 2024-05 FIRE PAY PLAN Effective October 1, 2024 124 Item 9. Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 $32.74 $33.73 $34.74 $35.78 $36.85 $37.96 $39.10 $40.27 PD 1 $2,619.58 $2,698.16 $2,779.11 $2,862.48 $2,948.36 $3,036.81 $3,127.91 $3,221.75 Patrol Officer $5,675.75 $5,846.02 $6,021.40 $6,202.05 $6,388.11 $6,579.75 $6,777.14 $6,980.46 Full Time $68,109.00 $70,152.27 $72,256.84 $74,424.54 $76,657.28 $78,957.00 $81,325.71 $83,765.48 $36.90 $38.01 $39.15 $40.33 $41.53 $42.78 $44.06 $45.39 PD 3 $2,952.26 $3,040.83 $3,132.06 $3,226.02 $3,322.80 $3,422.48 $3,525.16 $3,630.91 Detective $6,396.57 $6,588.47 $6,786.12 $6,989.71 $7,199.40 $7,415.38 $7,637.84 $7,866.97 Full Time $76,758.84 $79,061.61 $81,433.46 $83,876.46 $86,392.75 $88,984.54 $91,654.07 $94,403.69 $41.61 $42.86 $44.14 $45.47 $46.83 $48.24 $49.68 $51.17 PD 2 $3,328.68 $3,428.54 $3,531.39 $3,637.33 $3,746.46 $3,858.85 $3,974.61 $4,093.85 Sergeant $7,212.13 $7,428.50 $7,651.35 $7,880.89 $8,117.32 $8,360.84 $8,611.66 $8,870.01 Full Time $86,545.60 $89,141.96 $91,816.22 $94,570.71 $97,407.83 $100,330.07 $103,339.97 $106,440.17 $46.91 $48.32 $49.77 $51.26 $52.80 $54.39 $56.02 $57.70 PD 4 $3,753.08 $3,865.68 $3,981.65 $4,101.10 $4,224.13 $4,350.85 $4,481.38 $4,615.82 Lieutenant $8,131.68 $8,375.63 $8,626.90 $8,885.71 $9,152.28 $9,426.85 $9,709.65 $10,000.94 Full Time $97,580.16 $100,507.56 $103,522.79 $106,628.47 $109,827.33 $113,122.15 $116,515.81 $120,011.29 Month Annual Hourly Bi-weekly Month Annual Hourly Bi-weekly Month Annual Hourly Bi-weekly Hourly Bi-weekly Month Annual Exhibit B - Resolution 2024-05 POLICE PAY PLAN Effective October 1, 2024 125 Item 9. Range Min Mid Max 1 $31,200 $36,660 $42,120 2 $32,760 $38,493 $44,226 3 $34,398 $40,418 $46,437 4 $36,118 $42,439 $48,759 5 $37,924 $44,560 $51,197 6 $39,820 $46,788 $53,757 7 $41,811 $49,128 $56,445 8 $43,902 $51,584 $59,267 9 $46,097 $54,164 $62,230 10 $48,401 $56,872 $65,342 11 $50,822 $59,715 $68,609 12 $53,363 $62,701 $72,039 13 $56,031 $65,836 $75,641 14 $58,832 $69,128 $79,424 15 $61,774 $72,584 $83,395 16 $64,863 $76,214 $87,564 17 $68,106 $80,024 $91,943 18 $71,511 $84,025 $96,540 19 $75,087 $88,227 $101,367 20 $78,841 $92,638 $106,435 21 $82,783 $97,270 $111,757 22 $86,922 $102,133 $117,345 23 $91,268 $107,240 $123,212 24 $95,832 $112,602 $129,373 25 $100,623 $118,232 $135,841 Range Width 35% Exhibit A - Resolution 2024-05 City of Sanger, Texas Salary Schedule 126 Item 9. Range Min Mid Max 26 $105,654 $124,144 $142,633 27 $110,937 $130,351 $149,765 28 $116,484 $136,869 $157,253 29 $122,308 $143,712 $165,116 30 $128,423 $150,898 $173,372 31 $134,845 $158,442 $182,040 32 $141,587 $166,365 $191,142 33 $148,666 $174,683 $200,699 34 $156,099 $183,417 $210,734 35 $163,904 $192,588 $221,271 36 $172,100 $202,217 $232,335 37 $180,705 $212,328 $243,951 38 $189,740 $222,944 $256,149 39 $199,227 $234,092 $268,956 40 $209,188 $245,796 $282,404 41 $219,648 $258,086 $296,524 42 $230,630 $270,990 $311,351 43 $242,162 $284,540 $326,918 44 $254,270 $298,767 $343,264 45 $266,983 $313,705 $360,427 46 $280,332 $329,390 $378,449 47 $294,349 $345,860 $397,371 48 $309,066 $363,153 $417,240 49 $324,520 $381,311 $438,101 50 $340,746 $400,376 $460,007 Distance Between Midpoints 5% Exhibit A - Resolution 2024-05 City of Sanger, Texas Salary Schedule 127 Item 9. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: 6/03/24 FROM: Ronnie Grace, Director of Electric AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the purchase of a 2028 small bucket service truck from Altec Industries and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. SUMMARY:  Purchase is being made via authorize Sourcewell Contract #110421-ALT.  This is a budgeted Capital item.  Current price is $305,629.00.  Due to supply Chain issues lead time on this vehicle is still four (4) years.  Authorization for purchase holds our place in the production line for this vehicle.  City should be aware that immediately prior to production, usually twelve (12) months, vendor may adjust pricing based on market conditions and supply chain conditions. This has become a much more common practice on fleet vehicles since 2022. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: $305,629.00 Account: 58-6130 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Altec Quote 128 Item 10. 129 Item 10. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: June 3, 2024 FROM: Ronnie Grace, Director of Electric AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Resolution 2024-04, waiving the bidding requirements under exemption per Texas Local Government Code 252.022 (1) and declaring a Public Calamity and authorizing the refurbishment of twenty-five (25) electric transformers by Alamo Transformer Supply Company in the amount not to exceed $70,000.00. SUMMARY:  The Local Government Code allows some listed exceptions to the bidding requirements found under purchasing law. These are Public Calamity, Preservation or Protection, and Unforeseen Damage.  The Global COVID Pandemic was an event that has had the long-tail impact of limiting supplies vs demand in numerous industries including electric generation, transformation, and distribution.  New transformers were ordered in 2022 with a lead time of 66 weeks and did not ship in February and now are not expected to arrive until August 2024, subject to change.  Alamo Transformer guarantees work can be performed in 12 weeks or less.  These are 100KVA Padmount Transformers and the most commonly used transformers on our system for existing and new subdivisions and industrial applications.  Although the city prepared well in advance for maintenance and replacement issues with transformers for our system having re-allocated funding for additional transformers in 2022 and 2023 equipment shortages and delays in shipping have exhausted our supply.  Predictions for this summer are warning of a hotter drier summer than in the past, and ERCOT has already issued one summer weather-related system alert this year.  Be informed that if a subdivision loses a transformer during this time we move from a public calamity to a public health and safety issue, due to the time the power being out.  Alamo has conducted refurbishment and recertification of transformers for the City in the past.  Process is for transformers to be shipped to Alamo, inspected, and work quoted based on individual transformer needs for repair and re-certification. This is similar to taking a vehicle to a mechanic for service. Alamo is currently in possession of equipment awaiting authorization to complete work per their findings. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: $70,000.00 Account: 58-5365 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Statement of Compliance for Irregular Purchases Alamo Quote 130 Item 11. Resolution – Emergency Transformer Repair with Alamo Transformer Supply Company Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2024-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, TO APPROVE THE EMERGENCY REPAIR OF TWENTY-FIVE (25) PADMOUNT TRANSFORMERS; MAKING FINDINGS OF AN EMERGENCY EXEMPTING THE PURCHASE FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING UNDER CHAPTER 252 OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger placed an order for new Padmount Transformers in 2022 with a lead time of 66 weeks; and WHEREAS, The Global COVID Pandemic created an impact of limiting supplies vs demand in numerous industries including electric generation, transformation, and distribution; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City to preserve the public health, safety and welfare, to provide its residents and businesses with Electric service; and WHEREAS, Predictions for this summer are warning of a hotter drier summer than in the past, and ERCOT has already issued one summer weather-related system alert this year; and WHEREAS, It is necessary for the City to enter into an emergency repair agreement without the time delay of competitive bidding to preserve and protect the public health and safety; and WHEREAS, Alamo Transformer Supply Company has presented a quote for the repair of twenty-five (25) Padmount Transformers; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The facts and recitals set forth in the preamble of this resolution are hereby found to be true and correct. SECTION 2. That the City Council finds and determines that the above conditions exist and that it necessary for City staff to procure by quote for the emergency of the repair of the twenty- five (25) Padmount transformers and that said repairs are necessary to preserve and protect the public health and safety of the citizens of the City by provision of the electric system. 131 Item 11. Resolution – Emergency Transformer Repair with Alamo Transformer Supply Company Page 2 of 2 SECTION 3. That the City Council finds that the services to be performed by Alamo Transformer Supply Company, to repair the twenty-five (25) Padmount Transformers is not subject to the competitive bidding requirements of Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code as it is necessary to preserve and protect the public health and safety of the City’s residents. SECTION 4. That the City Manager and other responsible City staff are authorized and directed to execute a letter contract and any subsequent amendments or change orders with Alamo Transformer Supply Company. to refurbish twenty-five (25) Padmount Transformers by Alamo Transformer Supply Company in the amount not to exceed $70,000.00, and said expenditure is hereby approved. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so resolved. SECTION 6. That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3rd DAY OF JUNE 2024. APPROVED: ATTEST: ___________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor _____________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ATTEST: _____________________________ Hugh Coleman, City Attorney 132 Item 11. 133 Item 11. 134 Item 11. 135 Item 11.