10-28-02-Ordinance-Occasional Sales Regulations-10/07/2002ORDINANCE 10-28-02 THAT CHAPTER 4, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING AN ARTICLE, TO BE NUMBERED ARTICLE 4.900 OCCASIONAL SALES REGULATED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended by adding an article, to be numbered Article 4.900, which said article shall read as follows; 11 ARTICLE 4.900 OCCASIONAL SALES REGULATED 4.901 Definition: Occasional Sales is sales of tangible personal property at retail out of home, garage, carport, patio or yard. 4.902 Regulations; Occasional sales are not to exceed one (1) in number during any one (1) month period, by a person who does not hold himself out in engaging, or does not habitually engage into business of selling such property at retail; and providing that The tangible property shall be sold only on the premises of the owner or lessee of the property where the sale is conducted, and said owner or lessee must be the legal owner of such tangible property at the time of such sale; and No new merchandise (i.e., merchandise acquired solely for the purpose of resale) shall be sold at such occasional sale; and The duration of such sales shall not exceed three (3) consecutive calendar days. 4.903 Permit Required: A permit shall be obtained from the City Hall for such occasional sales, the permit shall be at no cost. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the 7th day of October, 2002, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED: ommy caia, Mayor AJ(EST* S t`gtt ftl iur rur (31 Ros lie Chavez, City Secret a J ' 1fifPZ 1 174P 1i511` ROs; SeedonAPoeeli Thmsday,1anuary12,2012 The Sanggppepprr�C,, ouri®er accepts: w.0 Witiifr SSS im NelpWantetl=ForSaie NeeQed` $10 perhour OILSKIN Need someone for Ilous,loopurs DUSTER, HORSE minar alterations. "Teams BOOKS, DVDS, meae,.v11940.458. Adwncemem oppv- SADDLE 7276, undlits FT/PLxluct Ombock Trading rave car .on phone. Oilskin Duster W'aspiddmileagt. Model 2055, XS ".Pets Apply as 401 S. Lo- (Womcn'sssu4-l0) oust. Suite 105-A, with leather collar, DemmGTX.Callian. e r worn. Sells Free to good home! (641) 715-39n6, eel4 wfor $119. $75 pemale red-heelerf 83110 rum. Austral tan harder ea111e D IItfo Stock Saddle. $750 (spayed). Very frirn- firm.Callfordetulls. dlv. trained. likes H O R S E aneniwm Call 817. T R A I N I N G. 239 8532. Sanger. FDr Salo W e s I I a I I Herz tmanship LOST DOG: All- DVD'z Basic block Lob mix with Alnturcyeles far Groundwork & whhe <hln, miWo- s"':'95 Dyma, law Basic Body Control for, areanf FA1455J miles. '08 Road S60 for both (used). RI 2164 in Sanger. King, 4500 miles. Horse Fallow Ansx'ers to "Leo." T,nz,BAH'sbo.Closely (Hook) by PI- Dell 940-368- Grap�wim: n Sa- Gowani Pan, Boy 0284. 'ces hlosoreycles in with DVD (new). Sanger. 817-269- Various other doing Clossifiad d for nBSo & trial& LnG. Floral. or Free breeding books. Pets ore FREE in lIt Form Fresh Brown Some new prictd Sung.. Courier. Eggs far sale.5250 betweenE3 & $25. F.muii your ad tor: per dx on. C-11458- 941-545 -4706 songercu urierC 3947. Sunger. bctween5300pm. eanhlW:.nes ar cull us.194P45S.7429. 11 NORTHSTAR BANK OF TEXAS Loan Doe Souringr Denton; previous loan imaging exp preferred. Underwriter/Credit Analyst Denton; 2-4 yrs bath: credit exp required. Executive Risk Admin. Assistant Denton; various duties in tisk management fi credit departments. All positions require previous experience. EDE. For details go to www.nstarl)ank.com "Carters". Resume to Jobs@nstarbank.com. 1c1?'2012Bear CmnpanivGBbrkfarinT,.rm' IegalNotices ; ' ORDINANCE #01-01-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DEN rON COUNTY. TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 6.1(MI WEEDS. GRASS, RUBBISH. BRUSH AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE N1ATTER: PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVL-RABILITY CLAUSE: PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY: AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE, DATE . ORDINANCE 90I-02.11 AN ORDWANCF.OFTHE CRY OF SANGER. DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. BY AhIP.NDING .-k'T(CLF. 4.9(IU OCCASIONAL SALES REGULATED:PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT: PROVIDING A SEVERABLUTY CLAUSE: PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY•: AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE forBent� ForRem FoFAent NO DEPOSIT For RentfRcnt To Store your boot at REQUIRED Own: 107 Jaekilu. Buy Roberts) Se - Brood New Luxury Sanger? hemvom 1 cure, lack -up all, Condos far Lease! bell,, lorgebuckymrd tM-site mmDea Call 2 Bedmo" 15 S675 per month plus Lynda• as 94U458- Bmh/2story units. deposit. Call 940. 0233. S795.00 monthly. 453-5061. III I8 Marion Rd. For Lease: Store- Ca11940.390-6275 211 S. 7th Street, front available in Owner/Aecnt Son ger. 3 bed. I downtown Sanger. hark, brick home. Also, o,Fee suiiei Office Warehouse Irmo 1,.FI., $R5a mailable in hiz[odc for lease. I4fusf. pernm.2S500depnvil dmvntown SanganG Garbage, water in- Call \Inn -Sal loam Rct building. Call dmlcL$595 a nwmh to 3pm 940-458- 94045&3725. and $595 deposit. 5503 available 111/ 940-390-9574. -012. SPECIAL; ONE N15/tin MONTH FREE! RV and Bout Stor• 2 bedroom, I both age Enclosed Units. For Beat: $16 Oak ap=m for rent. Covered -Units and St., Sanger. 3 WIDhovkupandop• OuldaorUnitcCom- bedroom. 2 halh. plianms. Brinon SL petitive rmes lawn newer brick home. Apartments. Con - TX' 940-390-9574, 1200 Sq. Ft.$995 per red in'_ON. Un• mmh,5500depo,h. du new ownership. Real Estate Ca11940-390ti275. Facility For Rem. C41940-727-9379. :teed a place for a ONSSBIDIS Party, wedding roc• ONLY $6 FOR 25 Greet PROJECT cp[ion or reunian7 V10RDS OR IE65. House:2zsory bricL 1-'srgc building v'ith OR, FOR JUST lull a_ lot is town bswunrulviewuftake PERVEEK,YOUR 4-2-1+ dining. living, Ray Roberts. Very ADWILLALSORUN den: family mom UP- rcaseoablc mits. Call NTHE WEEKLY na'us:lwechxkya,d 94044s8.2862ur94U- MUM START Ca 9404584767ifin- terested. $41S.n0n 3E8-4382. NII,b 458_7429 or smog OBO. se. 7e,couder g.rdilnkrsl FENCE PIPE AND SUPPLIES 23/8-2 7/8-3 112-4 1/2-51/2 Domed Caps & Springs Square & Rectangle Tubing All Types of Steel Aalh® C•Purlin a rn:eer Round Bale Rings Cattle Guards Feed Troughs Creepe Feeders Trailer Parts & Supplies 940.759.2203 SINCE 1942 MUENSTER, TX Go Pa MesslY knthTHERA GESIC.:< SA' E'YOU ICI N Elm Suscribe to the:Sang�r- Goa ier, f�;an�recei�veypur. ,f , l�cal:n�wgpap�r in itte,SrLalt _' everyTHursdcy J , PthitS l you'I��pve20°�cr�reur��the �( ne St priest ' y�^ Cogds'at458-74YSlost arDyour s1}Eks"erlgtiDA ndwa cap hill youlgte�r 1!1l out the formheloW9nd mall t ItwI yourcheck for t23 t5 b Sanger Ctitl�e PO Box 160 Sanger T. 76260 A�drgss I zip Seru�ses' Setuces Seruiees ';. Mew BeMteluSnger _ CleWogSeI91u Arc you plunMng m thdirh sell. trade or buy a Cleaning Senior. vehicle'? Let me Ica House Cleaning. you liax I can help. Rm 11, bue, Orel Windoxi. Emall me at Nome Repair Refaenm is dv:loammres-0mays oreUlAl of 940.391- Ins011uson of Sanger Blanca Hernandez ^'8'-Iorlafocswtion Auto Fans. 940-442-9511 Now charge or obli- General 94U•442.8380 83R0 exrlon ` Alainiennna• mscriorandEtcrior „us�ca.,,a-tn.,m, Picknr,Na,Ic Paicdog, file. Aunt Polws Company Earring and Fences. CleanlnOSarviea Guitars, amps & Free Fs,imvu. Free esibuusa. illary 1106 \. Call: Hawse and airce Stem,00nz Fx s.. 940.442.8380 Refemrms SangcrTl94045S- ..liable. 2002,940-368-6412. PoII Be rate Plumbing Sanger idcns. 1l-Sat IM. Sun 1-5 03SRINICIA120028 Ask for Paula HI& Lice -let and 912.953.7778 %I;Ailallttsemea I-GrL kBfWmeuk Btmc'S 2s y,s experience baldhillaedea Palming, Sheek =Gable rates. rf.e 14 years Family P chine.DtekSmin- eninan s. Oxmed&Operated e, kloorcav logs- 940.231-2598 •Clean Hama& etc' Free animal. ougerplumbmgemn Small ofliea (817)939-9511 or 1•.,_d •Becky Lund It, ran ee111940)597-7161 maids ONLINE CO M SANGER EST IN IATr9 Eouinaeoardi,g COURIER Teemhmidln Amcrim.eom end care CLASSIFIEDS • Banded • Inured Custom Pockogts )USTS6 PER WEEKI • GI -red sw.w).$eD,rli3d,ran 458-7429 (641)7li•3900, Y4U.594..'.380 songerecurler ext.8'to @enrthlink.net yudith deaning Seri. �-� dew Aouvs efF<m earavu<Wn hewer cpmmerus I,lan<ahaN,andee - on far rro eaon,zr 'ate rer�r„a, avaSNv 910M2.9511 9L0.M3bJe0 yvirzhdeW ngseMceQyiloa.tan h�J1IG1(llldl��lit J((IIf�PIIlGlll16111 11118 MARION ROAD, SANGER 2 BEDROOM 1.5 BATH Ulim LANDSCAPES KRUM TEXAS 940 * 400 * 667 LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS OsaRsno,N HORTrGOLTORC & A.. MANAa[nn[NT FULLYiN9lIREI AN01_111 a91 nY TDA FOR GIIFMN:AL A11LrDAT0­6301, AND TCEQ FOR IRRI0Ar,0.v LIN8404 FOUR ALARM 1AWNEARE an,Ld�cneraced Do. aoresscom RM1Loo trr Mow in SMI%R Y/MMT ANO EOEE 'SURROUinns SLOW AR AS CALL TRACY V. TUTT 940'E30•D874 no you lake VIAGRA or CIALIS? agt 40 100mg/20mg 'pill. for only'99,00 BUY THE BLUE PILL NOVA vssA 11•888-395-84SO f21f1 N(nY,N7a 0f:rI ntwirs HITS 1901T • ■