02-11-03-Ordinance-Imposing a Temporary Moratorium on Development-02/24/2003CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 02-11-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IMPOSING A TEMPORARY MORATORIUM ON DEVELOPMENT OF MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; MAKING WRITTEN FINDINGS; PROVIDING A TERM; PROVIDING WAIVER PROCEDURES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger provides essential public facilities, such as water, sewer, or storm drainage facilities or street improvements; and WHEREAS, there is a current need to prevent a shortage of essential public facilities which will be caused by development of additional multi -family residential projects in the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has given notice and provided a public hearing as required by Chapter 212 of the TEx. Loc. Gov'T CODE; and WHEREAS, the City Council has made a final determination for the imposition of a temporary moratorium; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. All of the above premises are hereby found to be true and correct legislative and factual findings of the City of Sanger and they are hereby approved and incorporated into the body of this ordinance, as if fully copied in their entirety. SECTION 2. That the City Council of the City of Sanger hereby makes the following written findings, based on reasonably available information, to wit: a. Based on a potential 500 residential buildings permits per year, the City's population is projected to exceed 5,100 in 2003, while the population within current City limits is projected to exceed 10,500 by the year 2009; b. In the wastewater treatment system, the average daily flow in March, 2002, was 0.72 million gallons per day; total wastewater treatment capacity is 0.78 million gallons per day; C. Under normal weather conditions, the City's average daily flow is projected to exceed 0.78 million gallons per day by 2004; d. Expansion of the City's wastewater treatment plant capacity to 0.98 million gallons per day is not scheduled to be completed until late 2003; e. Under normal weather conditions, the City's average daily flow is projected to exceed 0.98 million gallons per day by 2005; f. The lack of current capacity in the wastewater treatment system demonstrates that the capacity of existing essential public facilities is insufficient for new multi -family residential development, which would cause that capacity to be exceeded prior to completion of the expanded capacity of the system; g. Essential public facilities, such as the sanitary sewer system, are currently operating near, at, or beyond capacity; h. Development which is made subject to this temporary moratorium would cause the usage to exceed current capacity; i. Impact fee revenue will be allocated to address expansion of essential public facilities as authorized by law; and j. The temporary moratorium is reasonably limited to areas of the City where shortage of essential public facilities will otherwise occur and property that has not been approved for development because of the insufficiency of existing essential public facilities. SECTION 3. That based on the foregoing, and the public hearing as conducted in accordance with Chapter 212 of the TEx. Loc. Gov'T CODE, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, hereby makes this final determination on the imposition of a temporary moratorium and directs that no officer or employee of the City accept any permit application, authorization, or approval necessary for the subdivision of , site plain -ling of, or construction on real property for multi -family residential uses during the term hereof. SECTION 4. The term of the temporary moratorium shall be 120 days after the date hereof, provided that such temporary moratorium may be extended as provided by § 212.136 of the TEX. Loc. Gov'T. CODE. SECTION 5. The temporary moratorium shall not affect or in any way suspend or prohibit the acceptance and filing of applications for record plats, specific use permits or variances, nor shall it affect or in any way suspend or prohibit the acceptance and filing of non- residential zoning amendments and non-residential development plans. SECTION 6. The temporary moratorium adopted by this ordinance may be waived upon a permit applicant applying for a waiver relating to the property subject to the permit, if the applicant claims a right obtained under a development agreement, claims a vested right under Chapter 245 of the TEX. Loc. Gov'T. CODE or common law, or provides the public facilities that are the subject of the temporary moratorium at the landowner's cost. The applicant for a waiver must submit the reasons for the request to the City Council in writing and the City Council must consider and vote on whether to grant the wavier request within ten days after receiving the written request. SECTION 7. The temporary moratorium adopted by this ordinance does not affect the rights acquired under Chapter 245 of the TEX. Loc. Gov'T. CODE or under common law. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take immediately from and after its passage, as the law and charter in such cases provide. 1 DULY PASSED By the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the day of February, 2003. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: Ulr f CITY SECRETARY AB A PROVED AS TO FO qq 0 f v n CITY ATTORNEY (54300) - ,r p