07/14/1986-CC-Minutes-Special272 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS Special Called July 14, 1986 Meeting Mayor Armstrong, Freddy Inman, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Harvey W. Thomas and Carolyn Adkins PRESENT: Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Travis and Mildred Roberts, Richard Muir, Richard Brown, Jim Jenkins, Ron Davis, Chris Beck, Jerry Don Linn, and Katy 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invoca- tion, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong declared the second public hearing open on the Planning Grant Application. Mayor Armstrong reminded council that at the first public hearing council had discussed, for Sangers's size population, that the city would go for a.housing study, water study, drainage study, capital -improvements, elec- tric study, central business district: and community development study. Mayor Armstrong called for an questions or comments regarding the grant application. No comments or questions were presented. The Mayor declared the public hearing closed. 3. Council considered the resolution authorizing a planning grant application to the Texas Department of Community Affairs. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to adopt the resolution author- g the planning grant application to the Texas Department of Community Affairs. Danny Spindle gave the second, Voted unan. 4. Travis Roberts stated.that the city had previously received bids on the east outfall sewer line project on March 24, 1986. The OF low bid was for $190,765.00 and submitted by Atkins Brothers Construction Company, Roberts stated at that time Hunter Assoc- iates recommended the low bid subject: to the city acquiring the easements for the Line. Mayor Armstrong stated that the city had obtained all easements except for one which was on the Falls property but that he had signed a construction permit which would allow the city to start work on the project. It was noted that the bids were only good for. 60-days; however, the city had a .letter of extension from the bidder.. The con- struction firm was discussed. It was noted that R. L. Roberts Construction would be doing the work., -that -he was a subcontractor for Atkins Bros. The Atkins Bros. was responsible for all work, performance bonds, etc. Discussion. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to award the bid on the sewer line project for the east outfall to Atkins Bros. Construction Company for $190,765.00. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Council .discussed the general liability insurance proposalfrom-_-< the Texas Municipal League. Richard Muir advised council that he and the City Manager had made application for coverage through Glenn Hancock of Hancock Insurance Company, an additional source for coverage out of Arlington, Texas. Muir stated that the application would not be binding, but would be an alternate source for comparison to T.M.L.'s premiums and coverages. After a lengthy discussion the motion was made by Freddy Inman to accept T.M.L.'s proposal for General Liability and the city give Richard Muir the authority to pursue a bid and see what he can come up with. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 273 6. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to adjourn the.special called meeting. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Workshop Session 1. Council reconvened t.o discuss the street improvements project in. a scheduled workshop session. Proceedings .of the workshop are available on tape. ty Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council Meeting July 21, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nei Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Richard Brown, B. McMurray, Jerry Don Linn, Stanley Day.;; Benny.Erwin, Ed Miller, C. G. McNeill, Katy Ray, Mark Howard, Bob Roberts, Herbert Arledge, Bill Park, and Donna Searle. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order,- gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the June 26th, July 7th, and July 8th meetings were approved as printed. 3. Mayor Armstrong corrected Item. No. 4 on the disbursements stating the item was not for party supplies but. was for the centennial float. It-em No. 10 was clarified for Freddy Inman. He asked if the 3,250 figure was number of calls.. It was noted that this was a per capita figure based on the city`s population. Other items were clarified. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to approve the .disbursements in the amount of $138,967.50. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Citizen Input: (a) Council considered the request fz•om Mrs. Donna Searle. Mayor Armstrong .stated that the .city had received a letter from Mrs. Searle who lives at ZOl N. 1st Street concerning the problems she has had with her sewer. The mayor stated that Mrs. Searle was requesting payment of a bill on her full blood border collie dog that had stayed in her back yard and died July 6, 1986 as a result of the filth that the animal had to live in due to the sewage overflow. Mayor Armstrong asked Mrs. Searle if she had -gotten any kind of statement from the doctor stating the filth had added to the death of. the dog. Mrs. Searle stated she had not but that she could get the letter.