07/21/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular273 6. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to adjourn the.special called meeting. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Workshop Session 1. Council reconvened t.o discuss the street improvements project in. a scheduled workshop session. Proceedings of the workshop are available on tape. City ecretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council Meeting July 21, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Net Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Richard Brown, B. McMurray, Jerry Don Linn, Stanley Day,;; Benny .Erwin, Ed Miller, C. G. McNeill, Katy Ray, Mark Howard, Bob Roberts, Herbert Arledge, Bill Park, and Donna Searle. I 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the June .26th, July 7th, and .July 8th meetings were approved as printed. 3. Mayor Armstrong corrected Item. No. 4 on the disbursements stating the item was not for party supplies but. was for the centennial float. Item No. 10 was clarified for Freddy Inman. He asked if the 3,250 figure was number of calls.. It was noted that this was a per capita figure based on the city's population. Other items were clarified. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to approve the disbursements in the mount of $138,967.50. Carolyn Adkins- gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Citizen Input: (a) Council considered the request from Mrs. Donna Searle. Mayor Armstrong stated that the .city had received -- a letter from Mrs. Searle who lives at ZOl N. 1st Street concerning the problems she has had with her sewer. The mayor stated that Mrs. Searle was requesting payment of a bill on her full blood border collie dog that had stayed in her back yard and died July 6, 1986 as a result of the filth that the animal had to live in due to the sewage overflow. Mayor Armstrong asked Mrs. Searle if she had _gotten any kind of statement from the doctor stating the filth had added to the death of. the dog. 1`Zrs. Searle stated she had not but that she could get the letter. 274 Mayor Armstrong stated the other thing she was concerned about was the heartworm treatment. She stated there was a bill for $90.00 for heartworm treatment and that all dogs needed to be treated for heartworms. Mrs. Searle stated the dog had been bitten all over by mosquitoes and that mosquitoes was what caused heartworms. Plus the dog had an encephalitis infection that that's what killed him. The mayor stated she was just concerned. since she did ,now that most dogs have to have heartworm treatment. Discussion. Carolyn Adkins stated that her doctor had prescribed heartworm-tablets so that her dog would not have heartworms. She stated she 9.ave.her dog heamorm tablets everyday and that it was.said that all dogs in this area should be given the .pill daily. Mrs. Searle stated she had some pills she .gave her dog 30 days after he got heartworms. Adkins stated this was prior. All dogs, because of the mosquito problem in this area, should be given the tablet everyday or they would,be susceptible to the heart - worms. Without it and they were mosquito bitten, they would probably get heartworms. Mrs. Searle stated she did not. have any prior to. Jerry Jenkins asked how long the do.g had been in the back yard. Mrs. Searle stated about four (4) years, almost ever since she has lived there and stated that's been five (5) years. She has had the problem for five (5) years. Mr. Ed Miller of 700 N. 2nd Street spoke on Mrs. Searle's behalf. Mr. Miller stated that the sewer problem all erupts in his yard. There is a sewer clean out, about a 6" pipe, that comes up in the back yard and because of the drainage. all going in that direction all the water goes into Mrs. Searle's yard and floods everytime the city gets a Z inch rain or more. He stated he was retired and at home everyday and on more than one occasion after a big rain, the sewage would come out and run in Mrs. Searles yard and that he had seen the dog drink the raw sewer water. The danger was there, the dog didn't know better_ He stated that the city had tried to clean up the yards a couple of. times, but that he had lived there over a year and that the problem had happened about 15 times in the back part of his yard and all of Mrs. Searles yard. He stated it was a bad situation and .that he hoped that after talking to Mr. Shutt that the city had let the contracts for the work to be done. Mayor Armstrong stated the city had let the contracts and that work should be started shortly. Mr. Miller stated the problem was .so bad that they could not go out and use their patio at night. The mosquitoes breed out there and the odor is too bad. Discussion. Spraying was discussed. Area sprayed six (6) times. Mayor Armstrong asked council if they would like to table the matter until a report from the doctor was received. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins that the request for 275 Plotion was made by Freddy Inman that the city take care of the bathroom repairs once the city's sewer problem is fixed and that an inspection be done by the city -building inspector to insure that the re- pairs are done with comparable materials that were used when the house was built. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. The city manager was instructed to draw up the letter of agreement for Mrs. Searle. (b) Council considered the request for payment of .vehicle repairs due to city street conditions from Mark Howard. Mayor Armstrong called_on Howard to address the council explaining his.request. Howard stated he would just like to get his pickup fixed. Mayor Armstrong requested to know how the pickup was damaged. Howard stated he had hit a hole on Wayne Drive (202 Wayne drive) in front of his parents house. That it had nearly knocked both tie rods out.. Stated it was a Ford and that it had twin eye beam suspension in front and messed it all up. Freddy Inman asked Howard if he had gotten a police report drawn up or if anyone was with him at the time this happened. Howard stated not, but that Jerry Don Linn did come up and fix the hole. Jerry Jenkins asked if there were any wrecker fees involved. Howard answered no. Thomas - Did you drive the truck on home? Howard - Yes. Adkins- How fast were you going? Howard stated you didn't have to go very fast. Adkins - The reason I'm asking this is because when we were working on our float I went down that street in front of your mother and daddy's and I- drove about five (5) miles any. hour because after the first trip I knew there were pot holes, and knowing that your .parents live there I wonder if you didn't realize you should have been cautious also. Mayor Armstrong stated that at this point and time that everyone is -aware of -the conditions of the streets all -over town. There are chug holes all over town and we have to dodge them. Jerry Linn stated he wasn't taking either side but the city went down there and patched. that hole immediately after he came down and said that and -it was very deep. Even at five (5) miles an hour there was a chance of tearing something up. Linn saidthe hole looked like it had been dug out with something. It was real deep and straight all the way around. Discussion. Inman asked Howard when had he hit the hole. Howard stated about. a week and a half ago. Stated. he contacted Jerry Don after it happened. Jenkins - Has the. work. been performed on the truck? Howard - Mn Jenkins:- Are you driving the vehicle now? Howard - Yes, I just had new tires put on it and the tire on the right front is nearly gone. Stated he had to work out of the truck. Mayon• - How long have you owned the truck? Howard - 12 years. It was noted the truck was an 81 Ford. Estimates were discussed.. Council reviewed two estimates one for. $328.08 (Sam's Auto -Sanger) and one for $356.24 (Skeeter's Tire and Oil). Discussion. Wear and tear on the truck was discussed 276 Jenkins felt there should have been some other kind of report made. No report made to the city, no witnesses. Stated he didn't feel the entire estimated cost should be borne by the city. Jenkins made a motion that the city be responsible for the labor portion to replace those items. No second. Died for lack of a second. Discussion. Motion was made by Jenkins that the request for repairs be denied because of lack of proof that it occurred at that location. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Council reconsidered the .agreement with Masson A. Wright, C.P.A. to do the city's municipal and revenue sharing audits for 85-86. Mayor Armstrong read aloud Wright's letter listing his auditing services. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong noted that the City Secretary had stated she would like to see Tony continue doing the audit at least this year. Motion was made by Thomas. that the City's audit be done by Maston A. Wright. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 6. .Council considered a resolution. in support of Culp Branch Park on Lake Ray Roberts. In a letter of request for help (by resolutions and letters to political officials) John Coker, Chairman of Lake Ray Roberts Committee urged the city council to help get Culp Branch Park constructed on the west side of the lake. In the letter Coker stated that the committee felt that I-35 would be a major access to the lake with the use of Sanger's 455. Without the park on the west side of the lake, he stated that Sanger could expect to have the traffic problems without the revenue. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the following: WHEREAS, the completion of the new Lake Ray .Roberts will generate considerable traffic to and from said Lake along the I-35 - FM. 455 road corridor; and WHEREAS, said traffic will impact the city of Sanger being only 2.5 miles at present from the western shore of said lake; and WHEREAS, at present no recreational facilities are now planned on the western side of said lake. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, that the .City of Sanger is concerned that the failure to develop any type of recreational facilities on the Sanger side will cause the city to experience only the traffic problems and not benefit from the economic advantages of the recreational facility and further the lack of recreational facilities on the western side only serves to remove the potentially heavy growth area on the I-35 corridor farther from said facilities which is not in keeping with good community planning. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to adopt the resolution in support of Culp Branch park on Lake Ray Roberts.. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to accept the appointments of Charles K.esseler and Russell Madden to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Jerry Jenkins -gave the second. Voted unan. Mayor Armstrong advised council that Madden was now serving on the Park Board but would resign to serve on the Planning and Zoning. Jerry Jenkins suggested Clyde Escobedo be considered for the Park Board to replace Madden. 277 8. City Manager's Report: (a) The city manager explained to council that the Sportsmen's Clubs of Texas, Sierra Club and Environ- mental Defense Fund, Inc. had filed a lawsuit against the E.P.A. alleging that the 1984 Texas.Water Quality Standards promulgated by the Texas Water Commission and approved by the E.P.A.. were not stringent enough to satisfy the requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act. The plaintiffs are seeking a declaratory judgment that the 1984 Water Quality Standards are invalid, and injunctive relief compelling the E.P.A. to promulgate more stringent water quality standards for Texas. If the plaintiffs are successful, it is anticipated that substantial and costly improvements may be required to be made to municipal wastewater systems throughout the State. T.M.L. has authorized .intervention in the lawsuit and are requesting that member cities participate in funding on a per capita basis. This will be a voluntary assess- ment of $.035 and the city's share will be $114.14. Shutt recommended the city participate. Discussion. Motion was made by Spindle to Support T. M. L. in regards to the lawsuit being brought against E.P.A. at a total cost to the city for $114.14. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. (b) The city manager asked council what the possibility was of him interviewing engineering firms to be used on retainer basis. That he had 8 or 10 on file. Could select the best and use on a formal basis in the future. Council agreed to allow the city manager to check with other.engineering firms. 9. Other Such Matters: (a) Mayor Armstrong reminded council that she and the city secretary had been instructed to get together and come up with a map defining the area to be exempted under the Impact Fee Ordinance. Council received a copy of the map which the mayor requested they review, making any changes they felt needed. After consideration she stated that a formal amendment will be presented to council for action. Ordinance interpretation was. made regarding lot splits and assessment of impact fees. It was stated that the ordinance would be clarified along with the defined area. (b) Mayor Armstrong stated she. had done some additional work with regards to the Health Department's request.. She stated she had talked with Dr. Creighton who is Director of the Health Department and he does not understand their budget increase either, but she did ask him when they ask the citizens where they lived and they said Sanger, do they ask if they live in the city or on the Sanger route. He said they did not distinguish that, they ask, "What's your address," and they say "Sanger. She stated the citizens could be outside the city which the county should pay for not the city. The mayor stated she had also met with the man at Commissioners Court who had drawn up the budget. He stated there was a great number of changes that were going to be enacted because all of the cities had strong feelings about the budget. 278 The mayor went on to say that she did advise the county that Sanger was seriously considering doing their own inspections. Stated she had also talked.with the school officials regarding the possibility of using the science teacher to help the city in this capacity. She will be talking with him in the near future. Discussion. Council requested that Ruth Tansey attend the next council meeting and discuss the Health Department Budget increases with council. (c) Mayor Armstrong stated that she had talked with Jerry Don regarding Keaton Road. Two poles to be sawed off once the problems are corrected. Council discussed ways to correct problems with Linn. Linn recommended widening a portion of Keaton Road at.the curve using concrete for the road bed and lining the ditch with 30". culverts. Cost factors were discussed. Linn to get back to council with figures. It was noted that the county would be willing to help with the project. (d) Freddy Inman requested that more weed letters be sent out. Real danger due to dry weather.. Jerry Jenkins asked about the weeds behind Ward Addition along the Railroad tracks. Brown stated that he had sent a letter but had no response.. Jenkins requested Brown to get with him that he could give him the name of the Sante Fe Official to talk to. 10. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting into executive session to discuss personnel. 11. Mayor Armstrong. reconvened the meeting into open session. There was no action resulting from executive session. 12. With no other business to come before council, Freddy Inman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Spindle gave the second. vVoted unan. City Secretary MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Special Called Meeting July 28, 1986 Mayor Armstrong, Danny Spindle, Harvey Thomas, and Carolyn Adins Jerry Jenkins and Freddy Inman OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Katy Ray, Dan Almon, and -Benny Erwin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong called on Dan Almon with Schneider, Bernet, and Hickman to go over the bond proposal with council. Almon presented a proposal to the city council for the purchase of Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $700,000. It was noted that the proceeds would be used for a street improvements project.