09/02/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular288. underneath an asphaltic road crossing at the creek. The city called for it to be lowered somewhat and concreted and treat it as a partial low crossing. Then up near the road the city requested that the curbs be run back from the service road 100 feet to make a driveway access into the service station Roberts is remodeling. Shutt stated the question was what kind of curbing did council want? He stated he was recommending standardized curbing. Could be rollback curbing, definitely driveway at least 50 feet from the intersection. Brown stated the city had also asked for a 10 foot radius on the drive approaches. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong expressed concern about the low water crossing and some type of warning device. Council request- ed that the plan be resubmitted with the recommended changes. (c) Steve advised council that Jersey Don Linn would be going into the hospital for surgery. 15. Other Such Matters: (a) Council scheduled the fir st meeting in September to September 2nd due to Labor Day Holiday. (b) Council accepted Richard Brown's resignation. 16. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to adjourn. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 17. Council convened to workshop session. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council (taped) September 2, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, F'.ichard Brown, Joe Falls, Tim Fisher, Bob Roberts, B. Mc:r4urray, Prentice Preston, Jerry Don Linn, Stanley Day, W. K. Pate, Mike & Scott Wiegand 1. Mayor Armstrong. called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to approve disbursements totaling $33,981.20. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Citizen Input - None 5. Council considered a water and sewer line extension request for W. K. Pate. It was explained that the city ordinance states that utility extensions must be extended across the complete frontage of the area. Pate asked for a variance that would allow the line to stop on the south side of his new building on 8th Street. It was noted that both sewer 289. and water lines were along FM 455 and could be extended at some future date to serve the 'remainder of the Pate land. Discussion. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to grant a variance allowing the utilities to remain as they are. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 6. After a lengthy discussion regarding -the extension of Brook Glen Drive, motion was made by Danny Spindle that Roberts be required to do lay down curbs from point of beginning 50' back to the intersection with standup curb the first 50 foot. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Roberts requested he be allowed to put a sleeve under the street for future water line (carrier pipe). Stated an easement would be dedicated in future. Council agreed. 7. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on the proposed annexation for Porter, Souther, Jenkins, Patton, and the City of Sanger. No comments made for or against. The mayor declared the hearing closed. 8. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hE�aring open on the proposed annexation for William B. Bell. No comments made for or against the request. The mayor closed the public hearing. 9. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to adopt Ordinance No. 86-17 amending the Impact Fee Ordinance to add a defined area under the exempt section of the ordinance. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Ordinance No. 86-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING SECTIO?�T 17, SUB -SECTION D, (EXEMPTIONS) PARAGRAPH (1), SO AS TO AMEND THE PROVISIONS REGULATING COMMUNITY IMPACT FEES FOR WATER, WASTE WATER, AND ELECTRIC SERVICES. 10. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to adopt Ordinance No. 86-18 setting the date, time, and place for the required hearing on the proposed annexation for H. Edward Down, M. D. Dates were set for Oct. 6th and Oct. 20th.at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Ordinance No. 86-18 AN ORDINANCE SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARING. 11. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to adopt Ordinance No. 86-19 Claims Ordinance in conjunction with the city's insurance through T.M.L. Carolyn Adkins gave the second.. Voted unan. Staff was requested to advise the police department of this ordinance and make any of the citizens who has a claim aware of the ordinance. Ordinance No. 86-19 PROVIDING FOR NOTICE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF PROPERTY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, PROVIDING THE TIME AND LOCATION WHERE SUCH NOTICE IS TO BE GIVEN; PROVIDING THAT SUCH NOTICE MAY NOT BE WAIVED; AND PROVIDING THAT THE TIMELY FILING OF NOTICE OF ANY CLAIM AND REFUSAL OF SAME BY THE CITY COUNCIL IS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO THE INSTITUTION OF ANY SUIT; PROVIDING FOR VERIFICATION OF THE NOTICE OF CLAIM; AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 12. Council considered the bid proposal for the Snider lift station. Mayor Armstrong stated that at their last meeting council had 290. asked Mr. Bud Hauptman with Metroplex Engineers to furnish the city with a breakdown of figures between the actual bid and what the cost of the upgrading would be. Council received by letter, from Mr. Hauptman, the cost breakdown on Spider's cost instead of the city's cost. Discussion. Tim Fisher explained why the breadkdown was done like it was. Mayor Armstrong stated she did not understand why the city could not get an answer. That all she had asked for was that she wanted to be sure that Craig was paying for all he originally promised to pay for. All the city is going to pay for is what the city is asking him to do in addition to what he originally said he would do. Discussion. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas and seconded by Carolyn Adkins that this be negotiated between Travis Roberts, Mr. Hauptman, Craig Snider, and the City, and that the city manager and mayor be given authority to approve at such time so they can get started. Voted unan. 13. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation and approve the preliminary subdivision plat of Utility Park. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 14. Motion was made to approve Phase I of the Ranger Creek to the city receiving a set and all required fees paid. Voted unan. 15. City Manager's Report: the final subdivision plat of Addition for Joe Falls subject of the engineering drawings Danny Spindle gave the second. (a) The city manager updated council on the progress of East Outfall line. Stated that the construction company had encountered rock. (b) Shutt requested a change order to relocate the sewer line under the Y-Not Paper Company. Council gave approval for Shutt to get the necessary plans from the engineers and go ahead with the change. (1) Addendum Item - Utility Rate Increase Request Harvey Thomas stated the city was not getting paid enough on the Utility System. That the city should raise the rates. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong requested Thomas to discuss this item once the budget was closer to completion in order to know how much would be needed to increase the rates. 16. Other Such Matters: (a) Mayor Armstrong reminded council of the meeting with the county commissioners at City Hall to discuss the Health Department Budget. She stated she had talked with the science teacher at the Middle School and that he was a licensed sanitarian. Stated he would be willing to work on a part time or on -call basis. Stated she would try to get some figures from the county on what they charged. 17. With no other business to come before council, Freddy Inman moved to adjourn the meeting. Harvey Thomas gave the' second. Voted unan. 18. Budget Workshop. City Secretary Mayor