09/18/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular293_ ment had been left off the agenda. Reciuested that it be placed on the agenda of the special meeting called for Thursday. (c) Car•olvn Adkins complimented th.e police reserves for their help with the Sellabration. (d) Mayor Armstrong gave formal thanks to all city employees -, for the extra efforts in helping with the Sellabration. 15. Mavor Armstrong called the meeting into exectuive session. 16. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting into open session. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to sustain the action of the department heads. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 17. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to adjourn the meeting. Harvey W. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council Meeting (Taped) September 18, 1986, 3;OOp.m. i MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Wendall Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Freddy Inman and Danny Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Etta Stogsdill, Leslie Browning, Katy Ray, B. McMurray, Tom Stang, Travis Roberts, Renny Bridges, Billye Hollingsworth, Eunice Gray, Tommy Kincaid, Craig Waggoner and Christine Bengston 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting tc> order. 2. Tom Stang and Travis Roberts with Hunter Associates spoke regarding material that was distributed on various streets which were to be placed on a bid contract. The bid would include the following: Various roads to be resurfaced with an asphalt penetration surface or with an alternate asphalt concrete surface. The streets STREET Peach Willow 3rd Church involved in Phase I are: LIMITS AMOUNT loth - 5th $1�,665.�(1 5th - 2nd 8,89n.nn loth - 1st 30,335.nn Willow -Alley South of Bolivar `'"8,QO�.nn IH 35 E - loth 11,OOO.n0 loth - Denton 5,555.0� Denton - 7th 4,445.�n Austin Denton IH 35 E - loth Willow - Church 9,500.�0 6,220.00 294. Diane Hillcrest 3rd Church - Austin Austin - U.S. 377 U. S 77 - .Marcia 00' N. of Marcia 2 Wayne - Jackilu. Jackilu - Austin - Houston 4,500a00 31,665a00 20,200.00 6,220a00 5,165..00 5,000000 $167,3600 A map was displayed designating the streets that were listed on the bid. Phase II will consist of streets more grossly in need of repair which will in the spring after the sub- structure of these roads are restructured and shaped after the winter weather. Nel noted that they had talked. with Travis about keeping the contracts below $100,000.00. Tom Stang mentioned this could be done by taking out a few streets. Steve Shutt spoke regarding a new sewer line proposed for Peach Street which might cause the area between 10th St. and 5th St. repairs to be delayed. Carolyn Adkins noted a bad drainage problem at the corner Di Hillcrest. After much discussion, Carolyn Adkins made a motion to advertise for bids on street improvements. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Voted unan. Travis Roberts noted that bids would be opened at 2:OOp.m. on October 13, 1986 with two contract bid. Contract would be awarded that evening in a Special Called City Council Meeting. Staff was instructed to advertise for bids in local newspapers. 3. Mayor Armstrong noted that item 3, Interlocal Agreement with the Denton City -County Health Department was presented to the City Council at Monday night's meeting and it was agreed on as in the budget in the amount of $3,157 for clinical and environmental services. Wendall Thomas made the motion and seconded by Carolyn Adkins. 4. Mayor Armstrong stated that item #4 on RMI invoices would be presented on the next City Council agenda, October 6, 198h. 5. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into executive session to discuss personnel. 6. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting to open session. No action to be taken as a result of executive session. 7. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to adjourn the meeting. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. City Secre t� Mayor