10/06/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular295. MINUTES: City Council Meeting October 6, 1986 M=MBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Freddy Inman, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, and Harvey W. Thomas. MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Etta Stogsdill, Rev. Skip McNeal, Richard Brown, Stan Day, Jerry Don Linn, Deborah Longoria, Benny Erwin, B. McMurray, Richard Muir, Joe Falls, Barry Epps, Pat and J.W. Johnson. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the metting to order. Rev. Skip 1`�cD?eal from the First Baptist Church gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the September 15th regular City Council Meeting and the minutes of the September 18th Special Called Meeting were approved as printed. 3. Mayor Armstrong questioned item #25 on the disbursements regarding 64 yards of sand on a bill from Jeff McNeill which was charged to Streets. Jerry Don explained that some of tre sand would be used on streets, however, it had been coded incorrectly while he -had been absent from the job due to his surgery. He noted it would be coded correctly to the proper departments before payment is made. Item #27, West coast boots, was questioned, Stan Day replied that these were purchased for Electric employees and will be repaid to the city by the employees in two payments. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to approve the disbursements in the amount of $521578.90. Wendall. Thos gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Citizen Input: (a) Debbie Garrett was not present to express concern over police protection. (b) 'Mr. Barry Epps with Smith Municipal Supplies, Inc. spoke regarding Street -Signs and presented the council with a catalog from his company. Mr. Epps explained signs, their sizes, pricing and noted the amount of 20 is when a break is given on an order. 5. Mayor Armstrong conducted the public hearing on Zoning Petition Z5-86 for Mr. B.R. Pritchett; who is requesting a change in zoning on Tract 82, AB. 1241 H. Tierwester Survey from R-1 (single family) to LB (Local Business). She noted according to comments from the staff that it had been approved by P. & Z. and that they do recommend it to the council. No one was present to speak for or against it. Mayor .Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by.Jerry Jenkins to accept the Planning and Zoning's recommendation. After much discussion, the motion was amended to read that we will accept the_P: & Z.'s recommendation with the amendment -that the dimensions which are: BEGINNING at a point in the North line of Fifth Street (US HWY 77 Business Route) and the center line of Freese Drive. THENCE: North 0®37' West, a distance of 372.06 feet along 296. center line of Freese Drive to a point for a corner; THENCE: North 89� 23' East, a distance of 100.98 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE: South 18� 51' 55" East, a distance 134.63 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE: South 40b 40' East, a distance of 105.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE: South 11° Ol' 40" East, a distance of 80.89 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE: South 40° 40' East, a distance of 104.7 feet to a point in a curve to the right, for a corner, in the North line of Fifth Street; THENCE: Along said curve and North line of Fifth Street having a central angle of 11° 03' 20", a radius of 768.n0 feet, a cord bearing of South 85 50' 20" West, for an arc distance of 148.19 feet to the point of tangencies for corner; THENCE: Continuing along the North line of Fifth Street north 88° 38' West, a distance of 145.10 feet to the Point of Peginning and containing 1.6051 acres of land, be included and that it be approved local business, planned development. Voted unan. 6. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on Zoning petition Z6-86 for V.M. Dicksion who is requesting a change in zoning on 3 acres in the R. Bebee Survey, AR. 29, from R-1 (Single Family) to LI (Light Industry). It was noted that it had been approved by the P & Z and is recommended for approval by city staff. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas, seconded by Freddy Inman we accept the P. & Z.'s recommendation. Voted unan. 7. Mayor Armstrong declared the 1st Public Hearing on proposed annexation for H. Edward Downs consisting of 83.407 acres open. No comments for or against the proposed annexation. Mayor Armstror declared the public hearing closed. The 2nd Public Hearing to be held on the 20th of October, 1986, during the regular City Council session regarding this annexation. 8. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on tre Municipal_ Budget for FY. 1986-87. Mayor Armstrong noted there were several items in the budget that needed to be corrected and some items had been omitted. She noted that the GSA and RM-�.payments plus Mary Jo's vacation pay and one regular pay period needed to be included in the budget. Also mentioned by the council was that a decision needed to be made on limiting vacation time teat can be accrued. After discussion, Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 9. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to adopt Ordinance #86-2.2 adopting the Municipal budget for 1986-87. Wendall Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NO. 86-22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE Bt7DGFT FOR THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 1, 1986 AND EPIDING AUGUST 31, 1987, PROVIDING FOR THE INTRA AND INTER DEPARTMENT AND FUND TRANSFERS: AND DFCLARI�TG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 10. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Freddy Inman to adopt ordinance #86-23 setting the tax rate for 1986 at the rate of .474/100. ORDINANCE NO. 86-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS , L.F,VYI1`7G TAXES FOR TuE USES AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING SEPTEMBER l , l�? 8 Ei' ATTD ENDING AUGUST 31, 1987, AND PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST ArTP. SINKING FUNDS FOR THE YEAR 1986 AND APPROPRIATING EACH LFVv FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE: PROVIDING PENALTY AND INTEREST FOP.' DELINQUENT TAXES : PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTIODT OF DFLIT�TQUFr7T TAXES: AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 297. 11. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that by adopting Ordinance 486-24 will direct her to publish notice of public hearings. The lst public hearing will. be conducted on October 20th, 1986 at 7:00p.m. The 2nd public hearing will be conducted on November 3rd, 1986 at 7:00p.m. in the City Couhcil'Chambers: Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by G?endall Thomas to adopt Ordinance #86-24 setting the date, time, and place of hearings on the proposed annexation of 11.951 acres into the corporate limits of the City of Sanger for Joe Falls. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 86-24 AN ORDINANCE SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON THE PROPOSED ADtNFXAmIOT? OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HFARING. 12. The electric truck bid was tabled due to Stanley Day, Sanger Electric Director, was not present to discuss this item. Motion was made by Freddy Inman, seconded by Danny Spindle that this item be tabled. Voted unan. 13. Item #1.3 amending Vendor's Ordinance 'No. 55-1 was tabled and to be placed on the next City Council agenda. Voted unan. 14. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by wendall Thomas to accept the rules and regulations policy for Sanger Police Department Reserve Officers as was presented to the City Council from Chief Benny Erwin. Voted unan. 15. Motion made by Freddy Inman and seconded by Carolyn Adkins to renew applications for the Sanger Police Reserve Officers for another year. Voted unan. 16. City Manager's Report: (a) Mr. Shutt mentioned that the city had started a massive mowing program; however, it had been slowed -down due to the weather. (b) Mr. Shutt mentioned that he had made a Planning Grant presentation in Austin. 17. Other Such Matters: (a) Mayor Armstrong noted the Community Center had not been mowed in some time. She noted that the air conditioner was not working; Rick _was instructed to see that this problem was corrected. Mayor Armstrong mentioned also the Library grass was too tall and needed.to be mowed. Mayor Armstrong stated that. the city needs to put. forth an effort to set a good example to the citizens of Sanger. (b) Mayor Armstrong stated that .she had received_. several letters from the Commissioners Court, Buddy Cole's Office, for Central Telephone to place aerial cable on Duck Creek Road and Keaton Road and both are in our E.T.J. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that all she needed was.the City Council's permission and then she would sign and return these two documents to them. Voted unan. (c) Richard Muir was present to. speak regarding the city's vehicle and equipment insurance. He stated that his agency will not be able to renew our city vehicle and equipment policies which expires in November. Mayor Armstrong informed the Council that the city has requested a proposal from TML regarding these coverages. After brief discussion, staff wa.s instructed to stay on top of this proposal with TML. 298. 18. RMI invoices were discussed. After much discussion, motion was made by Carolyn Adkins and seconded by Jerry Jenkins that we pay the bill with RMI in the amount of $2,855.10 out of the Account #181412 which is the Warrant Interest & Sinking Unencumbered Fund, that this account be transferred to the General Fund to pay this bill plus the remaining balance of Account #181412 to be placed into the General Fund. Voted unan. 19. Mayor Armstrong called the metting into executive session. 20. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting into open session. Motion made by Carolyn Adkins to appoint Wanda Lester as Acting City Secretary, seconded by Wendall Thomas, until_ that position has been filled. Voted unan. Freddy Inman made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. ty Secretary ®Qa Sw MINUTES: Special Called Meeting October 13, 1986 - 6:30p.m. Mayor MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Freddy Inman, Jerry Jenkins, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, and nanny Spindle. MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Etta Stogsdill, Wanda Lester, Rosalie Shuffield, Jerry Don Linn, Rochard,Brown, Bob Roberts, Tom Stang, Nolan Landers, and Carroll Colston. L. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation , and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong requested that item #2 be discussed later in the meeting due to Tom Stang with Hunter Associates was present and was to give the results on bids for the Street Improvements Project. 3. Tom Stang presented the following low bidders on the Street Improvements Project: PROJECT #1 - Contractors Single Course Surface Treatment (Pre -coated Rock,)_ Amount 1. Cutler Repaving Inc. $33,861.00 2. Abcon Paving38,015.0, 0 3. Austin Road Co. 45833.00 PROJECT #1 - 12" HMAC Overlay Contractors 1. Cutler Repaving Inc. $50,536.0� 2. R.L. Roberts Construction, Inc. 59,675.0t1 3. Calvert Paving Corp. 63,500.00 PROJECT #2 - Single Course Surface Treatment (Pre -coated Rock) 1. Cutler Repaving Inc. $54,261.00 2. Abcon Paving Inc. 56,050.00 3. Aust6n Road Co. 61,155.50