10/13/1986-CC-Minutes-Special298. 18. RMI invoices were discussed. After much discussion, motion was made by Carolyn Adkins and seconded by Jerry Jenkins that we pay the bill with RMI in the amount of $2,855.10 out of the Account #181412 which is the Warrant Interest & Sinking Unencumbered Fund, that this account be transferred to the General Fund to pay this bill plus the remaining balance of Account #181412 to be placed into the General Fund. Voted unan. 19. Mayor Armstrong called the metting into executive session. 20. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting into open session. Motion made by Carolyn Adkins to appoint Wanda Lester as Acting City Secretary, seconded by Wendall Thomas, until_ that position has been filled. Voted unan. Freddy Inman made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. Mayor aFXAS `®Ne®' MINUTES: Special Called Meeting October 13, 1986 - 6:30p.ILL . MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Freddy Inman, Jerry Jenkins, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, and nanny Spindle. MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Etta Stogsdill, Wanda Lester, Rosalie Shuffield, Jerry Don Linn, Rochard-Brown, Bob Roberts, Tom Stang, Nolan Landers, and Carroll Colston. L. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation , and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong requested that item #2 be discussed later in the meeting due to Tom Stang with Hunter Associates was present and was to give the results on bids for the Street Improvements Project. 3. Tom Stang presented the following low bidders on the Street Improvements Project: PROJECT #1 - Single Course Surface Treatment (Pre -coated Rock) Contractors Amount 1. Cutler Repaving Inc. $33,861.00 2. Abcon Paving38,015.00 3. Austin Road Co. 45,833.00 PROJECT #1 - 12" HMAC Overlay Contractors 1. Cutler Repaving Inc. $50,536.Or1 2. R.L. Roberts Construction, Inc. 59,675.0� 3. Calvert Paving Corp. H3,500.�f1 PROJECT #2 - Single Course Surface Treatment (Pre -coated Rock) 1. Cutler Repaving Inc. $54,261.0� 2. Abcon Paving Inc. 56,050.00 3. Aust1n Road Co. 61,155.50 299. PROJECT #2 - 12" HMAC Overlay 1. Cutler Repaving Inc. 7R,986.�0 2. R.L. Roberts Construction Inc. 83,470.00 3. Uvalde Construction Co. 90F727.00 After discussion, it was mentioned that Cutler, low bidder, had no bond, only a letter with his bid stating the bond would be received within a day or so due to a delay in the mail service. Council agreed to consider and possibly award the bid Monday, October 20. 4. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that item #2 on the agenda was to consider the possible action concerning the structure of the City Secretary position and reorganization of the Administration Department to include but not limited to the creation of an additional position or positions which was requested by Carolyn Adkins and Jerry Jenkins. After much discussion concerning the duties of the office personnel and the duties of the city secretary position, no action was taken. 6. Other such matters: Bob Roberts made _a statement regarding the bid porposal, qualifications. 7. Meeting adjourned. At 70OOp.m. City Council began interviewing applicants for the City Secretary position. City Secretary v<C� "- _O VIA aIP ®®GOt s w - 's_ a WA MINUTES: City Council Meeting (Taped) October 20, 1986 Mayor MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Freddy Inman, Danny Spindle, and Jerry Jenkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Harvey W. Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Etta Stogsdill, Mike Pennington, Katy Ray, Travis Roberts, Tom Stang, Bob Roberts, B. McMurray, Rick Brown, Stan Day, Jerry Don Linn, Dr. Bing Obaldo, Dave Hillary, Lance Spence, James Yarbrough, Carroll Colston, Ray Hand, Nolan _ Landers, & Andy Foster. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Mike Pennington, Youth Director at Bolivar Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag: 2. The minutes of the October 6th regular City Council Meeting and the October 13th Special Called Meeting were approved as printed. 3. Freddy Inman inquired as to item.#19 on the disbursements regarding purchase of concrete from Lake Cities Concrete Co.