10/20/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular299. PROJECT 42 - 122 HMAC Overlay 1. Cutler Repaving Inc. 2. R.L. Roberts Construction Inc. 3. Uvalde Construction Co. After discussion., it was mentioned -that had no bond, only a letter with his bid bond would be received within a day or in the mail service. 7R,986.�0 83,470*00 90r727.00 Cutler, low bidder, stating the so due to a delay Council agreed to consider and possibly award the bid Monday, October 20. 4. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that item #2 on the agenda was to consider the possible action concerning the structure of the City Secretary position and reorganization of the Administration Department to include but not limited to the creation of an additional position or positions which was requested by Carolyn Adkins and Jerry Jenkins. After much discussion concerning the duties of the office personnel and the duties of the city secretary position, no action was taken. 6. Other such matters: Bob Roberts made a statement regarding the bid porposal. qualifications. 7. Meeting adjourned. At 7:OOp.m. City Council began interviewing applicants for the City Secretary position. MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: :ty Secretary v<Q-�-n--�� ® _ Mayor smalls s City Council Meeting (Taped) October 20, 1986 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Freddy Inman, Danny Spindle, and Jerry Jenkins Harvey W. Thomas Steve Shutt, Etta Stogsdill, Niike Pennington, Katy Ray, Travis Roberts, Tom Stang, Bob Roberts, B. McMurray, Rick Brown, Stan Day, Jerry Don Linn, Dr. Bing Obaldo, Dave Hillary, Lance Spence, James Yarbrough, Carroll Colston, Ray Hand, Nolan Landers, & Andy Foster. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Mike Pennington, Youth Director at Bolivar Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the: flag. 2. The minutes of the October 6th regular City Council Meeting and the October 13th Special Called Meeting were approved as printed. 3. Freddy Inman inquired as to item.#19 on the disbursements regarding purchase of concrete from Lake Cities Concrete Co. 300. After brief discussion, Jerry Jenkins made the motion to approve the disbursements in the amount of.$125,676.15. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong stated that under citizen input we have one scheduled, Dr. Obaldo. She noted Dr. Obaldo is having some problems with his building on the corner of the old Smith Building and if you'd like to come and share anything you'd like to share at this time. Mayor Armstrong, "Just come to the podium please and state your name please Dr. Obaldo, for our recorder so we'll have it. "The name is Bing Obaldo and I'm a new investor in this area and to be frank, this is my very first investment outside of my home and I'm so eager, anxious to try my best to make it succeed and I'm coming in with the intention of trying to fulfill what_I'feel-is the need -in the community -,-`office spaces, and to include helping recruit professionals and including most likely physicians and basically we started with this project not knowing alot, again, I'm very new in this game and wanted to do it as best as possible. Produce the best product as possible with the least money because again I believe that is the name of the game. I first started approaching this project by contacting a few friends that I though were knowledgeable in this business and the first person that I came across was not the right person I have to admit that. We had approached Mr. Shutt and Mr. Brown right at the beginning to see what requirements the city would like us to fulfill right at the beginning. They first asked for a blue- print of the building, again, because of lack of experience, I approached an architect in Denton, they told me it.would take at least two months to produce a proper blueprint and then I approached Mr. Shutt and Mr. Brown, can we produce less . form of type of blueprints and the answer was yes and again we proceeded with this project, I wind up with Mr. Hillary as the contractor with this project and he was able to produce blueprint that was satisfactory to Mr. Brown and Mr. Shutt. I proceeded with this project with the help of Mr. Hillary who is here with us tonight and we hired a difference of contractors to make the story short. I have aproblem with one of the sub -contractors was the differer^e c-F agree- ment and we leave it as such. The guy that is here with us also tonight is an electrician, Mr. Lance Pence. He took over the sub -contracting job.as far as the previous electrician that was vacated. I brought here with me tonight to share what we feel are difficulties again to be specific I feel the events that came about last week probably will give you a good idea what's happening with this particular project. Tuesday, there was a red tag on the building, the wav I understand a red tag on the building is shut down or the project is shut down. Partly, the red tag was placed around 10 o'clock or so Tuesday, last week. The tag was seen by my contractor, he took it and come to the city hall to try to investigate what the nature of the red tag was. The specific charge that was listed on the red tag, lack of cooperation, which is not that is specific so we don`t know by what we have violated. Mr. Hillary related to me I believe we confirmed this that he came to the city hall right away. Nobody could see him that morning, he was given an appointment, come back about 2:30, Tuesday, last week. Mr. Brown was not here, he come back again about 3:15 or so, he saw Mr. Brown and Mr. Shutt talking and not interrupting their conversation. He requested to see Mr. Brown and he was told that Mr. Brown was too busy to see him that day, and so, he barged into the office to try to find out what's wrong, what's the red tag is that's on the building. That's all that I can tell you about that particular day. The next day which was Wednesday, last week, I got the call from Mr. Brown telling me that there is another problem something going on in the building that he wanted to warn me about as a courtesy that I should be made aware and so I tried to find out what the problems are that he was referring to, again the main point that I could hear from him was lack of cooperation. It's difficult to fulfill a specific require- 301. ments of the city if we could know the specific violations and so I called the contractor that is the contractor to find out more detail and I told him to come here and try to resolve this problem. There appears to be difficulty resolveing it teat same instant in the norning so there was again an appointment to see Mr. Brown at one (1).and they even invited me to come to help resolve cause there is big money involved unless I'll be there and resolve this problem., put up money in advance the project will probably be shut down. -- and so I say Mr. Hillary can represent me and be willing to put up money if that's what the requirements will be to keep going with this project and I emphasized to Mr. Brown that same day that he called that the project has to go on. If it entails finding new poeple to get the cooperation that you require I'll do it basically that's what I told Mr. Brown. Anyway, they came back at 1 o'clock Wednesday last week that was the appointed time to see Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown was not available. Mr. Hillary, the contractor, came back later on that afternoon and tried to resolve it with Mr. Brown what the other requirements need to be done and apparently things were resolved with Mr. Brown and my contractor and there was supposed to be some power to be restored to the building so they could work on the elevator the next day which was Thursday in the morning. Again, Mr. Brown mentioned to me was lack of cooperation. The next day, I concluded that there was no cooperation. The next day, Mr. Brown was not there. The next dav, Thursday, the whole morning we were panicking that there is no electricity to be installed in the building. I place the call, somebodv to return the call, Mr. Shutt, Mr. Day, Mr. Brown. I didn't get a returned call until about 3 o'clock in the afternoon from Mr. Brown when he came back from the trip he made apparently outside of Sanger, so the reason I'm here is because there seems to be conflicting versions of who is not producing - the cooperation. We are here to cooperate, I would like to find out what this council thinks of what the requirements that need to be fulfilled. I'm here to find that out and if you could help me to find these requirements out, it, specifically this requirement that I heard from Mr. Brown and Mr. Day that I have to come up with`a big amount of money before a part can be ordered that will allow us to operate the elevator. Again, I'd be very appreciative if you can enlighten us, the electrician, that I have and the contractor that I have, they feel that we are operating as much as we could but the rules of the game seem to be changing and I hope we can resolve this tonight. Thank You." Mayor Armstrong: "Before you leave, Dr. Obaldo, if you will just a moment remain -- Does anyone have any questions they would Like to ask of him?" Jerry Jenkins: "I would like to ask, what the money in advance -- the dollar and the cent amount that you are talking about and for what item is he required CO pay this money in advance for, this part, for the elevator?" Stan Day: "Well, it's for -the overhead. construction part of it and the metering for the power. There's been so many changes and because of different contractors, electric contractors, that we never had been able to find out the right voltage that we needed to provide, for one. And, everytime I get ready to order something it changes sc that's the reason." Jerry Jenkins: Who changes it?" Stan Day: "The electrical contractor." Steve Shutt: "What they want to do -- changes." Jenkins: "The electrical contractor cY?.anges the, that particular item, that creates the problem of not being able to order that particular part that you need." Day:"Right." 302. Jenkins: "What dollar amount are we talking about, approximate amount?" Dave Hillary: "May I inject something? --- We've only changed electrical contractors one time and that was only stated, the part that we needed was only stated one time and that's the only time that it changed and it changed because we changed electrical contractors and it hasn't been a series of things:" - Day: "That was my problem. I never could find out what kind of voltage that we needed there. It was not solved until Wednesday of last week." Jenkins: "But it has been resolved." Day: "Right". Jenkins: "You concurred." Shutt: "What's the amount of money?" Jenkins: "The amount of dollars is Shutt: "Jerry, my problem with ordering that part is if there's going to be a change in when we get that order in and we get stuck with that, that's why we try to have the money in hand." Mayor Armstrong: "That's what I was going to say, Dr. Obaldo, anytime we have to order, special things like that we do require that it be paid in advance and I think you can appreciate why because the city could get left holding the bag." Jenkins: "Is there any reason why the city needs to order that part,'couldn't the electrical contractor order that specific part?" Dr. Obaldo: "No, we didn't order it." Jenkins: "Beg your pardon?" Dr. Obaldo: We didn't order it, that part, the wav T understand it's something like a change adding a �ransfarmer on the pole so the power can get to the building." Jenkins: "Talking about padmount?" Day: No, these c�re pole rack. transformers.-_You.have to build a special rack for them. You can't just put them on a small rack - on a single pole." Mayor Armstrong: Particular for an elevator, correct?" Day: "Well, s for the whole building really; for the whole structure." Mayor Armstrong: "Okay, so that problem has been resolved." Day: "Right, that was resolved last Wednesday, was that right, Dave?" Dave: "Yes." Shutt: "How was it resolved?" Day: "I met with Dave and Lance Spence, and..." Shutt: "Have the parts been ordered?" 3Q3. Day: "No, I haven't ordered them yet." Shutt: "Are they to be ordered when t:he money is put up or is the money going to be put up?" Day:- "Right, we've already got price quotes on all the material." Mayor Armstrong: "Okay, so at this point in time we will order the part as soon as the money i�; put up?" Day: "Right." Dave: I have one question. I don't: really understand why we should pay for power to come to the building as long as any other city I've ever been in in my life the electrical company supplied the power to the building at their expense. I am questioning why we should have to fund that." Day:- "A certain amount of it they do, a certain amount of that expense they go at their cost." Mayor Armstrong: "I really can't answer that question other than to say any time that we have a developer come in, usually if there are additional costs or unusual type costs, yes, the developer has to bear the burden of those, I believe I'm correct in that." Danny Spindle: "Are we talking about an extra large?" Day: "Right, an extra large commercial transformer." Spindle: "Are we talking about something along the lines of_ what we've had in the past, Ican't know if we have since you've been here, but like North Texas Plastics, Ampco, where they have the demand, there as a. matter of fact, at th.a-t time we made them pay for an extra tra.nsformer." Day: "Right." Spindle: "For us to have on hand." Day: "This wasn't, even for the extra. transformer wasn't even included in on.this price. That extra. backup transformer was- going to be at our expense." Mayor Armstrong: "Is this price you're quoting to us, I thought you were talking about that it was for a rack." Day: "Right, it's for a transformer rack and all the bus -work to hit the building." Mayor Armstrong: "But the transformer, is it an unusually large transformer that we don't use normally?" Day_: "That's three of them, not just one." Mayor Armstrong: "Anybody else have a question they would like to ask?"� Carolyn Adkins: "Wasn't there another problem in the electrical work why it was red tagged or was that: the red tag due to the fact that you needed a transformer?" _ Richard Brown: "No mam, it was red tagged for something other than the electrical. We have, t:he Police Department, myself,- and the fire marshall, all three has talked to Dave, at least Dave I know for sure, from time to time throughout this job to try and keep the debris fs•om inside the building going to the outside in the alley and blocking the alley where our people up town can"'t get service for -the dumpsters, can't get in and out the alley, the fire trucks couldn't get back there if they had to." Adkins: "So you redtagged the whole job?" 304. Brown: "For lack of cooperation, yes mam. For not staying on top of that, keeping it cleaned up." Adkins: "Did you tell them that was what it was?" Brown: "Yes, I had told Dave that's what it was, on the phone. Yes and he came up then." Dave: "I'd like to dispute that because the first time that I heard of any problems about that was when your chief of police called me at home and told me there was a problem and that was three days prior to the red tag on the building. There was quite a bit of datbtis out back of the building and we were doing all we could to get it out of -there. We were a little slow about it because we were having a problem getting people up there to haul it off, but once we got it in Tear we cleaned it all up. But that it was, I didn't feel Like this was supposed to have been going on for two weeks when I wasn't informed until three days prior to that by your Chief of Police. Shutt: "Fire Marshall's not here, but he told me he told you about the problem." Dave: "I've never met the fire marshall." Brown: "Sent a letter I believe, I don't know if he sent it to Mr. Obaldo or to Dave Hillary. I had told Dave other times on the job though that htis mess had to be cleaned up, several times I've told him that, and I just couldn't get any cooperation so I left a red tag on the building at 10 o'clock in the morning that said for lack of cooperation this building would be shut off at 4 o'clock, I gave him all day to get a hold of me when he got a hold of me, I gave him an extension until 9 o'clock the next day because he promised me he'd have a truck in that alley at 9 o'clock the next day, which he did, so I did not have it turned off at that time. He was finally trying to cooperate. The reason Dr. Obaldo, that your power wasn't turned on Thursday morning as promised was because Stanley Day couldn't get his electric truck into the alley to turn on the electricity because Dave had his trucks back there cleaning it up and as soon as they got out of the way, Stan ran in there with his truck and got it hooked up for you. That's why it wasn't turned on as promised Thursday morning." Brown: "Also, while I'm at it, we got a complaint today_ Dave, that I haven't got a hold of you yet because I knew you were going to be here; but they couldn't get up the alley again today. It wasn't because of the debris, because the workers are starting to park their trucks back in the back so I was going to get a hold of you. I knew I'd see you tonight, so, but I didn't put a red tag on the building this time, it only took one, you started cooperating." Mayor Armstrong: "Now you do need to realize that that alley must be kept open." Dave: The problem I have, I realize that there's probably been a lot of attempts to inform me but it's been told to everybody but me and I didn't realize there's nothing I can do about that." Jenkins: "Is there a dumpster on the side up there?" Brown: "No, there is not." .Jenkins: "Why hasn't arrangements been made with Southwest?" Brown: ""We don't have any place to put it, we had a dumpster right there on the corner, once the beauty shop opened up, I went to great lengths to help them every bit I could to get that beauty shop opened up because that was a client of Mr. Obaldo's. 3�5. so I specialized in that one unit and helped Dave considerable to get that thing going for the beauty shop. Once that r.appened I had to tell Dave to move that du.mpst:er, or at least, you moved it, but I wasn't going to let him start throwing out them 2nd and 3rd story windows right there -here ladies were going in to get their hair fixed. And in the alley you can't do it - once you block that alley with even a pick up, your dumpster people won't go in there and pick them dumpsters up and that's it." Dave: "What we're doing up there now, no debris is being taken out of the building until it is going directly into something that can haul it away at this point.'" Brown: "And as of Thursday when he promised me that he has been doing it, so I have not been bothering him. This was resolved last week with Dave and I and. he's so far been _ cooperating, now." Shutt: "We have finally a building permit on the building, is that correct?" Brown: "Yes, sir." Shutt:- "Would you describe the plans that you have that the building permit issued on?r Brown.: "Hand drawn plans that Dave anal I have finally agreed on because Dr. Obaldo didn't want to go t.o the expense of regular, official plans. Dave, himself, drew them up and I told him at this point in time, a month or two after it started, I said, Hell, I'll even take that. I'd take anything about that.time." Shutt: "Alright, you have permits for the electrical -and the plumbing?" Brown: "No sir, I`ve got permits on the electrical on temporary power but nothing on floor to floor anal Mrs. Lance Spence is going to get with me on that as they go in and figure out what they're actually going to put into each floor. Is that correct Lance?" Lance: "Trays right." Shutt: "Has this been a problem?" Brown: "It has been a problem for myself and for the contractor himself, the electrical contractor, because you don't know exactly what Mr. Obaldo's going to go in in these different floors. I believe a clothing store's going in the 2nd floor, unless that changes again." Shutt: "I have a letter and you have this letter, let me explain something here, when this plan first started out we had a concern that the building might not be structually sound-- we wanted to have an opinion of a structural engineer to take a look at the building. I talked to a. structural engineer about taking a look at the building, no coat to anybody. One day when he was on vacation, he stopped by, I wasn't able to give him information, I advised either Dr. Obaldo or the person who was there, it wasn't. you, Dave, it was somebody who was before you, that they needed to get a 2nd opinion or another opinion from a structural engineer and I personally came down and had some verbal conversation with you about what needed to be done, is that correct?" Dave: "Yes." 306. Shutt: "You and I and Richard Brown, we decided that we could do something.about the foundation by putting in those pyramid shape piers which you did do but then subsequent to that, we get this letter and I'm not saying that this engineer is right. I think the way this is written it sounds a little, a little heavy, I would certainly want a 2nd opinion from, this one right here and you according to this letter are a carbon copy Dr. Obaldo dated-October-13th and I'm not going to read it word by word but basically it says that the building is unsafe. Now, I don't agree to that in the case, but we've got something here from an engineer, I think there needs to be some input from another professional to get this straightened out." Dave: "Did I give that copy of that other letter from that other engineer?" Brown: "No, this is the only one that I've got and I got it in the mail." Shutt: "I'm hoping that this is not correct if it is then I'm genuinely concerned but I'm concerned anyway and this is the problem I'm in now, we don't have an official set of plans for the building but we've issued you a permit. V9 don't have an official set of plans for the plumbing and the electrical but we're letting you continue to work. We are bent over so far in an effort of cooperation that I am concerned that we probably are in a position of being Legally vulnerable ourselves if something happens in that building and I don't want it, I don't like to be there, Okay? What we want, is we want it done safely and we want to know what's going on. I don't think that's unreasonable." Dave: "I think that Rick can verify this, is that I've gone to great lengths to make sure that everything was going to'.be as safe as humanly possible." Mayor Armstrong: "Do you have another letter, D: ve? You mentioned another letter?" Dave:- "We got a letter from Mr. Isbell that he came out at our expense and took. a look at the building and he recommended that we resupport the building, redesign it, support system for it and we have installed that in the building." Mayor Armstrong: Alright, anyone else have any questions they would like to ask of Dr. Obaldo and we'll let him sit down if no one else has any further questions. Dave, do you have anything else you'd like to add?" Dave: "No, I think we got it all." Mayor Armstrong: "You pretty well covered it all. Brown: "As long as I can get cooperation from Dave and Dr. Obaldo, will ao with his General contractor and myself as tryin¢ to help him very seriously ;et a food product ouL of that ouilding and in which lluve has shown since the red tag I have no problems, if I do, I'll hang another red tag. Mayor Armstrong: "State who y�k.; are please." James Yarbrough: "My name is James Yarbrough. I work .for ?have, �� I`m on the job site alot. I think what should be, that maybe hasn't been seen in this converstaiori is that there is really a high tense level at the time that the red tag happened because we had to have electricity within one day or else our elevator people didn't want to leave, and that was going to mess everything up and usually that wouldn't have happened. Tensions really grew in both parties because something that really didn't..." Mayor Armstrong: Because of the time." Yarbrough: "Because of the deadline." 307. Mayor Armstrong: "Well, I hope that maybe we've cleared the air a little bit tonight and hopefully we can work this out. Mr. Brown has said and Stanley's shaking his head back there, Dave. Maybe the three of you can get together and work out in susbsequent columns that might come up and perhaps if you could get in to the city a plan of your electrical work and your plumbing work that you plan to be: doing." Dave: "We've got a plumbing contractor now, a new employee, who thought about getting started, to make sure he has the plans submitted to Rick Brown." Brown: In fact, I heard from him so he's supposed to be in the next day or two. Adkins: "I can't help but wonder that. some of the problems seems to be that you don't understand each other maybe if some of this was in writing so that it might be better." Dave: " I think a lot of this has been alot of confusion because basically I'm fairly new at such a large thing and there's been a lot of confusion. Rick Brown has bent over backwards for me." 4 Adkins: "Well, but I'm just saying if you don't. When he started talking, what came up ? A lack of cooperation, Lack of cooperation, didn't understand why, mentioned that two or three times and maybe Rick, you need to just put ghat in a form of a note so there's not any question why - a(d then it's kinda' an official notification, not just word of mouth type stuff. I know myself, that by the time you, a. story, a phrase, a sentence or anything is repeated the second time sometimes something is left out and maybe that would prevent any further disputing." Brown: "I'm not really used to doing that, but I don't have any problems, usually we can correct it out there like nave said, the whole problem's been we don't really know what's oing on i gn that building, neither one of us, and we neither one can help each other, get it in there cause decisions have to be Dr. Obaldo's, what he's actually going to put in there." Mayor Armstrong: "Plus., Dave, I hope you understand that this is not the only job that Mr. Brown's working on. Sometimes he is out of pocket and tries to talk to you, I'm sure, as quickly as he possibly can. If there's nothing else and if that pretty well clears the problems up, we'll proceed and hope that it has. Anything else?" 5. Mayor Armstrong: "We're going to do a little rearranging here, we`ve got some men sitting here that's got to get back." Our engineers are here and I'm going to move item#ll up." Travis Roberts and Tom Stange, with Hunter Associates, Inc., presented the Street Improvement Project Bids. They advised the Council on the bid requirements. Cutler Repaving, Inc. was the low bidder for this project; however, they failed to submit their bond with their bid at the time of bid openings. After brief discussion regarding how these bids were bidded and recommendations were made. Roberts informed the City Council that._R.L___Roberts,Construction., Inc. had bidded $59,675.00 for Project #1, and $83,470.00 for Project #2 which came to a total of $143,145.00. Motion was made by Danny Spindle that Cutler Repaving, Inc. be deleted due to the fact that they did not have the bond as specified in the advertisement of bids. Freddy Inman made the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Freddy Inman that we go with 12" asphalt. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Voted una.n. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins and. seconded by Freddy Inman that the bid be awarded to R.L. Roberts Construction Co. 308. Voted unan. Bob Roberts noted that work will begin assoon as he gets a contractor. 6. Mayor Armstrong moved item # 12 up on the electric truck hid due to Stan Day had to leave the meeting shortly. Stan Day spoke in regards to bids that he had advertised for a new electric truck. After much discussion, motion was made by Danny Spindle to throw out the bids on new vehicles and readvertise for new and used vehicles. Seconded by Freddy Inman. Voted unan. 7. Mayor Armstrong presented item #5 which was to consider and possible action on variance request for the First Baptist Church. She read the Planning & Zoning minutes from their October 14th meeting: "Variance request for the First Baptist Church was represented. by Rev. Skip McNeal. Their request was to place a temporary mobile home on property located within the city limits that is presently zoned as R-1 (previous business at this location was Rudolpho's Restaurant), to be used for church functions. After discussion, Tommy Kincaid made a motion to grant the variance for six months, with, if necessary, a six month extension. Russell Madden gave the second. Voted unan." Mayor Armstrong: "r2r. Shutt noted that he would like to have it in writing if it was passed by the City Council in a contract form so that if it comes down to the point where we had to ask you to move, the City wouldn't be the old bad bear." Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins and seconded by Danny Spindle to accept Planning & Zoning's recommendation for six months with, if necessary, a six month extension. Voted unan. City Council instructed Mr. Shutt to draw up a contract and we'll get it signed. 8. Item #6, property located on Duck Creek Road was deleted. 9. Item #7, Mayor Armstrong declared the 2nd Public hearing on -proposed annexation of 83.40? acres of land for H. Edward Downs. No one present to speak for or against it. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 10. Item #8, Mayor Armstrong declared the adoption of Ordinance #86-25 on the proposed of annexation of 83.4�7 acres into the corporate limits of the City of Sanger. This ordinance was tabled due to it was not published in the paper. 11. Item #9, Mayor Armstrong conducted the lst Public Hearing on proposeOwl annexation of_ 11.951 acres of land for Joe Falls. No one was present to speak for or against it. Mayor Armstrong declared the lst public hearing closed. The 2nd public hearing scheduled for November 3, 1986. 12. #10 did not need Council's approval. 13. #11 & #12 items were discussed earlier in the meeting. 14. #13, Mayor Armstrong noted this item was to consider and possible action amending Vendor's Ordinance No. 55-1 which was presented by Carolyn Adkins, Jerry Jenkins and Richard Brown. Brief discussion. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Carolyn Adkins to amend Ordinance #55-1, Chapter 4, Section 4, Subsections C4, 2 new Subsections C6 and C7-and amending Subsections D.E. & F. of the Vendor's Ordinance. 309. oRDINAIT GE 55-1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN3ER, TEXAS AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING CHAPTER. 4, SECTION y., SUBSECTION C-4, AND BY ADOPTING TWO NEW SUBSECTIONS, C-6 and C-7, AND BY AMENDING SUBSECTIONS D. E, AND F TO READ AS FOLLOWS: 15. #14, Steve Shutt, City Manager, informed the Council that we have a final payment of approximate $35,000 on -our Wastewater Treatment Plant. Shutt also noted that the City of Sanger has been recommended to the Governor's Committee for the Planning Grant. 16. #15, Other Such Matters: Carolyn Adkins inquired if the basketball goal got put up and also wanted to know if there has been any consideration as to the naming of the park. It was recommended that Carolyn attend the Park Board meeting on October 27th if possible. Mayor Armstrong read a thank you note from Ron Parker and his family. Mayor Armstrong noted that Richard is getting bids on the repairs on the Community Center and the Senior Center. Mayor Armstrong noted that we have done quite a bit of work on the budget and changes are being made. The budget will be distributed to Council as soon as possi;z:le for review. 17. #16, Mayor Armstrong called the meeting into executive session. 18. #17, Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting into open session. Mrs. Pat Johnson was appointed to fill the City Secretary position. Meeting adjourned. /J r4 i-t7 crffib+Mayor - MINUTES: CityCouncilMeeting (Taped) November 3, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Freddy Inman, and Jerry Jenkins Danny Spindle Steve Shutt, Pat Johnson, Rick Brown, Jerry Don Linn, Rev. Gerald Bridges, Chuck Trice, Richard Muir, George Cupp, and Nancy Cupp 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order. Rev. Gerald Bridges, Pastor of Sanger Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to th.e flag. 2. The minutes of the October 20th regular City Council Meeting were approved as printed. 3. Freddy Inman inquired as to item #34 in the disbursements regarding "what the balance owed" represented. The disbursements were approved with the motion of Wendall Thomas and seconded by Freddy Inman, with the exception of item #34. Inquirey will be made as to what the bill is for. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had instructed Etta Stogsdill to hold the utility interest amount of $20,245.00, not putting this amount into sinking until further discussion by the Council at a later date.. Voted unan.