11/03/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular309. oRDINAN GE 5 5 - 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAFER, TEXAS AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDINIC CHAPTER 4, SECTIOTT 4, SUBSECTION C-42 AND BY ADOPTING TWO NEW SUBSECTIONS, C-6 and C-7, AND BY AMENDING SUBSECTIONS D. E. AND F TO READ AS FOLLOWS: 15. #141 Steve Shutt, City Manager, informed the Council that we have a final payment of approximate $35,000 on our Wastewater Treatment Plant. Shutt also noted that the City of Sanger has been recommended to the Governor's Committee for the Planning Grant. 16. #15, Other Such Matters: Carolyn Adkins inquired if the basketball goal got put up and also wanted to know if there has been any consideration as to the naming of the park. It was recommended that Carolyn attend the Park Board meeting on October 27th if possible. Mayor Armstrong read a thank you note from Ron Parker and his family. Mayor Armstrong noted that Richard is getting bids on the repairs on the Community Center and the Senior Center. Mayor Armstrong noted that we have done quite a bit of work on the budget and changes are being made. The budget will be distributed to Council as soon as possible for review. 17. #16, Mayor Armstrong called the meeting into executive session. 18. #17, Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting into open; ession. Mrs. Pat Johnson was appointed to fill the City Secretary position. Meeting adjourned. 9 /) City Secr�,tary .' ,> MINUTES: City Council Meeting (Taped) November 3, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Freddy Inman, and Jerry Jenkins Danny Spindle yor Wendall '1•nomas , Steve Shutt, Pat Johnson, Rick Brown, Jerry Don Linn, Rev. Gerald Bridges, Chuck Trice, Richard Muir, George Cupp, and Nancy Cupp 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order. Rev. Gerald Bridges, Pastor of Sanger Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to th.e flag. 2. The minutes of the October 20th regular City Council Meeting were approved as printed. 3. Freddy Inman inquired as to item #34 in the disbursements regarding "what the balance owed" represented. The disbursements were approved with the motion of Wendall Thomas and seconded by Freddy Inman, with the exception of item #34. Inquirey will be made as to what the bill is for. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had instructed Etta Stogsdill to hold the utility interest amount of $20,245.00, not putting this amount into sinking until further discussion by the Council at a later date.. Voted unan. 310. 4. Mayor Armstrong asked for citizen input. Gene,Pur ''AnYnP and TTanr"7 r li,r represented the AAA Villa (trailer park) . Mr. Hupp stated that a member of the Council had inspected the trailer park and several repairs and and cleanup was needed. Jerry Jenkins knew of this and stated that the park was now clean and "someone had done an excellent job of cleaning and repair." 5. Ordinance #86-25, the proposed annexation of 83.407 acres into the corporate city limits of the City of Sanger was approved. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Voted unan. ORDINANCE #86-25 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A TP.ACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACET?"' TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: ALL THAT CERTAIN 83.407 ACRE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED. IN THE M.R. BURLESON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. MCKINNEY AND WILLIAMS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 940; F. JAMIE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 940; AND THE W.G. HUDSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 562, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS: SAID TRACT BEING PART OF A 100 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED TO JACK E. BROOKS BY G.TAT. MCDANIEL AND WIFE, EULALIA, AS SHOWN BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 331, PAGE 120, DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; CLASSIFYING THE SAME AS AGRICULTURE AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6. Second public hearing was conducted on the proposed annexation of 11.951 acres of land for Joe Falls. Mayor Armstrong declared the second hearing closed when no person was present to speak for or against it. 7. Consideration of possible adoption of Ordinance #86-26, the piece of p�ioperty discussed in item 6. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Freddy Inman that the Joe Falls survey be annexed into the City of Sanger. Voted unan. ORDINANCE #86 - 26 71; AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJAC'FT?^' TO THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: ALL THAT CERTAIN 11.951 ACRE' m1�('m OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTPACm NO. 1241 DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS: AND BEING PART OF A TRACT SHOWN BY DEED 1'0 JOE R. FALLS ET UX, RECORDED IN VOLUME 5.91, PAGE 54, OF THE DEED OF RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY,. TEXAS AiNTD-BEING r4URE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; CLASSIFYING THE SAME AS AGRICULTURE, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, Emergency Item: Richard Muir of Muir Agency, Sanger, Texas spoke at the request of Steve Shutt regarding TML Insurance proposal. After a brief description of coverage and discussion by the Council, Freddy Inman questioned the property items listed for coverage. It was determined that some of the items were incorrect on the list and a new list needed to be made and presented to the Council again at the budget workshop scheduled for Monday, November loth, 7:00 p.m. 8. Bids on truck for Electric Department. This item was tabled due to lack of information. Jet�ry Jenkins made a motion and Carolyn Adkins seconded. Voted unan. 9. Consideration of the abandonment of 100 feet of unimproved alley in the corporate city limits of Sanger, Texas, south of Austin Street,, -- between 3rd and 4th streets was made. After discussion by the Council, Freddy Inman made a motion that the Planning & Zoning recommendation to abandon same be accepted :and the motion was seconded by Wendall Thomas. Voting was unan and the motion carried. 10. Other Such Matters: Mayor Armstrong inquired of progress on street improvements. .€eve Shutt replied that the contracts would be ready -for signing on November the 4th. 311. A workshop was scheduled for Monday, November 10th at 7:00 p.m. A Fetzer was read by Mayor Armstrong from John Coker regarding Lake nay Roberts Project and additional boat ramp. Also a letter was referred to by Mayor Armstrong regarding new sales tax legislation which she said she would share with the Council on Monday. Motion was made by Freddy Inman and seconded by Wendall Thomas to adjourn. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council Meeting (Taped) November 17, 1986 MEMBERS . PRESZNT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny Spindle, and Jerry Jenkins. MEM7�ERS ABSENT: Freddie Inman PP.ESENT: Jerry Don Linn, Don Blackwell, Angie Alvarado, Mike Howard, David Hillary Jr., S. Hauptman (Metroplex Engr. Corp.) L. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order. Wendall Thomas gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the November 3, 1986 meeting were read and approved as printed. 3. Disbursements were approved for payment. Wendall Thomas made the motion and Jerry Jenkins seconded. 4. Citizens Input: - Julius McCrary requested permission to park his truck at 712 Bolivar. Verbal agreement was made by the Council that this would be detrimental to the City of Sanger and should not be allowed. David Hillary, representing Dr. Bing Obaldo, requested that the City of Sanger split the cost of materials to upgrade the electrical system at 404 Bolivar Street. After much discussion Council agreed only to prorate the total of $9,263.92 owed to the City of Sanger according to cases that have been prorated in the past. The City of Sanger will not pay any of the charges. It was requested that a letter be received by'the Council on yhe structural inspection to be made by an engineer. It was decided that the transformers be ordered for 404 Bolivar and cancelled if the letter is not received or agreed payment is not received. Dave Hillary is to come in and talk to Steve Shutt about pro -rating the fee of $9,263.92. 5. Bids were received for the electrical truck and Council approved purchase of a 1986 Ford F-700- #GVW 24500-with 1986 HI- Ranger Aerial lift unit ��5FI-48PBI from Blackwell Electric Inc., Stephenville, TX. Purchase price being $63,970.4U. Wendell Thomas made the motion, Carolyn Adkins seconded. A five year payout was agreed upon.