11/17/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular311. A workshop was scheduled for Monday, November 10th at 7:00 p.m. A letzer was read by Mayor Armstrong :from John Coker regarding Lake Ray Roberts Project and additional boat ramp. Also a letter was referred to by Mayor Armstrong regarding new sales tax legislation which she said she would share with the Council on Monday. Motion was made by Freddy Inman and seconded by Wendall Thomas to adjourn. City Secretary MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESZNT : MEMI�ERS ABSENT: OTHERS City Council Meeting November 17, 1986 N1:ayor (Taped) Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny Spindle, and Jerry Jenkins. Freddie Inman PP�ESENT: Jerry Don Linn, Don Blackwell, Angie Alvarado, Mike Howard, David Hillary Jr., S. Hauptman (Metroplex Engr. Corp.) 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order. Wendall Thomas gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the piedge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the November 3, 1986 meeting were read and approved as printed. 3. Disbursements were approved for payment. Wendall Thomas made the motion and Jerry Jenkins secor.�decl.. 4. Citizens Input: - Julius McCrary requested permission to park his truck at 712 Bolivar. Verbal agreement was made by the Council that this would be detrimental to the City of Sanger and should not be allowed. David Hillary, representing Dr. Bing Obaldo, requested that the City of Sanger split the cost of materials to upgrade the electrical system at 404 Bolivar Street. After much discussion Council agreed only to prorate the: total of $9,263.92 owed to the City of Sanger according to cases that have been prorated in the past. The City of Sanger will not pay any of the charges. It was requested that a letter be received by'the Council on yhe structural inspection to be made by an engineer. It was decided that the transformers be ordered for 404 Bolivar and cancelled if the letter is not. received or agreed payment is not received. Dave Hillary is to come in and talk to Steve Shutt about pro -rating the fee of $9,263.92. 5. Bids were received for the electrical truck and Council approved purchase of a 1986 Ford F-700- #GVW 24500-with 1986 HI- Ranger Aerial lift unit ��SFI-48PBI from Blackwell Electric Inc., Stephenville, TX. Purchase price being $63,970.40. Wendell Thomas made the motion, Carolyn Adkins seconded. A five year payout was agreed upon. 6. Consideration and possible action on bids for work on the Senior Center and Community Center Buildings was postponed until the next city council meeting. 7. East Outfall line change order was approved subject to Y-NOT Paper Co. agreeing to pay half the cost for removing the sewer line from under their building and rerouting it. Wendall Thomas made the motion to this effect and Danny Spindle seconded. F, Council voted to insure the City of Sanger properties and equipment.through TML Ins. Co. Motion was was made by' Wendall Thomas and Carolyn Adkins seconded. 9. Software update consisted of information on systems presented and when proposals are expected. 10. City Managers Report A. Park Board recommendation was accepted to refurbish Downtown Park, Memory Lane Sidewalk and playground equipment with work to begin after January 1, 1987 as funds are available. The new park will be called "KAIRIIE PATTEN PARK". Mayor Armstrong requested that the council consider a sign for "KAMMIE PATTEN PARK Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Jerry Jenkins. B. lnspection proposal was presented to have building, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical inspections done by Metro- plex Engineering Co. and be paid on a percentage basis, 60% on residential, 65% on multi -family and 70% on commercial. This will be put on the City Council for 12-1-86 for consideration and possible approval. C. Paving projects - it was reported that the paving projects are going well. There has been some work on the shoulders of the street which is not satisfactory but this is being corrected. Marcia Street and Hughes Sreet were left out of the original proposal for street repair. Mayor Armstrong and Councilwoman Adkins pointed out that these streets were done two years ago. The problem of twelve feet of street not being repaired, to the shoulder, needs"to be investigated. Steve Shutt will investigate the matter. 11. Other such matters: Mayor Armstrong requested an update on three City Ordinances from several months ago. Steve Shutt to will investigate. 12. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to adjourn and seconded by Danny Spindle 13. Budget workshops consisted of corrections to be made to the budget. It was decided that the note on the Kabota Mower be paid off with saving g176891. It was also decided that $10,000.00 would be paid for the electrical revenues each month to the certificate of obligation note so as to pay this note off in nine months. City Secr�,tary yor