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12/15/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular314a a. Action on paying Christmas, bonuses was delayed until the next meeting. 9. Other Such Matters: a. Coucilman Freddy Inman requested that Fire Cheif Mervyn Tucker look into having the field behind Diane Drive mowed due to dried grass and possible fire hazard. 10. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Freddy Inman to adjourn. City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Meeting (Taped) December 15, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nei Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Freddy Inman, and Gerald Jenkins MEMBERS' - ABSENT: Danny Spindle OlHEKS PRESENT: Bennie Erwin, Don Boy, Mervyn Tucker, W.B. Bell, Lee Williams, Shyliese Williams, Burl H. Bourland, Bud Haupman, Steve Shutt, and Pat Johnson 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order. Coucilperson Carolyn Adkins gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes. of the December 1, 1986 meeting were approved with a correction to item ��7. Th.e name listed should be Bill Morse, not Bill Morris. 3. Disbursments approved for payment. Wendall Thomas made the motion, Carolyn Adkins seconded. 4. Citizen -Input —none 5. Council requested 'Electrical Code Ordinance ��86-13 be rewritten and presented at the next Council meeting. 6. Adoption of Ordinance #86-28 amending budget Ordinance according to correction made, was approved. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Gerald Jenkins. ORDINANCE #86-28 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 86-22, ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 1, 1986 AND 'ENDING AUGUST 31, 1987, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. 7. Mrs. Paxton H. Gray was appointed as Lay Representative from Sanger Public Library System to the North Texas Library System._ Wendall Thomas made the motion and Freddy Inman seconded. 8. Christmas bonuses were approved for City of Sanger Employees, paid on same basisas in the past year, also the closing at 2:OU p.m. on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Friday following Christmas Day, and January 1.,-New Years Day, Friday, was approved for this year only. Carolyn Adkins made the motion to approve and Gerald Je,-nkins seconded. 315. 9. The Criminal Justice Task Force Resolution written by the City of Dallas will be supported by our Resolution backing it. Motion was made by Gerald Jen.kins4and seconded by Wendall Thomas. 10. Metroplex Engineering proposal was approved for a six month period replacing out present inspection system. Ivbtion was made by Wendall Thomas, seconded by Freddy Inman; 11. Zoning change request ��Z6-86 made by William B. Bell, was referred back to Planning and Zoning via a new request to be made in .writing and submitted by Mr. Bell to the P & Z Committee. Mr. Bell as instructed by the Council to request R-3 or L-1, not either/or. There will be no_charge&for the second request filed. Gerald Jenkins made the motion and Freddy Inman seconded. 12. Discussion of the proposed 911 emergenr_y telephone number presented by Denton County Sheriff's office was tabled until the system is ready for use. 13. City Manager's Report: a. Susan wants to accept the H.U.D. Program responsibilities for a monthly fee of $144.00 to be paid as contract labor. Mayor Armstrong asked Rick Brown to notify Susan that the Council will consider this at -the January 5, 1987 meeting. 14. Other Such Matters: a. Wendall Thomas inquired of a brokers drive on Duck Creek Road. Wants to know who tore it up. Gas.? Water Meter Installers? Please look into. b. council inquires as to why Keaton Ltd. corner has not been corrected. Please reply. c. In reference to item #5, re -do ordinance Rick Brown is aware of this. Drop corrected copies in Council members mailboxes A.S.A.P. d. Put letter from John. Coker ( to take action) on Council Agenda for 1-5-87. e. Holidays for 1987 need to be considered at 1-5-87 meeting. f. Duck"Creek Rd. problems need to be looked into. Inform Jerry Don Linn of holes. m Council inquired of Zoning Map. It: was scheduled for in six months. It has bd een one year. RequesteP.J. completion call. 15. Executive Session to discuss the City Secretary Position Vacancy. 16. Reconvene from executive session. The executive session determined that -the reek` �`1: q .tion of Pat Johnson be. accepted effective December 19, 1986 and Rose Shuffield be named .actinQ'City Secretary effective December 20, 1986. There will be an executive session called for Monday, December 22, 1986 to take further action regarding this issue. 17. Motion was made by Gerald Jenkins and seconded by Wendall Thomas to adj ourn. City Secretary yor