01/12/1987-CC-Minutes-Work Session319. MINUTES: City Council Meeting & Workshop (Taped) January 12, 1987 PRESENT. Wendall Thomas, Carolyn Adkins, Freddy Inman, Danny Spindle ASSENT Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, R.L. Roberts, Tom Stang, Rose Shuffield, Dennis Little and Ray Goldenberg and his assistant 1. First item on the agenda was the discussion of the overruns in the street improvement. program. City Manager informed Council on street improvements. He advised tons of asphalt that was allowed this by 180 tons which at $50.00 will be about $9,000.00 over the the status of the also that -of the 700 the City has exceeded a ton it approximately amount that was allowed He advised also that at this rate the overruns would be approximately in the area of $25,000.00 and he wanted Council to be aware of this. The Mayor and City Council were allin agreement that they wanted the streets done correctly. Discussion followed. Mayor then asked what the status was on the bid for Section A. Phase II. 'lom Stang provided Council with the bid proposal and advised that it needed to be in the paper. The closing for the bid was set for 2*00p.m. February 2, 1987. The bid will be awarddd on the regular Council Meeting which will be February 2, 1987 at 7*00 p.m. 2. Council proceeded with the computer workshop. Dennis Little introduced himself. Dennis's presentation included NGEN (Okidata Computer) Computer, --fermi _.gals - -�-�: and printer. Dennis was formerly employed with :Burroughs for 8 years then went to work as a programmer with a company called Aces. He has then had his own business and has written programs for cities like Coppell, the Colony, Cedar Creek, Sanger and several others. His presentation'inclti.ded cost and leasing options. Discussion followed. Dennis did not point out the advantages and disadvantages of leasing. 3. Ray Goldenburg with IBM, Systrmr=36 made his rpesentation _ Mr. Goldenburg and his assistant both made presentations concerning the hardware and software. They also thoroughly discussed the options of leasing as opposed to buying, Discussion followed as to the .hardware and software. They explained the systems and the terminals that could operate on the system. It. Goldenburg stated that they were in the business to set up systems and especially municipalities. The annual support fee of $250.00 a month was also discussed. This fee included annual support from IBM in case the City staff had any kind of a problem with the system they would be there for support or for assistance. Mr. Goldenburg's assistant went over the proposals they had submitted and cost variations. 320. Disscussion followed. ng (Taped) Mayor MEMBERS PRESEN'i': Mayor Pro-tem Freddy Inman, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Wemdall Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins MEM�iERS ABSENT: Mayor Net Armstrong OTHERS PRESENT: Rose Shuffield, Steve Shutt, Pastor Uerald .Bridges, and Gary Allhouse 1. Mayor Pro-tem Freddy Inman called the meeting to order. Pastor Bridges gave the invocation. and Freddy Inman led the pledge to the flag. 2. January 5, 1987 minutes were approved with one correction that item ��5 be deleted from the minutes. (Discussion to name Steve Shutt to chair the Utility Team for the Sanger Industrial Team and Nel Armstrong to chair the Tax team.) 3. Disbursements were approved for payment. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Wendall Thomas. Voted unan. 4. Citizen Input - none 5. Appointed for the HUD Program was tabled due to the fact that the person Council had in mind to handle the Housing Assistance Program and all paperwork, might already have a full-time position. Council agreed that the mayor and the city manager select someone to fill this position with the HUD program. Carolyn Adkins made the motion. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Voted unan. (4) Gary Allhouse, Board of Directors for Big Brothers and Big Sisters, came by to discuss it Council could possibly donate anything as a group to "Bowl for Kids Sake." The City Council and city manager made donations to this project . 6. Vacancy for appointment for City Judge was tabled for approximately 70 days. This will be further discussed near April 1, 1987. 7. Other Such Matters: Carolyn Adkins made a statement that the city needed to look into the amount that it cost a citizen for a parking fine. 8. Carolyn Adkins made a motion and seconded by Jerry Jenkins to dj ourn ti ���Ctg. Secret a' ®: Mayor ® ,=® r�XAS