02/02/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular321. MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: PK.ESENT: City Council Meeting February 2, 1987 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Danny Spindle and Jerry Jenkins Carolyn Adkins and Freddy Inman Steve Shutt, Rose Shuff�ield, Mervyn Tucker, Tom Stange, Jerry Don Linn, and Rev. Gerald Bridges 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting; to order. Rev. Gerald Bridges from the Sanger Baptist Church gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of the January 20, 1987 were approved with one correction. Correction to reflect: Members Present: to Members Absent: Mayor Nel Armstrong. 3. Disbursements were approved. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Danny Spindle. Voted unan. 4. Citizen Input - Rev. -Bridges brought to the Council's attention that he had to pay property taxes on Sanger Baptist Church. It seemed that the appraisal district did not have any record on when he: filed for the exemption. He was asking Council if there was any poss- ibility that the City.could possibly consider a reimburse- ment. Ma.vor Arm.stron� advised that they could .not make a decision s��nce._it was not on_ the agenda; but, they would definitely check' -into it . 5. Discuss and consider awarding the street bid. R.L. Roberts Construction Inc. came in with the low bid for Phase II at $2u6,u00.00. Danny Spindle made the motion to award the bid to R.L. Roberts Construction Inc. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Voted unan. 6. Consideration and possible action for appointment of Election Judge and setting the date for the election. Wendall Thomas made, the motion to appoint-Billye Hollinsworth as Election Judge and. she would appoint her own clerks. Election date to be set for April 4th. Seconded Voted unan. 7. Discuss and possible action on setting Spring Cleanup date. Council set date for the first week beginning on Monday the 6th of April and to end on that same week. Motion was made by Jenkins. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Voted unan. 8. Discuss and possible action on final payment on the East Outfall Sewer Project. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to make final payment. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Voted unan. 9. Consider and possible action on Resolution for appointments on E 911 Board. Olive Stephens, Mayor of Shady Shores and David Purifoy from Lewisville Hospital, were nominated to -serve on the 322. temporary Board. Jerry Jenkins informed Council that all that was needed was to pass a resolution to this effect. Motion was made by Jenkins to adoPc resolution. Seconded by Spindle. Voted unan. 10. City Manager's Report: February loth, City Manger advised Council that there will be a hearing on Federal Pollution Regulation that will reflect Denton County. 11. Other Such Matters: Merwyn Tucker asked if there was any possible way that the City could get a dumpster for the Fire Dept. Council advised that they didn't think it would be a problem.and that they will check into it. 12. Council convened into executive session; however, Danny Spindle left on an emeryNo action taken. There was no quorum, and therefore, the Council adjourned. o®we '® •yw Fr'® MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: etary City Council Meeting Februrary 16, 1987 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Danny Spindle, Carolyn Adkins, Freddy Inman, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Don Hill, Prentice Preston, Dick Erxleabin, Carrol McNeill, Merwyn Tucker, Burle Bourland, Lee Lawrence, William B. Bell, Garland Middleton, his wife.and children. L. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to flag. 2. The minutes of the February 2, 1987 meeting were approved as written. 3. Disbursements were approve with the exception of item #23 on the.rate charge for telephone usage. Motion made by Carolyn Adkins. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Voted unan. 4. Citizen input: a:Prentice Preston introduced Dick Erxleabin who had infor- mation on Pond Creek that is an access to Lake Ray Roberts. Mr. Erxleabin Thoroughly discussed the possibilities of a marina on the lake and the advantages for the City. Mr. Erxleabin advised Council that time was at an essence. He stated that the impounding date is set for July. Mayor Armstrong informed Mr. Erxleabin that Council needed to take action in order for the city manager to proceed with this matter. Jerry Jenkins stated that the city needed to secure the right to get this site. More discussion followed. Jerry Jenkins made a motion that Council instruct the city manager to pursue his efforts in securing information on the lease of Pond Creek Access for the City of Sanger. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Voted unan.