02/16/1987-CC-Minutes-Regulari22. temporary Board. Jerry Jenkins informed Council that all that was neede&was to pass a resolution -to this effect. Motion was made by Jenkins to adopt resolution. Seconded by Spindle. Voted unan. 10. City Manager's Report: February lUth, City Manger adviseci Council that there will be a hearing on Federal Pollution Regulation that will reflect Denton County. 11. Other Sued Matters: Mervyn Tucker asked if there was any possible way that the 'ity could get a dumpster for the Fire Dept. Council advised that they didn't think it would be a problem and that they will check into it. 12. Council convened into executive session; however, Danny Spindle left on an ewer No action taken. There was no quorum, and therefore, the Council adjourned. MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: ty Secretary City Council Meeting Februrary 16, 1987 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Weridall Thomas, Danny Spindle, Carolyn Adkins;, Freddy Inman, and Jerry Jenkins Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Don Hill, Prentice Preston, Dick Erxleabin;, Carrol McNeill, Mervyn Tucker, Burle Bourland, Lee Lawrence, William B. Bell, Garland Middleton,, his wife.and children. 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to flag. 2.. The minutes of the February 2, 1987 meeting were approved as written. 3. Disbursements were approve with the exception of item #23 on the. rate charge for telephone usage. Motion made by Carolyn Adkins. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Voted unan. 4. Citizen input: a:Prentice Preston introduced Dick F:rxleabin.who had infor- oration on Pond Creek that is an access to Lake Ray Roberts. Mr. Erxleabin Thoroughly discussed the possibilities of a marina on the lake and the advantages for the City. Mr. Erxleabin advised Council that: time was at an essence. He stated that the impounding date is set for July. Mayor Armstrong informed Mr. Erxleabin that Council needed to take action in order for the city manager to proceed with this matter. Jerry Jenkins stated that the city needed to secure the right to get this site. More discussion followed. Jerry Jenkins made a motion that Council instruct the city manager to pursue his efforts; in securing information on the lease of Pond Creek Access -for the City of Sanger. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Voted unan. 323. b.Garland Middleton informed Council. that he was advised that he might be in violation of City Ordinance. Mr. Middleton had (2) lambs two young sons were raising March. in his back yard that his for 4-H Show to be held in City Secretary advised Council that Mr. Middleton would have to be sent a letter allowing him (10) days and then he would be summoned to court and that would take another (10) days and by the time his court date was scheduled it would be at least a month. Council advised Mr. Middleton that by this time there would be no possible way that it would come before Council in March. 5. Consider and possibly take action concerning zoning request of William bell's property. This item could not be considered_ for action since public hearing had not been Published in the paper for Counci�.. 6. Discuss, consider, and setting date to interview and select the, contractor for professional services for the Planning Grant. This item was scheduled for action for March 2, 1987 to allow time for Councii to review proposals and at this time interview the contractors on these proposals. 7. Consider and possible accidents and Accident Jerry Jenkins advised to delay in taking any time to review and to Delayed action on this action concerning policy regulating xeview Board. Council that he would like for Council action on this policy to allow Council put their input into this. item until our next Council Meeting. Consider and possible action setting date for awarding Computer System Installation. City manager stated that he would like Council to set a target date on the computer. Discussion followed. Mayor advised Rose Shuffield, City Secretary, to arrange date and time for them to go and check into the sy-stem that submitted proposals. (Put on Council agenda to report results.) Mayor stated that we needed to be careful in selecting what was best for the city. Don Hill, County Commissioner, advised that he converted the Muni System to the county and he advised that the County had an I1514-36. He advised he could possibly help in providing information. He did state that possibly a P/C computer would be best for the City at this time. More discussion followed. Tabled. 9. City Manager's}v Manager advised Council about -- the sell of Star CablE T.V. to Galaxy Cab�le-T.V. Galaxy was needing the City to sign a resolution to this effect. City manager felt that a representative from Galaxy Cable T.V. should meet with Council concerning this. Council advised city manager to inform Galaxy Cable T.V. that no documents would be signed until they meet with the Council. City manager also informed Council that a gentleman from the State came to meet with him regarding -some State -hinds-for_ the proposed construction of the Walkway Bridge across Interstate 35 and that project was ready to be put into plan. 324. Discussion continued as to the location of the walkvy and the possible hazards that might exist if the walkway wasn't constructed at a safe location. This item was asked to be put on the agenda. City manager also informed Council on the status Duck Creek Rd. He made Council aware that the County had agreed to-do the overlay if the City prepared the road for the overlay. Don Hi11 s t a t e d that it was an important project for the City, He had budgeted $25,000 out of load and material budget for this project and he will be donating labor and machinery and with the City doing the preparation for the road, they can come in with the chip seal and the final steps. This will give those people out there a nice road and save the taxpayer's a lot of money. He advised Council he is ready to proceed as soon as Council advised him to proceed. City manager also -made Council aware of a sewer problem out in that area. He said that he has talked to the owner and he is willing to correct it. It might involve digging through the .road and tieing on to the sewer which now would be the best time to do it. 10. Consider and take possible action. approving a new fire contract with Denton County. Wendall Thomas made the motion. Seconded by Freddy Inman. Voted unanimously to approve the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Denton County and our local volunteer fire department. Mayor s igned agreement and was attested by City Secretary and dated as retroactive October �,1y86. 11. Lee Lawrence with GSA brought City Council up to date on the new City Map. He also stated that P & Z and the City Council are to have a joint meeting concerning the updated map. A workshop was set for Tuesday, February 24, Council will meet with P&Z in a joint meeting. 12. Other Such Matters - Mayor stated that she thought the Utility Board had met last Monday. She wanted to know if they had made any recommendation with the rate study. Mr. McNeill did state that there was a recommendation and Mrs. Sullivan was supposed to have turned it in to the.city secretary. Mayor also advised that the EPA is putting strict car restrictions on Denton County. She advised that she will be meeting with :nick Armey and EPA Director later this week to discuss this matter. Jerry Jenkins advised Council regarding packets. If Council needed to take. action or could they change it to receive packets by Thursday afternoon. Thursday noon is the deadline for the agenda. City secretary advised -that effort would be made to this effect. 13. Executive Session,_according to Article 6252-17, discuss (A) Personnel Jerry Jenkins made the motion to give Robin 107, increase, 5% raise for 3 month probation period and 5% for additional Court Clerk duties, not to exceed $6.10 an hour. (Robin Parker). Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. For: Danny Spindle, Jerry Jenkins, & Carolyn Adkins. Against: Wendall Thomas and Freddy Inman. Motion Carried. Motion was made to accept City Secretary's proposal to increase Etta Stogsdill`s salary (Administrative Secretary) 325. from $6.89 to $7.15. Jerry Jenkins made the motion. Sec- onded by Carolyn Adkins. For: Danny Spindle, Carolyn Adkins and Jerry Jenkins. Against: Wendall Thomas and Freddy Inman. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. "•'••••.pity Secretary see ®®®®XAS ®•®® m®a��t®®® yor MINUTES: City Council Meeting March 2, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Freddy .Inman,.Carolyn Adkins, and Jerry Jenkins NlEM1�ERS ABSENT: Danny Spindle UTHERS PRESENT: Rose Shuffield, Steve ShuLoU Jim Gleason from Galaxy Cablevision, Tony Wright, Glenn Shaw, Michael Derbes & Tom Stange with Hunter Associates, Eunice Gray, Bud Hauptman & Tim Fisher with Metroplex Engineering Corp., Lee Lawrence, Donald McLaughlin, Danny McDaniel, Ron McGuire & Mike Katterman 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and -led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes were approved with one correction: Dick Earthly was changed to Dick Erxleabi.n. 3. Disbursements were approved with a motion by Freddy Inman and Seconded by Wendall Thomas with the exception for item #22 & #23 until some additional checking is done. 4. Citizen Input -None 5. Consider and possible action on warranty deed on the Sanger Public Library deeded to the City of Sanger. Mrs. Gray presented the deed to Mayor Armstrong. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas. Seconded. Motion carried. e. This item was discussed later. 7. Consider aria possible -action regarding Galaxy Cablevision Resolution which is in the process tof purchasing Star Cable T.V. Jim Gleason with Galaxy Cablevision spoke for -Galaxy Cablevision. Mr. Gleason is from Missouri and gave a brief presentation on Galaxy Gable 'I.V. and advised Council of what- Galaxy is .planning on doing. Mr. Gleason stated that the regional office will have more influence and capability than in the past. The satellite office will still he in. Argyle. billings or questions -referring to such will be -out of West Tawagani, California. All the toll free n-unibers will be back in operations. All services will be handled trom the Argyle office. He did state that the basic service will be different. :He also added that rates will be increased but not immediately. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to adopt resolution to transfer assets from Star CATV to Galaxy Cablevision. Seconded by Freddy jl=nman. Voted unan.