03/02/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular325. from $6.89 to $7.15. Jerry Jenkins made the motion. Sec- onded by Carolyn Adkins. For: &Da.nny Spindle, Carolyn Adkins and Jerry Jenkins. Against: Wendall Thomas and Freddy Inman. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. e ea Z A S MINUTES: City Council Meeting March 2, 1987 yor MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Freddy .Inman,.Carolyn Adkins, and Jerry Jenkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Danny Spindle UTHERS PRESENT: Rose Sheffield, Steve Shuta, Jim Gleason from Galaxy Cablevision, 'Pony Wright, Glenn Shaw, Michael Derbes & Tom Stange with Hunter Associates, Eunice Gray, Bud Hauptman & Tim Fisher with Metroplex Engineering Corp., Lee Lawrence, Donald McLaughlin, Danny McDanJel, Ron McGuire & Mike Katterman 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes were approved with one correction: Dick Earthly was changed to Dick Erxleabin. 3. Disbursements were approved with a motion by Freddy Inman and Seconded -by Wendall Thomas with the exception for item #22 & #23 until some additional checking is done. 4. Citizen Input -None 5. Consider and possible action on warranty deed on the Sanger Public Library deeded to the City of Sanger. Mrs. Gray presented the deed to Mayor Armstrong. Motion was made by Wendall @-i'homas. Seconded. Motion carried. e. This item was discussed later. 7. Consider and possible, action regarding Galaxy Cablevision Resolution which is in the process of purchasing Star Cable T.V. Jim Gleason with Galaxy Cablevision spoke for -Galaxy Cablevision. Mr. Gleason is from Missouri and gave a brief presentation on Galaxy Gable 'T.V. and advised Council of what- Galaxy is planning on doing. Mr Gleason stated that the regional office will have more influence and capability than in the past. The satellite office will still he in Argyle. billings.or questions referring to such will be -out of West Tawagani, California. All the toll free numbers will be back in operations. All services will be handled trom the Argyle office. He did state that the basic service will be different. He also added that rates will be increased but not immediately. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to adopt resolution to transfer assets from Star CATV to Galaxy Cablevision. Seconded by Freddy Inman. Voted unan. 326. 8. Consider and take possible action regarding to the City Yearly Audit for 1985-1986. Tony Wright gave a brief summary on this year`s audit(1985- 1986). Tony Made his recommendations to Council. a. Purchase Order System. b. Detail property records must be kept updated an that allows the equipment to be inventoried. (equipment, chairs, furniture, vehicles, etc..) c. A receipt book must be kept on all Building Permits. d. Accounts. Receivable must have complete charge of billing procedures. No one person bills, reconciles, collects and make refunds. e. Closing and opening of bank accounts must be notes in the minutes along with the tax supplements making it easier to audit. Discussion continued to follow. Tony Weight :did make a statement that the City should move on with the Computer System. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to accept this 1985-86 Yearly Audit. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 9. Consider and possible action regarding final approval and change orders on Phase I of the Street Improvement Project. `1`om Stange briefed Council on Street Improvements. Carolyn Adkins made -the motion to pay the fifth and final payment ofT29637.44 to the contractor on Phase I of the Street Program. l0. This item was later discussed. (6). Consider and possible action awarding contract for process- ional services for the City of ganger Planning Grant. There were (3) proposals. One was Bud Hauptman with Texas Community'Developement Program who introduced Tim Fisher. Mr. Fisher did briefly state their proposal on this grant. Lee Lawrence from Governmental Service Agency presented his firm."s proposal on this grant. Nor. Lawrence has worked with the City on a prior contract. Michael D. Katterman represented Community Land Resources, Inc. (CLRINC), a firm out of Austin. All firms made brief presentations and stated their experiences with planning grants. This item was tabled for Council action until Apri�6, 1987 to allow the new candidates for office to review the proposals. (14) Appointment Lof Munic-ipal Court Clerk. Robin Parker was offieiallTy appointed Court Clerk for the City of Sanger. Jerry Jenkins made the motion. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. (11) Consider and possible action regarding -the Walkvaay AcrosL Interstate 35. Mr. Shutt informed Council that he had had a meeting with Mr. Bird with the Highway Department. He wanted the city Manager to advise the school system and. the City Council showing an aerial view of the walkway going from Bolivar directly across to the High School. In view of what Mr. Bird had shared -with the city manager as to the location of the saalktaay, is to be left as is. Wendall `l'homas made the motion. Seconded. by � erry Jenkins . Motion carried. 327. (12) Consider and possible action on Resolution Authorizing Proper Signature at the Bank for Financial City Needs. Jerry Jenkins made a statement that the wording in the last paragraph should reflect this addition: as so directed by majority vote of the City..Council. iviotion made by Carolyn Adkins. Seconded by Freddy Inman. Motion carried. (13) Consider and possible action on the Utility Board Recommendations.: Carroll McNeill represented the Utility Board. Mr. McNeill advised Council that based on the.data they had they were recommending raising minimrm rates from $8.00 to $9.OU for the first 2,000 gallons and:-$1.20 for each additional 1,000 gallons, increasing revenues by 2070. Discussion followed Jerry Jenkins made a motion that Council accept the recomm- endation for consideration from the Utility Board. Seconded by wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 15. City Manager's Report: a. City manager advised Council that tomorrow evening at 7:00 p.m., March 3, 1987, the P Sc Z. and City Council will hold a workshop on the zoning map. 16 Uther such matters: a. Mayor Armstrong informed Council of her trip to Austin on Small Cities Task Force on Planning & Growth. Meeting covered areas of annexation of General Law Cities. b. Mayor Armstrong did inform Council that the City needed to -get back to work on Kammie Patton Park. 17. Council convened to Executive Session according to Article 6252-17 V.A.T.S. to dicuss (A) Personnel. 18. Council reconvened from Executive Session. No action was taken. 19. Wendall Thomas made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carri r City Secra ary 4 Mayor XAS i