03/16/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular328. MINUTES: City Council March 16, 1987 r-1EMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Iel Armstrong, and Jerry Jenkins Freddy Inman, Carolyn Adkins MEriBEttS ABSENT: Danny Spindle and Wendall 'Thomas OTHERS ?RESENT: Etta Stogsdill, Jerry Don Linn, William B. Bell, Glenn Shaw, C.G. McNeill, Clayton Conley Lovell, Csrmen and Burl Bourland, Eugene Hupp, Mr. & Mrs. W . R . .Chatf field and, L! e Walker 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. The Minutes of the March 2, 1987 were approved as written. 3. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that item.��21 on the disbursements was requested to be listed, condemnation on Joe Fall's property, $500.00 ea. to be awarded. to the commissioners (3), that met on the condemnation and which was also to $10,000.00 to be awarded to Joe Fall's to be paid from the Utility Bond Construction Fund. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins anal seconded by Carolyn Adkins that the disbursements for N[arch 16th in the amount of $124,694.94 be approved. Motion. carried. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that on N[arch 2 disbursements, there were two dibursements to be on hold (Metroplex Engin- eering) however one had been paid previous to that meeting. She noted that city staff has been instructed not to pay Large imbursements without Council approval in the future. 4. Citizen Input - none 5. (7) Lee Walker, Denton Co. Commissioner, was present to speak on the Water Study Costs. Ms. Walker -noted some o=f the cities that was already in this study and others thai would be submitting their monies scion. She mentioned that Denton will be handling the paperwork. and then the State will be handling the reimbursing on. this study (grant_) and hopefully, the Co. Committee will be reimbursing the city's percentage (2 of what the city submits for this Study.) This study will have a plan working; with the State of Texas and possibly be able to obtain more grants. (clan for the future.) After much discussion, Mayor- Armstrong instructed the staff to prepare an ordinance to amend the budget. The City Council will need to adopt an ordinance to amend the budget at the next City Council Meeting due to $2,000.00 was what was budgeted and the amount due is $2,385.00. After thorough consideration., 6. (8) Mayor Armstrong declared William B. Bell's request to Carolyn Adkins made the motion zone Mr. Burl Bourland spoke it opposition his new addition, etc., would like to single family. to this. request due to see this area stay 329. l�Ir. Gene Hupp spoke in opposition to this request. No other(s) spoke in opposition; therefore, Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. Mayor Armstrong noted that the r & ;Z turned this request down as shown on the P & Z Minutes for January D , 1987. After much discussion, Freddy Inman made the motion to accept the P & Z's recommendation. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 7. (10) Mayor Armstrong presented item.#10 which was to consider possible action on Quick Claim Deed ro•r Gladys Wilson and W.R. Chatfield. Property located on 12th street adjacent to Bolivar St; unopened, undesignated street -- section from Bolivar to Hughes -- referred to as the alley. Mayor Armstrong stated that an ordinance and a deed would need to be drawn up by the city staff and presented to the City Council at their next meeting on April 6. Carolyn made the motion to QuickClaim Deed this property to Gladys Wilson & W.R. Chatfield and seconded by Jerry Jenkins as soon as the paperwork is completed. Motion carried. (If necessary for a full Council vote, this item revoted upon at the April 6 meeting.) Before this item will be completely granted, Mayor Armstrong noted that it needed an ordinace and a deed drawn up. If necessary by- law, it will -be necessary to vote again; however, no problem is forseen. 8. (11) Mayor Armstrong mentioned that Danny Spindle desires Co be the City of Sanger Municipal Judge and is not running again for the City Council Position that is up for election on April 4. After discussion, Jerry Jenkins made a motion to appoint Danny Spindle as the City of Sanger Municipal Judge on April 6th at 11:59 p.m. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried 9. (6) Consider and possible action to appoint City Clem -Up Committee. Mayor Armstrong appointed the following to this Committee: 1. Burl Bouland; Lions Club 2. Debbie Tucker, Chamber of Commerce 3. Betty Cunningham, Wednesday Study Club 4. Mike Rosenburg, Sanger I.S:D. 5. Jerry Don Linn, City of Sanger, Director of Public Works 6. Mayor Nei Armstrong, City of Sanger 7. Rev. Ed Cherryholmes, Pastor of Methodist Church 8. Margaret O'Rear, Business Community - Ken's Furniture 11. Consider and possible action concerning Utility Board's recommendations on Ordinance No. OI-87 on water rates. After much dicussion, this item -was tab -led, delay action the next CC Agenda until a clarified wording oould be established. INSIDE THE CITY LIMITS. 12. Consider Ordinance No. 02-87 Setting the Date, Time, and Place for Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation of Property Owned by Craig Snider, et al. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins, seconded by Freddy Inman, to set the first public hearing foz- April 6, 19$7 at 7:00 p.m. and. the 2nd public hearing set for April 20,1987 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 330. ORDINANCE NO. 02-87 AN ORDINANCE SE:STING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECl'ING THE MAYOR TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS. 13. No City Manager`s report given 14. Other Such Matters: a. Bids will be given to the Gity on Heating & Air Condition- ing for the Senior Sullivan Center per Mayor Armstrong. b. city needs to review the Inspection Department. c. City needs to review some of the city's ordinances. Examples: animal problems and the sign ordinance d. Mayor Armstrong noted that Stan Day, the Director of Sanger Electric will be glad to take the City Council to review the electric line. TO BE PUT ON AGENDA e. Mayor Armstrong noted she had received information regarding us submitting $1,286.00 to Co. for Mental Health.....etc. 15 . Freddy 3nman made the motion. to add cuirr., Seeo�c�ed by Jerry Jenki s. Motion Carried. ity Secreta y ®_ = Mayor ®O®®�®e��� AS MINUTES: pity Council. April 6, 1987 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, C.G. McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Danny Spindle, Debbie Spindle, Carolyn Frazier and Rev. Gerald Bridges 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order. Rev. Gerald fsridges led the invocation. iviayor Armstrong the led t"rie pledge to the flag. 2. Canvass of the ballots of the City Official Election from April 4, 1987. Mayor Armstrong presented the canvass of the votes for the City election as follows: Councilman - Place 1: Votes: Glenn Allen Shaw- 86 Danny M. McDaniel- 163 Lester Thomas Reeves- 3 Horace T. IMcGuffin- 29 William J. Morris- 21 Councilman P:Lace 3: Gerald H. "Jerry" Jenkins 245 Councilman Place 5: Ronnie McGuire 91 C.G. McNei11 207