04/06/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular330. ORDINANCE NO. 02-87 AN ORDINANCE SE:STING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS. 13. No City Manager's report given 14. Other Such Matters: a. Bids will be given to the City on HeatingCondition- ing for the Senior Sullivan Center per Mayor Armstrong. b. City needs to review the Inspection Department. c. City needs to review some of the city's ordinances. Examples: animal problems and the sign ordinance d. Mayor Armstrong noted that Stan Day, the Director of Sanger Electric will be glad to take the City Council to review the electric line. 110 BE PUT ON AGENDA e. Mayor Armstrong noted she had Y•eceived information regarding us submitting $1,286.00 to Co. for Mental Health.....etc. 15 . Freddy Inman made the motion. to ad�t nuin ., Seeonc�ed by Jerry Jenki s. Motion Carried. ity Secreta y ®€ s Mayor ��XAS MINUTES: City Council April 6, 1987 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, C.G. McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, llanny Spindle, Debbie Spindle, Carolyn Frazier and Rev. Gerald Bridges 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order. Rev. Gerald t�ridges led the invocation. iiayor Armstrong the led t'rie pledge to the flag. 2. Canvass of the ballots of the City Official Election from April 4, 1987. Mayor Armstrong presented the canvass of the votes for the City election as follows: Councilman - Place le Votes: Glenn Allen Shaw- 86 Danny M. McDaniel- 163 Lester Thomas Reeves- 3 Horace T. IMcGuffin- 29 William J. Morris- 21 Councilman Place 3: Gerald H. "Jerry" Jenkins 245 Councilman Place 5: Ronnie McGuire 91 C.G. McNeill 207 329. Mr. Gene Hupp spoke in opposition to this request. No others) spoke in opposition; therefore, Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. Mayor Armstrong noted that the P & Z turned this request down as shown on the P & Z Minutes for January 2/, 1987. After much discussion, Freddy Inman made the motion to accept the P & Z's recommendation. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 7. '(10) Mayor Armstrong presented item.#10 which was to consider possible action on t�uick Claim need ror Gladys Wilson and W.R. Chatfield. Property located on 12th street adjacent to Bolivar St; unopened, undesignated street -- section from Bolivar to Hughes -- referred to as the alley. Mayor Armstrong stated that an ordinance and a deed would need to be drawn up by the city staff and presented to the City Council at their next meeting on April 6. Carolyn made the motion to Quick•Claim Deed this property to Gladys Wilson & W.R. Chatfield and seconded by Jerry Jenkins as soon as the paperwork is completed. Motion carried. (If necessary for a full Council vote, this item revoted upon at the April 6 meeting.) Before this item will be completely granted, Mayor Armstrong noted that it needed an ordinate and a deed drawn up. If necessary by Law, it will -be necessary to vote again; however, no problem Ls forseen. 8. (11) Mayor Armstrong mentioned that Danny Spindle desires to be the City of Sanger Municipal Judge and is not running again for the City Council Position•that is up for election on April 4. After discussion, Jerry Jenkins made a motion to appoint Danny Spindle as the City of Sanger Municipal Judge on April 6th at 11:59 p.m. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried 9. (6) Consider and possible action to appoint City Clem -Up Committee. Mayor Armstrong appointed the following to this Committee: 1. Burl Bouland; Lions Club 2. Debbie Tucker, Chamber of Commerce 3. Betty Cunningham, Wednesday Study Club 4 . Mike Ro s enburg , Sanger I.S.-D. 5. Jerry Don Linn, City of Sanger, Director of Public Works 6. Mayor Nei Armstrong, City of Sanger 7. Rev. Ed Cherryholmes, Pastor of Methodist Church $. Margaret O'Rear, Business Community - Ken's Furniture 11. Consider and possible action concerning Utility Board's recommendations on Ordinance No. OI-87 on water rates. After much dicussion, this item -was tabled, delay action to .the next CC Agenda until a clarified wording could be established. INSIDE THE CITY LIMITS 12. Consider Ordinance No. 02-87 Setting the Date, Time, and Place for Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation of Property Owned by Craig Snider, et al. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins, seconded by Freddy Inman, to set the first public hearing for April 6, 19$7 at 7:00 p.m* and the 2nd public hearing set for April 20,1987 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 331. Mayor Armstrong declared the election valid with Danny M. McDaniel for Place 1 with 163 votes, Gerald H. "Jerry" Jenkins, Place 3 with 245 votes and C.G. McNeill for Place with 207 votes. 3. Swear in Newly elected City Officials: Mayor Armstrong swore in newly elected City Officials, Danny McDaniel, Jerry Jenkins and C.G. I�?cNeill. 4. -Swear in ewly appointed Municipal Court Judge: .Mayor Armstrong swore in Danny Spindle as the City's newly appointed City Judge. 5. Recognition to City Council members for years of service: This was conducted in a reception that was held earlier before the Council Meeting began. 5 6. Minutes of the previous meeting March 16,1987 were approved as written. 7. Disbursements: Item 12 and Item 33 were discussed. Jerry Jenkins made a -motion ' to approve the: disbursements . with the exception of Item 12 and Item 33 until these two items were cleared including this motion was that payment would be made once these items were cleared. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. unan. 8. Citizen's Input: Roy Lemons was present and spoke on behalf of the land owners on Duck Creek Road. He wanted the newly elected Council members to be made aware of the conditions of that road. Mayor Armstrong informed Roy Lemons that the situation was back in the hands of the developer. She informed Mr. Lemons that the City's part was very small on this but that they would see if they could get the situation "iron" out. 9. Conduct election for Mayor Pro-Tem. Jerry Jenkins made a motion to appoint Carolyn Adkins as Mayor Protein by acclamation. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. unan.. 10.. Consider and possible action of computer. Mayor Armstrong informed Council of the different places that Rose, Etta and herself had visited concerning different computers and software. Mayor Armstrong stated that she was really con vinced that it is the programs that are the most important when looking into computers. She also stated that Dennis Little's software was what was best for the City. Mr. Little has worked for the City of Sanger on prior programs and updates for the City and she felt his proposal was best. Mr. Little made a presentation an his mini computerconvers- technology. He thoroughly briefed Council on the program that the City would be purchasing. Mr. Little also made Council aware of.the Municipal Court: program that would be custom programed"for the City.. Mr. Little also went over the service department and the promptness of their avail- ability. Mr. Little was recommended 3 work stations, one Okidata printer and a tape backup. He would be doing the onsite training. Discussion followed. Mayor Armstrong stated to Council that they would like for them to go ahead and draw a proposal_ to purchase the software and then lease the hardware on the shortest term Lease possible No longer than 6 months. Mayor Armstrong did advise that they would check with the City Attorney as to the legalities involved. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that we proceed to purchase this equipment on a lease purchase after consulting with City Attorney. Seconded by Adkins. Voted-unan. 331. 11. Conducted first Public Hearing 3.739 acres to be annexed into no opposition to this hearing. hearing closed. for Craig Snider property the city .Limits. There was Mayor Armstrong declared the 12. Consicl.er and possible action by amending 86-87 Ordinance 02-87 to change $2,000.00 amount to Payment to Denton County Water Study. Motion Wendall Thomas to approve Ordinance #02-87 an Carroll MdNeill. Voted unan. CITY OF BANGER ORDINANCE NO. 02-87 Budget with $2,386.00. was made by d seconded by AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF BANGER FY 1986-1987 PLANNING AND ZONING BUDGET CONSULTING r'EES: PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINANCES 1N CONFLICT: PROVIDING A SEVER - ABILITY CLAUSE: AND, PROVIDING FOR ANEFFECTIVE DATE. l:i. Consider -.and_ possible action to adopt Ordinance 03=87 for a Quick Claim Deed.Galdys Wilson Est. and W.R. Chatfield. Motion .was made by Carolyn Adkins to adopt Ordinance #03-87 upon which a proper survey is submitted.. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NU. u3-87 AIv ORDINANCE ABANDONING A PORTION OF TWELFTH STREET EXTENDING NOR`in AND SOUTH BE'EN BULIVAR STREET UN THE NORTH AND HUGHES STREET ON THE SOUTH AND BEING APPROXIMATELY 40 FEET IN WIDTH ON THE NORTHEND AND39.07 FEET IN WIDTH ON THE SOUTH END AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED EXHIBITS A AND B AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND SAID PORTION.OF TWELFTH STREET LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER IN DENT'ON COUNTY, TEXAS AND -TERMINATING PUBLIC MAINTENANCE THEREOF AND AUTHORIZING THE P9MOR AMID CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS TO -EXECUTE A . `UIT CLAIM = TO THE PORTION OF SAID STREET TO J,,�DyS -V=SON EST. & W.R. 'HATFIELD RESPECTIVELY, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 14. Consider and possible action to adopt Ordinance 01-87 for water rates. .Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adopt Ordinance'#01-87 to increase water rates to be effective April 15, 1987 billing. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 01-87 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, (UTILITIES) SECTION 3, SUB-PARAURAPH A. (INSIDE THE CITY LIMITS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CZ�i'Y OF SANGEK, TEXAS TO PROVIDE FOR AN LNCREASE IN WA`1'ER UTILITY RATES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE-DATE;AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. 15. Consider and possible action to consider appropriation of $3,000.00 from Street Fund to -complete Duck Creek Road. Discussion followed. Motion carried to appropriate funds 16. Consider and possible action to adopt Ordinance 04-87 on Comprehensive Emergency Management. Mayor Armstrong advised Council that she had a call from Mr. Litman who was Denton' County's coordinator. He informed Mayor Armstrong that the City's Emergency Management Plan had not been updated: in a long time and by some legislative action the city needed to update their ordinances on Emergency Management. ORDINANCE N0. 04-87 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PROGRAM INCLUDING MITIGATION, PREPAREDNESS, RESPONSE AND RECOVERY PHASES OF COMPREHENSIVE 333. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT; ACKNOWLEDGING THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR; AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF AN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR;. AND PROVIDING FOR THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THOSE OFFIuES; IDENTIFYING AN OPERATIONAL ORGANIZATION; GRANTING NECESSARY -POWERS TO, COPE WITH ALL PHASES OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT WHICH THREATEN LIFE AND PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF SANGER; AUTHORIZING COOPERATIVE AND MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS FOR RELIEF WORK BETWEEN THIS AND OTHER CITIES OR COUNTIES AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES; PROHIBITING UNAUTHORIZED WARNING AND ALL = CLEAR SIGNALS AND MAKING VIOLATIONS A MISDEMEANOR PUNISHABLE BY FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00. i Motion made by Carolyn Adkins. Seconded by Wendall 'Thomas. Voted unan. City Council informed Rose to go to Radio Shack and get information on how much it would cost to upgrade emergency equipment. Take it out of Fire Department's Budget, approximately $50.00 cost. 17. Consider and possible action on Joint Resolution R7-87, Denton County Emergency Management Plan. Motion made by Wendall Thomas. Seconded by C.G.McNeill. Voted unan. 18. City Manager's Report: City Manager informed the status on the marina on Lake Ray Roberts. The mayor and himself had a meeting with the Corp. of Engineers, City of Denton, and some representative with the City of Dallas concerning the marina. He was just letting Council know that this situation is being approached. Discussion followed. City manager also advised the statu:> on the streets and also the problem now existing on loth Street. He is trying to find a solution to that problem as to fixing that area where it is not so low that cars can't come through there. 19. Other Such Matters: Mayor Armstrong advised on Clean Up Week. She also advised that she"hoped the Police Department was sending junk car letters for violations of the City Junk Car Ordinance. Mayor Armstrong -also advised that C.G. McNeil had to be replaced on the Utility Board. Mayor Armstrong also advised on theEasterEgg Hunt for Saturday, April 18,1987. Mayor Armstrong advised that Steve and her had met with the owner 20. Wendall Thomas -made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Voted unan. City Secretary _ a e ®®s soft* fs® ®®e yor of