04/20/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular334. MINUTES: City Council Meeting (Taped) April 20, 1987 PRESENT: Mayor N%= Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carolyn, Adkins, Wendall Thomas, C.G. McNeill, and Danny McDaniel OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Ken Cornell, Mr. & Mrs. V.D. Hilliard, Prentice Preston, Tom Stange, William B. Bell, Kenneth Howard and Roy Lemons L. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of April 6,1987 were approved as written. 3. Disbursements were approved with the exception of item #21 and item #32 which was to be deleted until further information is obtained. Motion was made to approve disbursements= deleting item #32 and holding item #21 until more information was obtained by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Voted unan. 4. Citizen Input: _. Bud Hauptman with Metroplex Engineering met with Council - to inform them of what they have beers trying to do to make their work with the City easier and at this time, if Council had any questions he would like them to take the opportunity to ask any questions that they might have about their services. Jerry Jenkins informed Council that Carroll Mc�•�eill and himself plus other members of Counci]_ have taken time to update the building permits to find out what has actually been collected. 5. Consider and possible action getting bid for 3rd Phase of Street Project. Tom Sta1zge discussed the .3rd Phase with Council. City Manager went over the streets that have been completed or will be completed in the first twc� phases. , - Tom Stange stated roughly the estimated cost of Phase III was about $282,000.00. Mayor Armstrong also stated her concern that nothing had been done on the downtown area. Discussion followed as to whether Council wanted to delete or add any street that were in the 3rd Phase. Further discussion continued on funds available and the streets that were up on the 3rd Phase. Mayor asked about the problem on the end of loth and Austin. Tom Stange stated that due to the limited right of -way there they felt it would be better to sca_ri.fy thaia. mix it up, cement it back up. Mayor asked"about drainage ditches. Tom stated they couldn't do much due to the area. Tom Stange did agree that it was included in the bid for a new culvert at the corner of loth and Austin. Changes in the 3rd Phase included 5th_ Street to 2nd, 3rd St. to Alley, South of Bolivar and 4th St:. from Elm to Wood. Motion was made by Adkins to advertise the bids for the 3rd 335. Phase with the changes discussed to be included. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. Opening of the bids was set for May 8 1987. Ei. Conducted 2nd Public Hearing for Craig Snider's Property 3.739 acres to be annexed into the city limits. No one was present to speak for or against the annexation. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 7.Consider and possible action annexing Craig Snider's 3.739 acres on Keaton Road. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to accept the annexation. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. 8. Consider and possible action on lot split for Craig Snider's (subdivision), discussed an extra 10' foot easement. Mott was made "by Wendall Thomas to accept Preliminary Plat on Craig Snider's with a.stipulation that the get a 5' foot easement. Seconded by C.G. McNeil. Motion carried. Voted unan. 9.-Consider and possi"ble action o de-anszex w.B. Bell's Property located on Keaton Road. Betore de -annexation of this property, public hearings must be held. Mr. Bell stated that he did not get zoning for. the property and that their agreement was with Council that he would de -annex. Council did -not agree with Mr. Bell that they would de -annex _ if he did not get zoning. Mayor advised Mr. Bell that they would check the minutes and find out exactly what procedures they would have to take and get back with him as to what procedures to take. Item tabled. 10. Consider and possible. action. on appointment of new member to Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion made by Wendall Thomas to appoint Kenneth Howard to Planning and Zoning Commission. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins Voted unan. 11. Consider and possible action on preliminary plat for Jean Crow and Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong did statethat lot 29A might need a variance. Ken Cornell requested that Council do away with 2nd reading and approve final plat. Mayor Armstrong advised that .they could not grant final because that is not in compliance with the. city ordinance. Ken Cornell stated that Council as to reference to certain rules and regulations that are not followed for other certain ptoaces of property. Mayor Armstrong advised Mr. Cornell that City Council tries to follow rules of the City Ordinance as closely as possible. C.G. McNeill -.made a motion to Pollaca the rules of .the "Ordinances and accept Ken Cornell's preliminary plat. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Voted unan. 12. Consider and possible action awarding Planning Grant Proposals. Mayor Armstrong advised that she would personally like to go with GSA but would also like to recommend that they use Metroplex Engineering for the engineering portions of the grant. 3360 Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to grant proposal to GSA with the stipulation that Metroplex do the engineering portions. Seconded by Wendall-Thomas. Voted unan. 13. Consider and possible action on appointment of new member to Utility Board. Motion was made by Wendall `Thomas a new member to the Utility Board. Jenkins. Voted unan. 14. City Manager's Report - NONE 15. Other Such Matters: 13. to appoint Jeff Morris as Seconded by Jerry Mayor Armstrong made Council aware of the letter she wrote granting noncomformance concerning the circumstances on Jeff Higgs house. Mr. Higgs was trying to sell his property but the house was not built in compliance with setbacks. Mayor also stated she had received a letter from Mr. Bradford from Concerned Citizens Against Drug Abuse. She will include this Resolution for the next Council meeting. llanny McDaniel stated that on the streets there were certain streets that were not completed and some that were still half finished. City manager explained that sometimes certain failures appear when the streets are being repaired that causes the street construction to cease due to street caving in then they have to come back later and finish the work. McDaniel also stated that on 6th Street there was a problem because the street was crooked. Roy Lemons then brought to Council's attention the sewer problem between Snap Shop and the Sanger Courier. City manager advised that the Fina is dumping grease in the sewer causing the sewer to back up. Also their cooking equipment is being cleaned up at the car wash. Steve stated that he was going to meet with those people to try to get the problem corrected. Mayor Armstrong advised Council that she was working on the budget and had co mpleted General Fund and would like to set a 1 hour workshop. Adjournment - Motion made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Wendall Thomas. Voted unan. city ,secretary Mayor