05/04/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular337. MINUTES: City Council Meeting (Taped) May a, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Carolyn Adkins, Jerry Jenkins and C.G. McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT: Danny McDaniel OTHERS PRESENT. Rose Shuffield, Etta Stogsdill, Dennis Little, Mr. Melton, Ken Cornell, Steve Shutt, Mr. & Mrs. V.D. Hilliard, Roy Lemons 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the plz:;ge to the flag. 2. Minutes of April 20, 1987 were approved as written. 3. Disbursements were approved :on a motion by Carolyn Adkins Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 4. No citizen Input 5. Consider and' possible action tca_ ��za.rd bid for the Csty-oft- ,-- Sanger Commuter System. The bid was awarded to Melton Services/ Conversion Technology on a motion by Jerry Jenkins. Seconded by C.G. McNeill. Motion carried. (Contracts were to be signed between the meeting & the Budget Workshop.) Mr. Melton advised Council that he could give them a 90-day lease purchase agreement. 6: Consider and possible action on Proclamation for National Nursing Home Week at the Care Inn Nursing Home in Sanger. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to declare May 10, 1987 - May 16, 1987 as Nursing Home Week a.t Care Inn. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 7. Consider and possible action on modification and ratification of plat for Sanger Snider Addition, Lot 17, Block 1, and other lots if necessary. Mr. John Springer spoke on behalf of Craig Snider and he advised that there were two houses there needing variances being Lot 17 and Lot 9 of Block 1. This being a problem that was created due to the prior building inspector approving said structure; at the time of construction. Carroll McNeill stated that the City had building Code Ordinances and that in the future they needed to abide by these rules. Discussion followed. Motion was made by Carrot McNeill and seconded by X Wendall Thomas to _approve variances on Lot 17 anal Lot 9, Blk: 1 in the Snider Addition. Motion carried. 8. Consider and possible action on Resolution #R8-87 for Concerned Citizens Against�sDrug Abuse. Mayor advised Council that she had received a letter from the City of Hurst requesting for our City Council to adopt this Resolution and sending .it to our State Legislature encouraging them to become involved and pass legislations creating a special category of crime prohibiting the sale or gift of dangerous drugs to minors by adults and to further encouraging the Legislatures in making mandatory prison sentences. "lotion was made by Jerry Jenkins. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 338. 9. Consider and possible action on final p7,at for Jean Crow and Nir. & Mrs. V.D. Hilliard. T-Ztion was made by Wendall Thomas. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 10. Consider and possible action on Zoning for Craig Spider's .property who is requesting zoning change from R-1 (Single Family) to P-SP (Public -Semi Public). Public hearing was published in the Denton Record Chronicle for May 4, 1987. Mayor Armstrong called the Public Hearing opened. No one was present to speak against zoning request. Mayor declared Public Hearing closed. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to approve zoning change on Craig Spider's property who was requesting zoning change from R-1 (Single Family) to P-SP (Public -Semi Public). Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. 11. Consider and possible action on final plat for lot split for Craig Snider. Discussion followed. Motion was made by C.G. McNeill to approve final plat for lot split for Craig Snider. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion Carried. 12. Consider and possible action on preliminary plat for Metz Estates, in City of Sanger E.T.J., for lot split on Metz Road. Motion was made by C.G. McNeill. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 13. Consider and possible action for Genehu�hes variance request Bourland Addition lot 3, blk. 1. Gene Hughes was requesting in his letter variance of 19'3". Discussion. Wendall Thomas made the motion to pass request for variance for Gene Hughes , Bola.rland C�ddition, Lot 3 , - �l?:. • .� , with stipulation that the house be flip-flopped.- seconded by C.G. McNeill. Again,. Carroll mentioned that we had a rule book and we needed to follow it. Motion carried. 14. Consider -and possible action in additinal employee for the Sanger Electric Department. Stan Day approached Council with the need for this employee. He stressed the issue that right now he .has no Class lst lineman. Jack Kimmel is 2nd Class lineman. With the reinsulation and new construction, he stated the need for an addit- ional employee. He informed the Council that at the present, he has someone .that he can hire for $9.00 an hour which is not adequate, but,' it will suffice for this person since he at the present time needs a full-time job. Stan did advise that all utilities need a lst class lineman in situations where he would know what to do if a man got caught in the pole on the necessary procedures that would have to be taken. Mayor Armstrong asked what are the steps needed to be taken for someone to be classified as a lst class lineman. Stan Day advised that a test needed to be given to the employee and if the test was passed he would be promoted. It takes about five years for someone to top at this. Mayor Armstrong did ask where someone would go for this test. _ Stan Day advised that he would give them a test or some other test that would be acceptable to some other utility. 339. Discussion continued and this item was to be held until'. City Council went into Budget Workshop and looked at the budget and then a decision could be made. 15. Consider and possible action on discussion a payment for Metroplex Engineering Corporation Study of Inspections for 85-86787 Building Permits. Jerry Jenkins and Carroll McNeill and other council members working on this project. Jerry Jenkins stated that this Study was done for concern as tn what was actually owed to Metroplex in the bills that had been submitted to the City for payment. During this study they go-- together with Bud Hauptman of Metroplex and discussed the fees. Mr. Hauptman is in agreement to what is now being submitted for payment. Jerry Jenkins did state that they have gone out of their way with--Inspectoris especially with the school, bank, and the Obald.o Building and they felt it was only fair to pay the amount due on these bills. Jerry did state that the system we have with Metroplex is a good system and also stated that he wanted to set a meeting. with the City Contractors to direct, input, as they have or have had, with the building inspection department. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins, �;econded by Wendall Thomas to pay Metroplex with the recommendation made by the Study Committee. Motion carried. 16. Consider and possible action on an I:nterlocal Agreement with Denton County. This was an agreement between the City of Sanger and Denton County on the work that the County will be doing on Keaton Road. There was a discussion as to how wide the road would be. Jerry Jenkins made a motion that they authorize the Mayor to sign this document after she has further discussion with Mr. Hill certain things are clarified. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 17. City Manager's Report: Steve Shutt advised Council that Warida Lester will be resign- ing her position with the City on Wednesday May 13, 1987, last work day. Steve also mentioned that Phase II is almost completed. He has given them a punch list to complete the problems that have arose in the Phase II Project. 18. Other Such Matters: Jerry Jenkins stated again the problem with the street light on the south end of town when you e:�it off Stemmons. City manager, Steve Shutt, advised that he had talked to the Denton County Co-op about the possibility of a shield being placed on the light. Mayor Armstrong shared a note from -the Middleton boys expressing their gratitude for City Council's understanding of their FFA Project. Mayor Armstrong also read a letter from Mr. Coulston concerning one of our employees, Cody Mills, who had provided assist- ance with corarteous and prompt manner -.when Mr. Coulston had a water problem.. Mayor Armstrong also received a letter from Rick Jenkins form Governmental Services saying its time to prepare for our grant application. They have asked if we would like to apply again. 340. Mayor Armstrong also addressed Council of the problem on- 124 FreSse. Mr. Bucklew had been written a letter concerning - Electric Service and for some reason or another he had been given final inspection on his residence. Mayor Armstrong and City Council advised staff to write Mr. Bucklew a letter and apologize for the inconvenience. Mayor Armstrong appointed Commissioners for the departments. Public Safety - Code of Enforcement & Inspection Public Works Electric Community Planning Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill Danny McDaniel Carolyn Adkins Wendall Thomas Mayor Armstrong also asked about when they are going to do something about the zoning ordinance. Steve Shutt advised he was planning to have it the next agenda since this time there was 20 items and he felt like it would be wiser to include it on the next Council's agenda. Mayor Armstrong also asked if this also included the subdivision ordinance. City manager stated it would be on the agenda for next meeting. 19. City Council went into brief workshop to discuss the 36-87 budget and the status of the city funds. Mayor Armstrong went over in detail on the status of the Municipal Funds on our revenues and expenditures for 86-87 Municipal Budget. 20. Council reconvened from workshop and a motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to approve the hiring of new employee for the Sanger Electric Department. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion Carried. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council Meeting May 18, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, C.G. McNeill, Danny DcDaniel MEMBERS ABSENT: Carolyn Adkins and Wendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Robin Parker and Lee Lawrence 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of the May 4th meeting were approved with one correction on item #15 - 'Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill and other members of the City Council had been working.' Minutes were approved as written. 3. Disbursements - Jerry Jenkins asked on item #2 - impound fee.