05/26/1987-CC-Minutes-Special342. Mayor didn't feel that the City should "sit down" on the project for three months for only $1500.00 which the difference of the bid on the 2nd Project. Mayor felt its not fair to the citizens to put this off for three months. Discussion continued concerning the bids and the situation involved. C.G. McNeill made a motion to accept low bidder - Duininck Brothers. Motion died from 'lack of second. Council felt that all members needed to be present before making a decision. Item was tabled until next Monday, 5-26-87 at 7:00 p.m. when all members can be present. 8. Consider and possible action to pay final billing from R.L. Roberts Construction, Inc. for Phase II of the Street Project. Discussion followed on the Streets that were on the punch list. Mayor felt Marcia Drive damaged areas should be added to the punch list. Jerry Jenkins stated south side of Marcia and Hillcrest also needed some work also. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to approve final billing on Phase II subject to completion and approval of punch list. Motion died from lack of second, Jerry withdrew motion. Item tabled for 5-26-87 at 7:00p.m. 9. Consider and possible action on Central Telephone Proposals for the City offices. 10. Mayor felt that this item was not :in the budget. Steve and Mayor discussed holding for the new budget in a pending file. City Manager's Report: Steve Shutt advised City Council he had a new unlisted phone number. Mayor discussed with Council the letter from Texas Department= of Health and their inspection concerning the landfill and corrections that needed . to be (lone. Mayor asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Carroll McNeill made the notion to adjourn, Jerry Jenkins seconded Meeting adjourned. May 26, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn dl.ins, �,Tendall Tomas, Danny McDaniel, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Tom Stange, Mr. Kreps - Duininck Brothers, Inc. 343. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. �. Consider and possible action to award bid on Phase III Street Project. Tom Stange approached Council with their recommendation which was to award bid to the Low bidder, Duininck Brothers. He di�i state that file lower bidder, Duininck Brothers, has one hundreds of miles of highway work for the highway department. The. second bidder, Larry Marining,. had done parking lot construction work and he h<3d also done some work at DFW Airport. Tom Stange did state that Mann:frig is familiar with asphalt work. He also went. over 3rd b:idder., Calvert, who has also done street work, but he is around $5,000.00 more than the other two bidders. Mr. Junior-Kreps with Duininck Brothers did speak in behalf of his firm. He did_ advise Council that he had to stay firm on his 120 day project contract arid he further stated that the City would benefit if they .would award the contract to their firm. After Mr. Kreps left, Mayor Armstrong stated that her views on why she felt that waiting any longer on Phase III of this Street Project was just not fair to the citizens. The worse streets would be left for last. On Phase IIl, Council was to prioritize the worst streets first since _ Keaton Road was not budgeted. The Mayor felt that if they waited until Sept. 1, there would be a lot of streets being repaired all at once and that concerned her. Council continued to discuss the situation. Issues were addressed_ as to the _fact that right now it is good street repair weather and if they waited, rainy season would start and then it wouldn't accomplish what they set out to do which was take advantage of the summer weather. Motion was. _made by -Jerry- Jenkins ..to__ awafd�.`Phase III street project to Larry Manning, a_nd lowest bidder upon condition that he will be bonded and the bond will be approved. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Jerry Jenkins stated that the z-eason he made this motion was time constraint of the low bidder not being able to start �eonst"ruction until Sept. 1, and not being in the best -interest of our City . Mayor asked if there was further discussion. Carroll McNeill stated that he was a 'little queasy' about this decision and Steve Shutt, City Manager, had mentioned. that it -would cost at: least $1500.00 in street patching if they waited until Sept. 1. Also Carroll mentioned that three hundred ar.�d some thousand dollars would also be. gaining interest if they waited until Sept. 1. Mayor Armstrong did state that she would probably feel the same way if she had to vote and further s"tated that this was not an easy decision for Council to make. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong did state that a letter be sent to both bidders with the reasons that this decision was made. 3. Consider and possible action to pay final billing from R.L. Roberts Construction, Inc. for Phase II of the Street Project . 344. Steve briefed Council and stated that he felt that R.L. Roberts Construction had completed his work on Phase '1"I. Discussion continues on the problems still existing on some of the streets. Some failures were discussed that have occured on Church Street. Jerry Jenkins mentioned that this problem on Church St. was not something that happened within the last two weeks. It has been like this for some time. "- Tom. Stange was asked if he talked to Bob Roberts about the problem. an Church -Street. Tom stated that he had not talked to him about this particular problem.._ Mayor Armstrong stated that Mr. Roberts would repair the streets if the failure was due to their work, that it would be corrected under his bond. Tom Stange stated that it was his understanding on how the bonding company works_, its reformance and payment bond is for the job itself - through to completion. If they don`t do it then their bonding company goes and gets somebody else,to do the job . After the job is done then it is the contractor's responsibility to come back and get maintenance bond or maintenance guarantee. Tom Stange also stated that on this contract it states that if he does not return then the owner makes the necessary repairs and charges the contractor actual cost. For Mr. R.L. Roberts to get maintenance bond, he needes a letter of acceptance from the City for Ptzase I & Phase II. If they hold up on the letter of acceptance on Phase I or Phase II, the contractor cannot get the maintenance bond. Mayor Armstrong did .advise she would go to R.L. Roberts and discuss this .problem with him. Tom Stange stated that the letters of acceptance be done tomorrow if Council approved Phase II. Letters of Acceptance need to be back dated for the date final payment was approved. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to approve final payment for R.L. Roberts Construction, Inc. for Phase II of Street Project. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Wendall Thomas added as presented by the engineer. Danny McDaniel mentioned also that this problem on his street had not been corrected. Steve advised he could get the city crew to get out there and get the situation cleared up. Carolyn Adkins stated she objected to city doing it since it was not our place to do so. Motion carried, one no vote. 4. Other Such Matters: Mayor Armstrong advised Mrs. Harper had called her about a problem where a semi -truck was cutting across her yard. City went out there and put some poles and didn't look so good so the city went out and put some sand and then leveled it for her. (Church and Denton). Then she called back and advised the mayor to go out there and look what happened. And again, someone had cut through her yard. Mayor felt like it was not City's job to keep vehicles out of her yard. Mayor Baas goi�.g to suggest to her to put landscape poles around that corner to keep the vehicles out. 345. 5. Mee ng adjourned. r Ca;ty Secret w U w g x s Mayor loci MINUTES: City Council Meeting June 1, 1987 MEMBERS Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, PRESENT: Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS Rose Shuffield, Jim Coulston, Mike Rosenberg, PRESENT: Augusta and Sylvia Fudge, Cammie Patten, and Prentice Preston 1. Mayor Armstrong asked Carolyn Adkins to give the invocation and lead the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes: approved with the exception of item ��7 change to Duininck Brothers. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made to approve disbursements by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Carroll_ McNeill. Mayor Armstrong did advise that next year the gasoline will have to be bidded before the City purchases gasoline for city vehicle usage. 40m Citizen Input - Augusta Fudge approached Council on the fact that he is wanting to move in a new modular home across town. He wanted.to find out what were the requirements and if Council could approve this tonight. Council did advise him that they could not make a decision since it was not an item on the agenda. Mr. Fudge went over his plans with the Council. Discussion. Council could not make a decision due to the fact that this item was not on the agenda. �. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill acid seconded by Jerry Jenkins that the acceptance 'letters f:or Phase I and Phase II Street Programs be written when maintenance bond was received. Motion was carried with one abstaining. 6. Consider and possible action. -Pro Raga Agreement -for School Mayor Armstrong stated that the school's Pro Rata Agreement was written up for 20 years. In this case if Council went ahead with the 20 year agreement, Council would have to amend the City's ordinance Jerry stated he had talked to Prentice Preston and Steve _about this agreement. Jenkins said that he did not accept the Pro Rata Agreement in its entirety but he didn't object to it either. He basically had some questions as far as the terms in the agreement. Jerry Jenkins stated his questions. Council proceeded to discuss the agreement with Mr. Coulston and Prentice Preston. After discussion, controversy arose over the lift station. Mayor stated she had no objection to the 20 years, pro rasa agreement. 5he stated that what if i_n the 10 years it didn't at least in 20 years it would allow more time for the school to get back their money.