06/01/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular345. 5. Meet ng adjourned. MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT : OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor CitC y ouncil Meeting June 1, 1987 Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins Rose Shuffield, Jim Coulst:on, Mike Rosenberg, Augusta and Sylvia Fudge, Cammie Patten, and Prentice Preston 1. Mayor Armstrong asked Carolyn Adkins to give the invocation and lead the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes: approved with the exception of item ��7 change to Duininck Brothers. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made to approve disbursements by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Carroll McNeill. Mayor Armstrong did advise that next year the gasoline will have to be bidded before the City purchases gasoline for city vehicle usage. 4: Citizen Input - Augusta Fudge'approac:hed Council on the fact that he is wanting to move in a new modular home across town. He wanted to find out what were the requirements and if Council could approve this tonight. Council did advise him that they could not make a decision since it was not an item on the agenda. Mr. Fudge went over his plans with the Council. Discussion. Council could not make a decision due to the fact that this item was not on the agenda. �. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill and seconded by Jerry Jenkins that the acceptance 'letters f.or Phase I and Phase II Street Programs be written when maintenance bond was received. Motion was carried with one abstaining. 6. Consider and possible action.an-Pro Raga Agreementfor School Mayor Armstrong stated that -the school's Pro Rata Agreement was written up for 20 years. In this case if Council went ahead with the 20 year agreement, Council would have to amend the City's ordinance Jerry stated he had talked to Prentice Preston and Steve .about this agreement. Jenl;.ins said t=hat he did not accept the Pro Rata Agreement in its entirety but he didn't object to it either. He basically had some questions as far as the terms in the agreement. Jerry Jenkins stated his questions. Council proceeded to discuss the agreement with Mr. Couaston and Prentice Preston. After discussion, controversy arose over the lift station. Mayor stated she had no objection to the 20 years, pro rata agreement. She stated that what if in the 10 yeafs it didn't at least in 20 years it would allow more time for the school to get back their money. 346. 7. Jerry Jenkins also stated that the contract stated that the collections of the funds for the Pro Rata was to be collected by the City and paid back to SISD in 30 days. Since the City was collecting it why couldn't the City hold the money to allow the City to earn interest and pay it back: at a later date. He felt if the City was going to do the work why couldn't they pay it back quarterly, 6 mo. or whatever. Jerry Jenkins stated that they should compro Lise on this. Discussion. Jim Coulston did state that this contract had already been ' sent their lawyer fot his approval. Mayor Armstrong stated that if Craig Snider had put in the Lift station then he would then be wanting a Pro Rata Agree- ment to get some of his monies back which is what the school s doi ing. Mayor also stated that already there is one builder waiting for Pro Rata Agreement to find out what he has to pay. (Day Care Center = Rogers Cont.) Also the church is also going to be getting a building permit. Rose Shuffield, City Secretary, was advised to check agenda to see if mayor signed the Pro Rata.Agreement on Lake Cities Concrete. More discussion continued. Prentice Preston stated that if the City offers Pro Rata Agreement then why should the school pull pack and walk away from it. Every developer in this City has the same privelage. Mayor Armstrong stated that the people who will be�tapping in to the sewer line will be paying for the sewer line. She also felt that not everyone should be responsible .for paying for - :he lift station. This fee is something that new people moving into the city should pay. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to send agreement to our city attorney Louis Nichols including pending our effective Pro Rata City Ordinance for his recommendation. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins.. Motion carried. It was also the general concensus of the City Council that the building permits for the Day Care and the Baptist Church that we charge $159.21 for each bldg. permit on the Pro Rata City Manager's Report - None Other Such Matters - Mayor Armstrong asked Rose if anything had been done on the subdivision on Snider Addition, Bourland Addition, and Shaffer Add. City Secretary replied she didn't know. Mayor Armstrong asked if Mr. Manning or Duininck had been sent a letter. City Secretary replied that she had not been given any letters to type and she had also asked Adm. Sec. and she stated she '- hadn't either. Also Mayor Armstrong stated Cable Co. had written a letter raising basic rates and our present agreement with the Cable Co. that they could not raise the fees without Councils ' approval. City secretary was instructed to send the Cable Agreement to our city attorney for his review and recommendation. 347. Another item mentioned was the weed letters that were to to property owners. Mayor asked city secretary if the letters had been sent. City secretary advised that her staff had not sent them. Jerry Jenkins stated city manager had €riven them back to Police Chief to send out. be sent Mayor Armstrong went over two meeting ghat were for June 12 at the COG in Arlington. _ June 25th in Denison there will be a two day meeting in Denison,-; Texoma Regional. Adjournment. CtySecretary �p fuTn�ti1�Y�� PRESENT: C�I�-If I2S PRESENT: Mayor Cit y Council Meeting June 15, 1987 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Nir. & Mrs. Leroy Elsey, Stan Day, Sandra Grover - Galaxy Cablevision, and Rhonda - Sanger Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation, and the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes were approved with the following changes on the minutes for May 26, 1987, to be changed to Special Called ivieeting and on the 2nd page on the 7th paragraph, -this paragraph is to be changed to one -no vote, the minutes for June 1, 1987 on the 2nd page 3rd paragraph, that according to their contract it was to be paid in 30 days but according to our Pro Rata Ordinance, we are to hold it for six months. Paragraph 11-2nd sentence, the word tapping was to be changed to sewer line; and also, this fee is something that new people moving in to the City and tieing on to the .sewer line should pay. Minutes were approved with the above corrections. 3. Disbursements - Item #19: Payment to Governmental Services Agency - tie contract was pulled. lvvCity manager stated that the $1,600.00 was the final payment and that all the work had not been completed yet. Mayor Armstrong stated that on the contract with G.S.A., the City chose alternate two (2) which states that aii the work would be completed in six months. It has taken a]most two years and the work is still not completed. This item is to be held on the disbursements.