07/06/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular353. 4. .Mayor Armstrong called the Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and possible action (if any) relative to Joint Public Hearing. No action taken. 6. Mayor Armstrong declared the meeting closed. Adjourment. . o Secretary mayor MINUTES: City Council Meeting July 6, 19.8 7 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jen}>ins, C.G. McNeill, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose ShuffieldI Rhond(;:L- Sanger Courier, Merwyn Tucker, Etta Stogsdill, Jackson Fulaha�«, David Luttrell, J.P. Hampton, and some concerned citizens, and Mrs. Paxton Gray 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of June 15, 1987 and the Special Called Meeting of June 22, 1987 were approved as written. 3. Disbursements: Mayor Armstrong went over disbursements. Item #29 to be taken out of Street Construction Fund. Jerry Jenkins made a motion to approve disbursements for pa.ymert with changes as noted. 4. Citizen Input: Mr. Fred Simmons brought in a plat that had been approved by the City Council a month ago and all that was needed was the Mayor's signature, 5. Consider and possible action regarding a variance request for Roberta E. Court, Lot 12, Block 1, in Bourland Addition. This item was tabled until it could be brought before P & Z. 6. Consider and possible action regarding 'to, request for Senior Citizens asking for exemption on taxes to be raised from $3,000.00 to $10,000.00, J.P. Hampton, Rep. J.P. Hampton addressed Council concerning this issue. Mr. Hampton presented a petition with over 200 taxpayers -senior citizens asking for this request. They had checked with other areas that are giving more than $3,000.00 examption for citizens over 65. They are requesting $10,000.00 exemption. Council did not take action on this until Appraisal District mails their final reports on July 25. This will enable Council to consider this during budget workshop and then be put back on the agenda at that time. (Rose was to get a list of how many senior citizens this would affect.) 354. 7. Consider and possible action to change Budget Fiscal Year - October 1, 1987 to October 31, 1988. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had talked to Louis and he advised that if Council did decide to do this the budget had to be amended to include the month of September and make it a 13 month budget. Mayor Armstrong stated that she would like to schedule a budget workshop this month and if City Council will let her know on some date she could go ahead and set a date, either for Monday, the 27th, 1987 or a saturday. No action on this item. It will be considered at a later time. 8. Consider and possible action Assistance Program (possible city match monthly funds from Steve Shutt advised that PZr. to Austin for the course that take. concerning the Housing new operator -Ovid Neal) HUD - $72.00 if possible. Neal will have to be sent is required for him to Mayor Armstrong asked if Council had a problem to pay for expenses to Austin. City Council had no objection. Decision on matching funds was left for later until they found out if Mr. Ovid Neal qualified for the Green Thumb Program and at that time if he did not qualify it would be put back on the agenda. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to appoint Ovid Neal as the new Operator for the Housing Assistance Program and that the city pay for the expense trip to Austin and that we further to check and see if he qualifies for Green Thumb Program and if he doesn't qualify, then for it to be brought back to Council to see about matching funds. Jerry Jenkins made the second. Motion carried. 9. Consider and possible action regarding Pro Rata Agreement. Mayor Armstrong advised to City Council that she had enclosed the letter she sent to the school concerning the changes in the Pro Rata Agreement. Lengthy Discussion. Motion was finally made by C.G. McNeill that the Pro Rata Agreement with SISD be disapproved. Jerry Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. C.G. MvNeill stated that the SISD needed to discuss the Pro Rata Agreement with them, the City Council. 10. Consider and possible action to change speed zone on FM 455 (near the SISD Elementary School). Request from the State Highway Department. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to approve the new speed zone mileage of 25 miles per hour at the new Elementary School. Seconded by C.G. McNeill. Motion carried. 11. Consider and possible action per sighrequest from David Lutrell for Chisolm Trail (3 signs) located near Fernandos Restaurant of Int. 35. Steve addressed this issue by stating there were two signs that were in violation of City Ordinance by not being within 1000 feet of each other. David Lutrell stated he is the owner of the tractor fair and the rodeo arena. He stated that both signs are down at this time and they are needing a variance from the City Council to be able to leave these signs up. 355. Steve Shutt stated Council could not give them a variance becuase that was in Denton ETJ, not Sanger's ETJ. Steve did state that what could be done is they could put bigger signs to accommodate the advertisement. Since the property is in transition, Jackson inquired if it was possible for City Council to approve the signs the way they were until the property was fully developed. Mayor Armstrong stated they understood but City Ordinance does not mention any special terms for land that is not developed. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to abide by the rules of the City Ordinance on sign regulations. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 12. Consider and possible action to purchase a R270 MBW Rammer for city ($1400.00). Steve addressed this issue. He stated that this would be an essential p*Cce of equipment for work that needs to be done on the streets. Discussion. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas no-t to make any decision on the purchasing of this MBW Rammer and that this item be tabled until a demonstration is available. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 13. Consider and possible action on Resolution #09-87 for Lake Ray Roberts Marina. Steve Shutt addressed this issue thai: this was necessary in order for him to proceed with the plans on the marina. Motion made by Wendall Thomas on R09--87. Seconded by _ Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 14. Consider and possible action on land for the new Water/Well Tower. Steve. Shutt addressed this issue. N1r. Garland Cates, owner of the Cooper Property off of M�'ion Road, has offered the property for a well site providing, however, that the work begins within a year. Mayor Armstrong asked how the city would pay for this well. Steve Shutt stated with Revenue Bond_>, Jerry Jenkins asked what problems would the locatiori.of that well or any well in a service as�ea of Bolivar Water, Mountain Springs and Gribble_Springs, cause the city in the future. Other than the fact it would self service present City Limits or can it be used to extend service. Steve Shutt stated City ca ervice or extend,to the City Limits, which is different han the service area. Steve Shutt stated that eventually the, construction of a new well will have to be considered. Mayor Armstrong stated that she woulc'. like to see some figures and what the cost would be to the citizens of Sanger. Steve Shutt stated all he needed -was some direction as to how to this. 356. Danny McDaniel made the motion to accept the site with the option to get estimates from our Engineers as to costs to construct the well site. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong stated to Danny if he understood that if they_ -a:�cepted_ the site it would obligate them to do something within a year. Danny McDaniel stated that wasn't his motion -- that on the -- letter it states that they will contribute the land until the City decides whenever to proceed with the new well site. Danny McDaniel stated whenever is a long time. 15. City Manager's Report: a. Steve Shutt addressed the issue for Mr. Ray Abbott. l��.r. Abbott was left off the agenda through fault of ous. Steve Shutt asked City Council if they could give tentative approval. Mr. Abbott did state what he was proposing to construct, a house on the lot located on the E2 Lot #18, Blk. 17, Hampton Addition and he was requesting a variance with the restriction that if the older house was ever torn down another house would never be constructed on the lot. Discussion - City Council opinion was not to take action on this item. Council did not take action on this but advised Mr. Abbott that a Special Called Meeting would be called to take care of his problem advised Mr. Abbott. Mayor Armstrong advised Mr. Abbott to call our office to find out exactly when his meeting would be scheduled. b. Informed of the letter, Metroplex had sent in their Recommendation to have an in-house building inspector. c. Steve Shutt informed Council of the street project already underway in Sanger South. d. Steve Shutt also informed City Council on the letter Ruth Tansey sent concerning problems Denton County is having with EPA regulation. City Council needed to be made aware of this matter. Steve Shutt also informed City Council concerning financial situation on R.L. Roberts. Steve Shutt also discussed the ETJ boudary lines. Discussion followed concerning annexation boudaries. 16. Other Such Matters: a. Mayor Armstrong advised to also put approval of Bourland and Snider Addition on the agenda. b. Mayor Armstrong asked if Brazos had sent a letter stating - the city could use the R.O.W. for a road on Keaton Road. She asked to please contact Brazos on this. c. Mayor Armstrong also stated that a certain property was in the process of condemnation proceedings and she wanted City Council to be aware of it. d. Mayor Armstrong also asked if we had received insurance policies on Galaxy. 357. City Secretary replied that they had not come in through her office. Adjour ent. C yFSecretary ® g o A S MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: rlayo r City Council Special Called Meeting July 10,1987 1�1.ayor Nel Armstrong, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, Carolyn Adkins, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffie:ld, Ray Abbott, Craig Snider, Carl Sadau, Burl Bourland, and Herbert Arledge 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation and the pledge to the flag. 2. Consider and possible action for a variance request for Ray Abbott on the EZ Lot of #18, Block 17, in the Hampton Addition. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to a��cept the variance request for Ray Abbott on EZ Lot #18, Block 17 in the Hampton Addition with the P & Z recommendation. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. (P & Z's recommendation - was to acce-ot Mr. Abbott's proposal and move the property line on the east side of Lot 18 extending his property to the entire .length of that lot which is about 95' giving him a special use permit so he may build his proposed house and also maintain the smaller house on the east side of the lot, making it available for rental property but limiting him not to reconstruct or rebuild on this lot upon destruction or Act of God other than :remodeling.) 3. Consider and possible action for approval and acceptance of Sreets and Utilities in the Bourland .Addition, Snider Addition, and the SISD Water and Sewer Lines. Mayor Armstrong asked if the As Is Plans and Maintenance Bonds on both these subdivisions had :been turned into the city. Steve Shutt stated that they were and that also the As Is Plans on the Sewer Lift Station were also i:n the office. Steve Shutt also stated that Mr. Bourland was bringing in his sewer easements for the city on the subdivision. Mayor Armstrong asked to please ask Burl Bourland bring As Is on Triple AAA, that it be turned in also. Motion was made to accept As Is Plans on Phase I Bourland Addition, Phase I Snider Addition and SISD Water and Sewer Lines be accepted. Wendall Thomas made the motion and seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion Carried.