07/10/1987-CC-Minutes-Special3570 City Secretary replied that they had not come in through her office. Adjour e n t. o m s MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: cretary 0 City Council July 10,1987 Mayor Special Called Meeting bSayor Nel Armstrong, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, Carolyn Adkins, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins Steve Shutt, Snider, Carl Arledge Rose Shuffie:Ld, Ray Abbott, Craig Sadau, Burl :Bourland, and Herbert 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation and the pledge to the flag. 2. Consider and possible action for a variance request for Ray Abbott on the E2 Lot of #18, Block 17, in the Hampton Addition. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to a�cept the variance request for Ray Abbott on EZ Lot #18, Block 17 in the Hampton Addition with the P & Z recommendation. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. In & Z's recommendation - was to accept Mr. Abbott's proposal and move the property line on the east side of Lot 18 extending his property to the entire length of that lot which is about 95' giving him a special use permit so he may build his proposed house and also maintain -the smaller house on the east side of the lot, making it available for rental property but limiting him not to reconstruct or rebuild on this lot upon destruction or Act of God other than :remodeling.) 3. Consider and possible action for approval and acceptance of Sreets and Utilities in the Bourland .Addition, Snider Addition, and the SISD Water and Sewer Lines. Mayor Armstrong asked if the As Is Plans and Maintenance Bonds on both these subdivisions had :been turned into the city. Steve Shutt stated that they were and that also the As Is Plans on the Sewer Lift Station were also i:n the office. Steve Shutt also stated that Mr. Bourland was bringing in his sewer easements for the city on the subdivision. Mayor Armstrong asked to please ask Burl Bourland bring As Is on Triple AAA, that it be turned in also. Motion was made to accept As Is Plans on Phase I Bourland Addition, Phase I Snider Addition and SISD Water and Sewer Lines be accepted. Wendall Thomas made the motion and seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion Carried. 358. 4. Consider and possible action considering the Pro Rata_ Agreement with SISD. Herbert Arledge spoke in regards to the Pro Rata Agreement for the school. He appealed to the Council to please reconsider the agreement. Craig Snider then addressed City Council regarding the Letter that SISD wrote Council concerning the Pro Rata Agreement. Craig Snider went over the letter and discussed the important dates concerning the Pro Rata Agreement. Craig Snider stated that in the School Board Business Meeting someone mentioned that if the Snider Addition would be taken out the Pro Rata Agreement would be reconsidered. Discussion continued between the City and Craig Snider. There were some corrections that Craig Snider did point out in the Agreement. The figure of how many homes were out in the Addition were 138 versus the 122 mentioned in the letter. Danny McDaniel asked if he was in agreement with the letter the mayor had originally sent. Craig stated that they were in agreement. Wendall Thomas made a motion that the Pro Rata Agreement with the SISDbe accepted with recommendations that we change 122 houses to 137 houses and $30.00 to $288.00. Danny McDaniel seconded motion. Motion carried with two negative votes. Meeting adjourned.. MIN MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS. PRESENT: ty.. Secretary 3; City Council Meeting July 20, 1987 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, C.G. McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins Carolyn Adkins Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield (See Attached List) 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of July 6, 1987 were approved with corrections to the minutes of July loth, correction on the last page to reflect two negative votes in lieu of two abstaining votes.