08/03/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular363. City.. Se MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS City Council August 3, 1987 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, Carolyn Adkins, Jerry Jenkins, and C. G. McNeill PRESENT: Stephen K. Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Lee Lawrence, Elaine Schad, Merwyn Tucker, and Etta Stogsdill 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation, and the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of July 20, 1987 were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Jerry Jenkins made a motion to approve the disbursements. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. No citizen input. 5. Consider and possible action on water well site. Garland Cates addressed the issue on the water well site and if there was anything they needed to do to assist. Mayor Armstrong advised they were in the medst of a Planning Grant and they were doing a study on future growth and maybe within the next two or three months they would be able to make some positive decision. 6. Consider and possible action on approval for the new zoning ordinance. Lee Lawrence made a presentation on this item. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to accept the new zoning ordinance. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. (a) Presentation of Subdivision Ordinance Discussion - This item to be on the agenda for August l5th. 7. Consider and possible action on formal recommendation for the Landfill. This item to be on agenda for city council on August 15, 1987 and put their suggestions in a foram of formal recommendations. 8. Consider and possible action to repair Landfill Bulldozer. Steve Shutt addressed -the Council informing them that the Bulldozer was going to be in need of repair but could operate I n the condition it is at a calculated risk s-omet-me—w3thout a�pr-oblem . Wendall Thomas did address the issue on how the city crew needed to be taught how to maintain the bulldozer. Discussion on the expense to repair the dozer continued. C. G. McNeill made a motion that the man from Shaw Equipment come down and teach a class on keeping the maintenance on 364. the bulldozer and a maintenance record be maintained and be kept daily. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment for the Utility Board Members. Mayor Armstrong stated John Henry is the only member whose term comes up this year. To be postponed and placed on the next City Council agenda. 10. Consider and Possible Action for Park Board Members. Jackie Echols, Joe Higgs, and Sam Burrus are the only members whose terms are up. Jackie Echols and Ron McGuire were appointed to the Park Board with the understanding that one more member be appoint- ed to this board at the next City Council meeting. 11. Consider and Possible Action to adopt for approval of Speed Zone Ordinance #07-87 (Presented Speed Zone on 455 on July 6, 1987) . Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to adopt Speed Zone Ordinance #07-87. Seconded by C. G. McNeill. Motion carried. 12. Consider and Possible Action for Ovid Neal - Housing Assistance Operator, Regarding Monthly Funds (Did not qualify for Green Thumb). Discussion. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the city pay Mr. Ovid Neal the current state rate for the allowed period of up to one month up to the budget time, until the City could review the funds if he was willing to stay with the program. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. 13. Consider and Possible action to Adopt TMRS Senate Bill #505. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to update service credit and provision on Senate Bill #505. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Negotiations with Denton from Rector Raod north to E.T.J. Mayor Armstrong addressed this issue and stated Mayor Stephens from Denton will work with the city on negotiations for Rector Road being the dividing line. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the mayor continue negotiations with the City of Denton in an attempt to get Rector Road as the dividing line.Wendall Thomas seconded. Motion carried. 15. Consider and Possible Action regarding the Utility Department purchasing a fuel tank for Diesel in the amount of $250.00 from R.L. Roberts construction,Inc. Steve Shutt advised Council this was a 110 gallon tank with an electric pump. Discussion. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins that the money be allowed to purchase the fuel tank for diesel if McMahan Oil Co. couldn't furnish an oil tank as a loaner. Seconded by C.G. McNeill. Motion carried with one -no vote. 16. Consider and Possible Action set a budget workshop. City Council was in agreement to set a budget Workshop for Monday, August 3,1987. 17. Consider and possible Action regarding Keaton road Improvements Extension of Contract. Steve Shutt addressed this issue regarding an additional $16,000.00 needed for the completion of Keaton Road. Improvements - This is needed in case something does go wrong if not it would cost approximately $12,500.000 365. Steve Shutt noted this does inc de Duck Creek and Keaton Road. Dicussion continued on this term. Jerry Jenkins made the motion on this term to be tabled and action on this item until City Council could see horg. the monies are coming except for minor patching. Seconded by Motion carried. 18. Any other such matters: a. Jerry Jenkins stated that Chapman Drive Sign keeps being pulled down and he requested the sign to be moved. This will enable at least for whoever is doing it to at least be seen by someone. C.G. McNeill did state that on First Street the water line looks like it was sinking. Steve Shutt stated it was the sewer line. Jerry Don was aware that this was his own personal problem and he has been advised to correct it. 19. City Manager's Report: a. Steve Shutt advised that Sanger South is completed. b. Mayor Armstrong did state that Texas A.M. Engineering Department will be having street maintenance school someone during the next budget year. Meetin adjoured. " � �C�i� ��Secretary g t� r } MINUTES: City Council Augustll,1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong:,:._icdendall-�:�omas,C��n.n�� t�icPaniel;� Carroll McNt�-ill,,;-;�i�d Jerry �'enkir�a - =` - --- Carolyn Adkins Stephen K. Shutt and Rose Shuffield 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting_ to order gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of August 3, 1987- Item #9 correction -should reflect the Utility Board. item #12- to state that Jerry Jenl:ins made the motion that the city pay Mr. Ovid Neal current.state rate for the allowed period of one month up to budget time, until the city could review the funds & if Mr Neal was still at that time was willing to stay with the program. Item #8- last sentence to reflect that to -could operate in the condtion it is in at a calculated risk. Minutes approved as printed with the above corrections. 3. Disbursements- Jerry Jenkins made the motion to pay the disbu- rsements. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Subject to those corre- ctions that were noted.