08/17/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular365. Steve Shutt noted this does inc de Duck Creek and Keaton Road. Dicussion continued on this term. Jerry Jenkins made the motion on this term to be tabled and action on this item until City Council could see how the monies are coming except for minor patching. Seconded by Motion carried. 18. Any other such matters: a. Jerry Jenkins stated that Chapman Drive Sign keeps being pulled down and he requested the sign to be moved. This will enable at least for whoever is doing it to at least be seen by someone. C.G. McNeill did state that on First Street the water line looks like it was sinking. Steve Shutt stated it was the sewer line. Jerry Don was aware that this was his own personal problem and he has been advised to correct it. 19. City Manager's Report: a. Steve Shutt advised that Sanger South is completed. b. Mayor Armstrong did state that Texas A.M. Engineering Department will be having street maintenance school someone during the next budget year. d Meetin adjoure. ®P okAS MINUTES: City Council Augustl:l, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong:,:._i�dendal-l-�iomas,Li�nn�� t�icPaniel;r Carolyn Adkins Stephen K. Shutt and Rose :>huffield 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of August 3, 1987- Item #9 correction -should reflect the Utility Board. item #12- to state that Jerry Len}:ins made the motion that the city pay Mr. Ovid Neal current.state rate for the allowed period of one month up to budget time, until the city could review the funds & if Mr Neal was still at that time was willing to stay with the prograi. Item #8- last sentence to reflect that to -could operate in the condtion it is in at a calculated risk. Minutes approved as printed with the above corrections. 3. Disbursements- Jerry Jenkins made the motion to pay the disbu- rsements. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Subject to those corre- ctions that were noted. 366. 4. Citizen Input -None 5. Consider and possible Action on the Subdivision Ordinance. This item was tabled for the next meeting. 6. Consider and Possible Acton on Formal Recommendation for the Landfill. This item was tabled until the City Council starts working on the budget. 7. Appointment for Park Board membership. Tabled for next meeting. 8. Appointment for Park Board for one more appointment. Wendall Thomas made a motion to appoint Joe Higgs to the Park Board. Jerry Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action for the Preliminary plat on Thomas Tipton's Property. Discussion followed. Wendall Thomas made a motion to accept recommendation of Planning and Zoning on the Preliminary Plat for Thomas Tipton with the stipulation that lot 4 face lst Street. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. Steve Shutt did mention the impact fees would reflect this p7,a4,, . He asked that the impact fees be held until City Council could be capable of making a decision. City Council agreed to hold these fees. 10. Consider and possible Action on Tax Exemption for Citzens over 65 City Council felt this item should be tabled until City Council got further into the budget. ll. Consider and Possible Action regarding the Municipal Maintenance Agreement (amended) between the City of Sanger and the State Department of Highways & Public Transportation reflecting the change in the route of FM 455 by approving Ordiance #08-87. Mot to Ion was made by Wendall Thomas to pass Ordiance#08-87. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motton carried. 12. Any Other .Such Matters: a. Mayor Armstrong asked if Steve had heard form Tony Wright concerning OMB Circular Al-28 from the EPA's office. Steve replied, No instructions were to check on this to see Tony was taking care of this item. b. Ken Cornell did ask if a building permit could be issued on lot 2, O.T. on Tipton's Plat. City Council thought that wouldn't be a problem. Mayor Armstrong advised that there was going to be a party for Mrs. Gray and she would like for the city to declare a proclamation as Mrs. Eunice Gray Day. City Council agreed. City Council set another budget workshop for August 24,19870 Adjournment. City Secretary Mayor