09/21/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular371. MINUTES: City Council September 21, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Jerry Jenkins, and Carroll McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen K. Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Burle Bourland, Woodrow Barton, Lee Lawrence, Bill Enlow, Mr. Pcmykal - Cable T.V. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes were approved as written. 3. Disbursements: Jerry Jenkins made a motion to approve payment of disbursements. Carroll McNeill seconded. Motion carried. 4. Citizen input: Burle Bourland stated he was concerned as i=o the condition of the street on Keaton Road. He stated that the weeds are so high out there that it is difficult to see vehicles approaching from the corner of that road by the Sanger Mobile Home Park. The streets out. -there are in bad condition also. He hopes that the City Council could take it into consideration in fixing that street. Mayor Armstrong thanked him for coming and stated they were aware of the condition of that street. She also stated that the city is three weeks from completing the 3rd phase of the street project and at that time they will know what money the City has to be used for other projects. Mr. Barton then stated that he has been reviewing the City's tax ledger roll and finds that a lot of property is gx-ossly undervalued - subdivision property. Mr. Barton stated several issues and asked if the city has a policy on what the Appraisal Office sends. Is the roll reviewed and checked for errors? City Secretary did state that they are checked but there is no possible way to catch every mistake on property that is not appraised correctly - that is handled by the Appraisal Office. Mr. Barton did state if the errors are caught in May or June when the.. preliminary roll is received then at that tame the City can do something about it. City Council did thank Mr. Barton for bringing this item to their attention. 5. Conduct Public Hearing for the City of Sanger Fiscal Year Budget beginning October 1, 1987 to September 30, 1988. M ayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. No one spoke for or against the budget. Mayor Armstrong declared the public .hearing closed.. 6. Consider and possible action regarding Public Hearing for the City of Sanger Fiscal Year Budget (Oct. 1, 1987 to Sept. 30, 1988). Mayor Arnistrong asked if City Council wanted, they could approve the budget and then amend it at a later date. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the budget for October 1, 1987 to September 30, 1988 be approved with the changes noted. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried with.(1) one - no vote. _ 7. Consider and possible action to set tax rate for City of Sanger and adopt Ordinance #012-87. 372. Motion made by Carroll McNeill to adopt tax rate of .4163. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 8. Conduct first Public Hearing on Sewer Grant application. Before the Public Hearing was declared, Lee Lawrence from G.S.A. went over the details on the Sewer Grant Application. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open and asked if anyone was present to speak. No one was present to speak regarding this public hearing. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 9. No action was to be taken on this item. 10. Consider and Possible Action to set date for second Public Hearing on the Sewer Grant application. City Council set next public hearing date for October 4, 1987 - next regular City Council meeting. (Note -- October 4th was a Sunday and October 5th was the date published in the paper.) 11. Conducted Public Hearing on Ze-87 for W.L. (Bill) Enlow who is regeusting a change in zoning from Rl - Single Family to B2 - Local Business. Mayor Armstrong stated that P. & Z. recommended that this zoning be denied; and rec�nended that he be granted a variance to be able to maintain legally for non -conforming use for 24 months instead of six (6) months. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. PIr._Enlow addressed Council on behalf of his zoning. Brief discussion. No one else spoke for or against this. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 12. Consider and Possible Action from Public Hearing Z3-87 for Bill Enlow. Discussion. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to deny P. & Z.'s recommendation. Seconded by C.G. McNeill. Motion did not carry. It was only 3 - 2 vote since it was not a 4-1 vote to overide P.& Z.'s recommendation. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas that Bill Enlow be given P. & Z.'s recommendation granting him an'Rl-Single Family variance of 24 months as recommended by P. & Z. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. 13. Conducted Public Hearing Z4-87 for John R. Porter who is requesting a change from Agricultural to Commercial. Mayor Armstrong declared public hearing open and asked if anyone wanted to speak for or against the zoning. There was no one present to speak for or against this item. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 14. Consider and possible action on Public Hearing Z4087 for John R. Porter. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to accept P. & Z.'s recommendation for Z4-87 zoning change (consisting of approx. 14 acres) for John R. Porter. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried 15. Conducted Public Hearing on Z5-87 for John R. Porter who is requesting a change from Agricultural to Commercial. Mayor Armstrong declared public hearing open and asked if anyone was present to speak for or against the zoning change. 373. No one spoke for or against. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 16. Consider and possible action from Public Hearing Z5-87 for John R. Porter. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to accept: P. & Z.'s recommendation on zoning Z5-87 (consisting of 27.76 acres) for John R. Porter, Seconded by McNeill. Motion carried. 17. Consider and possible actton on Ovid Neal - City matching funds regarding the housing assistance program. Mr. Neal was not present; City Council thought it best to table this item for next City Council agenda. 18. Consider and possible action for Denton County Appraisal District. 1�tion was made by Wendall Thomas to appoint Woodrow Barton as a nominee/candidate to the Denton Co. Appraisal. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 19. Consider and possible action on Sanitation increase for Texas Waste Management. Mr. Fomykal represented Texas Waster Management on the sanitation increase request. Texas Waste Management is asking an increase of $5.78 (which does not include City's administration cost and to be applied sales tax on Oct. 1, 1987.) Discussion. Motion was made by C.G. McNei_11 to table this item for the next City Council meeting agenda. McNeill seconded. Motion carried. 20. Consider and possible action regarding animal complaint at Bolivar and loth. City Manager stated he had advised the residence owners at Bolivar and loth that they were in violation of city ordinance keeping livestock (goats) within 200 feet from any other existing properties. The owners of the property had wrote a letter to the City Council stating that the Denton Co. Health Dept. had already been out to their property and checked the area out and found no problems. They were stating that somehow they had been "grandf:athered in" after the ord. was written. Discussion continued. McNeill made a motion that after city administrator consulted the city attorney for legal advice, that any �>erson in violation of the livestock ordinance be sent a letter. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 21: Consider and possible action on subdivision ordinance. Lee Lawrence went over the subdivision ordinance and tYie changes with -the new provisions. City Council thoroughly went -over the subdivision ordinance and noted some changes. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to accept subdivision ordinance with the changes noted. Carolyr.� Adkins seconded. Motion carried. - 22. Consider and possible action regarding petitions for request to beautify city square park: No action taken. Petition not present. 23. City Council Rollin relationship with the: Governmental Taxing Entities - Woodrow Barton. 374. Mr. Barton went over some issues concerning city's roll as a governmental taxing entity. Mr. Barton stated that the city and school should relate in matters concerning taxes. Mayor thanked him for coming. 24. Any other such matters; Mayor A�nstrong informed city council of a citizen's donation of $T00.00 to put a rail outside the door at the city office for someone to be able to hold on to when stepping down the steps. Mayor Armstrong informed Council that she was attending TML meeting. Jerry Jenkins asked status on 5th & lOth& Pecan. Steve Shutt stated he instructed that the problem be fixed. Wendall Thomas stated that the leak on 8th & Willow is still not repaired. and he wanted it noted this was the 4th time he had reported it. Jerry Jenkins asked if Steve Shutt had heard from Tom Stange concerning that strip by the Elementary School that they wanted to get paid. 25. City Manager's report: City manager .stated that he was going to schedule a meeting for the Utility Board to discuss the utilities. City manager briefly went over status of street project stating that it appears that the city might not be having any over -runs. When the contractor finishes on Willow they can come back and look at the monies and see what the situation is at that time. Steve Shutt was asked to talk to the �oeders to see if they were interested in curbing their property and talked to them about the cost. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: City Council October 5, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, and Carroll McNeill i� is �: � - - OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Sheffield, Tom Stange, Berle Bourland, Merwyn Tucker, and Woodrow Barton 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation, and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes - Approved with one correction - Item #18 - seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 3. Disbursements - Carolyn Adkins made the motion to approve payment. Wendall Thomas seconded. Motion carried.