09/08/1987-CC-Minutes-Special367. -- Minutes: City Council _ Special._ Cal Led, Meeting August 31, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, C.G. McNeill,and Jerry Jankins OTHERS PRESENT:Rose Shuffied, Steve Shutt, Merwyn Tucker,& Mr. Fields l .Mayor Armstrong called ..the. _ meetir to order..,, 2.Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Ordiance #09-87 to Amend 1986-87 Budget to 13 Months to September 30,1987. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins a;Zd seconded by Jerry Jenkins to adopt Ordiance #09-87. Motion carried. 3.Council went into the Budget Workshop. 4.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Insurance Policy for the Sanger Fire Department -Mr. Fields. Mr. Field went over premium summary on automobile coverage. He stated that when a fireman went anywhere in their ve�le and were in an accident they would be on insurance coverage. He also stated that this didn't have to insure all their trucks for physical damage. Discussion continued. Annual premiums were discussed on auto liability, equipment, property, and errors & omissions. Proposal (1) and(2) were discussed on accident sickness. ' City Council agreed to check with T1Kh and see what coverages . the fire department had and then they would get back with him. 5.Adjourment. MINUTES: City Council September 8, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, C.G. Mc:�Teill, Jerry Jenkins, Carolyn Adkins, Danny McDaneel, and Wendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen K.Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Jerry Don Linn, Benny Erwin, Merwyn Tucker, 'Tom Stange, Sanger Courier Steve Belknap 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of August 1987 and August 17,1987 were approved as written. 3. Disbursements were approved on a motion by Danny McDaniel and seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 368. 4. Citizen Input -none 5. Consider and Possible Action on Public Hearing Z2-87 for Edward Downs requesting zoning form Agricltural to Planned Unit Development -lights Industrial. The Planning and Zoning had approved this zoning petition at their regular scheduled meeting of August 4, 1987. Steve Belknap gave a film presentation as to what the area would look Like with proper berms and landscaping. Jerry Jenkins stated that if it was approved it would be approved as it was on the map and if a change was to be made it couldn't be. Mayor Armstrong replied that he was correct if a change was made it had to be taken back to P. & Z. and Council. Mr. Belknap gave a brief discussion of this item. Mayor Armstrong stated that this was a public hearing and if anyone was present to speak for or against this zoning petition. Mayor Armstrong asked for a motion. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to accept P. & Z.'s recommendation on zoning petition Z2-87 on H. Edward Downs. Carolyn Adkins seconded the motion. Motion carried. 6. Consider and possible action on awarding the 1986-87Audit ending September 30, 1987. Mayor Armstrong recommended that the 1986-87 audit be awarded to Tony Wright. Jerry Jenkins made a motion to award the audit to Tony Wright. C.G. McNeill seconded. Motion carried. 7. Consider and possible action regarding the siren for the Sanger Fire Department. Mayor Armstrong stated maybe they could just go ahead and order this and include it in the budget and approve it then, it would be automatically included in our fiscal budget for next year. Mervyn Tucker stated it would take at least 90 days to install. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to order the Penatrator "10" Siren and seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 8. Consider and possible action in setting date for Public Hearing on Sewer Grant Application. Mayor Armstrong stated it must be published at least 72 hours before Public Hearing date. Motion was made by C.G. McNeill to set public Hearing on Sewer Grant Application - for next Council meeting on September 21, 1987. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 9. Consider and possible action to pass Resolution #R-11 to celebrate Citizenship Day on September 16, 1987. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel and seconded by Jerry Jenkins to designate September 16, 1987 as Citizenship Day. 10. Consider and possible action regarding appointment for Utility Board Membership. _ Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to appoint Mr, Glen Shaw to the Utility Board Committee. Seconded by C.G. McNeill. Motion carried. 369. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Thomas Tipton's Property. Danny McDaniel made the motion to accept final plat for Thomas Tipton's property. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 12, Consider and possible action on Ordinance 010-87 for TMRS Adoption of 100o Update Service Credits. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adopt Ordinance #010-87 for adoption of 100o Update Service Credits. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 13. Consider and possible action on 011-87 for Adoption on Senate Bill 505 Provision. Nation made by Jerry Jenkins to approve Senate Bill 505 Provision. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. Danny McDaniel made a motion to approve Resolution R-12. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. Jerry Jenkins did state for us to check into this because he understoon that the rate was up to 30. .Motion amended to read that if a correction was to be made that it be inserted. 15:. Consider and possible action regarding the final payment for Bob Roberts Construction in the amount of 1,823.49 to be distributed to Lake Cities in the amount of $1287.00 and Jagoe Public for $536.49. Tom Stange did state that they had a meeting with Mr. Travis, Mr. McNeill and Steve and went over streets on Phase I and. Phase L.L. After this discussion, they went and talked to R.L. Roberts and discussed the possibility of him coming back and fixing the streets. Mr. Roberts did state he was going to fix the problems. Torn Stange stated that they didn't specially give him an outline list but did let him know he knew better than anyone where the problem areas were in the streets. Mayor A=strong-did state this. final payment._was on -Phase II which is to be paid to Lake Cities and Jagoe Public but the Bonding Co. is liable for repa= if Mr. Roberts isn't. Mayor Armstrong did state that Mr. Hubbard had talked to Mr. Roberts and Mr. Roberts did state that as soon as he got some help he would get out there and start working on the streets_ 11 Motion was made by C.G. McNeill to approve j=irral payment to R.L. Roberts & Lake Cities Concrete for $1,287.00 and to R.L. Roberts & Jagoe Public for $536.49. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 16. _Consider and possible action to change order on Phase III. (a) Curb Park on N. side (b) Pave street between the curb and highway on west side of City Park. Steve Shutt stated that it had already approved the curb at the Park on the north side and it had been brought to his attention that it needed to be done by Change Order. Mayor Armstrong did state that Council had agreed all work done by the city was to be paid for in advance. Mayor Armstrong did ask Tom Stange if it was not in the plan. to replace the curb on Kathryn and Houston. I Tan Stange replied that they could probably replace 300' or so. Discussion continued. Steve Shutt stated that Item B is not on thE original contract. Steve stated that if they went ahead and did the streets on downtown areas they would have v g in the park on north side, east side and south side except for that extension about 25' between curb and highway. Steve Shutt stated it would probably be about another $500.00 cost. City Council agreed to table this until that point in time if they could see that if there is enough monies they could bring it back to Council for approval. 370. Tom Stange did state that City Council did not need a change order unless the contract amount is exceeded. Mayor Armstrong asked Tom Stange to check on the streets on the southwest corner of 10th and Hughes. 17. City Manager's Report: a. Consider and possible action of International Fire Truck transmission. Marwyn Tucker stated that Hollingsworth is checking the fire truck out and it could run anywhere from $400.00 to $1,000.00, but they won't know until they get into it and see what's wrong with it. Wendall Thomas made a motion to repair the transmission on the International Fire Truck.I C.G. McNeill seconded. Motion carried. b. Steve also brought City Council up to date on the Park. He stated that some members of the Lion's Club have volunteered their services. c. City manager stated that bricks need to be cut to be laid and play equipment needs to be set along with the park benches. 18./19. These items were not discussed. (Executive and Open Session.) 20. Other such matters: a. Mayor Armstrong informed Council that TML Conference will be held in it. Worth this year if anyone wants to attend. It will be held October 8-10. b. City Manager informed City Council that Galaxy Cable T.V. has raised their rates. Mayor Armstrong stated that really City Council couldn't do anything about these due to the Legislative changes. One thing that could be done is for the City to make sure their agreements are kept up -to date by Galaxy. 21. City Council went into the Budget Workshop. 22. Meeting adjourned.