10/05/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular374. Mr. Barton went over some issues concerning city's roll as a governmental taxing entity. Mr. Barton stated that the city and school shotald relate in matters concerning taxes. Mayor thanked him for coming. 24. Any other such matters; Mayor Armstrong informed city council of a cita_zen's donation of $T00.00 to put a rail outside the door at the city office for someone to be able to hold on to when stepping down the steps. Mayor Armstrong informed Council that she was attending TML meeting. Jerry Jenkins asked status on 5th & lOth& Pecan. Steve Shutt stated he instructed that the problem be fixed. Wendall Thomas stated that the leak on 8th & Wi.11ow is still not repaired and he wanted it noted this was the 4th time he had reported it. Jerry Jenkins asked if Steve Shutt had heard from Tom Stange concerning that strip by the Elementary School that they granted to get paid. 25. City Manager's report: City manager .stated that he was going to schech;ile a meeting for the Utility Board to discuss the utilities. City manager briefly went over status of street: project stating that it appears that the city might not be having any over -runs. When the contractor finishes on Willow they car. come back and look at the monies and see what the situation is at that time. Steve Shutt was asked to talk to the �oeders to see if they were interested iri curbing their property and talked to them ak�out the cost. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: City Council October 5, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wencall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, and Carroll McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Sheffield, Tom Stange, Berle Bourland, Merwyn Tucker, and Woodrow Barton 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation, and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes - Approved with one correction - It:em #18 - seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 3. Disbursements - Carolyn Adkins made the motion to approve payment. Wendall Thomas seconded. Motion carried. 375. 4. Citizen's Input - Woodrow Barton spoke on Land Development, Mr. Barton first asked that City Councilreservea spot for Mr. Bourland who would be arriving later at the meeting. Mr. Barton stated that he would not like to see any capital improvements spent on any kind of land developing coming into the city. He emphasized that he hoped that the citizens of this community would not consider paying higher taxes if such development occurred. 5. Conduct 2nd Public Hearing for Sewer Grant Application. Mayor.Annstrong opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone had anything to speak for or against the Sewer Grant Application. No one spoke for or against. The Mayor then declared the Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and possible action on Resolution R13-87 for appointment or nominee to Denton Central Appraisal District. Mayor Armstrong stated that City Council had already appointed Woodrow Barton, but it had to be done in a form of a resolution. Wendall Thomas made the motion, McNeill seconded. Motion carried. 7. This item was later discussed. 8. Consider and possible action. regarding recommendation on utilities from Utility Board. City Coundil went over the Utility Board's recommendations concerning the utility rate increase - action to be taken later. 9. Consider and possible action to amend Chapter 10 (utilities) Section 2, Water & Sewer connections (subsections A & .0 ORDINANCE NO. 016-87 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 (UTILITIE;S) OF THE CITY OF BANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES MORE SPECIFICALLY SECTION 2 ENTITLED WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS ESTABLISHING NEW FEES; PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE. Carolyn .Adkins made motion to adopt Ordinance #016-87. Carroll McNeill seconded. Motion carried. 10. Consider and possible action to amend Chapter 10 (Utilities) Section 4, Sewer service .rates. ORDINANCE NO. 017-8 7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 101 SECTION 9, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, ENTITLED SEWER ��ERVICE RATES, ESTABLISHING NEW SEWER RATES INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CITY LINQTS, ESTABLISHING RATES FOR MULTI -FAMILY DWELLINGS; PROVIDING FOR REPEP.LL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. $8.00 to Residential and $14.00 to Commercial Mayor Armstrong stated the rates on sewer were going up and the reason was to pay for that indebtedness on the Sewer Plant. (NOTE - #9 & #10 -- On Oct. 19th put on Agenda to set money aside to have actual cost of water & sewer taps -- all money to be put into Utility Reserve Fund.) Carroll McNeill made mbtion to adopt Ordinance #017-87, Wendall Thomas seconded. Motion carried. 11. Consider and possible action to amend Chapter 10 (Utilities) Section 6, to increase electric connect and reconnect fees. 376. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 6 OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED ELECTRIC SERVICE CONNECTIONS, ESTABLISHING NEW FEES; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to approve Ordinance #028-87 to be adopted. McNeill seconded. Motion carried. 12. Consider and possible action adopting ordinance establishing water connect fees and amending Chapter 10, Section 14, water reconnect fees. ORDINANCE NO. 019-87 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 14, OF THE CITY OF BANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED UTILITY BILLING PROCEDURES; MORE SPECIFICALLY SUBSECTION C. ENTITLED SERVICE TO BE DISCONTINUED WHEN DELINQUENT; ESTABLISHING A NEW FEE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to adopt 4019-87, Wendall Thomas seconded. Motion carried. 13. Consider and possible action establishing ordinance to increase present tax certificate charge. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A TAX CERTIFICATE FEE, PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILIY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to approve Ordinance #20-87, seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 8. CONTINUATION: Consider and possible action regarding recommendation on Utilities from the Utility Board. Mayor Armstrong stated that one of the items that the Utility Board recommended was their recommendation of the electric rate increase and. this item was to be on the next City Council agenda. Also, their other recommendation was the creation of utility reserve fund where 500 of unpledged money from all utilities be deposited at the end of the year. Wendall Thomas made a motion that the city administrator be required to write an ordinance on this item. McNeill seconded. Motion carried. 14. Consider and possible action repealing impact fees. ORDINANCE NO. 021-87 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 17 OF CHAPTER 10 (UTILITIES) ENTITLID Il�'IPACT FEES; IN ITS ENTIRETY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE. Motion was -made by Carolyn Adkins to approve Ordinance #021-87. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong asked what was the city to do with the funds the city already has. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas that all funds were collected -for all Impact Fees be returned to those who paid them. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. 377. 7. CONTINUATION - Consider and possible action concerning city matching funds for Ovid Neal. Steve Shutt addressed this issue on behalf of Mr. Neal. He went over each unit that is occupied, Mr. Neal receives $4.00 - involves quite a large amount of time. Mayor Armstrong did state this was not budc�eted and that the city needed to amend the budget to include this item. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to match funds up to $72.00 a month. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 15. Consider and possible action on Interlocal Agreement for the Library with Denton County. City Council. discussed that they needed to appoint a liaison for the city. They agreed to appoint the Librarian. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to adopt Interlocal Agreement with Denton County. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. 16. Workshop on Streets -City Council went into workshop concerning Phase III pro3ect. 17. Consider and possible action concerning expansion of street programs (matters relating to workshop). No action taken. City Council agreed to wait until Tom Stange had some figures on the streets that City Council felt needed paving. Some streets mentioned were Keaton, 9th Stxeet, 6th Street, 3rd & Pecan, and Marshall. If Tom could get these figures by the end of this week, City Council could call a Special Called Meeting for Monday. 4. CONTINUATION - Citizen's Input Mr. Bourland did not arrive for the Council. meeting. However, Mr. Barton spoke on his behalf. Mr. Barton stated that Mr. Bourland had mentioned that why does the City not have an exit permit whenever a mok>ile home is moved out of the city. The _reason is that a lot of these people move without paying taxes and it is difficult to find out where they move to. With a permit like this, cities could maybe put a lien orl their mobile home for back taxes. City Council agreed that this was a good idea and that it had been discussed before. Steve Shutt was instructed to check into this. 18. Any other such matters: Wendall Thomas informed City Administrator that there was another leak in front of Cooper's residence on the east side of his home on 9th Street. Carolyn Adkins did mention that when the City employees trim the trees that are on the lines, the employees need to be paying more attention as to how they trim the tree. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that she could not attend the TML conference and asked if any City Council member would like to attend in her place. If not, the City could get their money reimbursed. N[erwyn Tucker addressed to City Council that the Fire Siren had been found in Denton, Texas and it had been stripped. He did not ]now at this time if it could be repaired. Mayor Armstrong did state that the Insurance Company needed to be informed. 378. 19. City Manager's Report. Steve Shutt advised he might be datained in jury duty the rest of this week. He also informed City Council that he had attended a meeting in Denton on the Water Study. He had some material that he wanted City Council to read that he would be distributing later on this week. Meeting adjourned. ( City Secretary a = Mayor OV ® . XAS MINCJ7.'ES : City Council Special Called Meeting October 13, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Danny McDaniel and Carroll McNeill Jerry Jenkins and Wendall Thomas Stephen K. Shutt, Rose Sheffield, Tom Stange and Merwyn Tucker 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Consider and possible action concerning 4th phase in the street program. ToStange went over the streets and costs concerni Tom Stange the streets they were recommending for repairs. Tom provided City Council with a list and the cost to repair each street. Discussion continued. Mayor Armstrong stated that money was available in budget to cover the excess cost. Council discussed doing the following: #1 Acker Street - FM 455 to W. Pecan #5 N. Berry Street - Holt to Bolivar #6 Holt Street - Keaton to Berry #7 Keaton St. - IH 35 to Duck Creek #10 9th Street - Bolivar to Elm (this is the first half on the list) #12 Marshall - 5th to 7th $2,500.00 1,900.00 _ 2,200.00 16,000.00 1,400.00 2,910.00 7th to loth 6,000.00