10/13/1987-CC-Minutes-Special378. 19. City Manager's Report: Steve Shutt advised he might be datained in jury duty the rest of this week. - He also info�ned City Council that he had attended a meeting in Denton on the Water Study. He had some material that he wanted City Council to read that he would be distributing later on this week. Meeting adjourned. I ^A A-�14 City Secretary s ® i ®® d ® o MINUTES: City Council Special Called Meeting October 13, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Darnzy McDaniel and Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins and Wendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen K. Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Tom Stange and Merwyn Tucker L. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Consider and possible action concerning 4tlZ phase in the street Program - Tom Stange went over the streets and costs concerning the streets they were recommending for repairs. Tom provided City Council with a list and the cost to repair each street. Discussion continued. Mayor Armstrong stated that money was avai:Lable in budget to cover the excess cost. Council discussed doing the following: #1 Acker Street - FM 455 to W. Pecan #5 N. Berry Street - Holt to Bolivar #6 Holt Street - Keaton to Berry #7 Keaton St. - IH 35 to Duck Creek #10 9th Street - Bolivar to Elm (this is the first half on the list) #12 Marshall - 5th to 7th $2,500.00 1,900.00 2,200.00 16,000.00 1,400.00 2,910.00 7th to loth 6,000.00 379. #16. 5th - Elm to Bolivar @ City Park #17. 3rd St. - FM 455 to Elm #19. Pecan Street - 21 Id to 5th $1,100000 5,650.00 4,30D.00 and also discussed was $1100.00 for paving at 'she Fire Department. Mayor Armstrong finally asked for a motion. Carroll McNeill made the motion that they do #l, #5, #6, V. first half on #10 on the list, #12, #16, #17, and #19 and the $I,100.00 for the paving of Fire Dept., totalling $45,060.00. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. Tom Stange stated they had not billed for SeptE�nber and C�tober which would be around $3000.00 - Council needed just to be aware of this. Stephen Shutt then asked.. about -the street striping. -which would cost around $800.G0 to $900..00. Discussion. Steve Shutt stated that this included painting,, curbing with yellow and the no parking sections plus four crosswalks. Mayor Armstrong stated that she would like thi.:� also to be done in a motion. Carroll McNeill made a motion to do the street parking stripes. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 3. Any other such matters: Carroll McNeill stated he wanted to discuss the "paten street wagon" and -- where the status of that is. Mayor Armstrong stated that they did budget an employee on payroll to take care of this. Stephen Shutt -was asked to set up a demonstration on the cutting machine. Adjournment. M1Tt[JTES PRESENT' 12100 Mayor City Council Emergency CaJsed Meeting October 28, 1987, 12:00 p.m. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas and Carroll McNeill Danny McDaniel Steve Shutt 1. Meeting was called to order.