10/19/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular380. 2. Consider and possible action on emergency repairs on West Water Tower. Allied Tank Company of San Antonio, Texas, will be making necessary repairs to the West Water Tower at an estimated amount. of $25,000. 450 of $25,000.00 to be paid to Allied on October 29, 1987. The remaining amount to be paid within 2 to 3 weeks. (25,000 - 11,250.00 = 13,750.00) Plus a maintenance agreement of $1,700.00 on a yearly agreement. The appropriation of where monies to be derived will be discussed at the City Council meeting on November 2, 1987. _ Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins.and seconded.by Jerry Jenkins to give the bid of repairing the West Water Tower to Allied Tank Company. 3. Meeting adjourned. C�.ty Se�t�i.ry •Y 1 ® S ®® *see •SAS MINUTES: .City Council Meeting October 19, 1987 MEZ'1BERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong,, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Carroll McNeill, Jerry Jenkins, and Danny McDaniel OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Don Aiken, Carol Hoffman 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Wendall Thomas gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of October 5, 1987 and October 13, 1987 -- Mayor Armstrong stated that on the minutes of October 5, 1987, note on bottom of page 2 - to reflect all above the cost of the actual work, this money be put into the Utility Reserve Fund. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to approve the minutes as printed with the correction noted. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 3. Disbursements - Motion to pay disbursements for October 15th, 1987 was made by Danny McDaniel and seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. * Rose was asked to contact Joe Rogers as to what the City pays them 4. Citizen's Input - None 5. Consider and possible action on Employer's Inearance proposal. Don Aiken and Carol Hoffman presented an overall proposal on their - insurance rates and types of coverage. Mr. Aiken did state they cover several areas -k- Grayson Co., Cooke Co., McKinney, Denton, Mesquite, Farmers Branch and Carrollton. _ Mr. Aiken did state that their specialty is Wo:rkman's Comp. Mayor Armstrong asked if deductibles were the same. 381. Mr. Aiken stated that they were. BZs. Hoffman explained that one difference was that the Police Department for instance, they are not under a claim base policy and if someone decides to sue two years from now for false arrest under a claims made policy it wouldn't cover unless that policy would still have to be in effect. On an occurance policy, it is going to pay for anything that occurred that year, no matter when the claim is made. Employer's is under occurance. The only thing that is on a claims policy is the public officials coverage. Ms. Hoffman also stated medical mal practice is all included in the cost. She also stated that the volunteer fire dept. are covered if they go outside the city limits on a fire call. Steve Shutt asked what if the Police Dept. had to go outside the city limits to aid another department, would they be covered. Ms. Hoffman stated yes they would be covered, i_t is referred to as mutual aid and is covered as long as it is under his scope of duty. No action was taken and was tabled for next Council meeting for consideration. 6. Consider and possible action on money to be set: aside for Reserve Fund fran collections of Water and Sewer Tap fees. Mayor Armstrong stated that the ordinance needs to be expanded as to what the money actually will be spent for; who will have the authority to withdraw the money with approval from the Council. Mayor Armstrong stated that if it was alright ��ith City Council that they could table this item and that will give Steve some additional time and also the Utility Board. 7. Conduct public hearing - Revenue Sharing Expenditures. Mayor Armstrong dellared Public Hearing open regrading Revenue Sharing Expenditures. Mayor Armstrong stated that there is $1,265.00 left in the Revenue Sharing Fund and City Council has agreed to transfer these funds to the Library Fund to replace roof and installing some ceiling fans. No one spoke for or against this item. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing Closed. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins that these Revenue Sharing Funds be transferred to the Library Fund to be spent as so stated. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. 8. Consider and possible action on ordinance for retrued check fees. ORDINANCE NO. 023-87 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A FEE FOR AN INSUFFICIENT OR RETURN CHECK MADE IN PAYMENT TO THE CITY OF SANGER FOR UTILITY BILLS OR OZ�IER FEES; AND, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDIl�NCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to -raise the $5.00 check charge fee to $15.00 for each returned check. Seconded by C.G. McNeill. City Council agreed to amend motion to read the ordinance was changed on Section I - Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas that there is hereby created a fee of $15.00 for each returned check. Motion carried. 9. Consider and possible action in. Increase the Electirc Rates. This item was tabled to be put on agenda for next City Council agenda to allow this to go to the Utility Board. Steve Shutt went over this item with City Council. 10. Consider and possible action _concerning reconstruction of Keaton and Duck Creek Road - Pay County bill. 382. Piotion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Carroll McNeill to approve the amount of $7456.00 out of Series 86. 11. Consider and possible action on Dr. Chapman's Road. Mayor Armstrong stated that one of the citizens, Mr. Easley brought it to their attentionthat behind Dr. Chapman's office had been deeded to the City, sometime in 1963. In the minutes of November 18, 1963, that street was deeded to the city.. . Mayor Armstrong did state that street is in dire need of repair and maybe they could move it above Marshall Street. Carroll McNeill did state that he felt that the city needed a certified copy of the deed to see if it was recorded. He also stated that before they decide what street to take off, that the city get a cost from Manning for repairing that street. Mayor Armstrong stated Steve Shutt had estimated about $2500.00 Steve Shutt stated they had two things closing in on the street project; the weather for one and the shortage of funds. He would like for City Council to pass approval on this street pending (1) securing the fact that it is deeded and (2) availability of funds and then leaving it to the Mayor and himself to get it done because the delay could mean another Council meeting plus the weather conditions could change. Mayor Armstrong stated she only wanted what belongs to the city be done and =_ a sign be put on there if it is a city street. Carroll McNeill made a motion that Mayor Armstrong/Steve Shutt have their permission to pave the street if it is a street and if it goes all the way through and if the city has the funds. Wendall Thomas seconded. Discussion. Carolyn Adkins stated that if it is a city street it is so close to the building and there is also a private drive that you turn to go out. Carolyn stated maybe it -should be brought to the attention of the owner. Motion carried. 12. Consider and possible action on replacement of existing furnace which is condemned. Danny McDaniel stated that he preferred two bids and to award it to the lowest bidder. Carolyn Adkins made the motion; seconded by Jerry Jenkins, that we give the other gentleman in town a chance to bid and that it be awarded to the lowest bidder. Motion carried. 13. Consider and possible action on sewer backup on Eggert's house. Mayor Armstrong stated that the sewer had backed up on the Eggert's home at 505 Houston which was caused by a stoppage in the city line. The Eggert's have agreed that their homeowner's policy will cover, but they would like for the city to pay -the deductible of $350.00. Mayor Armstrong did state that the problem was caused by grease on the -line �. and there is only four houses on that line. Mayor Armstrong had suggested that Steve -Shutt write a niceletterto these people informing them to keep grease out of the sewer line. Carolyn Adkins made the motion to pay the deductible, seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 383. 14. Consider and possible action to amend Sewer Rate Ordinance to establish formula for 3 month average for Sewer Rates. Jerry Jenkins made a motion that this item be fabled until it went to the Utility Board for their recommendations. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 15. Any other such matters: A. Jerry Jenkins requested Police Reserve Forr_e (Personnel) be put on the agenda. B. Carroll McNeill noted that the sewer line is stopping up at the Ccmuun.ity Center. C. Mayor Armstrong stated they have had some problems at the center. Steve Shutt stated he has designed a fo�n for the deposits at the Community Center. From now on deposits will not be refunded until the center is inspected for damages by the Police. D. Nel also stated that Mr. Barton suggested i:hat the City look into fees for removing trailer houses. Mayor Armstrong asked that Danny McDaniel and Carroll McNeill be appointed to this committee, with Steve Shutt as ex-officio member. 16. City Manager's report: A. Steve Shutt stated he had another ordinancE� creating the Electric Capital Reserve Fund. Mayor Armstrong stated that this needs to go to the Utility Board for their recommendation. B. Steve Shutt did state that due to the weatYier condition, it has been detained. The chip seal cannot be done un�_ess the weather is 80 degrees or better. If the chip seal cannot be done, it will require two layers of asphalt. Steve did state that they budgeted $16,000.00 for Keaton so the money would be available. Mayor Armstrong and City Council agreed to postpone the last layer until the last; this will maybe save the City scmie money. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary Mayor x ore ®4e®�� Xaa S