11/02/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular384. MINUTES: City Council November 2, 1987 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Wendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Benny Erwin, Edgar Barrow, Abram Millar, Woodrow and Ann Barton, Sanger Courier, Lee Lawrence, Texas Waste Management - Fred Hill and Wayman Height, Texas Waste Sales Rep., and Wayne Hyde 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order and. led invocation and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of .October 19th - 2 corrections, Item #1 - Wendall Thomas gave invocation, Item #15 - Mayor Armstrong appointed Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill to that committee and Stephen K. Shutt as an ex-officio member and Jerry Jenkins asked that Freddy Inman be also appointed to that ccm-nittee. Mayor Armstrong stated that the minutes of October 19, 1987 stand approved with those two corrections. Minutes of October 28, 1987 Emergency Meeting. Steve Shutt made two corrections that on #2 that it should state that the last sentence should be deleted. Resolution passed was only for the Emergency Meeting. Also that the $1700.00 was for the year 87-88 and for the year 87-88 it would be $2500.00 Minutes of October 28, 1987 stand approved with the above corrections. 3. Disbursements - Mayor Armstrong stated that in the Electric Dept. if an item was for inventory it be listed as such and if it was for a particular job that the job be listed on the bill. Danny McDaniel made a motion to approve disbursements with the exception of Item on page 11 on insurance to TML payment. Steve Shutt to check on this item with TML. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input: Mr. Woodrow Barton asked that who is responsible for Police Department Policy and Attitudes. Steve Shutt addressed this question. He stated that the city has ordinances setting out policies and the enforcement of those policies falls under the police chief and is under city manager's supervision. Mr. Barton also would like to suggest that Police Dept. adopt a policy - parking their cars and police officers walk a beat around town. This would be helpful to the children to familiarize themselves with the officers. They could be more friendlier in the community. Benny Erwin, Chief of Police, stated that on Halloween, the Police Dept. went to both elementary schools and passed Hallaween bags and treats to the students. He did state that his Police Reserves are not as well known as his officers. Abram Millar stated he had a complaint. He felt his credit was at question. He had to place deposits on 801-803 Elm and he felt that it was not fair. He felt City Council should look at the credit of people before they are made to place deposits on electric meters. 385. Mayor A anstrong advised Mr. Millar that the city does pass ordinances and they instruct employees to abide by those ordinances. Carroll McNeill stated that ever since he has been on Council he has always wanted city to abide by the rules set out by the ordinances. If any guilt is placed on anyone, it should be him. 5. Consider and possible action on Employer's Insurance. __ This item was tabled for next City Council meeting so that way they could compare. Mayor Armstrong stated that TML will be sending their insurance proposals and rates. -_-- 6. Presentation by Lee Lawrence with G.S.A. (1) Lee presented some maps on the Planning Grant. Lee stated that their previous project was to put together a zoning map. They also put together a reproducable map that which has the areas identified with the appropriate letter for zoning description, another important thing they are doing on the Planninj Grant is to identify the exisitng distribution of the area on the map. Lee went over Sanger's ETJ and Denton's ETJ and the growth development for Sanger. Lee did state that there would be commercial development in the lake area. Discussion. (2) Sewer Grant - Lee stated that the Texas :Department of Community Affairs makes available some grant funds for physical improvements. Those funds are available in an annual competition. The carpetition deadline is December 31, 1987. The City had applied for sewer line improvements; but, the -city was unsuccessful in that application and GSA suggested to the city that same additional survey work be done to enable city to get better numbers. Money to be used to serve low and moderate income families. Lee stated that after this discussion, the city decided not to pursue this application. They would not invoice the city on this project. Discussion. Carroll McNeill made the motion to the effect that the application be extended as far as possible and yet maintain an 850 low income moderate ratio. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. Lee stated that there were going to be some contracts that needed to be signed. 7. Consider and possible action on personnel - Police Reserves. Item tabled for next Council meeting. 8. Consider and possible action concerning request from Bell Co. Health Facilities Development Co. Ord. #23-87. Mayor Armstrong stated this group is trying to purchase it. They are doing this for the acquisition, upgrading and improvement for facilities located at 600 N. Stemmons0 This project consists of acquisition, upgrading and improvement for facilities located at 600N. Stemmons (Care Inn) and this group is trying to purchase it and all they were asking from the city was their consent. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Carroll McNeill that City Council grant the consent of sale of these bonds to Advance Living Technology, Inc. Motion was amended to read that if passed subject to approval of City Attorney. Motion carried. 9. Consider and possible action on Junk Vehicle Ordinance. This item tabled for next City Council meeting. 10. Consider and possible action on Texas Waste Management Rate Increases. Mr. Height stated that they were asking for an increase on their sani- tation rates of 5%. Approximately an increase of 28 for residential. Mayor Armstrong stated that this company has been picking up trash for three years and this is the first time they have asked for a rate increase. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill that they grant the requested increase for Texas Waste Management and that the city administrator attempt to negotiate a 5% increase for dumping at the landfill. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. 11. Consider and possible action on bids - Police Cars. Mayor Armstrong read the bids: Hilz Snider bid was $11,957.00 David Ford Sales - 12,374.24 Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to award bid to Hilz Snider Chevrolet - low bidder. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. Chief Benny. ErHrin was instructed to order his vehicles. 12 - 15. These items were tabled for next City Council agenda. 16. Consider and possible action to selection of Appraisal District Directors. Mayor Armstrong stated that City Council appointed Mr. Barton to serve as their candidate for Sanger, but when she received the letter from the Appraisal District, his name was left off. After talking to Rose, she assured her that the Resolution nominating Mr. Barton was mailed. Why the Appraisal District did not receive it she didn't know. The City Council now had to cast their 14 votes by Resolution to the candidate. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins, seconded by Carroll McNeill that the 14 votes be cast for Jon Beck in form of a written Resolution and sul�nitted toIthe Appraisal District. Motion carried. 17. Consider and possible action on Fund of West Water Tower Repair. Mayor Armstrong stated that there were needed repairs done to the West Water Tower. The tower had 12 bullet holes that caused corrosion on the inside and that one of the ladders inside the tower was not welded and this caused damage inside the tower. Mayor Armstrong stated that the Emergency Meeting that they voted to do the repaI rs costing $25,000.00 and they also agreed to do a maintenance agreement with Allied Tank Service costing $1700.00 for the 86-87 year, to maintain the water tower. Mayor Armstrong stated that they have around $300,000.00 in the Utility Bond Construction and this is bond money that is left in the bank for Water & Sewer Capital Improvements. Mayor Armstrong stated that the interest on these bonds can be used as the City designates. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to use the interest in the Utility Bond Construction Fund to pay for the repairs of the west water tower. Carroll McNeill seconded. Motion carried. 387. 18. Any Other Such Matters: 1. Mayor Armstrong stated that no decision on the street had been made for Care Inn. They have not received a cost of the street repair at Care Inn. 2. Steve was asked if letter had been sent to homeowners about the grease on the sewer lines. 3. Mayor Armstrong asked what has YiappenVd on the situation at the Marina. Steve Shutt stated he would check on this. 4. Carolyn Adkins asked if there was ever a final cost report for the park. 5. Benny Erwin asked about the ladder outside the tower. If no one needs to use it, was there any possible way that it be removed. He feels someone will eventually get hart by climbing up to the tower. Steve Shutt was asked to check on this. Carolyn Adkins stated that Allied Tari� Service stated it would paint Srs. 81 or whatever on the tower every year at no cost. Carroll stated that this item was mentioned at the Emergency Meeting. Steve Shutt asked to check on this. 19. City Manager's report: 1. Ipwer lift station is in need of repairs again. 2. Stated that Manning will be completing the final street projects for Series '86. 20. Meeting adjourned. h City 0 Minutes: City Council November 16, 1987 Members Present: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, and Jerry Jenkins Members Absent: Carroll McNeill Others Present: Steve Shutt, Rose Sheffield, Hank Hargrove, Bud Hauptman-Metroplex Engineer, Dan Aiken, Employers Ins.-TPS, Jon McDonald -Architect -Urban Design Assoc., Inc., Robert,Strong, Prentice Preston, Benny Erwin, Edgar Burrow, Jim Woodall, and Stan Day. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led invocation, and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of November 16th were appeTved as written. However, Mayor Armstrong stated that on item #14 that City Council approved the consent for the sale of these bonds for the Care Inn to Advance Living Technology, Inc. and she was going to use her power to veto that motion until they are absolutely sure what plans they have for the use of