11/16/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular387. 18. Any Other Such Matters: 1. Mayor Armstrong stated that no decision on the street had been made for Care Inn. They have not received a cost of the street repair at Care Inn. 2. Steve was asked if letter had been seazt to homeowners about the grease on the sewer lines. 3. Mayor Armstrong asked what has Yiappened on the situation at the Marina. Steve Shutt stated he would check on this. 4. Carolyn Adkins asked if there was ever a final cost report for the park. 5. Benny Erwin asked about the ladder outside the tower. If no one needs to use it, was there any possible way that it be removed. He feels someone will eventually get hurt by climbing up to the tower. Steve Shutt was asked to check on this. Carolyn Adkins stated that Allied Tank Service stated it would paint Srs. 87 or whatever on the tower every year at no cost. Carroll stated that this item was mentioned at the Eanergency Meeting. Steve Shutt asked to check on this. 19. City Manager's report: 1. Lower lift station is in need of repairs again. -. 2. Stated that Tinning will be completing the final street projects for Series '86. 20. Meeting adjourned. City Minutes: Member s Present: Member s Absent: Others Present: City Council November 16, 1987 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, and Jerry Jenkins Carroll McNeill Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Hank Hargrove, Bud Hauptman-Metroplex Engineer, Dan Aiken, Employers Ins.-TPS, Jon McDonald -Architect -Urban Design Assoc., Inc., Robert,Strong, Prentice Preston, Benny Erwin, Edgar Barrow, Jim Woodall, and Stan Day. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led invocation, and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of November 16th were approved as written. However, Mayor Armstrong stated that on item #14 that City Council approved the consent for the sale of these bonds for the Care Inn to Advance Living.Technology, Inc. and she was going to use her power to veto that motion until they are absolutely sure what plans they have for the use of • • of those funds. 3. Disbursements- Item 9 45 (TML) will still be held and discussed at a later date. Wendall Thomas made the motion to approve disbursements for November 11, 1987 be approved. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input- None 5. Consider and Possible Action on Employer's Insurance. Don Aiken went over the proposal in comparison to TPS and TML. Discussion. Carolyn Adkins made the motion that we accept TPS's recomendation and that TML be notified. Jerry Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. Dan Aiken recommended that we notify TML that we request an audit on that final amount. Wendall Thomas stated that the letter be sent registered. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Personnel Police Reserve. Mayor Armstrong stated Steve Shutt, herself and Benny had met, Jerry Jenkins could not meet with them but they re- viewed the new changes and made their recommendations. Discussion continued. Since there was so much controversy on some of the issues Mayor Armstrong felt a committee should be appointed. City Council agreed. Mayor Armstrong appointed Jerry Jenkins and Danny McDaniel to this committee to work with the Chief of Police and the Chief of the Reserve to present their recommendations. Steve and Mayor Armstrong as ex-officio members. This item was tabled for a later date. Item A7-13 later discussed in the meeting. 14. Consider and Possible action on Sanger Industrial Park Steve Belknap. Steve Shutt presented the proposal to the site plan that the P & Z had recommended. i On the Architec aural Guidelines. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins that on that paragraph that a period should proceed after doors." and that on the last statement which stated 10% masonry will be required on the two sides exclusive of windows and doors be deleted. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. Building setbacks -and Heights. 2nd Paragraph was changed to reflect rear yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 15 feet of which only 5 feet may be used for A/C or other utility attachment to the structure and this 15 feet must not be fenced or obstructed in any way except the above mentioned. The above mentioned restriction are to insure that there is adequate clearance for emergency vehicle. Jerry Jenkins amde the motion. Wendall Thomas seconded. Motion carried. On the turn lames_ and street improvement, it was left as is with the understanding that the City find out if this was not on County Road. Jerry Jenkins made the motion and it was seconded by Carolyn Adkins that the addendum to the site plan for Steve Belknap be approved with the changes noted. Motion carried. _ 389 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request for Burrus Supermarket. Bud Hauptman with Metroplex Engineering introduced Robert Strong, Rep. of Mr. Burrus and John. McDonald (architect for Urban Design). Mr. Hauptman stated that Metroplex did site work and structural design and Mr. Burrus plans to expand the grocery store - 5,000 square feet. The orignal store because of the size did not require a sprinkler system but the additional footage makes it fall under the sprinkler system under the new building code. The reason Mr. Burrus is requesting a variance is that the installation of the sprinkler system will cost and additional $771000.00. Discussion. Emergency exists were discussed. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas that the variance request for Burrus Supermarket be granted according to Mr. Doyle's recommendation and the intallation of a fire alarm system with alarm bell on the exterior wall be included.. Jerry Jenkins seconded the motion. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Junk Vehicle Ordinance. Discussion. This item was tabled a.nd sent to our city attorney for his recommendation. (Steve to ask if the new State law site barrier concerning fencing requirement applies to cities on junk vehicles). 8. 9. & 10. Tabled for a later meeting. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for J. W. Bucklew Mayor Armstrong stated that Mr, Bucklew purchased a lot from the Church of Christ and is dividing this lot and building a house on the front lot with the stipulation that the back Lot, a house would not be built until a street is finished. Mayor Armstrong stated that P & Z had made these recommendations to City Council. Danny McDaniel made a motion and it. was seconded by Jerry Jenkins that they approve P. & Z,'s recomme:ndation on J.W. Bucklew's plat. Motion carried. 14-16 Later Discussed 17. Consider' an"d Possible Action on 'bids for wood chipper Morbark- Ford Model 423 10,994.00 White Hercule Model G 1600 11,000.00 Blackwall Electric 9,500.00 (unit used with about 425 hours) UEC Equipment White Model Ford 423 12,146.00 Discussion continued. City Council_ agreed not to consider the use Wood Chipper from Blackwall_. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins to give Stan Day authority to purchase either of the two from Mobark: the White Ford Model 423 10,994.00 or the White Hercules G 1600- demonstrator for 11,000.00 390 after Stan discussed with the gentleman which one of the wood chippers he recommended of the two. Motion carried. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Zoning Petition 66-87 Mr. & Mrs. Royal are requesting their property remain R-1 Residential instead of the new proposed zoning of Industrial. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Danny McDaniel that they accept P. &Z.'s recommendation on Sylvester Royal's Zoning Petition Z6-87. Motion carried. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Word Processor and Latest Multiplan Documentation Spread Sheet. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the City purchase the word processor and the latest multiplan documentation at the cost of $480.00 with the cost of basic training. Funded out of S.E. Savings. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion Carried. 16. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Christmas Bonuses for City Employees. This item was tabled until they could see the cost comparison from last year to this year's with the increase. 18. Consider and Possible Action for Resolution 15-87 Authorizing the Submission of an application from Grant Assistance under the 1987 Texas Community Development Porgram. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel and seconded by Wendall Thomas we approve Resolution R��15-87. Motion carried. 19. Consider and Possible Action to appoint New Member to Sanger Industrial Board. M otion was made by Danny McDaniel that city appoint Carroll 1`2cNeill to that board. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 20. Consider and Possible Action for Dunding Sanger Industrial Committee. Mayor Armstrong stated Industrial Committee has been needing some money and Chamber of Commerce has been funding this all the time. They have asked that the city make a donation. Mayor Armstrong stated that the Sanger Industrial Dev. Corp. Savings Account has $619.05. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the City fund $500.00 of the Industrial Board monies to the Sanger Chamber of Commerce Development Committee for use to bring industry to the City of Sanger. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. 21. Any other such matters: 1. Steve Shutt asked about negotiations with Texas -Waste Management. No Report. 2. Final Cost Report of Park. Need to present on next agenda. 3. Steve Shutt was asked to call Galaxy about the complaints. 22. City Manger's Report: 1. Ambulance Service -Contact and set meeting concerning ambulance bill of $19,250.00 2. Steve Shutt reported on the ladder situation at the water tower and the ladder will be pulled up 2 feet. 391 3. Send notice to City Council. Cookies for the 5th of December. City Council to bring to Sullivan Senior Center. Annual Christmas Lightning at the park on December 5th. 4. November 24th- Demonstrator (street patching equipment Minutes: City Council Meeting December 7, 1987 Members Present: Mayor Nei Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins Others Present: Steve Shutt, Etta Stogsdill, Cindy and Edgar Barrow, Hank Hargraves -Sanger Courier, Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Barton, Gene Hughes and Stan Day. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation, and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of November 16th, 1987 were approved as written. 3. Disbursements: Items #7 Bighorn #14-Dana Commercial Credit, ��54 Show, ��69-Vulcan, and ��27 Greenville (deleted from Computer) were questioned. Item #1,6-GSA was questioned and it was noted it might be best to hold payment until the new city map is received, item #18-City of Denton -pay only $9,500.00), item #66-TML- staff was instructed to put a hold on this bill until a corrected bill is received.. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Jerry Jenkins to approve the disbursements for 12-4-87 with corrections, hold and others questioned. Motion carried. 4. Citizen Input: Woodrow Barton spoke regarding police matters. He noted that after his move to Sanger how many more police officers had began working for the City of Sanger Police Deparment0 He informed the council he then became concerned about the police department, attitudes and what was going on in Sanger. Mr. Barton recalled to the Council that he had been before them on November 2 and he spoke regarding -Alice matters. At this meeting, he informed the council he had given Steve a list of questions which had been distributed to the city Council memebers. Mayor Armstrong informed him that due to limited time for the public speaking, it would be best :For him to read -all the questions first. These questions :From Woodrow Barton were as follows: a. What is the cities policy on :police training. 1. Regular force? 2. Reserve training? b. Is it a written policy? c. Who is in charge of training?