12/07/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular391 3. 4 Minutes Members Present: Others Present: Send notice to City Council. Cookies for the 5th of December. City Council to bring to Sullivan Senior Center. Annual Christmas Lightning at the park on December 5th. November 24th- Demonstrator (street patching equipment City Council Meeting December 7, 1987 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins Steve Shutt, Etta Stogsdill, Cindy and Edgar Barrow, Hank Hargraves -Sanger Courier, Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Barton, Gene Hughes and Stan Day. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation, and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of November 16th, 1987 were approved as written. 3. Disbursements:' Items #7 Bighorn #14-Dana Commercial Credit, ��54 Show, ��69-Vulcan, and ��27 Greenville (deleted from Computer) were questioned. Item #' 6-GSA was questioned and it was noted it might be best to hold payment until the new city map is received, item #18-City of Denton -pay only $9,500.00). item #66-TML- staff was instructed to put a hold on this bill until a corrected bill is received. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Jerry Jenkins to approve the disbursements for :L2-4-87 with corrections, hold and others questioned. Motion carried. 4. Citizen Input: Woodrow Barton spoke regarding police matters. He noted that after his move to Sanger how many more police officers had began working for the City of Sanger Police Deparment. He informed the council he then became concerned about the police department, attitudes and what was going on in Sanger. Mr. Barton recalled to the Council that he had been before them on November 2 and he spoke re;�ardin-g—police matters. At this meeting, he informed the council he had given Steve a list of questions which had been distributed to the city Council memebers. Mayor Armstrong informed him that due to limited time for the public speaking, it would be best .for him to read all the questions first. These questions from Woodrow Barton were as follows: IV What is, the cities policy on police training. 1. Regular force? 2. Reserve training? b. Is it a written policy? c. Who is in charge of training? 392 d. Is training scheduledf ifso, what is the schedule? e. Is training supervised. By accredited instructors? f. How many policemen/women do we have in the employ of the city? g. How many reserves? h. What is the cities liability in regard to reserves? i. Why do we need reserves? j. Does police chief pull regular hours? k. Does police chief have an office? 1. What is the total police force salaries? Breakdown: Chief, Asst., Sgt., Patrolman m. How many traffic tickets have police written this year? 1. On Interstate Hwy. 35 2. Other locations? n. How much money in fines has been taken in this year, so far.? What type of person makes a good police officer? 1. Rural town (small town)? 2. Middle size town? 3. Large city? p. Are psychological/psychiatric tests required of personnel before hiring or promotional to positions of authority, power and/or responsibility? (submitted by: Woodrow L. Barton, citizen, 12-7-87) Mayor Armstrong then informed Mr. Barton that he had exceeded the time alloted for speaking and noted that this matter would be turned over to the City Administrator who would take charge of this matter. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Christmas Bonus for City Employees. Mayor Armstrong noted that this was a tabled item from the last agenda. She stated that the city staff recommended a small increase in bonuses for city employees. However, Mayor Armstrong noted this was not going to make her popular with employees but with times like the City's been having recently with finances, she personally could not recommend to council that they give any increase in Christmas bonuses. She noted that she'd like to but they had given them a little raise this year when really council had talked about doing nothing there because finances and fact that all are trying to watch pennies as closely as possible. Nel noted that council might disagree with her and asked for comments from the council. Carroll McNeill inquired as to when did Christmas bonuses begin? Nel noted no idea just it was something given on a regular basis at Christmas time. She said it has always been for employees that had been here a year or more was given $75.00, $50,00 for those employees that had worked for the city less than a year. Wendall Thomas noted about 4 to 6 years ago, he had made the recommendation for Christmas bonuses. Carolyn Adkins mentioned she felt there should be a bigger break for those five years or longer then hose a year or less. Steve Shutt mentioned that bonuses were not even in the budget this year. Mayor Armstrong noted it was just an oversight when preparing the budget. Matter of fact, this item has never been budgeted. Jerry Jenkins made a motion to pay city employees Christmas 393 bonuses,in the far right hand colon motion died from a lack of a second. (small increase); however; Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins and seconded by Jerry Jenkins that bonuses be approved for the same amount as last year. Motion carried with one dissenting vote from Danny McDaniel. 6.(a). Consider and Possible Action on Denton County Water Study. Steve Shutt spoke regarding the resolution which is a follow- up for the study. The City of Sanger has been asked to parti- cipate in a further study s After much discussion, Section II regarding an amount be eliminated- Section III to be changed to section II on the resolution which eliminates money complet�ly from the resolution. Item to be tabled to the next City Council meeting so that a. report can be - presented. -from the city. manager regarding money already spent an&. the ref mdable amount from -previous contributions can be discussed more thoroughly. 6.(b)While waiting for Stan Day, Sanger Electric D.ire_ctor, to be present at the meeting, the following items were discussed: 1. Mayor Armstrong wanted the City Council to be aware that a copy of nominated candidates for the Denton Central Appraisal District was included in the packet. Those nominees were: Jon Beck, Jerry Gage, Clarence Myers, Richard Smith, and Troy White. 2. Also, Mayor Armstrong noted the letter of appreciation from the Sanger Mobile Home Park residents for street repairs on Duck Creek and Keaton Road. 3. It was noted that the Library monthly report was included in.the packet which the yearly Library report___ derives from these figures. 4. Mayor Armstrong acknowledged t'ze thank you note from Amyx family to City Council, Stagg, and herself. 5. Mayor Armstrong mentioned shy°was somewhat disappointed due to the absence of city cou:acil members at the Christmas lightning at the city park Saturday evening. She stated however there was a good attendance. She thanked the Electric Dept. for their hard work and the Park Board for their hard work in getting this activity taken care of and she was well pleased with the weather,etc. She wanted to publicly thank the Park Board for doing this Christmas Park Lighting; Jackie Echols for being in charge, Esta Morgan and KammiePatton were in charge of the reception, and Jerry Fleming was in charge of music. She was altogether pleased. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Whitesboro Agreement. Nel informed the council that Whitesboro had contacted the City of Sanger about us having a contract with them on electrical. Stan was present to answer any questions. It was noted that Steve Shutt had included a memo in the packet on an i�zterlocal Agreement (City of Sanger, City of Whitesboro). Carroll McNeill was the first to speak. One of his main concerns was the liability and insurance coverage. Mayor Armstrong noted once again she felt she would not be very popular tonight when she gets through but she felt this is not our responsibility; she noted she was elected by the citizens of Sanger and what she has to to, she does because she's concerned about them. She stated she had problems with this all the way around. She stated she felt the City of Sanger should not be in the business of maintaining anybody else's system. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that we need to maintain our own system and Stan's doing an excellent job. She noted that some citizens have been questioning this and are concerned and we need to get it out to the public that our system is being upgraded, transformers, poles, upgrading lines, etc.. She stated she had real problems with this request. Danny McDaniel inquired of Stan stating that we have five people which we need; how can we send any to Whitesboro? Stan Day state=. tr,at_ a.?_1_ men were needed here howevex,; it wouldn't hurt by sending one man there - only it might slow us down somewhat. Stan informed the council that basically all of his men were on call 24 hours a day. Mayor Armstrong said she sees the electric department working at all times. Carroll McNeill stated he has talked with some of the citizens and they also have a problem with this request. _ Carolyn noted that in the memo it talked about a.disaster. She felt that we'd be there to help them lust like Denton would probably come to our assistance. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that a meetincr was scheduled last week which her, Carroll McNeill, Stan.Dav, and Steve Shutt had attended. However, the time of the meeting was inaccurate and Carroll and herself had to leave Whitesboro early_ She noted that it was their mayor and city council in attendance and she felt it should have been our entire city council. Steve Shutt wanted the city council to be aware that this was only a preliminary, possibly, study be put into it; beat, he felt �t would benefit the City of Sanger. Shutt explained the merits of municipal systems to "band together" in order to save one. He stated that he had given them a letter from the City of Fredericksburg regarding this type of situation where this city has requested our city's attendance at the PUC hearing: Fredericksburg vs. Central -Texas Electric Co-op, for support only on February 16, 1988. Jerry Jenkins stated he felt the proposal from Steve Shutt and Stan Day had good merits, when paying for the contract this income would benefit the city funds, while keeping in mind it would only be a short term program. Wendall Thomas stated we could hire one more man and they pay for him. Stan noted they haven't hired the person that's capable or qualified to the appropriate standards to handle the Whitesboro electrical system and that's why they've asked for our assistance. Carolyn Adkins mentioned that there would also be some bookkeeping involved; a lot of study be put into this also. She noted that it sounded good now, but later, something to think about -- our employees work in Sanger mainly not to be on the road-- with this, our employees Tiould be on the road. It was noted that insurance and the coverages would need to be studied and put into writing. Carolyn Adkins made a suggestion which was a possible contract with Whitesboro on a per job basis only. Steve Shutt noted that might work better. After further discussion, the City Coundil instructed Steve Shutt to arrange a meeting with Whitesboro mayor and City Council to meet with our mayor and City Council in Sanger and they would proceed from that point. (A table spread to be prepared at that time). Motion carried with one dissenting vote from Danny McDaniel. 1 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance.#022-87.Establishing an Electric Uti.24:ty Capital Reserve Fund. Item tabled for discussion later in the meeting. 3 95 9. Ordinance #024-87 tabled until later in the meeting. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #26-87 amending Chapter 10, Section 7, Subsection A on Electric rates. After discussion, motion Was made by Carroll McNeill to accept Utility Board's recommendation and approve Ordinance #26-87 to increase electric rate of 4 mils more per kilowatt hour. (A mil is equal to one tenth of a cent). Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. The motion was amended by Carroll McNeill and seconded by Danny McDaniel to be effective with the bills going out on January lst. ORDINANCE #026-87 AN ORDINANCE AMQQDING CHAPTER 10 (UTILITIES), SECTION7.I SUBSECTION A (RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC RATE) PARAGRAPH 31 (SUMMER RATE) AND PARAGRAPH 4, (WINTER RATE), AND,SUB-SECTION B, (SMALL COMMERCIAL RATE), PARAGRAPH 3, (SUMMER RATE), AND PARAGRAPH 4, (WINTER RATE); AND, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (#8) Tabled from earlier in the meeting. Consider and possible Action on Ordinance #022-87 Establishing an Electric Utility Capital reserve Fund. Carolyn Adkins made a motion to accept the Utility Board's recommendation and approve Ordinance #022-87 with the correction to Section I to be changed from: to receive once each quarter 50%; changed to: to receive semi-annually 50%. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. ORDINANCE #022-8'7 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN ELECTRIC UTILITY CAPITAL RESERVE FUND; AND, PROVIDING FOR REPEAI� OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABII,ITY - CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NEC)) Tabled earlier in the meeting. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #024-87 Establishing Two Capital Reserve funds from monies received :From collection of water and sewer taps. Wendall Thomas made a motion to approve Ordinance #024-87 and seconded by Danny McDaniel as reccn�unended by the Uti:Lity Board . ORDINANCE #024-87 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING TWO CAPITAL RESERVE FUNDS FROM MONIES RECEIVED FROM THE COLLECTION OF WATER AND Sl�'WER.TAP FEES; AND, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT: PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11. Any other such matters: a. Jerry Jenkins spoke regarding the City Counr_il had appointed a committee consisting of Steve, Danny, Benny, and himself on the item concerrLng policies for the police reserves. Jerry requested that the recommendations he had previously made be withdrawn. However, the Reserve Chief, Police Chief, and Danny were going to meet and discuss benefits, city policies, etc., regarding the Sanger Police Reserves and make reconmiendations. b. Nel inquired about the Advanced Living Technology. Steve noted that he had had no response to his correspondence. 12. City Manager's Report: a. Steve stated a copy of a letter from Jagoe-Public Co. regarding a claim they have with R.L. Roberts Consta�uction Co., Inc. b. Mr. Manning has almost completed street work. Steve is preparing a punch list for him. c. Steve noted that there is a smell in the water which is caused from the paint. He noted the paint is non -toxic and should discontinue within the next few days. d. Steve noted that bids are being received for work on the ground water storage tank. Mayor Armstrong mentioned bid for roof repair at the Library. City Council chose to go with the low bid which was Maintenance Man at the amount of $85.00 and to inform the librarian (which was discussed in an earlier meeting.) Meeting adjourned. City MINUTES: City Council December 21,1987 Mayor MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, and Jerry Jenkins MEMBERS ABSENT: C.G. McNeill Y I'KERS . PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Hank Hargrave (Sanger Courier), Woodrow Barton, and Mervyn Tucker . 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order; Carolyn Adkins gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of December 7, 1987 stand approved as printed. 3. Disbursements -Jerry Jenkins made a motion that disbursements be approved. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input -Woodrow Barton addressed City Council and thanked City Council, Mayor, and City Manager for providing answers to the questions he had requested. 5. Consider and Possible Action regarding City's siren - N[erwyn Tucker. Mervyn Tucker had two proposals for the siren, one was for $5,109.00 and the other was $6,250.00. Mayor Armstrong did ask if the insurance company ('IT'1L) was only going to pay the difference of the $2,500.00 deductible. Nferwyn stated that it is what he understood. Mayor Armstrong did state that the insurance company would pay the difference only on the replacement that was exactly the same as what was being replaced.