12/21/1987-CC-Minutes-Regular396 the paint. He noted the paint is non -toxic and should discontinue within the next few days. d. Steve noted that bids are being received for work on the ground water storage tank. Mayor Armstrong mentioned bid for roof repair at the Library. City Council chose to go with the low b:id which was Maintenance Man at the amount of $85.00 and to inform the librarian (which was discussed in an earlier meeting.) Meeting adjourned. City Sretary 0 MINUTES: City Council December 21,-1987 Mayor MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thcanas, Danny McDaniel, and Jerry Jenkins ABSENT: C.G. McNeill OTf-IER.S PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Han}c Hargrave (Sanger Courier), Woodrow Barton, and Merwyn Tucker 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order; Carolyn Adkins gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of December 7, 1987 stand approved as printed. 3. Disbursements -Jerry Jenkins made a motion that disbursements be approved. Danny McDaniel seconded. Moi�ion carried. 4. Citizen's Input -Woodrow Barton addressed City Council and thanked City Council, Mayor, and City Manager for providing answers to the questions he had requested. 5. Consider and Possible Action regarding City's siren - Merwyn Tucker. Merwyn Tucker had two proposals for the siren, one was for $5,109.00 and the other was $6,250.00. Mayor Armstrong did ask if the insurancE_ company (TML) was only going to pay the difference of the $2,500.00 deductible. Merwyri stated that it is what he understood. Mayor Armstrong did state that the insurance company would pay the difference only on the replacement that was exactly the same as what was -being replaced. 397 Discussion continued as to whether they should go ahead and spend the additional $1100.00 and purchase the larger siren. Mayor Armstrong did state that the General land Equipment Replacement Savings Account had the funds to where -it could pay for the difference. Wendall Thomas made the motion and Carolyn Adkins seconded the city purchase the 15 HP siren at the cost of $6,250.00. Motion carried. N[erwyri Tucker was instructed to order the s�_ren. Mayor Armstrong did state that they could check and possibly there could be some funds available somewhere else in the budget to pay for this. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Patc�Ling Machine.' Mayor Armstrong stated that Carroll McNeill and herself were the only ones that were present for the demonstration and she felt Carroll had some important input on this item. This itEsn was tabled for the next City Council meeting. 7. Consider and Possible Action regarding watez- tank. Mayor Armstrong stated they had discussed sE�veral meetings ago to take bids on repairs at the water tank. Mayor Armstrong stated that they had an Engineer from the City of Denton and also their maintenance person came down and did an inspection on the water tank and after his observation made his suggestions to the City. Their reconTnendations were that the city send out bids for the repairs on the water tank. .Mayor Armstrong stated that the bids were sE�nt out and they were opened Friday, December 18th as listed below: SAND BLASTING. B & B Sandblasting $5,500.00 furnish all materials, insurance, labor and equipment to sandblast water interior 3:15 p.m. McGuffin Welding Covering one section of bottom of water stos-age tank with 2" plate approximately 6' x 20' long. Plate to be sheared into 6 23" x 120" sheets and seal welded 100% over existing plate bottom. New Material.) 3:16 p.m. Hollingsworth Mfg. Co. Inc. Repair water tower - 3 i pieceslong, welded on (made from new material). 3:17 p.m. Perrico Trailer & Mfg. Install 132 sq. ft. of Z" plate in floor of water tank - 69" x 22'. Welded solid to floor. $1,479.02 $1,500.00 $1,604.00 Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated they should go with the only bid for the sandblasting (B & B Sandblasting) and they could negotiate to pcssibly get the bid lowered. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to go :with tYie low bid on the Steel Bid - McG.iffin Welding for $1,479.02 and the bid from. B & B Sandblasting with further negotiations with B & B to possibly try to get the bid lowered. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Street Signs. Mayor Armstrong stated that Steve Shutt had gotten bids on three companies and are as follows: QUOTATIONS FOR STREET SIGNS 4-WAY ASSEMBLY FOR 80 INTERSECTIONS 23.42 Baked enamel 45.69 Reflective background 21.08 Baked enamel white 28.18 23.85 QUOTATION FOR POSTS Tubular Channel Iron Reflective background Reflective background 'Tubular (galy. ) 13.90 10.62 (9.84 for 50 or more) 8.95 (35 or more) PRICE BARRICADE Tubular 8.45 (50 or more) Tubular 9.73 (37 or more) Channel Iron 9.25 (37 or more) Mayor Armstrong stated that Steve Shutt has recommended that they go with Price Barricade with the reflective background on the street signs for 80 intersections and 50 tubular posts. Motion was made by wren dall Thomas and seconded by Carolyn Adkins to go with Price Barricade, the lowest bid, on the street signs with the reflective background and tubular posts. Motion carried. Consider and possible action on Kammie Patton Park. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had received.a call from Mrs. Giles from California, who was concerned as to why. she had to pay taxes on her property in which the City was using as a park. Steve Shutt stated he had talked with the Appraisal District concerning this and they stated that the only way to exempt this property is to enter into an agreement with Ms. Giles for the City to use the property and to pay this year's taxes to her and to allow her to continue paying taxes on the property and next year at the APB hearing for the city to appear and request that the appraised value of property be lowered to a token figure as long as property is being used as a park. Taxes on the property for City, School, and County were around $100.00 or so. Steve Shutt was instructed to research the records at the Courthouse to see if Ms. Giles actually is the legal heir. Steve Shutt was also instructed to write Ms. Giles a letter and tell her City Council met and discussed it and the City wants to continue with the park and the City will be checking with the City Attorney to get some legal advise so that they won't be doing anything that would be harmful to her or the City. This item to be placed on the next agenda. Any other such matters - none. City Manager's Report: (a) Steve Shutt informed City Council that Tom Stange will be meeting with him Wednesday to go over the streets. (b) Jim Simpson, President of the Chamber of Commerce, wrote a letter to the city regarding a letter he had received from Mr. John Coker, Chairman of the Industrial Board with their recommendations on weed ordinance and some other things. Mayor Armstrong stated maybe they could put this item on the agenda sometime in the Spring. 399 12. Adjournment. City t ®®® �XA' MINUTES: City Council January 4, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Garcia, Lee Lawrence, Don McLaughlin, Bud Hauptman, Tim Fisher, Craig Edwards, Jerry Don Linn, Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier_), Woodrow Barton 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation, and the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements: Mayor Armstrong did state that no exceptions should be made on certain bills to be paid before City Council approves them, for example, Bighorn. Mayor also stated that the city writes manual checks to pay for ahead of time and she felt that all checks should be printed thru the computer for payment after City Council approves them - this was the reason the computer was purchased to save time. Rose to check on TML bill to see if it is for the period of two months. Also to check with IInployers to see if policy period covers October thru October of our fiscal year. 4. Citizens Input - Edgar Barrow introduced himself to City Council and announced his entry in the election for Constable Prec. 5. 5. Consider and Possible Action on property -which is presently in he City of Sanger's E.T.J. -Woodrow Barton. Mayor Armstrong stated Mr. &Mrs. Barton had written a letter to the city requesting their property consisting of 10 acres located on McReynolds Road be withdrawn from Sanger's ETJ. Mayor advised that city staff had recommended that this petition be denied. Also, the city attorney had sent a letter advising city council that there is not any state law stating that this request be granted, that it is mainly up to the discretion of the city council. Jerry Jenkins stated that he had worked on this project for about a year and had spent alot of his time ta7.kirig to people using material furnished by ITS, using state statutes, and anything he could get his hands on to make his presentation to these people. Every person he contacted was told the same thing every time concerning the ETJ. Jerry Jenkins stated he had talked to Mr. Barton on nmerous occasions about the ETJ and had explained the ETJ. In the particular state when the petition was being signed requesting to be taken in to Sanger's ETJ, Mrs. Barton :>igned the petition; however, Mr. Barton was not present but it was explained to Mrs. Barton and at the time she seemed to understand. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that Mr. Bax�ton's request be denied and seconded by Carroll McNeill. Mr. Barton then addressed City Council and stated that Jerry Jenkins never told him not one. time what Sanger's ETJ meant in regard to his property -his story was that Sanger was txying to cut Denton off because