01/19/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular401 1. 2. Brief discussion followed as to the possible means of financing of these proposed projects. Tim Fisher made the final report which detailed the study of the water system. Fisher did caution city council that his results from the study of our water system were somewhat gloomy. Major issues that were discussed (1} were age and design of the water wells in our system which were an item of concern - Mr. Fisher urged that a more active interest in monitoring the wells. (2) the productive capacity is the same as 1974 even with double the population. Mr. Fisher did state that the water quality is good and the only treatment necessary is chlorinator. The city water meets or exceeds all standards at the present time. Fisher reviewed water projections - which show an increase in per capita consumption. He also stated the growth from 1980.- 1987 has averaged 6 percent. This is why he recommends major improvements to the water system. Discussion continued as to decisions Sanger will be facing within the next few years. Mr. Fisher finally summarized his study by stating that these decisions needed to be made soon as to take on the projects or explore alternatives. Workshop to continue on the Planning Study later next week. Any other such matters: Mayor informed city council about some problems some of the citizens are having dialing local phone numbers - the recording comes on and advises that the number has to be dialed to complete the call. Centel has advised her that they are working on this problem. Adjouzrunent. MINUZ�S: CITY COUNCIL January 19, 19.87 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Wendall Thcmas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen K. Shutt, Rose Garcia, Benny Erwin, Jerry Don Linn, Ruth McG�ffin (Sanger Courier) , Jan Jones (Shaw Equipment). Mayor called meeting to order, led invocation and pledge_.to the flag. Minutes approved as_printed. 3. Disbursements: Discussion and corrections. were made. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that disbursements be approved with the corrections. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input - This item was not discussed since there was no one to speak. 5. Consider and possible action for Mayor authorization to negotiate loans at Sanger Bank. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that Resolution R2-88 authorizing the Mayor to negotiate loans at the Sanger Banks be approved. Seconded 402 by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 6. Consider and possible action on Patching Machine, Jan Jones quoted two bid prices on the Street Patching Machine. Model 600 Patchman Jr. - $20,395.00 Model 720 Patchman Asphalt Recycle Reheater 23,675.00 Mr. Jones went over the equipment on both machines and the comparison features on both. 'Phis item was discussed in detail as to methods of purchasing, leasing, and financing. Jerry Don Linn, Water Director, did state that he needed some type of equipment in order to be able to maintain the streets. Discussion continued. Council finally agreed that Mr. Jones needed to provide the City with a list of the cities that are presently using this type of equipment. This will enable the city to get some input from these cities as to operation of the equipment, etc. Mayor Armstrong also stated that this will give Mr. Jones time to check on the interest rates for financing and the lease purchase and it will also allow the city to check with the bank on financing and the interest to have a comparison. Action on this item was deferred until February 1, 1988 Council meeting. 7. Consider and possible action on estimate for roof repairs - Sullivan Senior Center. Mr. Nelson Smith had sul�nitted a bid to repair the roof at the Sullivan Senior Center for $875.00 Motion was made by Carroll McNeill to award the bid to Mr. Smith to / do the roof repairs. at the Sullivan Senior Center. Jerry Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution R1-88 Denton Central Appraisal District. Mayor Armstrong stated that this was passed by Senate Bill No. 312 that provided statuatory authority for appraisal districts to own real property, the statute was explicit in mandating that ownership of real property be first approved by resolution of the Appraisal's Board of Directors, followed by affirmative resolutions passed by the "voting" jurisdictions. Wendall Thomas made the motion that Resolution R1-88 be approved for the Denton Central Appraisal District. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 9. Any other such matters: 1. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that there is a company ...that is working with Centel that has torn the water lines several times. Someone needs to be sent a bill since one of the times that the water line was torn involved one of our employees working overtime. Steve Shutt was instructed to take care of this. 2. Mayor Armstrong asked what's the situation on .the street signs. City manager advised he was working on it. 403 3. Mayor Armstrong asked what was the status on the reapirs at the water tower. City Manager replied that Mr. McGuffllI had completed the work; however, Mr. McCliffin had discovered :sommall e additional all holes that he had to cover with the steel plate. Carroll McNeill is to inspect the tower in the morning. 4. .Mayor Armstrong asked Steve what he h<�d found out on Kanmlie Patton Park. Steve stated that he had checked and has found out that there is only one owner listed as the property owner. 10. City Manager's Report: 1. City Manager informed City Council that he had received a tenative quote on some City of Sanger decals which resemble what is on our letterhead, etc. It wculd take appruximately $800.00 for the City to do all the vehicles. He asked if Council wished for him to pursue this item. City Council instructed to check and see if someone else could do it for less and then advise. 2. Steve went over the ETJ map and boundaries that the City of Denton is proposing.. Steve stated that he could negotiate new boundaries with the City of Denton or just retain everything they have and not give anything up. Council agreed that the City should retain everything they now have in the ETJ and not give anything up. Mayor Armstrong mentioned to Steve that we needed to send Don Hill a copy of our ETJ. Jerry Jenkins staff=ed he had already sent him one. 11. Planning Grant Study Workshop. 12. Adjournment. ty Secretary ,- ® Y r XAS MINUTES: City Council Meeting February 1, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins O`iHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Garcia, Tom Stange -Hunter Associates, Burl Bourland, Benny Er<ain, Mark Sons, James Sons, Stan Browning, Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier), Elaine Schad (Denton Record Chronicle), Jerry Don Linn, Larry Manning, Gene Hughes, and Ron Adkins. 1. Mayor Armstrong called meeting to order,. _Led invocation, and pledge to flag. 2. Minutes of January 19, 1988 were approved as printed.