01/04/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular399 12. Adjournment. MINUTES: City Council January 4, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Garcia, Lea Lawrence, Don McLaughlin, Bud Hauptman, Tim Fisher, Craig Edwards, Jerry Don Linn, Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier), Woodrow Barton 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation, and the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes stood approved as printed. 3. Disburs�nents: Mayor Armstrong did state that no exceptions should be made on certain bills to be paid before City Council approves them; for example, Bighorn. Mayor also stated that the city writes manual checks to pay for ahead of time and she felt that all checks should be printed thru the computer for payment after City Council approves them - this -- was the reason the computer was purchased to save time. Rose to check on TML bill to see if it is for the period of two months. Also to check with Employers to see if policy period covers October thru October of our fiscal year. 4. Citizens Input - Edgar Barrow introduced Onimself to City Council and announced his entry in the election for Constable Prec. 5. 5. Consider and Possible Action on property -which is presently in he City of Sanger's E.T.J. - Woodrow Barton. Mayor Armstrong stated Mr. & Mrs. Barton lead written a letter to the city requesting their property consisting of 10 acres located on McReynolds Road be withdrawn from Sanger's ETJ. Mayor advised that. city staff had recommended that this petition be denied. Also, the city attorney had sent a letter advising city council that there is not any state law stating that this request be granted, that it is mainly up to the discretion of the city council. Jerry Jenkins stated that he had worked on this project for about a year and had spent alot of his time talking to people using material furnished by TML, using state statutes, and anything he could get his hands on to make his presentation tothesepeople. Every person he contacted was told the same thing every time concerning the ETJ. Jerry Jenkins stated he had talked to Mr. Barton on numerous occasions about the ETJ and had explained the ETJ. In the particular state when the petition was being signed requesting to be taken in to Sanger's ETJ, Mrs. Barton :signed the petition; however, Mr. Barton was not present but it was exp:ained to Mrs. Barton and at the time she seemed to understand. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that Mr. Bar-ton's request be denied and seconded by Carroll McNeill. Mr. Barton then addressed City Council and stated that Jerry Jenkins never told him not one time what Sanger's ETJ meant in regard to his property - his story was that Sanger was i_rying to cut Denton off because 400 they were trying to surround the city. Mr. Barton continued saying that it was not explained to him that any development he wanted to do with his land he had to have approval of the city council. Mr. Barton continued to be upset stating that city council was violating his rights and he would take this matter to court if he had to. Discussion continued. Motion was carried. 6. Consider and possible action on patching machine. Tabled for next city council meeting. 7. Consider and possible action on plannning grant. Lee Lawrence with GSA stated to City Council that they had completed preliminary work for the Planning Grant and they were present to update the city council. - Mayor Armstrong stated that the Master Plan was done around 1972 and Sanger had already gone beyond the needs that were set forth on that master plan. Lee Lawrence recommended to the city council that they incorporate outlying areas around the lake into planning so that quality growth Till occur that will be contributing to Sanger rather than growth that drains the community. Lee stated Metroplex will spend time going over the engineering aspects of the study. Don McLaughlin introduced himself. He is Senior Elect. Engineer for the City of Denton and he did this study as a sub -contract for Metroplex. Copy of the PUC is enclosed in his report. City is presently on 4.1 KV and is recommend - to 15 KV. Present system r-equires-use of two types of equipment. Limited now to what can be transmitted. Upgrade to 15 KV will be sufficient even with extreme growth. This will reduce losses, cut costs, easier to operate, and will generate more revenue. In doing an analysis billing history from Brazos from 6-85 to 6-87, demand billing is costing $50,000.00 a year. (1) Suggested that other cities have lowered this figure by high user customers = are paid an incentive to cut back on usage on certain days. (2) Putting controllers on air conditioners. Operational issues were discussed. (1) Such as rear lot access is very expensive to maintain. (2) Residential should be underground and industrial above ground and avoiding major distribution lines underground. (3) and, maintenance of the wood poles., Lee stated if city council had questions about anything tonight they could come back at a later time and get those questions answered. Greg Edwards - Metroplex Engineer made his presentation on storm sewer system study. An updated existing inventory on the map drainage areas for the entire city were studied and evaluated as to what improvements needed to be done. Eleven different projects were listed in this recommendation totaling 1.7 billion dollars of improvements. Problem areas were Houston St., Railroad Ave. to 2nd St., Willow St. - bridge on McReynolds Rd., Peach St., east of 5th, certain areas on 455 and Duck Creek Road. Flood control program was listed as a possibility for financing for a loan, not a grant. 401 1. Brief discussion followed as to the possible means of financing of these proposed projects. Tim Fisher made the final report which detailed the study of the water system. Fisher did caution city council that his results from the study of our water system were somewhat gloomy. Major issues that were discussed (1) were age and design of the water wells in our system which were an item of concern - Mr. Fisher urged that a more active interest in monitoring the wells. (2) the productive capacity is the same as 1974 even with double the population. Mr. Fisher did state that the water quality is good and the only treatment necessary is chlorinator. The city water meets or exceeds all standards at the present time. Fisher reviewed water projections - which show an increase in per capita consiunption. He also stated the growth from 1980.- 1987 has averaged 6 percent. This is why he recommends major improvements to the water system. Discussion continued as to decisions Sanger will be facing within the next few years. Mr. Fisher finally summarized his study by stating that these decisions needed to be made soon as to take on the projects or explore alternatives. Workshop to continue on the Planning Study later next week. Any other such matters: Mayor informed city council about some problems some of the citizens are having dialing local phone numbers - the recording comes on and advises that the number has to be dialed to complete the call. Centel has advised her that they are working on this problem. Adjourrunent. Ci MINTJTES PRESENT: ABSENT: �i Mayor }CAS CITY COUNCIL January 19, 19.87 Mayor Armstrong, Wendall Thcmas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins Carolyn Adkins Stephen K. Shutt, Rose Garcia, Benny Erwin, Jerry Don Linn, Ruth McC�.iffin (Sanger Courier) , Jan Jones (Shaw Equipment). Mayor called meeting to order, led invocation and pledge_.to the flag. 2. Minutes approved as _printed. 3. Disbursements: Discussion and corrections were made. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that disbursements be approved with the corrections. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input This item was not discussed since there was no one to speak.. 5. Consider and possible action for Mayor authorization to negotiate loans at Sanger Bank. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that Resolution R2-88 authorizing the Mayor to negotiate loans at the Sanger Banks be approved. Seconded