02/01/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular403 3. Mayor Armstrong asked what was the stratus on the reapirs at the water tower. City Manager replied that Mr. McGuffin had completed the work; however, Mr. McGuffin had discovered some additional small holes that he had to cover with the steel plate. Carroll McNeill is to inspect. -the tower in the morning. 4. .Mayor Armstrong asked Steve what he had found out on Kammie Patton Park. Steve stated that he had checked and has found out that there is only one owner listed as the property owner. 10. City Manager's Report: 1. City Manager informed City Council that he had received a tenative quote on some City of Sanger decals which resemble what is on our letterhead, etc. It would take apprcximately $800.00 for the City to do all the vehicles. He asked if Council wished for him to pursue this item. 11. 12. 1. 2. City Council instructed to check and see if someone else could b it for less and then advise. 2. Steve went over the ETJ map and boundaries that the City of Denton is proposing.. Steve stated that he could negotiate new boundaries with the City of Denton or just retain everything they have and not give anything up. Council agreed that the City should retain everything they now have in the ETJ and not give anything up. Mayor Armstrong mentioned to Steve that we needed to send Don Hill a copy of our ETJ. Jerry Jenkins stated he had already sent him one. Planning Grant Study Workshop. Adjournment. City Secretary ®�= ® a ®® 000 ,►®� XAS MINUTES: City Council Meeting February 1, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn. Adkins, Wendall Tharnas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Garcia, Tcm Stange -Hunter Associates, Burl Bourland, Benny Erwin, Mark Sons, James Sons, Stan Browning, Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier), Elaine Schad (Denton Record Chronicle), Jerry Don Linn, Larry Manning, Gene Hughes, and Ron Adkins. Mayor Armstrong called meeting to order,_ led invocation, and pledge to flag. Minutes of January 19, 1988 were approved. as printed. 3. Disbursements: Tho changes - item #10 supposed to be coded out of P & Z and Item #14 out of 435.01. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to approve disbursements along with the additional disbursements which were attached. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input: Fern Hutto came with a list of concerned citizens who were not aware of their zoning change in their area. 5. Consider and possible action on computerizing the Control Room for the Booster Pump Water Towers - Mark Sons. Jerry Don Linn, Water Director, stated that the system eventually has to be upgraded. The water tower at the'yard is operated manually and the other water tower is automatic. He stated that the cost to operate it manually is getting outrageous and eventually maintenance is going to get expensive. Mr. James Sons made a presentation on their equipment. Mr. Sons stated his son has been working with Jerry Don and he is aware of the problems. The system he was proposing is (1) Motor Control System - controls motors as to when to come on and off at the proper time, (2) it monitors portions of the system if water gets down and is capable of having an alarm system, (3) the system can be expanded to a computer system. Compatible to an IBM (PC) and operates on SAU. Mr. Sons stated that the system would be installed at each well. It has a 48 hour backup - the cost around $8500.00 and it includes an alarm printer and a levelling valve. Mr. Sons did state Jerry Don's men could help install the butterfly valve, it would keep the cost down. The printer is also needed to allow the alarm to come in and be able to let someone know what the problem is. The system must be on a dedicated phone line since the city has two wells, two phone lines will be needed. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong suggested to Mr. Sons that he submit a complete bid on the installation of each system at each well site for our next City Council meeting. Jerry Don was asked to get the information for the next City Council meeting as to the cost of the dedicated lines. Discussion. This item was tabled for the next City Coundil meeting. 6. Consider and possible action regarding Larry Manning's Final Payment. Mayor Armstrong stated that this would be the final payment for Nfanning. Mayor Armstrong asked Manning about. the Maintenance Bond. Mr. Manning stated it would be sent to the City Wednesday. Mayor Armstrong stated that she was very pleased with the work Mr. Manning did. Wendall Thomas asked Tom Stange if he had checked the work himself. Tom Stange stated that he had. Wendall Thomas made the motion to pay Larry Manning's final payment on Wednesday when the City received the manitenance bond. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action on setting date for Personnel Workshop. (Community Room of Bank or Community Center for workshop to be held). Item tabled for next City Council meeting. 405 8. Consider and Possible Action on Electric Department Purchasing wire tension trailer for conductor change out. Item tabled for next City Council agenda. 9. Consider and Possible Action regarding variance request for Mr. Stan Browning who is requesting a 3' easement south and west of property line at 705 N. lst. Discussion. Wendall Thomas made the motion that they accept P & Z's recommendation with the stipulation that_all the requirements of P. & Z. be met. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 10. Consider and possible action regarding a variance request for Mr. Burl Bourland,-Lot 7, Blk. 1, in Bourland Addition. City Council reviewed Mr. Bourland's request. Lee Lawrence stated the lot size was not an issue since this was a plat that was approved before the zoning ordinance was adopted, making this lot "grandfather" under the new zoning ordinance. Lee also stated that the two car garage is required on SF-4 zoning; but City Council could issue a variance also for the one (1) car garage if they chose to do so. Discussion continued. Steve Shutt did state that if a variance wa.s granted, Mr. Bourland still couldn't build until he got the variance for the single car garage. Mayor Armstrong stated that Mr. Bourland'�s lots had come under the old zoning ordinance and now the city is maki:zg him conform to the new ordinance making it a handicap because of the requirements of the new zoning ordinance. Mr. Bourland did state that he could never build anything under 1,000 square feet and these houses are FHA homers and FHA will not finance anything that is a two car garage. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to accept P.& Z.'s recommendation. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion was amended to include a variance for the single car garage. Motion carried. 11. Consider and. possible action regarding issuance of a building permit for proposed address, 700 Block of 4th (N) anci possible variance therefore. Steve Shutt stated that this item came to his attention Thursday -and the property owners have not had a chance to request a variance so it is subject to the variance fee to be paid. Discussion.. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas that thE. Building Permit be granted with the stipulation that the variance be grani�ed if the lot is properly platted. The variance request needs to bf: drawn up and the money that is owed, the city needs to be paid before he could get the building permit. Carroll McNeill seconded. .Motion carried. Carolyn Adkins abstained. 12. Consider and possible action regarding pw�chasing of patching machine. Mayor Armstrong stated she had asked Mr. �7. Jones to bring figures on lease purchase agreement. Mayor Armstrong did state that she had the bank figures.. Mayor Armstrong stated that: she had talked to Paul Duke at the First National Bank and that they would finance it for one year and with a 3 year payout with a balloon at the end o:� each year and financing all at the same rate of 8.5 (48 months). Mayor Armstrong stated under Capital Outlay budget they had budgeted $4,807 for an asphalt machine. Tha patching machine is going to cost more than that. Bid on Shaw Equipment was 9.756 with 56 down ($5,000.00 down). This is all the city would pay the first year with 36 mo. payments - 4 year payout. If this could be a lease purchase agreement, they could purchase it this way. Sanger Bank - total amount financing - no down payment - payments of 48 months at $592.12 - 9.25% or 36 mos. at 9% or 60 payments at 9.25%. First National Bank- 8.5 - 36.month payout at $474.31 with a balloon at the end of the year and that end of that year the balloon would be financed for the same finance rate and the 3rd year balloon would be paid out. Mayor Armstrong stated that the General Fund Equipment Savings Accounts could handle the payment this year. Discussion. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill that the city purchase the asphalt machine with (1) First National Bank - who was the low bidder. Carolyn Adkins seconded. (2) Motion was amended to include that this was the only piece of equipment that could be found and that the city did not take any bids, (3) and the city go with a 48 month payout and if at the end of this budget year, if the city could see if they could afford to raise the payments they could consider the 3 year plan. Motion carried with one no vote. 13. Consider and possible action regarding raise for city employees that have completed the Probationary Period. 15. This item was discussed in detail. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins that the probationary raise for Ruth McGuffin be granted from $5.72 to $5.95 and to Jerry Bucklew from $6.65 to $6.85 effective on February 10, 1988 payroll. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. Any other such matters; Mayor Armstrong stated that sometime ago the city received a letter from the President of the Chamber of Commerce where they had received a copy from the Industrial Development Board that the city continue or do more about "clean up". Mayor Armstrong stated she has asked Carroll McNeill to serve as Chairman on a committee to select someone from Chamber of Commerce along with a private citizen of Sanger and bring back a recommendation. John Coker resigned from Sanger Industrial Board and an appointment needs to be made. Mayor Armstrong met with Denton Co. Water Study concerning legislation passage of the Upper Trinity Corp. Benny Erwin. and Rose Garcia asked City Council if they could put an agenda item on next City Council for consideration of another possible source of employee coverage and dependent coverage. City Manager's Report: 1. City manager reported on a situation at the landfill. 2. Jerry Jenkins asked if the street on the south side of the Daisy Queen and Pecan Street is being fixed. 407 3. Steve. Shutt informed City Council that the Water Tank has not been inspected due to the guy couldn't come in today but would be in Tuesday. 4. Mayor Armstrong inquired about the status on street signs. Steve Shutt noted that signs had been ordered. 5. Mayor Armstrong asked if the roof at the Sullivan Senior Center had been repaired yet. Steve Shutt to follow up on it. 6. Mayor Armstrong requested input about the Kammie Patten Park. -Steve Shutt informed City Council that he had written up an agreement but he felt the city attorney needed to review it first and make recommendations. Meeting adjourned. Lty Secretary._ a= ® r' ® F• ® ® S J• ®®B® •0.•0 �XAS� • ®®6®0 NQNIJTES: City Council Meeting February 15, 1988 r�ay�r MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn AcLkinsI Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill., and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Rose Garcia, Bonnie Nitsche, Charlotte Tarver, Delores Coker, Ronnie Jones, Burl Bourl.and, Benny Erwin, Merw nz Tucker, Edgar Barrow, Cindy Barrow, Stan Day, Jim Bob Ready, Jeff Pickrell, Curt Tremble, Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier)Etta Stogsdill, Dick Di_cksion (Bighorn ENcavating), Mike Norman, Richard Muir, and Gene Hughes. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Carolyn Adkins gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong let the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of February 1, 1988 were approved as printed with one correction on item #4, the last sentence to be deleted. 3. Disbursements -motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to approve payment of disbursements. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input -none. 5. Consider and possible action on employment for the service of an Accourr-; ng. Consultant. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that the computer is in place and that the staff is having same problems understanding the system. Karen Trivitt gave her presentation concerning her background experience in computers and her accounting. Mrs. Trivitt went in -. detail and covered all the areas in her resLume.