02/15/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular407 3. Steve Shutt informed City Council that the Water Tank has not been inspected due to the guy couldn't come in today but would be in Tuesday. 4. Mayor Armstrong inquired about the status on street signs. Steve Shutt noted that signs had been ordered. 5. Mayor Armstrong asked if the roof at the Sullivan Senior Center had been repaired yet. Steve Shute to follow up on it. 6. Mayor Armstrong requested input about the Kammie Patten Park. Steve Shutt informed City Council that he had written up an agreement but he felt the city attorney needed to review it first and make recommendations. Meeting adjourned. ity Secretary..._ ®� V/ ® i ®®�KAS ®®���®®®® MINUTES: City Council Meeting February 15, 1988 NTEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins Y=RS PRESENT: Rose Garcia, Bonnie Nitsche, Charlotte Tarver, Delores Coker, Ronnie Jones, Burl Bourland, Benny Erwin, Merwyn Tucker, Edgar Barrow, Cindy Barrow, Stan Day, Jim Bob Ready, Jeff Pickrell, Curt Tremble, Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier)Etta Stogsdill, Dick D_Lcksion (Bighorn EKcavating), Mike Norman, Richard Muir, and Gene Hughes. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Carolyn Adkins gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong let the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of February 1, 1988 were approved as printed with one correction on item #4, the last sentence to be deleted. 3. Disbursements -motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to approve payment of disbursements. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input -none. 5. Consider and possible action on employrlent for the service of an AccourTting. Consultant. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that the computer is in place and that the staff is having some problems understanding the system. Karen Trivitt gave her presentation concerning her background experience in computers and her accounting. Mrs. Trivitt went in detail and covered all the areas in her resLune. She supplies the teaching training that can enable someone to understand the General Ledger, enabling someone to acquire the skill to properly distribute accounting capabilities in the computer. Mayor Armstrong asked if she had any idea how many hours were needed to get the problems out. Mrs. Trivitt stated she had no_ idea but nobnally she works a couple of weeks and then prepares a report to,show up to date progress. Discussion. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that city employ the services of Karen Trivitt with the time limit of two weeks and that Mrs. Trivitt give a progress report in two weeks to be available for next:.City Council meeting. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 6. Presentation from various insurance companies concerning employee hospitalization coverage. Bonnie Nitsche and Charlotte Tarver with Maxicare - HMO addressed City Council in this type of insurance coverages. Ms. Tarver went over the coverage cost per employee and dependents and all the options that went with HMO Plan. Charlotte went over the $2.00 prescription on the plan, no deductible, dental was an.additional option.. Mr. Curt Tremble with Merit Series made his presentation concerning their type of hospitalization coverage. Mr. Tremble's plan had a $100.00 deductible and also a $4.00 prescription included in the premium plus dental coverage. Richard Muir with Western Life, our agent for the employee coverage that the city now has basically went over the plan the city has now on the employees. No decisions were made. The city secretary was instructed to set employee question -answer sessions with the different insurance representatives to enable employees to understand the insurance benefits and options. 7. Consider and possible action on purchase of Wire Tension Trailer. Cost was $965.00 Discussion. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas that the city purchase the Wire Tension Trailer and that the funds be paid out of the Utility Equipment Replacement Fund. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. 8. Consider and possible action on variance request from Burl Bourland in Bourland Subdivision for Lat 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14-19, 22-27, 30-35, in Block 1. Mr. Bourland was requesting variance from 25' to 20' along the front and from 25' to 15' along the rear. Discussion. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel that the variances for Burl Bourland be granted with a 15' bank and 20' front variance on lots 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14-19, 22-27, 30-35 in Block 1, with the stipulation that Mr. Bourland have it replatted to those variances and brought back in for filing. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried with one no vote (Jerry Jenkins). 9. Consider and possible action on variance request at 512 N. 4th - John Coker. Ronnie Jones, Contractor for the Coker's, addressed the issue. The Coker's were requesting an 8' variance at 512 N. 4th for construction of a carport on the north side of their home. They were also requesting that the City of Sanger allow them to use 8' of the city's air space. There will.be nothing that is attached to the ground. Carroll McNeill asked if the city council legally had the right to let someone build on city property even though. it is just "sticking out". Mayor Armstrong stated she didn't know the answer and maybe the city attorney needed to be contacted on this. Ronnie Jones stated he had a question in regards to Mr. McNeill's statement, that if they didn't have the right to allow it then did they have the right to let it remain where it already exists now. Ronnie Jones stated this already exists in several places. Ronnie presented photos to the City Council of where this problem exists already. Mayor Armstrong stated that even though this problem does exist in other areas, they didn't allow it to happen and if they allow it to happen again, -they are opening a door for allowing it. Discussion. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill that before a decision is made that we find out from our city attorney whether the City Council has the legal right to issue a building permit for ground space or air space of city property. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried: - Danny McDaniel made a motion that if the city attorney advises it is legal for the city to grant such a variance on city property, that Mr. Coker be granted the variance. Seconded by Wendall 'Thomas. Motion carried. 10. Request clarification on policy for water and sewer tap fees per Ordinance O16-87 as relates to existing subdivisions and possible action if necessary. Mike Norman requested to get clarification of this ordinance due to the fact that when he put the subdivision in Lau he was told if he put water and sewer lines in that there would be no connect fees and he feels that since he was told this that he needed some clarification on the issue. Mayor Armstrong stated that the reason they went up is because the city was losing money and another reason they were raised was to set aside this additional funds in a reserve account for future improvements. Mr. McNeill stated that maybe the terminology of the ordinance is a little misleading because of the word "tap fees". McNeill stated that maybe. it should be worded to mean that this is a fee for the right to use the service. Discussion. Ronnie Jones asked if maybe the city should start a register of all the builders so when changes occur that affects a builder, they could be made aware of them. Mayor Armstrong asked that next time they will try to do this but once before they did do this and only two builders showed up. 11. Consider and possible action on policy employing a collection agency for delinquent utility bills. Mayor Armstrong stated that several years ago the city had hired a collection agency to collect delinquent utility bills. Mayor Armstrong stated that lately she had gotten two complaints concerning the delinquent amounts owed to the city. Personally, she feels that the city should work out some plan in trying to collect any delinquent bills owed. She had asked Steve to contact KKA Collection Agency to inform them to stop all proceedings 410 until further notice of City Council. Discussion. Some suggestions were made as to other means of billing and sending notices. Motion was .made by Jerry Jenkins that the city suspend services of the KKA Collection Agency. Seconded by Motion carried. 12. Consider and possible action to authorize dozer work at old landfill site. Mayor Armstrong stated that the Health Dept. has come in and informed the city that the city needs to do some cover work at the old Landfill site. Carolyn Adkins and Jerry Jenkins both thought the council had authorized this to be done 2 or 3 years ago and that the money had been allocated then for this to be done. To get the landfill ready and up to state regulations might take $3,000 but it could take a lot more. Discussion. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the city accept staff recommendation to authorize the dozer work at the old landfill. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 13. Consider and possible action to review financing. for Patchmasi 720. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that after they authorized that the bid be given to First National Bank, she got to looking at it a little closer and she does not believe that the way they bid was apples per apples. The First National Bank was a fluctuating bid and at the end of six months it could go up or down. The bid from the Sanger Bank was a flat rate bid. Mayor Armstrong stated she had no problem with their decision but she wanted them to understand that they might not get this same rate for the 36 months. Discussion. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas that they put it up for re -bids at a fixed rate for 3 years and that the mayor be authorized to go with the best bid. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 14. Consider and possible action for setting joint meeting with School Board and Chamber Board, February 22, 1988. G. Any other such matters: a) Mayor asked Jerry Don Linn, Water Director, if he knew any reason �.y the street signs were being taken down on 8th Street.' Jerry Don stated they are taking them down and painting them. Mayor Armstrong advised that maybe if wasn't a good idea to lay the signs on people's yards. Jerry Don was asked to check.this out. b) Jerry Jenkins asked that on the west side of the Park where they backed the truck to do something and apparently they had damaged the area. Jerry Don was asked to check this out. 16. City Manager's Report: Steve was out due to sickness and Mayor Armstrong read his report. 1) Water tank -has been completed and it should be back on line by Monday or Tuesday of next week. 2) Issue on Kammie Patten Park - Letter of agreement has been mailed but we haven't received a reply from city attorney yet. 411 3) Senior Center - Jerry Don reported that the man (Mr. Smith) that was to do the job has been ill, however, he has talked with him and he is going to start on it as soon as possible. 4) Loader at Landfill is broken down again and Mayor Armstrong stated -that her and Steve have talked about it and decided to close the landfill for a few days. Landfill will be closed except for 'Imursday, Friday, and Saturday and have stopped Texas Waste Management from bringing the trash to the landfill. This.will keep the debris down and not so much to cover up. Steve Shutt has requested Mayor Armstrong be given authority to make the decision on the repair of the loader after she checks into it. Bighorn has offered to do the cover work at the landfill for $50:00 an hour. Mr. Dicksion (Bighorn) stated that the cost of repairs to operate this type of machinery is expensive. Carroll McNeill asked Jerry Don Linn to be sure that maintenance records are kept on the loader. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the mayor be authorized to check into the cost of repairs and make a decision. Seconded by Thomas. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. v City Secretary - ®® S a Mayor Nee kAS MINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting February 29, 1988, 7:00 p.m. MENIBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Jerry Jenkins, C.G. McNeill, Danny McDaniel, and Wendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Etta Stogsdill, Steve Shutt, Dick Dicksion (Bighorn) !. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action concerning Old Landfill. Site on South Railroad Avenue and Present Landfill. Mr. Dicksion spoke regarding problems that exist at the landfill and possible solutions to correct these problems. After much discussion, the council asked Mr. Dicksion for a possible estimate as to how much this would cost. He estimated $27,120.00 to bring the landfill up to standards. He did suggest he would be available to discuss maintaining the :Landfill on a regular basis if the council decided to do so. The council was in agreement to contact Texas Waste Management regarding the landfill for their suggestions and input also.