02/29/1988-CC-Minutes-Special411 3) Senior Center - Jerry Don reported that the man (Mr. Smith) that was to do the job has been ill, however, he has talked with him and he is going to start on it as soon as possible. 4) Loader at Landfill is broken down again and Mayor Armstrong stated -that her and Steve have talked about it and decided to close the landfill for a few days. Landfill will be closed except for InursdayIF Friday, and Saturday and have stopped Texas Waste Management from bringing the trash to the landfill. Thiswill keep the debris down and not so much to cover up. Steve Shutt has requested Mayor Armstrong be given authority to make the decision on the repair of the loader after she checks into it. Bighorn has offered: to do the cover work at the landfill for $50:00 an hour. Mr. Dicksion (Bighorn) stated that the cost of repairs to operate this type of machinery is expensive. Carroll McNeill asked Jerry Don Linn. to be sure that maintenance records are kept on the loader. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the mayor be authorized to check into the cost of repairs and make a decision. Seconded by Thomas. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary ��.3. p � a ® z � o ® a ® S ltc@eassIOt MINUTES: Special Called City Council :�'teeting February 29, 1988, 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor A�nstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Jerry Jenkins, C.G. McNeill, Danny McDaniel, and Wendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Etta Stogsdill, Steve Shutt, Dick Dicksion (Bighorn) !. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action concerning Old Landfill. Site on South Railroad Avenue and Present Landfill. -- Mr. Dicksion spoke regarding problems that exist at the landfill and possible solutions to correct these problems. After much discussion, the council asked Mr. Dicksion for a possible estimate as to how much this would cast. He estimated $27,120.00 to bring the landfill up to standards. He did suggest he would be available to discuss maintaining the Landfill on a regular basis if the council decided to do so. The council was in agreement to contact Texas Waste Management regarding the landfill for their suggestions and input also. Meeting adjourned. 412 3. Council went into Personnel Workshop. The Police Dept. job descriptions were discussed. Also discussed was the Sanger Electric Director and the Public Works Director positions. Administration will be discussed in a future Personnel Workshop. Meeting adjourned. City -Secretary 3 1:1 ' di a, 5?. e - On ft ® S qvnsr ORD AM neon *000 e®® •, ®®o MISS: City Council March 7, 1988 e� Mayor PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, Jerry Jenkins, and Wendall Thomas Orl�RS , PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Garcia, Karen Trivitt, Jerry Don`Linn, Delores Coker, Burl Bourland, Bob Fletcher and his wife and family, Elaine Schaad (Denton Record Chronicle), Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier), and Benny Erwin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation, and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes for February 15, 1988 were approved as printed. Minutes of Special Called Meeting of February 29,_ 1988 were approved as written. 3. Disbursements -.Item #23 was questioned_ Wendall Thomas made the motion to pay disbursements. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input:, a) Mr. Bourland appeared before the City Council concerning the construction of an 8X16 sign by the Chamber of Commerce anticipating putting across the highway from the black house. The sign will be lighted and will cost about $1600.00. The Chamber is looking for donations to undergo the project. They are asking the City to participate. The sign will say "Welcome to Sanger, TX. Someplace Special - Gateway to Lake Ray Roberts." City Council asked for this item to be on the next City Council agenda. b) Bob Fletcher addressed City Council on attending a meeting at the community room of the bank.. There will be a film on pornography concerning what the community can do on getting .attention at the Legislative level. 5. Consider and possible action on appointment of Election Judges for May 7th General Election.