03/07/1988-CC-Minutes-RegularMeeting adjourned. 412 3. Council went into Personnel Workshop. The Police Dept. job descriptions were discussed. Also discussed was the Sanger Electric Director and the Public Works Director positions. Administration will be discussed in a future Personnel Workshop. Meeting adjourned. Cty-Secretary e;d 8 '261e a aE101,� MINUTES: City Council March 7, 1988 Mayor PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, Jerry Jenkins, and [niendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Garcia, Karen TrivittI Jerry Don`Linn, Delores Coker, Burl Bourland, Bob Fletcher and his wife and family, Elaine Schaad (Denton Record Chronicle), Ruth McGuf f in ( Sanger Courier),, and Benny Erwin 1. Mayor Arntistrong called the meeting to order, led the invocation, and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes for February 15, 1988 were approved as printed. Minutes of Special Called Meeting of February 29,- 1988 were approved as written. 3. Disbursements --Item #23 was questioned_ Wendall Thomas made the motion to pay disbursements. Danny McDarii.el seconded. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input:, a) Mr. Bourland appeared before the City Council concerning the construction of an 8X16 sign by the Chamber of Commerce anticipating putting across the highway from the black house. The sign will be lighted and will cost about $1600.00. The Chamber is looking for donations to undergo the project. They are asking the City to participate. The sign will say "Welcome to Sanger, TX. 'Someplace Special - Gateway to Lake Ray Roberts." City Council asked for this item to be. on the next City Council agenda. b) Bob Fletcher addressed City Council on, attending a meeting at the community roam of the bank.. - There will be a film on pornography concerning what the con�nunity can do on getting _attention at the ' Legislative level. 5. Consider and possible action on appointment of Election Judges for May 7th General Election. 413 Danny McDaniel made the motion that Billye Hollingsworth be appointed Election Judge for the May 71 1988 General Election and that she appoint her two election clerks to_assist her. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. 6. Consider and possible action on a Variance Request of John Coker's concerning carport at his residence. This item was turned over to the attorney from the last City Council meeting for clarification. The city attorney sent a letter and there seems to be a difference of opinion as to his interpretation. City attorney interpreted that.a request to build over or onto;city property be allowed only if it were a property hardship. The city attorney recommended that the cif=y should uphold the ordinances and he was opposed to the city putting any part of a structure on or or over city property. Jerry Jenkins also objected and stated city council should not go against the city attorney's legal advice. Discussion. Carroll McNeill made a motion that they deny the request but that the variance be granted only to their property line. Jerry Jenkins seconded. Motion carried with two no votes - Danny McDaniel and Wendall Thomas. 7. Consider and possible action to appoint tv�o members to serve with the Ummnmity Planning Group, Mayor A�nstrong stated that they needed to appoint three members not two. This is a planning study group that is to be composed from citizens in the area and City Council has been asked to appoint three members who will work with three members of Chamber of: Commerce and three members of the School Board who in turn will be a.steering committee who then will select a Chairman of these various groups. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Carroll McNeill that they appoint Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, and Carolyn Adkins to the Communitywide Planning- Steering Committee. Motion carried. 8. Consider and possible action on repairs to Landfill Loader. This item was tabled since landfill issue was in question_ and until a decision is made concerning the landfill.. 9. Consider and possible action on old_ landfill as .well as present landfill site. Mayor Armstrong and Steve advised that they had met with three representatives from Texas Waste Managemer..t and then talked to them about the problems the city was having concerning the landfill. One of the gentlemen, San Phillips, who has been in this business for 37 years said that the old landfill was in. a lot better shape than he expected. He stated it takes about $50,000.00 an acre a year to operate a landfill according to State requirements and further added that to properly operate a landfill, the City needed to be taking in $15,00.00 a month. Mayor Armstrong went over the recommendations that were made as to getting the old landfill closed to meet State requirements_. To close the old landfill site would approximately cost $15,000.00 Mayor Armstrong stated that Carolyn Adkins had stated at the last ,City Council meeting that she knew monies had been spent to close that old .landfill site several years ago and at that time it .was to meet State Approval. Mayor. Armstrong said she researched .the minutes in 1984 and found out that the City Council amended the budget to appropriate $4,000.00 fo close the old landfill site to meet state approval. Mayor Armstrong stated maybe at that time that was what was needed to close it, but since the landfill will be inspected until 1990. Texas Waste did make another proposal on the new landfill to close the new landfill to Commercial users, but leave it open for residential and they would haul off all .the refuse, but would mean an increase of .63 to the customer. 414 10. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated that they needed to get citizen's input on this issue since the people voted this issue. Mayor Armstrong instructed city secretary to contact State Attorney General to see if we could legally put a referendum on the ballot and get an advisory vote that wouldn't be binding. This item was tabled until they would get information from State Attorney General and we can't put ut on the ballot maybe City Council should conduct public hearings. City Council to open the landfill on Friday, Saturday, and Monday. City Council asked that the Landfill Ordinance be on the next City Council Agenda. Consider and Possible Action for setting date for Clean-up Week. Clean-up was set up for the March 28th thru April 8th week. Put this item in the paper. Lots that need nDwing need letters to be sent especially lots on 5th and the lots at the exit on Loop 138. Letter needs to say that fines will be assessed if lot is not mowed. 11. Any other such matters: a. Karen Trivitt went over her report to City Council concerning the General Ledger on the computer and the problems that she encountered. She informed City Council that Dennis had cleared all the accounts to start again at the beginning and allow to make necessary corrections. b. Mayor Armstrong asked if city employees had made a decision on their insurance. City Secretary replied that everyone decided and all the employees had chose to go with the Merit Plan with the exception of four who chose HMO Maxicare and one employee who decided to stay with Western (our present coverage). Mayor Armstrong stated to advise Vicky Elieson that she needed to make a choice either the HMO Plan or the Merit. c. Mayor Armstrong stated that Carroll McNeill had requested in the minutes that he wanted the ordinance concPrn;ng tap fees change to remove the word tap and specify it as something else so it would not be misleading and to be placed on the next City Council agenda. d. Mayor Armstrong asked City Secretary if a register was started for builders. She replied yes and Ruth was in charge of it. e. Mayor asked if Senior Center has already had the roof fixed. Steve Shutt and Jerry Don replied that it hasn't been done. f. Mayor Amnstrong asked if school signs had been put up. Jerry Don Linn replied no because street signs are being put up. Mayor stated that school signs needed to be put up first and Jerry Don was asked to be sure it got done. g. Carroll McNeill asked if the city was still thinking about passing Sewer Rate Ordinance, 3 month averaging. Discussion. This item was to be on next City Council agenda. If at that time, City Council made a decision to do a 3 month averaging, the rates can be changed and it can be effective on this March billing. 12. City Manager's Report: a. Steve Shutt stated that the Bonding Co. has selected a contractor 415 to do some of the repairs.on R.L. Roberts portion and they have selected Mr. Manning. However, the engineer has advised him that they only gave him permission to do Church Street and that leaves a half dozen other streets that are in question. City engineer is coming down Thursday to discuss whether City Council accepts this or not. b. City Council went into Executive Session - in City Manager's Report for purposes of discussing legal metters. Louis Nichols advised that City Council can do this if no action is to be taken. Meeting adjourned. Ci MINU`.C'ES Mayor City Council Meeting March 21, 1988 Mayor Arn�strong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, and Danny McDaniel Steve Shutt, Rosalie Garcia, Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier) Edgar Barrow, Jerry Don Linn, and Mark Sons 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes - on page one on citizen's input pert (a) - "Your Headway" to be changed to "Your Gateway to Lake Ray Roberts" and on page three - 2nd paragraph, the statement should read that '°Texas Waste did make another proposal on the new landfill - to close the landfill to Cc mmercial users but leave it open for residentials and they would haul off all the refuse but this would mean an increase of .63 to customers." 3. Disbursements -several items were questioned and discussed. Wendall Thomas made the motion to pay disbursements for March 17, 1988. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input: Woodrow Barton who lives at 807 7th St. addressed City Council. He stated he noticed -that there was an item on the agenda to participate on construction of 8 x 16 sign presented by Chamber._ He would be against donating money to a private organization or' a club or a group of people who should pay for this themselves. This would mean more people coming in and causing more traffic. Mr„Barton wanted the answers to the following questions: