03/21/1988-CC-Minutes-Regularto do some of the repairs.on R.L. Roberts portion and they have selected Mr. Manning. However, the engineer has advised him that they only gave him permission to do Church Street and that leaves a half dozen other streets that are in question. City engineer is coming down Thursday to discuss whether City Council accepts this or not. b. City Council went into Executive Session - in City Manager's Report for purposes of discussing legal metters. Louis Nichols advised that City Council can do this if no action is to be taken. Meeting adjourned. Ci Mayor MINUTES: City Council Meeting March 21, 1988 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, and Danny McDaniel 0`L'HERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rosalie Garcia, Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier) Edgar Barrow, Jerry Don Linn, and Mark Sons 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes - on page one on citizen's input part (a) - "Your Headway" to be changed to "Your Gateway to Lake Ray Roberi:s" and on page three - 2nd paragraph, the statement should read that "Texas Waste did make another proposal on the new landfill - to close the landfill to Commercial users but leave it open for residentials and they would haul off all the refuse but this would mean an increase of .63 to customers." 3. Disbursements - several items were questioned and discussed. Wendall Thomas made the motion to pay disbursements for March 17, 1988. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried,. 4. Citizen's Input: Woodrow Barton who lives at 807 7th St. addressed City Council. He stated he noticed that there was an item on the agenda to participate on construction of 8 x 16 sign presented by Chamber. He mould be against donating money to a private organization or a club or a group of people who should pay for this themselves. This would mean more people coining in and causing more traffic. Mr,Barton wanted the answers to the following questions: March 21, 1988 Honorable Mayor & Members of the Council: I would appreciate answers to the following questions: 1. Would you list by position and name the employees of the City from the City Administrator down. Include their salaries. Exclude Police, Water & Sewer., and Electric Departrnents. 2. How many outside consultants (individual and/or company) are currently employed by the City? Please"name them. and the financial terms for each. 3. How much is the new computer system costing the City? Rental or_puY'ch�:se cost. Paper cost. 4. Are there any current lawsuits against the City? If so, what are they? Thank You. Woodrow L. Barton Mayor thanked Mr. Barton. City administrator was given the list and Mr. Barton was told he would get the answers. 504 S. 5th - Citizen was concerned if possible an ordinance was enacted concerning pornography or obscenity for those types of businesses to take place in the city. Mayor Armstrong thank him for coming and she advised him it was under advisement. She stated the City Council was looking at several ordinances and it will be on the next agenda. 5. Consider and Possible Action for Mayor to call City Election. Wendall Thomas made a motion to call City Election for Mayor and two City Councilmen for May 7, 1988 from 7:OOa.m. to 7:OOp.m. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Participating on Construction of an 8 x 16 sign for Sanger presented by the Chamber of Commerce. Wendall Thomas made a motion to participate and donate $50.00 on construction of an 8 x 16 sign for Sanger. C.G. McNeill seconded. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action concerning extended phone service to Denton. D�tayor Armstrong stated to City Council that at Centel Meeting a few weeks ago, that a question was brought up why Centel hadn't done anything about extended phone service to Denton since some of the citizens in Sanger had requested it. Mr. Doss from Centel sent her information on the extended service and said it would be up to the City of Sanger to petition.. Mayor Arnlstrong stated she had talked to Mr. Doss today and he advised her .there were some things they had to do. City would have to file with the PUC a petition signed by 5% or 100 of the subscribers in each charge of which the petition originates of City Council can adopt a resolution and file with the commission, providing that the Ciyt does represent the area designated. Mayor Armstrong stated that the request can be made as an optional or a non -optional basis. 417 Those subscribers who chose to go with the extended service will pay an increase for that service. Discussion continued. Mayor advised that Mr. Doss from Centel can come down at the next meeting and discuss this issue with than.. This item was tabled for next City Council so Mr. Doss can come to the City Council meeting and discuss this service. 8. Consider -and Possible Action - Discussion on both Landfill Sites and Landfill equipment. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that the old landfill has two low areas right about the middle of the Landfill that are problem areas because water is standing. Also, when a landfill is closed, it is checked for the next five years. Mayor Armstrong did provide a map showing problem areas at the landfill. Some alternatives were discussed as methods to cover and fill the low areas. (1) Mayor Armstrong stated that she would like to make_a recoicunendation to City Council that they get a bid to see how much it would cost to push that old concrete that is there into the holes at the landfill. (2) Also, to get bids on what it would co:�t to divert the water and push the dirt and cover that area. Alternatives regarding new landfill: Mayor Armstrong stated she had talked with Tr�ris Roberts regardling the new landfill. He advised that the city should do whatever necessary to maintain the permit to the landfill due to the fact that to obtain a permit for a landfill is almost impossible - very expensive. Discussion. City Coundil agreed to continue operating the new landfill. Alternatives regarding the Landfill equipment: Mayor Armstrong stated that they_ got a bid on how much the frontend loader was worth and the way it sits it's worth $8,000.00. This item was tabled for a decision until more information is received. Mayor asked Steve Shutt to callDon Hill, Co. Commissioner, about the possibility of him needing an area to dum�� the dirt. 9. Consider and possible action to abolish ordinance #84-27 (free Landfill passes) Carroll McNeill made a motion, seconded by Carolyn Adkins, that the City adopt O1-88 and that it become effective on 4-11-88. This ordinance abolishes Ordinance 84-27 that has to do with free landfill dump passes. Motion carried with one no vote - Danny McDaniel. 10. Consider and Possible Action concerning Increase Rates at Landfill. Wendall Thomas made a motion that 02-88 be adopted with the following changes to change Non -Sanger residents to Sanger Rural Route residents and beg�np�ng with number 3, all Sanger Rural Route residents will pay double the rates. Jerry Jenkins seconded. Motion carried with one no vote - Danny McDaniel. Discussion. It was questioned about tires being dumped at the landfill. Steve Shutt was asked to check with Texas Waste Management on the fire situation and see if the clause about tires might need to be eliminated. Steve Shutt was given the autlority that if it is illegal to dump the tires at the landfill to go ahead and change the wording on the ordinance for diuuping tires. 11. Consider and Possible Action regarding Average of Low Three Months for Sewer rates. Mayor Armstrong stated that if this ordinance was passed it would mean an additional charge for the program to calculate this charge. Steve Shutt recommended that the City Council not approve this increase due to the fact that if the 3 months were considered it would actually mean an increase for the user. He also stated that the sewer rates had already been increased several months ago. Carroll McNeill made the motion that we accept staffs recommendation. j Jerry Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. 12. Consider and Possible Action to clarify tap fees versus connection charges. Mayor Armstrong stated that only the wording was changed from tap fees to connection charges. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins that 03-88 be approved to clarify tap fees versus connection charges. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 13. Consider and Possible Action concerning Report of Committee on Weeds, Junk cars, trash in general. Carroll McNeill made a report on this item. He presented a map indicating areas that needed mowing, cleaning or had junk vehicles. Discussion. City Council also agreed to enforce existing ordinance for curbside pickup. Residents who call for special pickup with the exception of limbs, must pay a fee of $15.00 in advance. City Council decided to wait until after clean up week (March 284.h thru April 8th) and at that time check the map again for those properties that needed letters sent. Mayor Armstrong read the Resolution R-3-88 Clean -Up Week. After the resolution was read staff was instructed to change the resolution to reflect only grass and junk vehicles. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins. Seconded by Wendall Thomas, that the city adopt R-3-88 and to direct staff to notify property owners concerning junk cars and weeds. Motion carried. 14. Any other such matters: 1. Danny McDaniel stated that someone had asked him about the dead animals on the Service Road and I-35 and who was responsible for picking those dead animals up. 2. Carolyn Adkins stated that she had a complaint from a citizen and the Sanger Summer League about the overflow at the Water Tower by the high school. Jerry Don answered her question later. The people who live over by the Water Tower are having extreme problems with the Water Tower and that it runs over the tower and floods their property. 3. Carolyn Adkins also mentioned that she wanted City Council to be aware that she has been checking the phone bills since the phone bills are extremely high. Presently; memos have been sent so everyone can start logging their calls, including the fire department. 4. Carroll McNeill asked what had happened on the computerized system for the tower. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had pulled that from the agenda because she didn't know where the city was going to find the funds and was hoping it could be postponed until budget. Jerry Don stated the reason he is pushing for this is because of the problems he is having which concerns the problem Carolyn Adkins was speaking of. 419 Jerry Don stated Steve Shutt had mentioned to him that there was a certain bond issue that has money left in it that could possibly be used to get the system started.. Mayor Armstrong stated that the only problem she has with the bond money is that they have already spent more than the interest earned to repair the tower. Mayor Armstrong stated that the city has already spent the interest they have taken of that bond money and if the city keeps spending money then it will eventually use out. Mark Sons assisted in explaining how the system operates and what it's capabilities are. Discussion. This item to be on agenda at next City Council meeting. 16. City Manager's Report: Mayor Armstrong stated in going through the taped minutes she had noticed items that Steve Shutt was to have reported on and she didn't know what had happened so she asked Steve for a report. 1. Were insurance policies from Galaxy Cable C'o. ever received and if so are they kept updated? Yes, per Rose 2. Request that Shaw Equipment hold a class or.: maintenance of large equipment. Was such a class ever held or was Shaw Equipment ever contacted? Yes, on loader at LF - 3 months ago 3. Committee appointed to work on exit permit on mobile homes: Steve Shutt, Freddy Inman. What has been done? Illegal. No, can't be done. 4. Consideration for 3 month average on sewer rates sent to Utility Board. Back on agenda Nov. 16, 1987, tabled where from there... On agenda 5. Request made for final cost report on downtown park. It was also requested that Allied Tank Service be contacted regarding painting SR'S '87, etc. on the water tower. The statement was made that they said they would do this. Jerry Don checking this out. 6. Junk Car ordinance was to be sent to the attorney - ask if the new state law site barrier concerning fencing requirements applies to cities on junk vehicles. 7. Cost report on park requested again and asked to be placed on next agenda. Etta obtained data and put before CC on March 21, 1988. 8. What was ever worked out with Denton regarding the ambulance bill? One year paid, one year only. 9. Don Aiken recommended that we notify TML, and. request a final audit on the WC insurance. Letter to be sent by registered mail. Letter was sent certified, but has not been. finalized. 10. Letter from Jack Rains, SEC. of State regarding annexations to the City. (Some problems with records) Has it. ever been responded to? Not presently,..being responded to. 420 11. Have we heard from Mrs. Giles regarding Kammie Patton Park? Not as of ,yet. A second letter has been mailed to her requesting response. 12. Pornography ordinances were requested from attorney and City of Lewisville. Why have they never been brought to Council's attnetion? Ordinances have been included in the CC packets. 13. Have "No trucks" signs been put up on Pecan Street? Yes 14. 2-car garage in SF 4 - Council needs to discuss and decide about changes in subdivision ordinances (if needed). Also, regarding underground utilities in larger lot subdivisions. At present time the way our ordinance is, there will be no more single car garages built and some had mentioned that maybe in SF-4, that needed to be inserted to allow for that change and also underground utilities. Steve Shutt working on this. 15. Are school zone signs put up? Yes 16. If they were checked out- semi -trailers need not be parked on city right of way. Steve Shutt instructed Police Chief to handle this. 17. Contacted highway about the overpass and also letter .regarding street lights on I-35. Yes 18. Inquired aboutinsurance- claims not law suits. Yes 19. Was Frank Bushnel of Brazos ever contacted regarding anything further on Brazos terminating selling power to us. Also setting up meeting with Bob Nelson of Denton Utilities regarding their interest in furnishing Sanger power. Yes 20. Was school bus parked at 103 S. 2nd ever checked to see if it was tagged properly. Yes. Police Chief. 21. Contact State Attorney regarding referendum. Rose replied that it is illegal for a referendum to go on a ballot. 22. Instructed Jerry Don to begin irk at old landfill as soon as possible. Yes 23. Set up meeting with John Rubottom. No - couldn't get in touch with him. Meeting adjourned. � ! , City Secretary A, �—, '$ ® ._ _'� m Mayor i , ,_,r���