04/04/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular421 MINUTES: City Council Meeting April 4, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Danny McDaniel, and Carroll McNeill. MEMBERS ABSENT: Wendall Thomas and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rosalie Garcia, Ruth McGuffin, Benny Erwin, Merwyn Tucker, Stan Day, Mr. Doss (Centel) and Randall Houchin, Billy Alvin Cook, Royce Coleman, Jerry Don Linn 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, led invocation and pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of March 21, 1988 were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements -Recommendation was made that bids be taken for labor on an hourly basis for mechanic service. 4. Citizens Input - None 5. Consider and possible action concerning extended phone service to Denton. Randall Houchin and Mr. Doss from Centel were present. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had written to the City of Rhome on what they had done because they have applied for extended phone service to Ft. Worth since they are in Centel's territory and have already applied to PUC. The Rhome City Secretary sent all the necessary information that the City of Sanger needed to do to apply. Lengthy discussion. Carroll McNeill asked Mr. Doss what would be the cost. Mr. Doss stated that the PUC would either come back and tell the City that it was feasible to have extended area phone service or that it wasn't. Mr. Doss did state Sanger does need extended area service because. of future growth; at present, he couldn't begin to tell how much it would cost. Mayor Armstrong felt that maybe the City should type up a petition to see how many people are willing to have extended area phone service and to be sure to let the citizens know that the City does not know what the cost would be. 6. Consider and possible action concerning claim of Billy Alvin Cook. Mayor .Armstrong stated that the City received a letter from the attorney, Mr. Royce Coleman, requesting that the City Council make a decision regarding a claim filed by Mr. Cook's attorney against the City. Mayor Armstrong stated that the City does have an ordinance that states i that the City Council has to take action on this. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill that they deny the suit of Mr. Cook because it has been turned over .to the insurance to be handled. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. 7. Consider and possible action concerning Ordinance on Pornography (Colony ordinance). Mayor Armstrong stated that our city attorney had sent an ordinance on Pornography and what she did was tape the Colony's ordinance and revise it. She also advised City Council that the Colony Ordinance is copied from Dallas and the Dallas Ordinance has been upheld in court. Mayor Armstrong went over certain changes that were made. City Council discussed the Ordinance at length. Mayor Armstrong did state that Jerry Cobb, District Attorney at City of Denton, did advise Steve and herself that the City needed to pass this ordinance as soon as possible, but it would not affect anything that was already here at the present time, it would be considered nonconforming. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins that Ordinance 04-88 be adopted subject to the approval of City Attorney. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. 8. Consider and possible action concerning computer monitoring device for water system(Mark Sons). Jerry Don stated that Mark Sons was asked to cane back and give a price as to the cost of computerizing one well, however, $7,087.00 was the cost for one well and before he had broken it into two bids at $4,500.00 a piece, but at that time they were proposing to do both wells. Mayor Armstrong stated that this also concerned her since it is over $5,000.00 Mark Sons explained that all the equipment set up would be put on the first system. Discussion continued as to cost and where this would be budgeted from. City Council agreed. to put this item out for bids. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill to put out bids for the computerized system on the water tower. Seconded by Carolyn Adkins. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible action discussing landfill. Steve Shutt stated there were two items that were issued at the landfill. " One was the disposition of the tractor. He didn't believe he had been given any direction on this. Mayor Armstrong replied that she thought that Council had agreed to sell it, but it was not done by a motion. Steve continued and stated that the other issue was the Carmercial waste trucks from Texas Waste Management. Steve Shutt stated the City Council had been made aware awhile back that Texas Waste had stated that if they continued to go to the Lewisville Landfill it would mean an increase of .63 cents per customer. Steve Shutt stated that the City needed to decide because Texas Waste will be needing a decision. Several issues were discussed. City Council finally agreed that Jerry Don Linn needed to get some information as to the cost of digging a trench and how long it would last before another trench is dug. This will enable them to make a decision on this issue. 423 Mayor Armstrong also stated that the State had written a letter concerning the Landfill (new). Certain items were discussed that needed to be done when a trench is dug and closed. One of the main issues of concern is that when a trench is closed it needs to be sowed with grass. One of the issues of the old landfill - Jerry Don discussed with City Council that he had taken some people from Bowman and Bowman and Dirt Work, Inc. and he thoroughly went over what needed to be done at the landfill to meet the State requirement. Mayor Armstrong stated that this needed to be written down so that every bidder knew exactly what needed to be done. Jerry Don was asked to get this information down on paper. The mayor also asked Jerry Don if the work at the east side of the old Landfill had been done. Jerry replied that it hadn't been done yet. Mayor advised that it needed to be done whenever Jerry found the time. The Bulldozer was again discussed and Mayor Armstrong stated that a motion needed to be made concerning this item. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins that City Council take bids on the Bulldozer and that the bid be worded as is or in reparied condition. Carroll McNeill seconded. Motion carried. Decision will be made after this is done. 10. Consider and possible action to amend the sewer budget - Jerry Don Linn. Jerry Don stated that he knows his sewer budget is overspent and what he wants is to get $1,500.00 back in the budget Mayor Armstrong stated that what Jerry Don needed to do is to come back because this needs to be done by Ordinance. She stated that Wednesday, all department heads will have a meeting concerning their budgets and what she would like to do is have all the amendments to the budget submitted together and she would also like to see some figures regarding revenues. 11. Any other such matters: a. Carolyn Adkins asked about what had been done about Marian Goin's electric .bill. City Secretary first asked Carolyn Adkins if she could give input on the situation. 1. First, the meter was under -read the prior month and when it was read again it was alot higher. 2. When she complained the following month, Stan went out and checked her meter and it was working properly but she still was insisting that the meter was not working properly. 3. Third, Stan. decided to change out the meter. 4. Last, she then went to complain to Steve. Mayor Armstrong suggested to Steve that maybe he shouldn't tell a citizen that a bill is possibly too high. b. Steve Shutt was also asked if a letter was sent about the rocks across from Skeeter's on Austin St. No, presently he hadn't but he would take care of this. c. Mayor Armstrong asked if Mr. Barton had received his answer to his letter. Steve Shutt replied that Etta was finishing that up. 12. City Manager Report. 13. Adjournment. City Secretary 4. ➢ D sf f II�f[JI�w W ty Council Meeting April 18, 1988 Mayor MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins. OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rosalie Garcia, Edgar Barrow, Cindy Barrow, Merwyn Tucker, and Ruth McGuffin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. Brad Patske led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Carroll McNeill to approve disbursements. Motion carried. 4. Citizen Input - no one present. 5. Consider and Possible Action for approval of Audit 86-87 Fiscal Year. This item was tabled until the next City Council Meeting. C.P.A. was not available due to the time involvement. 6. Passage of Resolution Declaring April 23rd - May 3rd Fine Arts Week. Mayor Armstrong stated that the school contacted her so that maybe the City could pass a Resolution or a Proclamation declaring April 23 to May 3rd, 1988 as Fine Arts Week in Sanger. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Wendall Thomas declaring April 23 to May 3, 1988 Fine Arts Week in Sanger. Motion carried.. Mayor Armstrong stated that the Post Office has asked that the City declare a proclamation on April 28, 1988 as Benny Bridges Day since he is retiring as Postmaster. Mayor Armstrong declared April 28, 1988 as Benny Bridges Day. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Old Landfill. Mayor Armstrong stated that Jerry Don has been taking bids regarding the old landfill and that he advised her that a Mr. Sylvester Bowman wanted to visit with her since he had some different ideas concerning the old landfill. The mayor stated he had recommended that he could fill in that hole by moving all those rocks out there for approximately $600.00. He further stated that he could then bring in a maintainer, not a bulldozer, and