04/18/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular424 12. City Manager Report. 13. Adjournment. City Secretary INUrI'La� cz����ty Council Meeting April 18, 1988 Mayor MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins. OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rosalie Garcia, Edgar Barrow, Cindy Barrow, Merwyn Tucker, and Ruth McGuffin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. Brad Patske led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Carroll McNeill to approve disbursements. Motion carried. 4. Citizen Input - no one present. 5. Consider and Possible Action for approval of Audit 86-87 Fiscal Year. This item was tabled until the next City Council Meeting. C.P.A. was not available due to the time involvement. 6. Passage of Resolution Declaring April 23rd - May 3rd Fine Arts Week. Mayor Armstrong stated that the school contacted her so that maybe the City could pass a Resolution or a Proclamation declaring April 23 to May 3rd, 1988 as Fine Arts Week in Sanger. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Wendall Thomas declaring April 23 to May 3, 1988 Fine Arts Week in Sanger. Motion carried.. Mayor Armstrong stated that the Post Office has asked that the City declare a proclamation on April 28, 1988 as Benny Bridges Day since he is retiring as Postmaster. Mayor Armstrong declared April 28, 1988 as Benny Bridges Day. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Old Landfill. Mayor Armstrong stated that Jerry Don has been taking bids regarding the old landfill and that he advised her that a Mr. Sylvester Bowman wanted to visit with her since he had some different ideas concerning the old landfill. The mayor stated he had recommended that he could fill in that hole by moving all those rocks out there for approximately $600.00. He further stated that he could then bring in a maintainer, not a bulldozer, and 425 completely grade the remainder of the Landfill for approximately $600.00 or $700.00 dollars. After this is done, then they can decide exactly how much dirt will be needed. He also felt that at that point in time, they could get it to a point where there won't be any water standing. Mayor Armstrong stated that maybe this will enable the city to get additional time. Mayor Armstrong recommended that the City Council give Mr. Bowman permission to do this work - consisting of filling the big hole and blading the landfill. Mayor Armstrong also suggested that they should also ask him to give a bid on the work that is required for the new laddfill. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins and seconded by Carroll McNeill that they hire Mr. Bowman to do the work at the old landfill with a maximutl ceiling of $1500.00. Motion carried. City Council also agreed to ask Mr. Bowman to give a bid on the new landfill. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Builder's Report. Tabled since the builder's will meet again on Thursday with Metroplex. They are meeting with Metroplex and working out things that are basically similar to what Denton has. Items of discussion are inspections and what must be done. 10. Any other such matters: a. Jerry Jenkins mentioned that on the doors on the squad cars, he had noticed that the stripping on the sides doesn't extend to the edge of the door. He asked Benny Erwin (Chief of Police) if this could be done. Benny Erwin stated he didn;t do it because a razor blade has to be used to cut the stripes and he was afraid that the paint on the car �rould be damaged if this was cone. Jerry Jenkins stated he would be glad to help Benny Erwin do this. 11. City Manager's Report: a. None 12. Adjournment City Secretary Mayor